MTL - Warlord of Chaos-Chapter 530 Flying corpse

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The fifth and third chapters of the flying corpse

The four-handed slashing knives suddenly emerged from the void space. The lightning is generally squatting. The abyss demon family is very good at splitting the tactics. The flashing cold light is wrapping Hanjin in it, and the retreat has been sealed.

However, Han Jin did not retreat, nor did he release the curse. His hands were lightly wrong, and the knife was like a thunder. He easily sealed the two knives in front of him, then borrowed the knife and the knife was immediately After drifting to the back, the two abyss demons in the rear have already smiled, because their sickles are less than two feet away from Hanjin, and they can get into the Hanjin with a little effort. Who knows that Hanjin’s knife can actually After the first move, in a blast of Mars, the two abyss demons felt the great rebounding force from the sickle, and they could not help but fall out.

The four abyss demons showed their erroneous look. They thought that Hanjin would release the momentary movement, but Han Jin stood still and did not move, and the hard cover blocked their attack.

However, this is in the middle of their minds. Some people encounter strange things and get used to the bad side. Some people like to think about the good side. Several abyss devils belong to the latter. Why does Hanjin not retreat? Is it a special situation that temporarily loses the ability to move instantly? It’s really a **** of death...

A few demons couldn't help but waved the sickle again.

Han Jin’s legs are rooted, and the dead and dead are buckled on the ground, but the knife light in his hand is constantly swaying, even his own figure is annihilated, and the surrounding abyss can only see A piece of bright purple light.

Several abyss demons flashed around Hanjin, desperately wielding a sickle. If their attacks are like a stormy wave, then Hanjin is a huge reef that does not move. No matter how hard the abyss demons are, they can’t break him. Defense circle.

If there are abyss fighters who have retired from the country of Xiongguang, they will feel creepy because they have witnessed similar scenes!

At that time, there were 13 abyss in the abyss of the majestic Emperor Nicholas, but no matter how fast and sinister their attacks were, they always thought that they would soon succeed, Nikola’s long The sword was inexplicably waiting in front, and Nikola at that time did not even release the vindictiveness, the momentum is far less than the current Han Jin.

From the outside, Han Jin’s expression is a bit stunned, especially his pupil, which seems to have no focus, dull, silly, but his movements seem to be very dynamic, but also faintly exudes the power and pressure of the wind and thunder.

The abyss warriors are also experienced warriors. They won’t wait until they hit the wall. They only know how to turn back. In just a few minutes, they will notice that something is wrong. Hanjin’s knife is like a copper wall, so they have a kind of high mountain. The sense of powerlessness of the end, although their offensive is still very fierce, but the confidence in the heart does not know when it began to collapse.

Also, why didn't Leonardo come? Ominous...

Several abyss demons seem to be able to understand each other's thoughts, and at the same time faltering, the figure disappeared from the place, and the other moment appeared at the other end. The four soldiers stand side by side, but they are already more than 30 meters away from Hanjin. It is.

Han Jin’s knife light condensed, and then he slowly lifted his eyes, and a pair of stunned pupils regained their vitality. In fact, he did not act so easily, and the four-handed sickle never left his heart. He can only try to be fast, fast, faster, and slightly mistaken. He must suffer a fatal attack. If it is not a bauxonym, he will never force himself, even though it is extremely rare. good chance.

Han Jin slowly took a breath and pressed the tumbling blood. He had already transferred Yuan Yuan to the limit. However, he did not pay in vain. When his speed was far above his opponent, he suddenly found out that he was The abyss demon, known as the servant of death, is so fragile!

“Only a few of you?” Han Jin said faintly: “The flame tyrant Longkol did not come? Leonardo?”

Han Jin has no other meaning. He just said his true thoughts, defending and not attacking, just to attract all the high-end combat power of the abyss race, and come to a happy time! But for those abyss demons, Han Jin’s wording is full of contemptuous taste. How many of you can’t, where are the flame tyrants Long Col and Leonardo? The tyrant of the flames said that after all, Longkor’s ranking in the abyss world is only after the three giants, but what is Leonardo’s?

"Without them, I can kill you as well!" One-eyed demon Richard's forehead has pulled out a strip of blue veins, and then his figure disappeared in place. After a pause, he appeared in front of Hanjin and waved his sickle. The neck of Han Jin into the neck.

The battle started again.

However, the battle has just begun and it is over, at least Richard’s end.

In the moment when Richard appeared in front of Han Jin, Han Jin’s figure suddenly burst out, and the knife light bloomed at the same time.

That is a stunning knife! The swaying streamer is as pure and flawless as the moon, and the momentum is as fast as the thunder. The whole world seems to be stagnant at this moment.

Richard's sickle was smashed. If you slow down the time, you can see that his figure is gradually faded, which proves that he released the momentary movement, but unfortunately, Han Jin's knife has passed through his neck.

Richard's head flew off the neck, and Han Jin's figure continued to spur forward, the knife continued, and the abyss demon slammed forward.

A very strange scene appeared, Richard's head and body, as well as the splash of blood, while disappearing without a trace, the next moment, appeared behind the three abyss demon, the huge head continues to upward Rolling and flying, the blood continues to sputter, while the headless body is planted softly forward.

