MTL - Wasteland Commander-Chapter 164 Stars are coming to Dawn City

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Chapter 164 The star is coming to Dawn City

 Ye Fan's troops go out every two days, and each time they are able to wipe out about 100,000 zombies.

 With such high efficiency, the number of zombies in Qinghe is decreasing day by day.

 It has been more than ten days since he went out for the first time.

 It is estimated that in another week, he will be able to march his army into Qinghe.

 At that time, all the supplies in the county will be in his pocket.

  The amount of supplies that a county with a population of three to four million can still use is simply incalculable.

 Let’s not talk about things like vehicles and steel, even there is a lot of food.

 Because the weather in the north is very cold, the food has not spoiled since winter, and you can still eat it when you bring it back.

As for gold, Ye Fan knew it very clearly. There were more than a dozen gold shops in Qinghe County.

 It is conservatively estimated that each company can bring in monetary income of 200,000 yuan, and this time it is at least more than 2 million yuan.

 Maybe even more.

With two to three million dollars, Ye Fan can build all the existing buildings and even have a large surplus. He can unlock new buildings or rush troops with ease.

 So Ye Fan has been in high spirits during happy events these days, and he is always smiling wherever he goes.

Yesterday, when Ye Fan came back from fighting zombies, the money in his hand had reached 400,000.

Today he built two buildings.

 One is a field hospital of Shuguang Army and the other is a military supplies warehouse.

 Spent 150,000 gold and felt no pressure at all.

 The establishment of a field hospital has greatly alleviated the medical pressure on the base.

Although the previous wounded have basically been treated, it really kept Ye Fan busy for several days, and the medical soldiers couldn't even touch the ground.

 The construction of the hospital this time has provided a huge safety guarantee for the residents of Shuguang City.

The hospital was built at the side entrance of the core area. This side entrance is rarely used. A five-meter-high wall is surrounding it, forming a small area.

From now on, residents of Dawn City who are sick can come in through the side door.

 Xiao Jing, a female medical soldier, served as the dean, and He Xiaoting served as the deputy dean. This made two people less around Ye Fan, and he was still a little uncomfortable with it.

 The construction of military supplies warehouses has provided the Shuguang Army with sufficient logistical support.

 During this period, more and more materials have been collected, and they are piled up everywhere in the core area, which has seriously affected traffic.

 It would be great to have a warehouse now. The warehouse has the same function as the commander's luggage. The actual space of the 50,000 cubic meter warehouse is 500,000 cubic meters, which can store too many things.

 The collected steel, building materials, food and other items were loaded into the warehouse, and the core area became tidy again.

Today is a rest day. With nothing to do, Ye Fan happily walked out of the core area.

 He wants to take a look around the main city. Walking in his own city, he feels a sense of satisfaction in his heart.

However, Ye Fan did not appear in his usual identity. He was wearing an ordinary down jacket and a black hat, which covered his face and protected him from the cold.

Many survivors now dress like this. When walking on the street like this, no one can recognize him as Ye Fan.

The only guards around him were Zhuge Yunxue, who was also dressed the same as Ye Fan. Ye Fan did not bring Xiaotian, Big Fatty, and the others. The city was very safe. Although the survivors did not know his identity, the red police soldiers knew that the sentry tower The soldiers on board are ready to provide him with protection.

 The two of them strolled to the trading market.

 The Shuguang Hotel and the trading market are the two main projects of the Shuguang Army. The hotel will be built into a building, but it will not be completed until next year. It was already October when he came to Kaoshan Farm.

 But the trading market is basically completed.

Although it is still a bit crude, the large frame has been completed, and many stalls have even been placed here.

 These days, the adventure team has gone out to collect supplies and search for survivors, and has achieved initial results.

 Because the Dawn Army has war eagles.

 The war eagles will report back wherever they find survivors, making their search very targeted.

  The logistics department sells the approximate location of the survivors to the searching adventurer teams, who find the survivors and come back in exchange for contribution points, a win-win situation.

 On average, about a hundred people come to Shuguang City every day, making the place increasingly prosperous.

Especially in the inner city, almost every inch of land is at a premium.

Whether it is the existing houses in the inner city or the outer city, they are not personal to the survivors.

These temporary mobile homes are only temporary and will be demolished next year.

●People’s current contribution can only be used to apply for the purchase and sale of future buildings.

 But most people don't have that many contribution points to use, especially those who are not evolutionaries. They can only live for it through other means, such as trading.

 The stalls in the trading market are extremely popular, and they have been snapped up since they started selling.

 Even if the price has been raised repeatedly later, it still cannot stop people’s enthusiasm for buying.

Those who started to get stalls all made money. They didn't even apply to buy a house, but fought for a stall. Those are the more discerning and business-savvy ones.

 Ye Fan was walking on the road to the trading market, which looked like a food stall.

Tomorrow, this place will become a building, and the trading market will become a trading area, but the most expensive ones will still be those on the first floor.

