MTL - Warlord of Chaos-Chapter 13 Windfall

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With a bang, Moxico threw the little wild boar on the ground and looked at Han Jin: "Is it enough? I will go around again?"

"A big wild boar, it’s almost a hundred pounds? It’s enough for us to eat, and what to turn!” Sasio laughed.

Stillberg had already put the firewood up. He reached into his pocket and touched it. "Young master, it's bad! We walked too fast, didn't bring fire."

"There are magicians here, but also use a fart fire." Mo Xinke snorted.

Sasio smiled and didn't see him doing the action. A fist-sized fire group appeared in his palm, then fell on the pile of firewood, and the flames burned.

"You... are you really a magician?" asked Stillberg, who was full of reverence in his eyes.

"What's so amazing?" Sasio laughed. "When you get to Beit League, you know, there are so many magicians like me."

"Mr. Sasou, you see, can I learn magic?"

"You... I don't know, I am just a warlock. I am not qualified to give others an identification. If you really want to learn magic, you should go to the Magic Academy to try."

"Oh..." Steelberg said with a sigh of relief. He knew very well that it was impossible. Even if he went to the Magic Academy one day, he would take care of the young master in the name of a servant.

Moxico's feet were picked up, and the wild boar, which was close to a hundred pounds, was overturned like a wooden stick, revealing a gray-white belly. The Moxie took a giant sword and stabbed it down. It seemed to be not sharp. The giant sword easily penetrated into the throat of the wild boar, and then the Moxico letter was dragged, and the belly of the wild boar was cut open.

Han Jin always pays attention to the movement of Moss, and Moss is playing the role of a butcher. The giant sword in his hand dances casually, and his movements are light and quick. He is very clever, but he picks it up a few times. Clean up the internal organs of the wild boar.

Under the campfire of the campfire, the flavour of the meat gradually spread out. Several people waited while chatting, and they saw it almost. The Moxico first grabbed half of the thigh and chewed it. Stilberg groaned and followed his hand to grab a large piece of meat, but he couldn't compare with Moss, and he didn't wait to send the meat to his mouth. He suddenly screamed and screamed. Throw it on the ground and blow your fingers desperately.

"What are you robbing?" Sasou asked in confusion.

"Hey...hey..." Moxico snorted a few times, but his tone was weird, and he couldn’t tell if he was laughing at what he was reviewing.

Steelberg reluctantly grabbed a branch, pierced it into a piece of meat, and then held the piece of meat to hide aside, eating it with a small mouth.

"I really don't understand you..." Sasio shook his head. "You should eat it first, I am going to meditate."

Moss and Steigenberg all showed sympathy, but they did not remind Sasou, only to experience the terrible reality. In the past few days, two people have already understood Hanjin more or less. They believe that Hanjin’s food intake has no boundaries. He does not eat all day long because he is afraid that money is not enough to spend, not to eat!

In terms of eating, Han Jin is never polite. At present he can only absorb energy from food, and energy is the foundation of everything. Without energy, he can't do anything.

Han Jin grabbed half of his thigh and sent it to his mouth. His movements looked very elegant, but the speed of destroying food was actually several times that of Moss. The Mox family needed to chew before swallowing the food. The action is superfluous to Han Jin. If the body is big enough, he can even swallow the wild boar directly. The unimaginable digestive power provides him with a strong guarantee. He can only be starved to death and will never be Support death.

Feeling a glimmer of energy into the body, this is the happiest moment for Han Jin. For every additional energy, he will have one more satisfaction, one safety, and one hope.

When Stillberg was full and leaned against the tree, Hanjin had already eliminated half of the wild boar. When a certain guy meditated and walked back slowly, he saw only a bunch of bonfires. Burning, the bonfire is empty, and the ground is full of bones.

"No..." This well-informed bard, at the moment, can't believe his eyes.

"Hey...hey..." Moxie gave a laughter of gloating.

"Haha..." Stillberg was laughing.

"That is for you." Han Jin pointed to the half of the pig's head placed on the leaves, his face filled with a happy smile, he had a happy reason, a few pieces of bread can give him less than one dollar of energy, The meat produces much more energy than the bread. This wild boar eats, and he has hundreds of dollars more energy in his body. How can he be unhappy? I used to go to the jungle to find food, because I didn't know World of Warcraft, so he didn't dare to go deep. This time it was the blessing of the Moxico.