Flying corpse! ! !

The remaining three abyss demons were not so easy to be killed. After all, they had a buffer of more than 30 meters. They noticed that they were not good. They immediately released the momentary movement, and Han Jin’s knives were swept away.

Subsequently, they have appeared in the distance, Cangjie fled to the distance, and one of the abyss devils returned to his hair and sighed: "Richard..." Then he saw the terrible flying corpse, and was immediately scared away. The release once again released the momentary movement.

Han Jin’s mouth reveals a cruel smile, thanks to Leonardo’s stimulation to him. In addition to practicing in a few days, he is always thinking about how to deal with the momentary movement of the abyss demon. Now is the opportunity to do experiments!

The abyss of the sorrowful voice has appeared in the distance, and Han Jin’s mind immediately locked the other’s figure and then swayed the law.

A little faint fluorescence appeared in the air, chasing the abyss demon, and then the abyss demon released the momentary movement again, but the fluorescence did not seem to be affected, continue to fly forward, because the speed is too fast, the fluorescence is behind Left a streamline that is 100 meters long.

Mother chasing soul curse!

In another world, the mother chasing spell is usually used to deal with some difficult ghosts and demons. As long as the **** curse is hit on the target in time, the master curse will be pursued, even though it is separated by thousands of miles. There are countless arrays of obstacles, and they will persevere. If the power does not dissipate, then the mother and the double curse will eventually coincide. Just because the child chasing soul curse has no actual lethality, Han Jin put this kind of law in the corner of memory, and did not think about it for a while, otherwise, Leonardo could not escape so easily a few days ago. .

Han Jin slammed the law and released the curse of the retreat. He chased in the direction of the curse. The curse was not as easy to move in the battle as the moment, but the distance moved far exceeded the moment of movement, when locked by him. When the abyss demon appeared again, Han Jin and his gap were only a dozen meters.

The abyss demon did not understand how Han Jin would be so tightly chased, but now obviously not thinking, what he can do is to immediately release the momentary movement.

Han Jin’s figure was slightly stunned, and then he shot in the direction of the curse, and the knife light again.

The movement of the abyss demon release can be completed in an instant, but it takes a little time to appear in the locked position. Although Han Jin is fully motivated, it is still a lot worse than the speed of the abyss demon. This time The distance between the two has been opened more than 50 meters. After all, Han Jin is leaning forward.

Han Jin laughed, and the abyss demon has become a bird of surprise. Every time you release the moment, you will choose the farthest distance. This is the flaw! With a certain distance, he can easily predict the direction of the other party's escape.

At the moment when the abyss demon disappeared, Han Jin also released the curse of the constriction. With a light drink, a slap in the face of the heavens and the earth will be swayed out.

The next moment, the abyss demon appeared in the knife light, did not wait for him to respond, has been waved into two paragraphs by Han Jin.

The look of the abyss in the devil's eyes revealed an unbelievable look. The sickle in his hand also fell off the ground, and Han Jin ignored him again, and began to chase after another abyssal demon.

The fluorescent spurt came and slammed into the forehead of the abyss demon, flashing a flash and disappearing. Regardless of whether the creatures possessed by the quilt are demons, demons, or dead, they cannot stop their coincidence.

Han Jin’s tactics of swearing at the same time, when God’s mind locked the figure of the other side, he once again released the child’s chasing soul.

The abyss demon saw his brother slain in succession, panic to the extreme, committed the same mistake, just trying to stay away from the terrible human, but neglected to hide his whereabouts.

Skills must always be proficient in combat. Han Jin did not take the shot this time. First, he released four miniatures and pulled them closer. When the abyss disappeared, Han Jin immediately appeared in front of more than 100 meters. The distance between the abyss and the devil was only between 110 and 120 meters. His position was just right.

Han Jin’s figure first paused, and then he slanted out with a knife. It seemed to be deliberately cooperating with Han Jin. The abyss demon appeared in front of Han Jin’s blade and was immediately recited by Han Jin’s shoulder strap. .

The only remaining abyssal demon continues to release the momentary movement, but he can sense that his brother has been killed, do not know whether to avenge his brother, or simply be scared of madness, or know that he can not escape When he fell, he turned and snarled and rushed over to Han.

Han Jin crossed the knife and looked at each other coldly. When the distance between the two was less than 200 meters, he once again locked the other person's figure with God.

A little fluorescence appeared in the air, and then lasing forward, Han Jin's body shape floated at the same time, and slashed.

Fluorescence lasing is in front, Han Jin swayed the knife light and chased after it, not far from close, if it is away, it is like Swift is tracking a cockroach flying insect.

The abyss demon appeared in front of Hanjin, and the fluorescence first flew into the opponent's forehead, and disappeared after a flash.

Seeing that Han Jin’s knife was close to his forehead, the abyss demon did not evade, and immediately waved his sickle and slammed into Han’s waist, which was completely the same.

