MTL - Warlord of Chaos-Chapter 79 Good ally

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A few black shadows walked through the **** streets like a stroll, and they all had pointed ears. This shows what kind of race they are, but their temperament is quite different from that of Xiannier. The hair, the black pupil, the black soft armor, and the long bow with the shoulders and the back of the shoulder are all black. The body is filled with a thick black that can't be dissolved, but their faces are very pale. Against the backdrop of a black background, it gives a shocking feeling.

The elf headed to go to the body of Jukodo, leaned over and looked for a moment to find a seal of crystal engraving. She showed a smile, her eyes swept away, and she fell on Xiannier on the ridge. Soft voice: "Xinnier, we met again."

The Knights of the Beit League have been killed cleanly, and the vampires are still trying to attack. They are trying to attack the Moxin branch that is at the door. They hear the elf talking to the other party and can't help but stop.

"How come you are here?" said Siniel coldly.

"Remember the Silver Pegasus Army 20 years ago? We are learning from you, huh, huh..." The elf smiled.

“Does Zaguned not claim to be omnipotent? He also used to learn from others?!” Sinnel sneered.

"Your tone is very unfriendly." The elf sighed softly: "Although I don't want to pursue you, you have to understand that not every time you can be forgiven by others, you can't control your tongue, you will always give yourself Bring disaster!"

Xiannier snorted, but she did not confuse her. Obviously, she had a disadvantage in the comparison of the strength of the two sides, so Xiannier did not want to cause conflict.

"I can feel the hostility in your heart, why is this?" The elf said softly: "In fact, the ancients of Zaguned are not as bad as you think, and the Desmark is not as good as you think. ”

"Dishmark is our ally after all," said Sennel faintly.

"How good a good ally." The elf laughed: "Twenty years ago, the Casa Lord got the loyalty of several red dragons, but he was killed by the dissmark. Everyone knows, if not silver. The Pegasus and the Elf squad went deep into the rear of the Casa Corps and fought at all costs. The final failure was definitely Desmark! But... After you paid such a heavy sacrifice, what did you get?"

Xiannier was suddenly silent.

"According to the agreement, you should have split the territory of Casa, but Dismark has monopolized more than 80% of the land, leaving only some wilderness for you. Casa has been operating in Ancheng for decades, leaving A lot of wealth and military money, these are also swallowed by Desmark.” The elf laughed: “The most ridiculous thing is that if Desmark is not busy expanding the territory, he chooses to lead the army westward, and Yehliucheng. Before and after the attack on the words of Mr. Zagunede... Will there be a current war? This time, Yehliucheng refused to ask for help from Desmark. I personally agree very much. With such people, there is no need for cooperation."

Sunil still didn't say anything, her face was hidden behind the mask, no one could see her expression change, but it is conceivable that her face will never look good.

"There is no eternal enemy in this world." The elf smiled and said: "The attitude of Master Zaguned is very much appreciated by you. I think it is time for us to try to be friends."

"Friends? Ha..." Xiannier smirked: "How many people have Zachuned killed us? Can these be forgotten?"

"Are you not the same person who killed us?" The elf said slowly: "Don't be as short-sighted as Desmark, and look longer."

"If I thought I could be friends with you, that would be a real short-sighted!" Sinner sneered: "Now, Zaguned will fight against Desmark while preparing to deal with the counterattack of Beit League, so Will you worry about Ye Liucheng’s troubles? If he is now, who else would he like to be friends with?

"Hayul, don't talk nonsense with them, give it to me." A vampire smirked and walked over.

"Don't do much." The elf frowned. "Our mission is to destroy the importance of the Beit League!"

The vampire snorted and angered "Hayul, are you commanding me?"

Hailuer’s eyes flashed, but she was very scrupulous about the identity of these vampires. Finally she sighed helplessly and turned and walked back. The elves hurried behind her.

The vampire looked coldly at the back of Hairouer and waved: "Give them a kill!" His voice was loud, with a taste of the demonstration to Hailuer.

The group of vampires rushed forward, and Mossenko screamed and released his bodyguard. At this time, he could only fight to the end.

Suddenly, something exploded in midair, and the golden light was like countless arrows, sweeping through the hundreds of meters around, the vampire's momentum stopped, and the screams of screams One after another, two vampires even fell to the ground, arms madly dancing and obscuring, seemingly resisting the golden light that was pervasive.

The golden light dissipated, and the vampires have changed dramatically. There are countless scars on the skin like ulcers, and black, sticky liquids are flowing out.

Han Jin walked out slowly from the body of Mo Xinke. His face looked calm and calm, but his heart was filled with turbulent waves. He knew the power of the net light curse. If he used the net light spell to attack the ghost he released, he could In the blink of an eye, the ghosts are so smouldering, but the reality of these vampires is so amazing that they have only suffered some injuries and still retain a strong fighting power!

"We don't want to be friends with you, but we don't want to be enemies with you." Han Jin said coldly: "Before I change my mind, roll! Otherwise, I don't mind making the world clean!"

The vampires and the elves are companions, but they can turn to glare because of a little bit of things. It is obvious that their characters are very violent. For this kind of creature, it is useless to put facts and reason. With overwhelming power, even if they say nothing, they will be soft.

"Adults... Hailuer adults!" The vampire's leader hurriedly shouted.

The vampires involuntarily retired a few steps. They were not afraid of the warriors and they were not afraid of the magician, but the priests were their natural enemies, and Hanjin’s words were very tough. They thought that the priests in front did not want to hurt them, but only slightly punished them. They continue to attack, and the priest must release the magic of the most powerful.

Hailuer turned and looked at Han Jin seriously, smiled, and then continued to walk outside the village, did not take care of the vampire.

"Let's go!" said the vampire's head and hate. There is no elf shooter to solve the trouble for them. They can only be ashamed in the light and insist on fighting the priest. It is a very stupid choice.