MTL - Warlord of Chaos-Chapter 83 burden

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Chapter 83—Package

Some people compare war to a game of chess.

In fact, war is much more complicated than the changes on the board!

Zagunede cast the Vampire Guard to the rear of the Bayer League, with the intention of delaying the time of the Baythelem counterattack and disrupting the plan of the Bayer League, but everyone, including Zaguned himself, did not expect it. After the change.

If Zagunede is the most notorious lord in this area, then the Vampire Guard is the most notorious army in this area, and it is simply too sinister for the Vampire Guard.

The heroes hunger and hunger, and talk about the thirst for the blood of the Huns. These are just two poems to express and vent a kind of hatred that goes deep into the bone marrow, while the Vampire Guard has turned all the things that are unimaginable and unimaginable into reality. .

In the past, the Vampire Guard was a mad dog, but the chain was always caught in the hands of Zagunede, and Zagunede let them bite, they will be dispatched, and after they have finished biting, they will squat at the foot of Zaguned. Now, the Vampire Guard has completely lost control, not to mention Zagunede in the underground city, even the vampire guard's commander can not restrain the subordinates, and even can not find their own subordinates.

The tyranny that has been suppressed by Zagunede, after the unbridled release, the Vampire Guard is completely crazy, they have forgotten their own goals and tasks, just killing for killing, outside the mountains, in the wilderness, on the banks of the river, everywhere The Shura field where the blood flows into the river.

Even the owner, Zaguned, was caught off guard, let alone Han Jin, and the road to the north could be considered to be difficult. On the first day, they could sum up their experience and consider tomorrow's layout and response plan. The next day, They felt very tired and tired, and on the third day, they had become numb.

Small-scale attacks are everywhere and everywhere. Sometimes, one or two vampires dare to attack them with sneer. Of course, after discovering that the situation is wrong, the vampire will escape at the fastest speed. As for whether or not the vampire can be left. Down, this depends on the cooperation of Han Jin and others and their mutual cooperation.

The most painful thing is that they carried a big bag of shackles. In the slaughter of the Vampire Guard, there were more or less survivors. They spread the news to the rest of the village, and the villagers began to flee. There are such people everywhere. The vampire's energy is limited, and it can't be vented all day long, which also gives people the opportunity to survive.

Wisdom life is mostly a group of living creatures, especially in times of crisis. They always concentrate spontaneously together. After Han Jin and others, they follow this kind of tail. There are almost four or five hundred villagers who are always behind them. .

Needless to say, everyone knows how serious the situation is, because they have been attacked more and more times, dragging such a big tail, vampires will find them from afar, it is miserable.

Shouldn’t violence be used to drive all the villagers away? It must be admitted that everyone has moved this idea, but if they have not said it, they will be vetoed by themselves. Faced with the face and eyes that are eager to survive, no one can hold this heart. When survival has become a luxury, the reality itself has an infectious power that is enough to impress most people.

Of course, from the initial troubles, to the later helplessness, to the current fate, there is a process of change in attitude, and it is impossible to do it all at once, because everyone has the instinct to avoid the evil, and it is a last resort.

On the fifth day of the noon, Han Jin and others stopped to prepare lunch. The villagers in the back also took time to sit down and rest. After another upset morning, no one said a whole sentence during the lunch. They were too tired. .

"Mom, where did the army of Beit League go?" Moxico suddenly snarled.

"I doubt very much whether there is any preparation for the war in the Bayer League. It has been a few days now. How come there is no reaction?" Sinner smiled bitterly.

"They have prepared for a whole winter! Should it be... almost?" Sassu said slowly.

Everyone was silent, no one could answer Sasko’s question, and Lei Zhe wanted to say something, but swallowed his own words.

Just then, a little girl who was about five or six years old took a small step and ran over a few meters away, with her own fingers, watching everyone quietly.

"Little guy, is there something?" Sasio asked with a smile.

"Yeah." The little girl nodded hard, then ran to Sasio, took a bean from her pocket and handed it to Sasio.

Sasio groaned and reached for his right hand. The little girl put the bean fruit in Sasio's hand and then licked it again, but her small pocket was very limited. This time she only took a few shots. The little girl smiled and ran back in a small step.