"You..." Sasio just wanted to talk, and suddenly there was an annoying noise in the distance, and the source of the sound was approaching at a very fast speed. Sasko’s face changed dramatically: "Not good! Black Raven!!"

"You go first, I stay with Sasou!" Moxico whispered.

"Steelberg, you leave now!"

"Young master, what about you?"

"I stay." Han Jin is not a savage person, but sometimes, the face must face the courage to face, at least with the companion, strong and more powerful, unless you can go to the supremacy Location, otherwise the danger will always exist. If you are in danger, you will avoid it. Maybe you have to shelter under the wings of others for the rest of your life. His self-respect is not allowed. Moreover, the danger is unclear now. Since the Moxico Branch has made a fighting stance, it means that there is a certain room for manoeuvre. This is also an opportunity for him to prove his strength and horizontal gap. Why should he leave?

"Young Master, you don't leave me without leaving!" Stillberg gritted his teeth.

"It's too late, you don't have to say anything." Sasio sank, then reached for a trick, a mass of soil floated from the ground, buried the bonfire inside, then he began to whisper a spell, a touch The aperture enveloped them all.

Han Jin suddenly found out that the shadows of several of them were gone. What kind of magic is this? Han Jin could not help but widen his eyes.

The noise is getting closer and closer. Han Jin can clearly see a very flexible figure jumping around in the branches and leaves, fleeing directly to them, and the figure behind and over the sky Thousands of crows are screaming and chasing, like a cloud of life, although every time the figure returns, there will be one or a few crows falling, but the total number of crows is too much.

"Help? Or don't help?" Moxie said in a very low voice.

The figure suddenly paused. In this direction, it seems that he heard the voice, but in such a time, the flying black crow has cut off his way and kept him in a big one. In the tree, and began to attack crazy.

The figure is a bower, but at this time the archery has lost its meaning. He is close to the trunk and fights with a long bow. Although the black crow can only attack with sharp points and claws, but the number is large, the figure left to the right and gradually breaks into the wind. Failure is only a matter of time.

Sasko sang a few spells, and suddenly walked out of the light curtain, a beckoning hand, a green, net-like thing appeared out of thin air, with a diameter of more than 30 meters, a hood to go, the majority of the black crow and that The figures were all covered.

The black crow was affected by magic, the speed of the flight suddenly slowed down, and then fell like a raindrop. In the blink of an eye, a 'bird mountain' was formed on the ground. The black crow who escaped the magic attack shouted and changed direction. , approaching Sasou from all angles.

Moxico screamed and stopped in front of Sassu. His figure was shrouded in a white light, and the giant sword in his hand was bright.

The shape of Moxike is very tall, which is easy to give people the illusion. He is a warrior who fights hard with strength. In fact, his speed is very fast, his height is long, and he has a rare giant sword. He is Sassu had an insurmountable sword array in front of him. Every black crow slammed into it and was instantly smashed by the sword array, leaving only the black feathers flying like snowflakes.

Han Jin looks dignified. He heard from Mo Xinke that the strength difference between the swordsman and the fighter is very different. Only by mastering the fighting skills can he become a fighter, and the fighting skills can maximize the power of vindictiveness. If the Moxike is not modest, if a warrior like him can be seen everywhere, it will be too chilling. The power of the fighter is even more difficult for him to enter, and the swordsman and the sword saint are not I dare to think that this world is simply an alternative repair! The superpowers that Moxico said are no worse than the real people in the practice world.

Sasio began to sing a spell again. Han Jin could feel the air or something in the air trembled violently, and then a fire group of more than ten meters wide appeared on the 'Bird Mountain', and the countless blacks The crows are all swallowed up in the fire.

The remaining hundred black crows lost the courage to continue fighting, screaming and flying to the sky, but Sasio and Moxinke still did not relax their vigilance, their eyes swept in the jungle.

The figure jumped out of the tree and said in a crisp voice: "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Sasio smiled: "Only you alone?"