 The goods traded are also diverse.

 Some people are selling cabbage.

 Some people are selling condiments.

 Some people put out a lot of food.

Some people are selling old computers, water heaters and other items, but the prices are relatively cheap.

 Everyone doesn’t have much money now, and few have the spare time to buy something that is not very practical.

 There are two ways to trade. The first is to use contribution points to purchase.

However, this method is more troublesome and requires staff to operate and supervise the transactions.

  Also, everyone values ​​the contribution, and is generally reluctant to trade it.

 The second way of trading is bartering.

Just negotiate how much you want to give me in exchange for something of mine.

 At present, most transactions are done in the second way.

Ye Fan was walking on the street and looking at everything around him felt very interesting.

 And he soon discovered that the people involved in the transaction here were not just people from Dawn City.

 It is not war time now, the gate of Dawn City is open to the outside world, and people from the surrounding survivor bases can come here to trade at any time.

 They rent temporary stalls and only need to pay certain supplies.

While wandering around, there was a loud noise in front of me.

Ye Fan looked up and saw a container truck coming along the street.

 After the container truck stopped, many people quickly got out, rented a temporary stall, and set up a street stall.

 The huge poster was put up, and it turned out to be a beautiful celebrity.

Ye Fandu's eyes lit up because he knew this star.

 Xu Weiwei.

 This is a singer who also appeared in TV series. Before the end of the world, he was almost a front-line person. He seemed to be from the Ice City.

 When I saw the poster with the celebrity on it, people around me immediately gathered around it, not knowing what it was for.

I saw someone over there picking up a loudspeaker and starting to publicize here.

“Dear fellow citizens of Shuguang City, we are from Coal City and Daqingshan Prison Base!”

Ye Fan was stunned. Why are the people from Daqingshan Prison Base in Coal City here?

We just experienced a big battle with the Shuguang Army. Countless people in Coal City were wiped out, and their vitality was seriously damaged.

Although Ye Fan did not prohibit people from Coal City from coming here to do business, people from Coal City generally did not dare to come.

Even if he comes, he does so quietly, lest others know his identity and cause unpleasant things.

It is really rare for someone to come with such a big fanfare.

The man holding the loudspeaker continued: "Some time ago, due to personal reasons, the former leader of Daqingshan, Hu Yuan, had some unpleasantness with the Shuguang Army, but Hu Yuan cannot represent the 100,000 survivors of Coal City, that is just his personal behavior."

“In order to express the friendship between our Daqingshan and Shuguang Army, our new leader Yan Zhihuan specially invited Miss Xu Weiwei and some former entertainers to hold a song and dance performance in Shuguang City in the near future. I hope everyone will like it!”

 The surrounding crowd of onlookers suddenly burst into applause.

 Life in the last days is too boring, with almost no entertainment activities.

There is no need to worry about starving to death here in Shuguang City, and people also yearn for a more colorful life.

 Especially the former beautiful stars, it is definitely a happy thing to be able to perform in Dawn City.

 Everyone expressed a warm welcome to this.

Of course, it only counts if they welcome it, and Ye Fan must agree.

The publicity people immediately approached Zhang Kunlin, the logistics officer, hoping that he could inform Ye Fan about this matter, and hoped that Ye Fan would approve this friendly interaction between the two families.

The report was reported here, and their brochures were still being circulated in the streets and alleys of Dawn City.

Nearly all the seven or eight thousand people in Dawn City knew about it very quickly.

Zhang Kunlin also reported the incident to Ye Fan through Nana.

But Ye Fan was a little unsure of the other party's intention for a while.

There is no use asking the Red Alert soldiers about this kind of thing. Although the Red Alert soldiers are also human beings, the system gives them more loyalty to their superiors, protection of their superiors, and combat skills.

 They are not proficient in other aspects.

Ye Fan decided to find a survivor to ask and discuss.

 Looking around, Ye Fan's eyes lit up.

He saw that Qin Yumo's car had just returned to the city. It had loaded a lot of supplies and was stopping next to the trading market.

Qin Yumo is also considered a celebrity in Shuguang City. The Doomsday Mountains Team is the first adventurer team and is relatively famous.

Ordinary survivors are still afraid of evolvers, so Qin Yumo is very comfortable in Dawn City.

To prove her identity, she even spray-painted the team’s logo on the car.

 Two towering semi-arc peaks.

 Very round.

  is Ye Fan’s favorite style.

This girl is fashionable and beautiful, and she is also very smart. We can discuss this matter.

Ye Fan walked over and greeted Qin Yumo: "Hello, Captain Qin."

Qin Yumo glanced at him and snorted, ignoring Ye Fan.

 As an evolved person, she is also a beautiful woman. There are many people who talk to her, but she basically ignores them.


Ye Fan was rejected and wanted to reveal his identity, but there were too many people here. He rolled his eyes and had an idea.

 (End of this chapter)

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