A young couple greeted the front and caught the little girl. Their faces were filled with a kind of flattering smile. It was just that the world was very harsh for them. They never gave them a chance to get in touch with the strong. Their expressions are very blunt.

"Tell you not to bother the adults to rest, how can you not listen to this child!" The young couple yelled at the child's voice and passed over, and the little girl looked very aggrieved, and her big eyes filled with tears.

"Don't tell her!" Little Joseph couldn't see it, loud.

The couple was shocked and hurriedly smiled at Little Joseph's waist. Although Joseph's young age, he was able to be with the ‘adults, and naturally he was a great little adult.

"Oh, little guy, do you know that you are distressed at this age?" Moxie smirked.

Little Joseph had a red face and bowed his head.

"Haha... you see no, this little guy is blushing, it seems that he really knows..." Moxie Branch found the same baby.

“Do you know?” Hilna said wickedly: “Do you think everyone is like you? Never knowing that you are distressed!”

"I... what happened to me?"

"What do you say?"

"Well, everyone else is watching." Han Jin whispered, it seems that he should find a chance to talk to Hilna, this is not good for men, just... I don’t know if Hilna can accept herself. Views.

Sasio played with the bean in his hand and put out a finger to pick up a grain. He had to put it in his mouth. Xiannier suddenly said: "Be sure to think clearly before eating. This is not an ordinary bean fruit, it is a fruit of life."

A glimpse of Sasio, he immediately understood the meaning of Siniel: "What about life?" Then he put the beans in his mouth.

Han Jin sighed in his heart. From the perspective of pure interests, they should try to get rid of these villagers, because the more people gathered, the more likely they are to encounter vampires. However, his ideas could not be passed, and he could not bear it.

If hundreds of vampires are attacking the crowd, they will definitely not save people. It is purely looking for death. The current crisis is potential and invisible, so everyone's heart defense is very slack.

"Do you eat or not?" Sasko said with a smile.

"Is it true? I also taste it." Moxico grabbed the little half and put it all in his mouth.

"Raphael, what about you?" Sasio handed it to Hanjin.

Han Jin smiled. He tried others in various ways. Others would naturally test him. This is normal. Han Jin grabbed the rest of the beans and whispered, "I haven’t eaten this kind of thing yet, you guys. Don't grab it with me."

Xiannier is not in a hurry to express anything. She has been sitting quietly there and talking about her personal experience. Maybe no one here is qualified to compare with her. The hardships and **** battles that have been going on for thousands of miles and nine lives are unimaginable. And thus, she developed her maverick personality.

"I only hope that we will not encounter the vampire of the brigade." Siniel said slowly.

"Our luck will not be so bad, let's say that the Vampire Guard has not been dispersed?" Sasio shook his head.

Under the guidance of the little girl, the villagers suddenly found a good way to communicate with the adults. One after another, the children ran over and put all kinds of food on the side of everyone. Some children also threw some copper coins. Even the silver coins, this temporary camp seems a bit messy.

"Steelberg, you clean up, we will eat what we eat, and return the money." Han Jin said.

Steelberg hurriedly jumped up and greeted the children to take the coins away. Han Jin and others were rich people. This money is only a small sum for them, but it is not small for the villagers. expenditure.

The villagers temporarily selected a few old people and talked with Steelberg. They kept saying that it was a little bit of a small meaning for everyone. They asked Steigenberg to accept it, and Steelberg certainly wouldn’t accept it. Red face red. In the past ten years, Steelberg has probably never been respected as it is now, and he does not know whether he is excited or worried, and his face is flushed.

At this moment, a slight squeaking sound came from afar. The faces of the people changed slightly and looked into the air together. Several black spots flew closer and closer. For a moment, they came to the crowd and kept circling. .

"Mom, these nasty monsters don't make people idle for a moment!" Moxico snorted, then grabbed the giant sword and stood up.

The crowd was in a mess at the time, and the villagers brought their children to Hanjin and others. The encounters in these days clearly told them that the closer they are to the adults, the safer they are.

Xiannier opened the longbow at a very fast speed and did not aim at it. He raised his hand and shot the arrow out. A faint black light cut through the sky, and the target's vampire wings trembled. The sword of Xiannier was opened, and then the wings were closed, and the body fell into the crowd like a stone.

"Let's get out!" Moxie rushed forward, but the crowd came to him like crazy, and he couldn't show his body.