"Yes." The figure walked closer and closer, and finally stopped at a distance of three meters from Mo Xinke: "My name is Xiannier, a treasure hunt hunter."

"My name is Mo Xinke, a high-ranking swordsman. His name is Sasio and he is a warlock." Mo Xinke replied that he did not rush to show his friendship. Everyone has already seen that the other is a woman.

Sunil's gaze fell on Han Jin. From the temperament, Han Jin is the most brilliant. From the appearance, Han Jin is still the most handsome of several people, and naturally attracts the attention of others.

Moss Eye turned and preached: "This is Raphael, the Prophet, the hereditary Baron."

"What?" Xiannier exclaimed, and even Sasko turned around and looked at Han Jin with a stunned look.

"Hello." Han Jin smiled and nodded to the other party.

Han Jin knows that Mo Xinke is a thoughtful person. To introduce himself, he must have his reason, so Han Jin did not say anything.

"I am very honored to meet you." Xiannier bent down.

Han Jin was a little wrong at the moment. Sunnier faced the Moss and faced the two saviours of Sasio and could still maintain the normal state. In the face of himself, he was going to salute. Obviously, the position of the prophet was very lofty, but he did not know that it should be used. What kind of etiquette responds to the other party, can't always come to a "freedom and flatness"? Finally he could only keep his warm smile and nodded.

"Going forward is the Taraxia mountains. You dare to come here alone? The courage is not small." Sasio laughed.

"I didn't expect to encounter those hated black crows." Senltonton paused: "Where are you going?"

"We are going to visit the United States." Sasou returned.

"Great, can you let me go with you?"

Sasio just wanted to talk, but closed his mouth and looked back at Han Jin. When Xiannier asked this sentence, he also looked at Han Jin. The identity of a prophet has caused some subtle changes.

"No problem." Han Jin was very happy.

"Thank you very much." Xiannier smiled and smiled, and the sound sounded very sweet.

unfortunately! Han Jin and others flashed a thought at the same time. Xiannier wore a tight soft armor, and the body curve was extremely attractive, especially the legs, straight and slender, although I could not see the texture and color of the skin, but that The streamlined beauty is enough to be awesome. Sunil also has a smooth long blond hair, dancing like a silk, and she is full of beautiful scales, but her face is covered with a layer of scale-like things. It is still awkward and doesn’t even look like it. Humanity. If you score from the back of Xiannier, how can you get above 99 points, and when you see her face, it will give you a feeling of horror.

"We should leave here right away. If there are soldiers in the Black Crow City, then we will have trouble." Sasou said softly.

"Yeah." Han Jin nodded. He suddenly felt a very weak energy fluctuation. He turned to look at it. Under the big tree, there was something shining in the low light.

Han Jin hurriedly walked over. The things that were shining were some nail-sized stones. He picked up one from the ground and observed it carefully.

"Those are the magic crystals of the black crow, it's useless," said Moxinke.

Han Jin is almost awkward, no use? Every magic crystal contains at least a hundred yuan of energy. Is this useless? ! If only he and Steelberg are here at the moment, he must be mad at it to vent his excitement!

Han Jin reluctantly controlled his emotions and whispered: "Steelberg, pick up these magic crystals and collect them."

"Okay, young master." Stillberg did not use it, as long as the young master told him to do it.

Mo Xinke and others face each other, but Han Jin has already decided that they can't say anything, and it will not waste too much anyway.

"Mosco, where can I buy this magic crystal?" Han Jin slowly asked, since it is useless, it means that this magic crystal is very cheap, this is his fast road to heaven!

"No one can buy it, no one will collect this kind of garbage." Moxenko shook his head.

Rubbish? Han Jinchang took a breath, he did not want to explain, previously heard that Mo Xinke said that there is a magical crystal in the lower-order World of Warcraft, there is a certain chance, but Sasio burned nearly a thousand black crows. There are two or three hundred magic crystals on the ground. Together, it is nearly 30,000 yuan of energy, enough to support him to complete the foundation. How can this good thing not make him ecstatic? !

Thousands of words in the Korean import into a sigh: "I... like this forest!"

(There are recommended tickets for a few tickets, how can I catch up in front of them, and I will catch up soon, my heart is depressed...)