MTL - Warlord of Chaos-Chapter 17 traitor

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Suseo raised his hand and released a water polo. He was stimulated by cold water. He screamed and screamed, and opened his eyes with a ugly face. A beautiful and ugly face jumped into her eyes, and she couldn’t help but scream and use her hands to go backwards.

"Miss Lily, don't be nervous, everyone is a friend." Han Jin said softly.

Yan Li looked at her and saw Han Jin, but her expression did not have the slightest ‘friend’ taste. Instead, she gritted her teeth: “It’s you!!”

"Cough... it's me." Han Jin coughed.

The beautiful eyes swept through Moxie and others, and she suddenly remembered something: "Uncle Hoffman? Where is Uncle Hoffman?"

Han Jin and Mo Xinke looked at each other and the situation was a bit tricky. The soldiers stunned Julie into the cave. Obviously, the situation has reached a critical level. Julie should also have an impression of the situation at that time. The lie between the rushes is not only the lie. I can't get the trust of the beautiful, and it will make the wariness of the beautiful and deeper.

"You have to be calmer." Senniel saw Han Jin and Mo Xinke face a hard time, stood up and said softly: "You... is the only survivor."

The beautiful body shook a bit, then turned and ran forward, and Mo Xinke took a step and blocked the beautiful road.

"Let's get out!" screamed brilliantly.

The Moxico department is dodging a beautiful sight, because he has a flaw in his heart: "Miss Lily, it is not for you, really."

"Let's leave, let me go!" Julie shouted and pushed her hand to push the letter.

The Moss is still in front of the beautiful, the battlefield is too bloody, and the current mood is very unstable, and then it is strongly stimulated, the consequences are unpredictable, so he must not let it open.

The beautiful movements became more and more fierce. In the end, it even developed to use fists to kick and kick, but the body of Moxico was as unmoving as a mountain. Half a mile, Moxike had nothing to do, but Lili was tired. Oh.

"Miss Lily, are you? You calm down!" Sunil said: "What use is it for you? Can you let these pains be forgotten, or can you let your soldiers get a new life?"

Beautifully turned and stared at Siniel: "You just told me that I am the only survivor?"


"They can face death to protect me. Do I have no courage to send anything else?" said Li Li, her voice was calm, or she was trying to control herself, but she could not tear her eyes. Sliding from her eyes.

The fairy language was stuffed. For a moment, she said with a smile: "Mosco, let's open, she is right."

Moss looked at Han Jin with helpless eyes, but Han Jin sighed: "Let her go."

The brilliant question not only touched Sunil, but also touched him. If you don't let Julie go to the last side, maybe Julie will hate them for a lifetime, and she will hate her for a lifetime.

Moxike couldn't help but let it go, and Julie stumbled forward. Han Jin and Mo Xinke and others were far behind. In fact, this time, Lili had already had a hard time, and just tossed the Moxin Branch was exhausted. The final physical strength, she was sometimes stumped by stones or branches on the ground, and sometimes hit the trunk that could be easily avoided, and the back of the struggling movement was very heart-rending.

Mo Xinke wanted to go to Fu Lili, but he was stopped by Han Jin. Now, she should not disturb her, let her freely vent, hysterical venting, is the best way.

Julie went into the battlefield with a roll of climbing, and finally stopped in front of the soldier who died with the face eagle. She slammed into the ground, her shoulders were shaking sharply, but Han Jin and others could not hear the cry. sound.

Julie didn't know that she was tortured not only by herself, but also by Moxenko. As for Han Jin, it is completely different. He is good at controlling his own thoughts. When he thinks that certain ideas will cause negative emotions, he can control himself and not think about it. Moss can't do it. The more she cries, the more she cries. The more he blames himself, the more uncomfortable he is, but he can only bear it silently.

Han Jin knew that this was not the way. He walked slowly to the headless body and looked at it for a long while, deliberately making a sneer.

"What did you find?" Sunil went over, and Moxico and Sasio also followed.

"This person is not killed by a face eagle. The face eagle can't bite his half head all at once!" Han Jin said slowly: "Is seeing his wound? Only suffered from a large blunt attack, or It’s being hit by a heavy object, it will become like this.”

Sunil looked closer and frowned. "You mean, someone attacked them?"

"It turns out that I think so too." Han Jin’s eyes gradually turned cold: "I saw Miss Julie, I finally know who is the murderer."

"Who?" Moxie asked urgently.

"You and I know him."

Moxike stayed, and he suddenly remembered the large blunt attack that Han Jin said just now: "Is that the dwarf forging master called Villar?" The forged hammer in the hands of Villar can completely cause this kind of damage!

"It's him." Han Jin sighed a sigh: "The traitor is unbelievable. Since he can betray you once, he will betray the second and third times. Miss Lily's heart is too soft. If it is replaced by me, then Will never let go of that Villar! What's more, Villar was forced to become a slave, and his heart was full of resentment. Where would there be a little loyalty? If you find the opportunity, you must counter the master."

"The beast!" Moxike's angry scream: "I can't spare him!"

"I can't spare him anymore." Han Jin said slowly, seeing the emotions of Moxinke found a vent, and he finally let go of his heart.

"Dwarf forging master? How could he hurt a warrior?" Sunil did not believe.

"He is not only a master of forging, but also a high-level combat dwarf." Han Jin replied.

"Even if he is a high-ranking combat dwarf, you can conclude that he is doing it with some of these things, some arbitrary?" Siniel said: "If it is not him?"

"It's very simple. After Missy's mood has stabilized, ask her if Villar is in the team. Everything is clear, and I have carefully examined all the places. I am sure there is no dwarf body here." Han Jin said faintly: "And, don't forget, I am a prophet, although I still can't see the future clearly, but I believe in my instincts."

Han Jin has already said this level, and Shannier is not good to refute. She turned her eyes away.

"Sinnel, I feel... you seem to have a special affection for the dwarf." Han Jin said faintly.

"Oh..." Chanel’s eyewaves showed a slight change, but it quickly returned to calm: "You are wrong, I am just a very serious person."

(PS: There is a chapter at 1 o'clock noon.)