MTL - Warlord of Chaos-Chapter 71 Account

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Two meter...half meter...The woman stopped and just raised her dagger. Her face was suddenly caught by something, and then several guys with a sinister breath rushed to the body. The woman was shocked and spoiled the dagger in desperation.

At the same time, Han Jin fell to the ground on one knee, grabbed the hilt with both hands and stabbed backwards. The sharp blade stabbed his shoulder and stabbed into the woman's chest.

"Ah..." The woman made a sorrow.

Han Jin just saw it right. The woman was very well maintained. The so-called good maintenance is definitely a long-term enjoyment of a pampered life. Although her movements are still very fast, the response is far from the past. . People can rely on all kinds of hard work to progress and evolve, and accordingly, there are also regressions and degradation!

Even Han Jin didn't think that he could get it so easily, and he couldn't help but scream, and the woman fell forward in the sorrow, just on the back of Han Jin.

Perhaps it is because of the return of the light, perhaps because of thinking of the son who was killed, the woman did not know where the strength comes from, grabbed Han Jin’s hair, and the right hand clasped the dagger and went straight to Han Jin’s face.

Feeling the wind, Han Jin left his hand forward and clasped the woman's wrist tightly. Who knows that the woman's strength is surprisingly large, and the head of the sway is shaking a few centimeters in front of Hanjin's face, Han Jin pushes If you don't open, the woman can't stab it. As for the hair, Han Jin really can't take care of it. He can even clearly feel that his hair has been smashed down by a glimpse. However, even if it becomes bald, it is always better than a few holes.

Han Jin bite his teeth and his right hand swayed the hilt from top to bottom. His purpose was obvious, in order to expand the wound on the woman. And the five ghosts are always attacking the enemy constantly. Han Jin only feels that the body is getting more and more wet, and the whole back is wanted to be reddish. Also, with the crazy attack of the ghost, what liquid is there? He kept splashing on his face. He didn't know what it was. He could only hear the woman's voice getting more and more painful and weaker.

Soon, the woman couldn’t keep up, the dagger was gradually pushed away, and Han Jin twisted her hand and threw the woman out from behind. Then Han Jin smashed out of the slant, standing back against the wall, and finally Reaching out, a soft white light rises from his palm, and the tunnel slowly becomes brighter.

He learned a few days of magic with Sasou. He didn't learn anything else. He was very skilled in small fireballs and lighting. He could release magic whenever he had a fire element.

The five ghosts did not care about the state of the woman. They were still attacking wildly. The woman was full of blood everywhere, as if she had just climbed out of the blood pool. Han Jin looked at herself and could not help but smile. He also Not much stronger than people.

At this moment, Han Jin faintly heard some voices. Under his control, the five ghosts stopped at the same time and floated in the air.


"Madam, wait for us..."

The voice kept coming, Han Jin was invisible at the corner, waiting quietly. The time was not long. Several people appeared in this tunnel. The foremost one was a magician holding a light group, he floated. In the air, the light group is very bright, and the earth is shining like a white. Followed by a few warriors wearing a heavy armor, their armor looks very expensive, the whole body is bright yellow, and there are many mysterious patterns carved on it.

"That is..." Turning into this tunnel, the magician and the warriors saw the bodies on the ground, and the ghosts floating in the air. At this moment, they all became sloppy.

Han Jin has been waiting for a long time. He raised his hand and played a fire symbol. A round of fireballs with a size of a shield appeared out of thin air. With a piercing whistling sound, the sky was cut at lightning speed, hitting the foremost magician.

With a bang, the magician flew out and slammed into the soldier behind him. Han Jin will never let go of the falling dog. He has already jumped out, and the wooden man who is holding it will be released. The next moment, He was there, and the magician who was hit across from him was unscathed and sneered at himself.

Han Jin’s reaction was extremely fast. He took the wooden man’s symbol into the space ring, and then ran straight into the wall, a huge electric light came to the end, hitting the place where Han Jin disappeared, and the violent bang It’s a long way to go, but Han Jin can’t hear it...


Numerous tiny snow particles rushed down from the air. The momentum was like a white sandstorm that swept the world. The Moxenko contracted its neck. If it was snow, the weather was really cold. What I hate is this kind of snow particles. It hurts and colds on my face. And because this snow is released, I can’t help but make a fuss, let others see how to bury myself. Finally, I have to slap my head.

After they escaped that day, they ran out for a few dozen breaths and took a break. Siniel rushed forward to the horses, and they slanted over a mountain and lived in a small village. The next day, Sunil came back to meet with everyone, and argued for a long time on the question of where to go. Finally, he decided to stay here and wait for Han Jin.

In fact, they also know that the chances of Han Jinsheng's return are very small, but the attitude of Mo Xinke and Stillberg is extremely firm. Their central thoughts can be summarized into two sentences: life to see people, death to see the dead!

The problem is that even if Han Jin can live, it is impossible to know where they are hiding, so it is only the most stupid way to wait for Mo Xinke and Xian Nier to take turns to the roadside.

After a few days, they finally waited for a message. It is said that in the boundary of the Beit League near the holy crown city, there are many knights in the holy crown city. They searched around the clock, everywhere, and the army of the Beit League. There have been small-scale conflicts.

The people were extremely excited. The army of the Holy Crown City risked diplomatic conflict and broke into the territory of the Bayer League. This means that Han Jin is likely to have escaped from the tiger's mouth! The Moss Branch ran out overnight and made a line on the big tree on the side of the road. What he wrote was: Today, have you eaten? Later, I felt that this sentence was too concealed. I added some words and changed it to: Can you eat the whole earth bear?

Moxie explained that Han Jin can definitely understand this sentence, so he will not miss it.

However, as time goes by, everyone loses day by day. If Han Jin is really safe, he should come over and join them, but disappointment is disappointing. Mo Xinke and Xian Nier still insist on coming every day, at least until In the spring of next year, everybody has a partner, and there must always be an explanation, not only for the partners, but also for oneself.