MTL - Warlord of Chaos-Chapter 81 Advantages and disadvantages

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Chapter 81 Advantages and Disadvantages

Late at night, everyone surrounded the campfire and fell into a dream. Although the news of the vampire's massive invasion was shocking and scary, it was not the immediate crisis. It was still necessary to sleep.

Han Jinduan sat there, throwing a dry branch from the campfire from time to time, only he could not sleep, because his ideal of deliberation is to create a city of his own, master the highest voice, or the last interpretation, the situation is coming The more chaotic, what exactly should he do to succeed in grasping the opportunity?

As a self-cultivator, Han Jin is a private detective. He is far from being a hero, a hero, or a military enthusiast. Strictly speaking, because of his career, he has seen people from all walks of life and is good at trying to figure out people’s thoughts. It’s gone.

Now that I have an ideal, but how to realize my own ideals, he has a feeling of being unable to do anything, and he does not know where to start.

Just then, a low humming sound came over. Han Jin looked up and looked in the direction of the sound. Lei Zhe’s body moved a little and then slowly squirmed.

Han Jin stood up and walked to Lei Zhe in front of him. He whispered: "Wake up? It seems that your physique is much better than I thought."

Lei Zhe looked up hard and was seeing Han Jin. The scene he saw before the last coma quickly reflected in his mind. The impression of Han Jin and the current Han Jin were together. Lei Zhe just wanted to say What, suddenly smelled an unpleasant smell, he discovered that his arms were covered with blood, and there were many black-red, solidified blood clots in his hands, as if he had smashed through the blood pool.

"Yes... are you saving me?" Lei Zhe showed a shocked look.

"Don't worry so much, the most important thing for you now is rest." Han Jin shifted the topic. His rumors in thick black science are very limited. He can only say that he brought Lei Zhe back, instead of saving him back. He can't be a benefactor.

"You killed them?" Lei Zhe could not give up the problem.

"I didn't kill them." Han Jin replied truthfully.

"You saved me, do you still worry about me selling you?" Lei Zhe smiled bitterly. He didn't believe Han Jin's answer. At that time, if he didn't kill the knights, he would have been caught back. How to explain the blood pollution? !

"Oh..." Han Jin laughed, he didn't know what to say.

"Thank you." Lei Zhe whispered, although his words were very simple, but the tone was very firm.

"What kind of polite." Han Jin smiled.

This 'Xie' word, he still can afford it. If you don’t bring Lei Zhe out, then Lei Zhe’s fate is doomed. If he does not freeze to death or starve to death, he will be killed by the blood of the rogue, or Was killed by the vampires. When he picked up Lei Zhe, Lei Zhe's face was covered with blood, even in his nose, or he wiped Lei Zhe clean.

In the eyes of Lei Zhe, there was a glimpse of something that couldn’t be clarified. The other party accepted his gratitude. This proved a lot of things. Of course, it also included the reason and the embarrassment of being here. After a while, Lei Zhe whispered: "You provoke It’s a big problem, really, you shouldn’t help me.”

"Trouble? Hehe..." Han Jin smiled: "I never care about trouble." Since the beginning of the world, is he still having less trouble?

Unlike the current Lei Zhe, Han Jin always cleans himself up very well. Therefore, his expression of free and easy, full of clouds and lightness is clearly reflected in Lei Zhe’s eyes. At this moment, against Lei Zhelai Said that Han Jin is a very powerful person! The kind of temperament that is light and heavy is difficult to describe in words. It is really convincing, at least to make him convinced.

Lei Zhe doesn't know what to say, thank you? Instead of thanking him in words, he would rather keep his feelings in his heart.

"Well, you should rest early, it is a business matter to raise your wounds." Han Jin smiled and said: "When you are hurt, if you want to go, we will not leave you. If you want to be with us, just have us. If you eat it, you won’t be bad for you.” Han Jin finished, and he made a return to the Yuan Dynasty’s curse in the air, and hit his hand in Lei Zhe’s body.

Lei Zhe was shocked and then felt very embarrassed. He subconsciously thought that the benefactor was attacking him with magic. After a moment, when he clearly felt the change caused by Hui Yuanqing's curse to himself, his face changed greatly. Trembling: "You... what magic is this you?"

"Help people's magic." Han Jin smiled, his smile with an inscrutable taste.

On the one side, Sassu slowly opened his eyes and extended a thumb to Han Jin at a point that Lei Zhe could not see. Only experienced people understand that feeling. Which professional in the world does not want to reach the highest peak? However, there are very few people who have enough confidence in themselves and can see hope because of limited qualifications, limited energy, and limited time!