Han Jin’s reaction speed is extremely fast, and the knife immediately turns from the front to the lower jaw. The bright streamer has cut into the forehead of the abyss and stretches straight down. When the scythe of the abyss is broken into two pieces, his body Also, the brush is split to the left and right, and the tip of the sickle that flashes with cold light can only be wiped out in the waist of Hanjin without pain or itch. Don't say the bright robes, even the dragon scales are intact.

After killing four abyss demons in a row, Han Jin’s face was still cold and faint, and then he turned and rushed to the abyss soldiers who had been watching.

In the large-scale battlefield, the strong people of Esnoli City and the Holy City are in a disadvantageous situation. The army of the abyss race is still surging like a flood, and overwhelming, in the small-scale battle, Han Jin , Yalina, Adolf can be considered an advantage, especially Yalena, she caused far more damage than Han Jin, from the outbreak of the battle to the present, she has released five ten Gray descending, and now a giant thunder Still with her body as the center, she keeps pouring, and the power of the baby can not be glimpsed, not mentioning the fireball released by it. Every time the spread of the nirvana is scattered, it looks like an inconspicuous, but falls on the abyss. When they are on, they can burn their flesh without hindrance.

The busiest person was Adolf, who threw himself to the left, and the enemy on the right grabbed the gap and quickly reached the city. He threw himself to the right, and the enemy on the left opened the defense line of Esnoli City, despite He kept releasing the divine shock, but the number of enemies was too much. Almost every second, there were thousands of abyss soldiers rushing to the wall. Even if he had three arms and six arms, he would not kill so much. enemy.

Everyone, including Hanjin, has made every effort, but there are some things that can be saved without being desperate. Maybe, when Hanjin and Yalena kill the abyss and the whole army collapses, Esno Lee has also become a dead city.

The battle on the north side of Esnoli was in full swing, and the south wall was much more deserted, as most of the troops were transferred.

Suddenly, there was a vague black cloud in the sky. The soldiers on the south side of the wall were looking at the north, listening to the shouts from far away. At this moment, they turned around and looked at them with horror. Black clouds.

"Do you feel anything?" a soldier whispered.

"Like...the earthquake?"

That's right! The ground is shaking slightly, and the amplitude of the tremor is getting bigger and bigger and more and more fierce!

When the black cloud flew near, the soldiers saw it clearly. It was not a cloud, but a flight battle composed of countless dragon knights!

The dragon is not a dragon, but a kind of bipedal dragon that survives in the southern marshes. The biped dragon belongs to the tenth-order Warcraft. In the same level of Warcraft, the combat power is low. The only special feature is the ability to spit acid gas, and the dragon knight. It is the specialty of the Southern Tribal League.

Did the tribal alliance really send troops to support it? The soldiers of the city of Esnoli cried in joy, some struggled to wave their arms, and some of them fought hard. They even wanted to jump off the wall to welcome the arrival of the Allies.

In fact, as long as the tribal leader has a little vision, the support of sending troops is inevitable. It is a powerful proof to send a large number of lizards and warriors to support. Everyone knows that since the free federation can't stop the army of the abyss race, the war will burn sooner or later. It is better to send troops to support allies, and then fight on other people's territory, at least to ensure that their people are not invaded.

Closer, closer, under the flight battle formation of the Dragon Knights, there are tens of thousands of iron armor, and the violent shaking of the ground is triggered by the rampant iron armor.

The Barbarian Knight is also a major feature of the Tribal League. In the past wars, the Freedom Federation did not suffer much, so in recent years, it has also established its own Bull Knights.

A huge, iron-clad cow that can be described as a demon is rushing to the forefront. It is at least twice as large as a companion, and the weight is less than how much it is. The hard-skinned black hair on the body is running at full speed. A heavy tank of the world. Filled with an unstoppable momentum.

A knight rides on the back of the giant barbarian. I don’t know why. There is no armor on the back of the cow. There is no riding raft and no reins. The rider’s riding should be very bright. He is covered in the whole body. In the heavy armor, only the eyes are exposed, and his eyes are tightly closed, and the head is a little bit, as if sleeping...

Soon, the giant bull was less than two kilometers away from the city of Esnoli. The dragon knight could keep up, and the other armored bulls were already a few kilometers away.

Suddenly, the giant barbarian tightened its four hooves, holding the ground, strong inertia, letting its hoof fall deeply into the ground nearly half a foot deep, and the knight on the back was caught off guard and had shot straight out.

Coincidentally, there is a stone monument standing in front of it, with a string of characters on the front: Welcome to the city of Esnoli. The knight is hitting the stone tablet. Maybe it is too fast. Maybe the texture of the stone tablet is very tough. The knight’s head has broken the stone tablet, and the stone tablet has flown far away. The stone monument is broken and not broken. On the knight's neck.

"Oh..." The knight finally woke up from his dreams, hurriedly climbed up, pulled out the stone tablet, or pulled out his head, and then screamed with anger: "Man, even if we don't know for a long time, No feelings, don't you not give face like this?!"

The giant barbarian did not pay attention to the other party. It tried to stretch out his nose as if to sniff something, and then he gave off the excitement and joy of the low-pitched sound, and rushed forward again.

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