MTL - WARNING! Tsundere President-Chapter 1029 1029, Mo Ning is angry

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She was surrounded by four fierce, burly strong men.

One has taken off his pants and revealed ugly sins.

"Get out!" he yelled. "There is only one dead man!"

Yan Si Nian and Jiang Xiuyuan leaned on the door, and a pair of gestures intended to watch the movie, watching Moin step by step,

The strong men looked at each other and picked up the steel rods and snarled towards her!

Unsurprisingly, it didn't take long for me to sneak up on these mixed balls, one of which was stepped on her soles and could not move.

"Jiang Xiuyuan."

Ignore the other's begging for mercy, and Mo Ning stretched out a hand with no expression.

"Use a pistol."

Jiang Xiuyuan picked up his eyebrows and threw a pistol.


Mening opened the pistol's safety bolt and pointed it at the forehead of the person under his feet. He would shoot without hesitation.

Feeling the shadow of death enveloped, the brave man shivered and shivered, and said to him, "I beg you, don't kill me, I didn't mean to tie the lady, someone is instructing, I blame my wealthy, I want you to be a lot of adults. Let me go!"

Moining acted, "Who is this?"

"I don't know her identity."

Seeing that Mo Ning was cold, he quickly said, "But I saw her school badge on the clothes of Qinglin College. It seems to be a freshman, and from the point of view of dressing, it must be the rich lady of the rich!"


Huo Ran.

Without any consideration, these two words emerged in the mind of Moining.

"It must be Horan!"

Obviously, Liu Wei also guessed.

She stumbled and stood up, blocking her body with broken clothes.

The clothes can be broken too much, no matter how the cover is blocked, it can't be completely covered.

Just as she was embarrassed and fell into tears, a suit jacket was put on her shoulder, and the man’s good voice sounded, "Be sure to wear it first."

Liu Wei’s biased head is the face of Jiang Xiuyuan’s Qing Jun.


She bit her lip and remembered her own embarrassed look. She remembered that she had lost her innocence a little bit, and her tears started to turn around in her eyes.

She endured the pain and she hugged herself.

"Very good." Mo Ning's eyes are cold and amazing, but his tone is faint. "I won't kill you."

She did not wait for the person under her feet to show her happiness. She added that she would not be salty or weak. "Because this will dirty my hands, the death penalty will be forgiven, and the crime will not escape!"

As soon as the voice fell, Moining slammed the trigger, smashed three shots, hit two of the man's hands with two shots, and the last shot hit the life of the other's legs.


The man screamed, and the living pain fainted.

Menin went to other people and rewarded them with three shots.

She is expressionless, and she is very aggressive. Without a hesitation, every shot is a model of quickness.

In just a dozen seconds, the four were already lying in a pool of blood.

There were two faints, one on the ground and the painful tumbling, while the mouth screamed in tears.

Such a horrified picture, scared Liu Wei hurriedly turned, but did not want to crash into the arms of Jiang Xiuyuan.

"Don't be afraid."

Jiang Xiuyuan thinks that she is still very pitiful and cherished. She saw her rushing over, her face was pale, and she took the initiative to take her waist.

Liu Wei experienced almost the blow of a round of explosions, and saw this **** scene. Although she suffered a lot from childhood, she did not touch any dark side and suddenly bit her lip.