Han Jin’s magic has subverted all of this. As long as he can get help from Han Jin, the future is definitely not a dream! Sasio recalled his feelings when he first tasted this magic. He knew very well what kind of temptation it would be for any professional!

"Wake up?" Han Jin smiled.

"Oh..." Sasko put his index finger in front of his lips and then pointed to one side.

Looking in the direction of Sasio's fingers, Han Jin almost laughed out. Before going to sleep, Mo Xinke and Hilna said a whisper. After falling asleep, the two people naturally stick together, but Hilna. Sleeping is not honest, she has a leg pressed against the chest of Moxinke, and her chest is on the face of Moxinke. Two people are entangled in a group, while the Moxinke is sleeping very well, and her face is filled with a kind of face. Sweet smile.

In fact, Mo Xinke was very alert when he slept. He was so depressed that he couldn’t know. He could only say that Hilna’s breath made him very comfortable and very at ease.

"Raphael, do you know what the two of them are all about?" Sasko whispered.

"Moses has not told you?"

"No, I asked him, he told me to do nothing." Sasio was somewhat depressed.

"Hilna is the daughter of his teacher. They grew up together." Han Jin said with a smile: "As for what they are doing now, I don't think I have to say it? You should be able to see it yourself. of."

"Well, I know that Hilna likes Moss, but Moss... also like Hilna?"

"Of course I like it." Han Jin whispered: "There are more than ten years of feelings between the two of them. However, Mo Xinke can't stand Hilna's temper. He feels very distressed, so he also talked to me specifically. It."

"This guy..." Sasio said: "I asked him, he let me go, but took the initiative to find you! I am too sorry!"

"Moxico said that you are a traitor. He doesn't trust you. Telling you this is equivalent to giving you a handle to make fun of him." Han Jin smiled.

"I..." Sasio was not convinced, but look at Han Jin’s handsome face and full of gentle smile. In this respect, he is no match for Hanjin anyway. Sasio makes up Hanjin. Sit down and laugh with a smile: "Talk about what was the Moxico talking to you at the time?"

"This is not good." Han Jin was hesitant.

"Oh, what's the good thing? I won't go talk to him!" Sasio hurried.

"Actually, it is normal to say it, Sasio, do you imagine the future wife in your heart?"

"I... I have imagined it." Sasio rolled his eyes. He asked the secret of the Moxico, how did he get to himself?

"Your imagination is definitely perfect. It is gentle and generous, smart, and glamorous. Anyway, the people in the imagination are always full of various advantages, shortcomings...that is none of them."

Sasio yelled: "Of course, who has nothing to imagine what the shortcomings do?"

"This is the contradiction between reality and dream." Han Jin said softly: "Mosco is also the same. He thinks his wife should be perfect, so he does not think that Hilna will become his wife, but it is biased. Like Hilna."

"So how did you talk to Moxie?"

"I told him that everyone has their own shortcomings, not only others, but also his Moss." Han Jin paused: "What do you say is the most troublesome problem in Moxie?"

"Don't talk about hygiene!" Sasio said with a gnashing of his teeth. He was deeply pained by this: "After practicing the sword, I don't want to talk about it. I also like to run around and tell him that he doesn't listen, saying that this is What a man's taste, I am!!"

"At the time, I said this too. I asked him, did Hilna dislike him?" Han Jin whispered: "In fact, I like a person who not only likes her strength, but also accepts her shortcomings. Hilna this People are very good, because they are innocent, so they don’t have a market. When Moss is still half-sized, Hilna likes him. He always likes it today. I think, no matter if Mosike is climbing high or falling in the future. Very miserable, Hilna will definitely be with him, this kind of feeling must be cherished."

"You make sense." Sasko whispered.

"Of course, Hilna's shortcomings and advantages are just as obvious, because of innocence, so... she seems very naive, not knowing that people are sinister, not knowing the hardships of the world, always giving trouble to themselves and everyone."

"You just said... Hilna is not naive because of innocence, and now she says that because of innocence, she looks very naive?" Sasio smiled bitterly: "I am confused, is innocence good or bad?"

"Do you see the sword of the Moxico?"

"See!" Sasio is even more confused: "What?"

"In fact, many things are double-sided, well used, it can help people, if they are not used well, it will hurt people."

"You..." Sassauton paused: "I was surprised. When the Moxenko heard you say this, I was not confused by you?"