MTL - Warlord of Chaos-Chapter 57 businessman

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I had no words for one night, and I used breakfast the next day. Xiannier still had to buy Magic Crystal, and Mo Xinke had to go. It’s better to find the right task to earn some money, just look at his face. The expression of anxious, everyone has a number in mind, it should be eager to avoid someone's entanglement.

The words "receive the task" caused Han Jin's curiosity. Michelle and Steelberg also went out to open their eyes. The last group left the hotel and walked to the mercenary guild.

The square in front of the mercenary guild was much more popular than that night. Sunnier took everyone through the square and walked to a counter in front of the counter. He took the pen and paper from the other party and opened it. A line of documents.

"Can't you do this?" said Li Li softly.

"Why not?" Siniel said: "I ended up yesterday."

"Too much!" Julie pointed the document with her finger. The top of the document was written: the acquisition of two hundred third-order earth magic crystals, the unit price of twenty silver coins.

"What do you mean?"

"We don't know the reasonable price of the soil magic crystal, and we don't know the reserves of the market. So the acquisition of Magic Crystal will make a big loss."

"Then you are going to write the documents." Xiannier gave up the position.

"Okay." Julie answered very simply, took the pen and paper, brushed it a few times, and listed a long number.

The receptionist in the counter took over the documents and couldn't help but turn over the eyes. There was no such thing as Xiannier. Her documents were purchased in five pieces. The first unit price was 20 silver coins, and the second unit price was ten. Nine silver coins, in turn, reduced only a total of fifty magic crystals, and the unit price was even reduced to ten silver coins.

The receptionist glanced at Julie with a very rude look. It was free to post tasks and buy and sell items here, but when the business was done, the mercenary guild would charge a one percent commission on each side, like a beautiful In this way, even if all the orders are made, the mercenary guild will not make any money, which is inevitably despised.

"Well, let's go to somewhere else." Julie said carelessly.

"Only fifty magic crystals? Not enough."

"No, the purpose of this time is to find a reasonable price, and then say." Julie thought for a moment: "Xinnier, did you buy 200 magic crystals yesterday?"

"No, I started to buy 50 pieces. I won't take it for a long time, and then I received another 50. When I got back in a circle, I ended up collecting it. I simply received 200."

"Heaven..." Julie stared at Siniel.

"Is it finished? Let's go to the top and see." Moxico called behind.

Xiannier and others turned and just about to leave. The receptionist said with no anger: "Hey! You haven't paid the deposit yet!"

"How much?" Xiannier asked faintly.

"Three gold coins."

Sunnier threw down three gold coins, grabbed the documents that stamped the mercenary guild seal, turned and left, and glared, and finally did not hold back: "Xinnier, since the deal is so fast, prove that you gave The price is already high, why don't you cut the price?"

"I don't understand, I don't think much." Xiannier was a little embarrassed.

Han Jin and Sasou looked at each other. When Hire Joseph was hired yesterday, Sunnier threw a gold coin in his hand. With this attitude of life, even if she knows how to do business, she will not waste that energy. Han Jin is a bitter person. When he first arrived in the world, he was hungry and mad. Sasou was not rich. They had more or less had no money to suffer. Therefore, they criticized and condemned the fairy together. Niel, but on the surface it still looks like nothing.

The mercenary guild building is divided into four floors, the second floor is the high-level trading area, the transaction amount is above the hundred gold coins to go to the second floor, the third floor is the VIP room, as for the fourth floor, even the native-born Moxin Branch does not know the fourth floor. What are you doing?

The mercenary guild is home to thousands of mercenaries. The scale is naturally imaginable. The lobby on the second floor is hundreds of meters long. There are more than 30 stone columns with more than one meter. There are a few lights hanging on a stone pillar. It is not an oil lamp, but a magic light that consumes magic crystal.

There are almost three or four hundred mercenaries in the whole hall. They come or go in a hurry, or wait for leisurely, or talk to each other and whisper, dare to earn one hundred gold coins, and the worst is a fifth-order professional. There are even a few mercenaries wearing the badges of the fighters and the sages. It is obvious that they are the mercenary squad or the head of the mercenary group.

Outside the window, there are bursts of magic fluctuations, and the 14th one-way magic transmission array owned by the mercenary guild. This is the peak period. The day is in the morning, and it is safer to go to the Taraxia mountains during the day. some.

"Let's look at the third floor?" Sasko whispered.

"We can't get in there, and we can't take the task of the VIP room." Moxike shook his head and couldn't mess with the task. In order to prevent someone from deliberately messing up, he had to pay a third of the commission for the task. If the mission fails, or if it is not completed within the specified time limit, the commission will be paid to the person who issued the mission. As for the failed mercenary regiment, whether the casualties are heavy, no one will take care of it.

Han Jin quietly observed that there is a row of crystals on the opposite side, which records the various tasks and the information of the acquisition of Magic Crystal. According to the amount of gold coins, the minimum reward for the mission is also above 100 gold coins. The highest is More than 900 gold coins.

Han Jin suddenly found that the task here is not very difficult. For example, the hurricane wolf, the monitor lizard, etc. he has seen, are displayed in the task bar, and the rewards are high. The line of sight turns to the other side, and he sees another one. The task, not to be surprised, the skin of the iron barb, a whole piece, paying six hundred gold coins.

"What's wrong?" asked Mo Xinke.

"Nothing." Han Jin hurriedly shook his head. If he had tried to get rid of the group of bulls, he had more than 4,000 gold coins! However, he can only think about it in his heart. Xiannier and others are very good with the group of bulls. He dares to say it and must be attacked.

"I found that the task here is not very difficult." Sasio and Han Jin thought of going together: "Mosco, we take a task to try? Can not be idle every day."

"The task is really not difficult. If you don't see it, the task of having twenty teeth of the blast wolf, give one hundred and ten gold coins. I don't need your help, I will do it myself." Moxike smiled: "The question is who? Will you send a blast wolf to me? Walking in the depths of the Taraxia mountains, various accidents may occur at any time. A top-level Warcraft that migrates or seeks for hunting is enough to make a whole mercenary squad completely disappear. The hard part is not the mission itself, but how to survive in the mountains of Taraxia, and find the World of Warcraft to be hunted. Every year, countless mercenaries will be killed. Today is them. If we dare to go inside, maybe tomorrow. It’s our turn."

"Blasting wolf? I..." Han Jin suddenly remembered something: "Why don't you say it early? Unfortunately!"

"Yeah, how many hurricane wolves have we killed? I knew that I had pulled out the fangs." Sasou called.

"This..." Moxie smiled bitterly: "I used to go to the second floor very much. How do I know that someone else bought it?"

"You haven't been to the second floor? Are you a mercenary?"

"What can I do myself? Go to death?!" Moshinko narrowed his eyes.

"Why don't you join another mercenary group?" Senil asked softly.

"That's not as good as picking up a task." Mo Xinke sighed: "Go to the mountains of Taraxia, I still have the opportunity to come back alive, if I dare to join other mercenary groups... then I am dead."

(Some people say that the plot is very dull until now, there is no way in the early days, the strength of the protagonist is set too low, the crisis is to be dead, I don't want to make the alien world full of disability and mental retardation, and I don't want the protagonist to accept the god, this dragon to follow the class. I still try to be interesting, and I want to write something that is easier. It’s too heavy and too dark. I’m too tired. However, the main line is very clear soon, and everyone waits a little bit for a few chapters.)