MTL - Warlord of Chaos-Chapter 526 change of weather

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The fifth and sixth chapters change the day

"A rest for a while." Han Jin's figure stopped, and he was naked and sweaty. He even had sweat on his eyebrows.

"Okay, adults." Adolf answered.

Han Jin sat down and gasped, not only because he was too tired, but the glory of the two angels behind him seemed a little wilting. Only Adolf, he still had a clean and tidy look. .

Han Jin wanted to let Adolf be a sparring partner, but no matter how he asked for it, Adolf did not dare to release his full strength and feared. Han Jin felt uncomfortable. He simply let the two angels and Adolf besiege themselves and fight for a long time. Of course, the effort will be tired. As for Adolf, his expression is the most powerful proof of laziness.

"Master, Hogan guys have been wandering outside, as if to see you." Harley suddenly said.

"Let him come in." Han Jin said while lying down lazily, looking at the unique star that this magic laboratory had, and his mind had already flown to other places.

This kind of practice does not seem to have much meaning. There is always something missing. I can’t find the feeling of innocence when I chase the abyss warriors.

It seems that you should still go to the battlefield to improve your entry...

However, what is missing in the end?

Here, he will worry not to really hurt Adolf and the two angels. On the battlefield, he can release all of them without any scruples. Is this just a difference, which creates a huge contrast?

Just as Hanjin went out of his way, Hogan hurried in. "Master, I have already counted it. There are only three dragons with fire attributes left. There are more than 600 pieces of the ten-order fire attribute magic crystal. Master, have you moved in?"

Han Jin looked at his left palm, and the word 'robbery' in his palm was emitting a faint red light. He calculated it for a moment in his heart, saying: "Dragon crystal is no longer needed, Geng Green, Spencer are all The fire demon mentors, perhaps, Long Jing is more useful to them, um... you took me ten hundred fire magic crystals for me."

"Just three hundred? Can it?" Hogan asked, because all the magic crystals on the Ares were transferred to Hogan, so he was very aware of the amount of magic crystals consumed by Han Jin. Sometimes he even suspected that the owner It won’t feed on the magic crystal...

Unfortunately, no one is a referee, otherwise he will definitely tell Hogan, congratulations on your answer...

"Enough." Han Jin nodded, Xuan Tian robbery of the fire is nearing completion, and then grab three hundred ten-order fire magic crystal, he can also make two or three red lotus fire.

"Understood." Hogan turned and hurried out.

Han Jin sighed. When the Longcheng and Longyu were counted, the huge harvest made him ecstatic. However, as he became bigger and bigger, those dragon crystals were obviously not enough.

"How can I not see the black dragon?" Han Jin whispered.

"Black Dragon?" Adolf stunned.

"Yeah." Han Jin smiled: "I really hope that I can see them flying over the city of Esnoli."

"I see... adults are dragon crystals that want to get the fire attribute?" Adolf also laughed. No one dared to use this tone to talk about the tyrannical dragons. Han Jin is simply treating the dragons as food, just like a wolf. The deliciousness of the sheep, this kind of heroic world, makes Adolf old and comforting: "It doesn't matter if they don't come. In fact, we can get a lot of high-quality fire magic crystals from other ways."

"Other ways? Do you have a way?" Han Jin asked.

"According to your estimation, the flame tyrant is coming!" Adolf said: "The flame tyrant is the monarch of the evil spirit, the spirit of evil spirits and other life are completely different. They were born in the ancient lava formed in thousands of years. In the long-term evolution, they have highly developed wisdom. In a sense, they are eternal. As long as they can get the moisture of the lava, the fire of life will not go out."

"Do they have a fire magic crystal?" Han Jindao.

"Even if it is a small fire spirit that has just been born from the lava, it also has a very pure high-quality fire magic crystal." Adolf nodded. "However, the flame tyrant ranks only under the three giants in the abyss world. He is not easy to deal with."

"But... his strength is not as good as fallen angel Catherine, isn't it?" Han Jin smiled, his subtext was obvious, and it was not easy to deal with, he had already dealt with it!

"Yeah..." Adolf smiled and wrinkled and stretched out. He certainly heard the meaning of Hanjin. It was only after a while that his look changed again, every time he remembered Hanjin and fallen angel Catherine. Fighting will make him tangled, why? Why not let him participate? !

In fact, all the strong people who regard Han Jin as a threat do not realize that Han Jin has a terrible character!

The larger the scale of the battle, the more abundant Hanjin’s harvest will be, and the faster the strength will progress, the more and more terrible symbols will be produced! The only way is that all the high-end forces of hatred Hanjin are brought together, attacking Han Jin and completely destroying Hanjin!

It is a pity that neither Donald nor Nikolay, Black Dragon King Van Luding, or the Big Lich Denver have raised Hanjin to such a height.

At this moment, Hogan came in again: "Master, forgot to tell you, Gail and Geng Green seem to be looking for you."

"I have been here for a few days?" Han Jin asked, he was not fighting Adolf, it was to adjust the interest rate, completely ignoring the time.

"It's been almost three days," Hogan replied.

"Well, you go out and tell them, I will come soon." Han Jindao.


It was late at night, and the city of Esnoli fell into silence. But in the village of Kemalaki, the lights are still not extinguished.

"Dear Kemalage, what are you upset about? You should know that they want a complete free federation, not a land where riots occur every day." An old man in a black robe said slowly. .

Kemoraki looked at the old man for a while, smiled bitterly. "Do you really think we have room for bargaining?"

“Why do you think so?” the old man said with a smile. “Negotiation is a wonderful art. Yes, he has great power, but sometimes power does not equal power.”

