MTL - Wasteland Commander-Chapter 69 Encounter on the road

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Chapter 69 Encounter on the road

 Moments before the convoy left Chengguan Town, Ye Fan suddenly remembered the self-explosion truck, and ordered a mobilization soldier to act as the driver, take the truck with him, and set foot on the road to Surabaya together.

 Within Ye Fan's radar range, no red light spots could be seen.

Before leaving this morning, he had given Xu Haoran an order not to stop the troops' operations during the period of his departure.

 The combat collective of a company plus an engineer platoon naturally cannot do nothing.

The engineer platoon cooperates with the engineer to build the base vehicle. In addition to collecting supplies, the company's mission is to clean up the surrounding countryside.

 Before Ye Fan left, two combat platoons had already gone out to fight.

The convoy drove for a while, about ten kilometers out, and Ye Fan saw a white spot on the radar screen.

 White is his red alert unit, which should be a platoon.

 The location they were in was a village, which happened to be where Ye Fan needed to pass.

But Ye Fan found no red light spots in this village. Could it be that this platoon has killed all the zombies?

 Seeing Ye Fan and his convoy approaching, the entire platoon of soldiers stood at attention on the roadside.

Ye Fan got out of the car, and the soldiers gave him a military salute.

 The person taking the lead is a scout he produced yesterday. Since there are no officers yet, he can only use a scout to replace him.

“Sir, the commander of the three platoons of the Dawn Legion’s first battalion and company, and scout Jiang Hao are leading the team to exterminate the zombies!”

Ye Fan glanced around. There was no smell of gunpowder smoke at all, and he didn't see any zombie corpses. He asked strangely: "What's the result of your battle?"

“Sir, we only arrived at this village ten minutes ahead of you, but it’s very strange that there are no zombies in this village.”

 “Oh! Not one?”

Ye Fan also felt strange. He knew this village, and there were four to five thousand people in it. How could he not see a single zombie?

 Can the survivors destroy these four to five thousand zombies?

 Ye Fan thought it was unlikely, so he asked Jiang Hao: "Then what did you find?"

"Something has been discovered. We found the footprints of the zombies leaving. Look over there, sir."

As he spoke, Jiang Hao took Ye Fan to a road out of the village. There were indeed many footprints here.

 Looking at the direction in which the footprints were leaving, it seemed that they were heading towards Coal City.

“According to the professional skills of my scouts, these footprints were left three days ago, and the number of zombies that left is about four thousand, which means that the zombies in this village migrated en masse.”

 Ye Fan frowned slightly, this is not good news.

He has never thought that zombies know how to migrate. This behavior shows that there must be some changes inside the zombies that he is not aware of.

 The reason why he is confident about this apocalypse is because he feels that zombies have no intelligence. No matter how many zombies there are in the world, they can only be killed by him bit by bit.

But it would be troublesome if zombies knew how to act collectively. In addition, he saw some armors that evolved to a higher level in the government building in Chengguan Town, which made him feel that the world would not be that simple.

“Go back and tell Xu Haoran that the security of the restaurant and police station must be strengthened to prevent any changes in the zombies.”


“Let’s continue searching and try to clear out as many zombies as possible around us, so that we can be less stressed in the future.”

After telling Jiang Hao, Ye Fan got in the car again and the team continued to move forward.

  walked out of the path in front and got on the highway.

There is no problem in accessing these roads that are not in the main urban area, but occasionally you will see a vehicle that overturns into a deep ditch.

The radar is always on, and occasionally some red light spots can be seen in the distance.

  Sometimes, you can even see sporadic blue light spots in a hidden place.

There are still many people who can escape in the city, but not everyone can find the survivor camp. After all, this is a dangerous world without communication.

These people can barely survive now, but with the coming of winter in the north, their survival will definitely be a big problem.

It’s just that Ye Fan doesn’t have the energy to take care of this now. Even if he plans to take in more survivors, it will have to be done after the base is established.

 After walking more than a hundred kilometers, in the afternoon they crossed a large river named Songjiang.

There is a Songjiang Bridge on the river. It was built thirty years ago and is still majestic. It is one of the important passages connecting Bingcheng City, Coal City and Huacheng City.

After crossing the Songjiang Bridge and heading west, more than a hundred kilometers away is their target, Sishui County.

 Three hundred kilometers further south is the backing farm where Ye Fan wants to establish a base.

 This bridge seems to have been drilled through, creating a passable lane.

 Looking at some scrapped vehicles on the bridge, the fuel tank caps have been opened, obviously someone has collected them.

 When the convoy crossed the bridge, they were halfway through the road.

“Sir, there is a village 40 kilometers ahead. Once you get there, you will enter Sishui County. However, if you want to reach the hardware building on the outskirts of Sishui city, you may not be able to reach it today unless you drive all night.”

“Don’t drive all night. Let’s see if we can find a place to stay in the village today. We’ll leave early tomorrow.”


The convoy continued to move forward and arrived at the edge of the village around four o'clock in the afternoon.

Ye Fan has never been to this village before, and it doesn't look particularly small.

However, the zombies were basically not in this village. Instead, they gathered at the corner of a hill about three kilometers away. It seemed that they had been led there by someone at first glance.

 Because in this village, Ye Fan also saw sixty or seventy blue light spots.

But it was not convenient for Ye Fan to say it, because Gao Dongliang was also sitting in front.

But the Red Alert soldiers already knew it well, and Nana had accurately informed all the Red Alert units, the number of opponents and their approximate location.

Those people gathered on the east side of the village, so Ye Fan decided to drive the car to the west.

 The convoy entered the village and found several relatively spacious courtyards, and all the cars parked in them.

Xiaolong and Dongfeng Iron Armor were parked in a yard. The armored vehicles and trucks were parked together, but they were basically covered by the trucks.

Ye Fan got out of the car and ordered the team to be alert. Then he slowly walked out of the yard with the scouts, snipers and military dogs.

 Female medical soldiers Xiao Jing and He Xiaoting also followed, faithfully fulfilling their responsibilities as medical soldiers.

A few people walked to the edge of the village. Ye Fan looked around casually, but suddenly saw five or six blue light spots on the map rushing towards this side.

The survivors apparently heard the sound of vehicles entering the village, and they probably came to check the situation.

There were only five or six people on the other side, so Ye Fan didn't have to worry about anything. He simply stood there and waited, wanting to see where they were coming from.

The car roared in front of us. It was a civilian Hummer, which could be considered a high-end jeep.

With a creak, the car drifted a dozen meters in front of Ye Fan and the others and stopped.

 The car door opened and five people got out.

Similar to Ye Fan and the others, the five of them were also wearing camouflage and carrying firearms.

The leader was a young man in his twenties, who was dark and strong. He glanced at Ye Fan and the others and was also shocked by Ye Fan and the others.

These Red Alert soldiers, under Ye Fan's men, eat well and sleep well. They often eat mutated animal meat. Although there are not so many beds for sleeping, each Red Alert soldier has his own sleeping bag, which is warm and comfortable.

Chengguan Town is close to a river. Although the river water is not suitable for drinking directly, there is no problem for bathing.

Especially these three-star warriors, they are not even infected by viruses, and they have no taboos in normal times.

Even clothes are washed frequently, using a brand of transparent soap, which is refreshing and comfortable, sterilizes and removes odors, and the effect is very considerate.

 So each of them is full of energy and looks very healthy and clean. At first glance, they are not comparable to ordinary survivors.

The dark, strong young man opposite was stunned for a moment, then showed a wary look, and said to a few people around him: "Be careful, except for the one in the middle, everyone else, including the dog, is in danger."

 (End of this chapter)