"What do you want to do?" Kemoraqi asked with a strong spirit. It was really impossible to understand the courage of the old guy. The sight seen in the perspective of the perspective has made him think that Han Jin could not afford a trace of resistance. If Camoraki has absolute power, he has already offered free federal hands.

"We can accept that he will become the master of the Freedom of the Federation, and his will will be fully implemented. There is no doubt about it." After the old man paused, he said in a firm tone. "But in some things, we must have to speak." The right, this is what we deserve."

Kemoraki sighed. "Excuse me, you are playing with fire."

The old man shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe, what about it? Our tradition will not change because of a war. You should be very clear about this."

"You haven't thought about the consequences? If they give up the Freedom Federation, who will deal with the abyss army?" Kemoraki frowned, and there was a bit of disgust in his heart. Of course he knew what the old man said.

"You are too pessimistic." The old man showed a few minutes in his eyes. "The young king will not do this. The territory of the Freedom Federation is much larger than the Holy Crown City."

"You may not know the king very well." Kemoraki looked at the old man in front of him, and suddenly he hoped that Han Jin could kill him and kill the **** lawmakers. In that case, the world would be clean. It is.

“Oh?” The old man was very interested in picking his eyebrows. “What do you want to say?”

"You don't know what happened during the day? One can beat the tens of thousands of troops and run away. What reason do you think he will compromise with you?"

"Compromise? You said it wrong." The old man said leisurely. "How dare I think about it, but there are a lot of things in the Freedom Federation. It is more appropriate for us to deal with it. You should have a deep understanding of this. What?"

In the eyes of Kemalaki, there was a trace of anger. In the time when he became the consul, he also thought about doing something drastically, but the facts tell him that no matter what he wants to do, he only touches these members. Their interests, then it is impossible to get effective implementation.

"Since this is the case, Honduras, you replaced me with the young king. I believe that with your wisdom, you will be convinced." Kemoraki said with a smile, he thought about tomorrow. Going to the Ares in the morning to make things clear, it is not that he is not cooperating with Kemalaki. It is really compared with these members of the parliament. His words are simply insignificant.

"As you wish." The old man stood up gracefully and squatted.

The two smiled at the same time.


When Hanjin walked onto the deck, he was seeing what Gail’s head and Geng Green discussed.

"How is it?" Han Jin sat down beside them.

"Kemolazi's attitude is very determined. I really don't know where he came from. Rafael. If you don't object, we are not as good as..." Gail's eyelids pulled down: "Let's find a solution." ”

"Is there any progress in these three days?" Han Jin asked.

"If there is progress, I will not be so annoyed." Gail's main pipeline.

Han Jin thought for a moment: "Is it so serious? Their situation is no stranger to me. The governor named Kemoraki should have no power."

Geng Green nodded. "It is true. Most of the right to speak is still in the hands of those members. But what does this have to do with us? The people who save the Freedom of the Union are us. They should show their sincerity."

"Gather those members of the parliament together, let me see if their bones are really so hard." Gael’s general pipeline, his attitude is very bleak, as if to say an insignificant business.

"It's a way, or it's better to solve it quickly. I can't waste time on them." Geng Green's approval made Han Jin somewhat surprised.

It is not surprising that General Gail made this decision. He has been an assassin for many years and he does not know how many lives he has on his hands. However, in the impression of Han Jin, Zeng Green has always been a quiet and eminent image of the elders, and he can agree with this kind of suggestion that is full of **** atmosphere. It is somewhat unbelievable.

Han Jin has forgotten, and Geng Green, as the former president of the Xiongguang Imperial Magic Guild, could not sit in that position without the temptation to kill and decide.

Han Jin only made a slight hesitation, and he made a decision. "You can do it. Mr. Green is right. We don't have much time. We really can't waste it on them."

Although Han Jin’s intention was not to use killing to solve the problem, but when he thought of the aristocratic identity of the members, he would not pay attention to it. Those who are in great difficulty and only pay attention to their own interests, there is no harm in killing a few.

Geng Green smiled and just wanted to say something. He heard the mountain soldiers report that Camoraki was seeking to see.

Han Jin nodded and gestured to the mountain warrior to take him up.

When Kemoraki went to the deck and saw Han Jin and others sitting there laughing and joking, and quickly went over, he first paid a respectful dedication and said his excuses. The war that has come has already made him physically and mentally exhausted. Coupled with his age, his body could not support him. He begged Han Jin to allow him to rest for a few days. As for the work of the negotiations, the members of the House of Lords took over.

Even if Han Jin didn't understand politics, he could hear the insincere words in Kemalaki's words, not to mention the people who had been stunned a few days ago. How could they not succumb to it after a few days, and they ran to the Ares in the middle of the night. There must be awkwardness. Simply hand over the power of negotiation, perhaps to save yourself, perhaps not to bear the sight of bloodshed.

However, this is also true. Kemoraki’s words at least show his attitude from the side. He is still a little appreciative to this person, Han Jin, who knows from the mouth of Bauer’s mouth that Kemalaki has a high reputation in the Freedom Federation. It is one of the few people who are willing to do something practical.

"It doesn't matter, you are resting." Han Jin smiled and promised Kemalaki's request. "We are still negotiating, when will we meet with the distinguished members of the parliament, you just come, just for us. Let's make a appointment."

Kemoraki promised to come down and walked to the city, thinking in his heart, fortunately he made a decision in advance, it seems that the young king has already turned his mind to those members, those short-sighted guys I am afraid I can't think of what they are going to face.

Looking up at the dark sky, Kemolaki sighed in his heart, and the days of the Freedom of the Union really changed.