MTL - Warlord of Chaos-Chapter 11 escape

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(I hope that all the readers will be satisfied, even though it is unrealistic to know that, I have been working hard for this goal. Now I want to say, brethren, I have a manuscript... I changed it to Lafay yesterday. Er, I spent a lot of time, and now I have to change it back. I am speechless! In this case, I try to reduce the number of 'Raphael' appearances. The name is still 'Hanjin'. After the scene switch. Replace the 'Raphael' with the title, just like in the mouth of Steelberg, Hanjin is always the young master, and should be able to maximize the satisfaction of everyone, but it is necessary to operate, some 'Raphael 'There are more episodes to be rewritten. Up to now, there are no new chapters, and I have been changing, crying...)

Even the mayor is treated like this. Others will not even say it. If you go a little slower, there will be a whipping of the whip. These knights all have tyrannical power. Although they do not release vindictiveness, the inconspicuous whip can easily tear open the outer clothes and the skin, leaving a deep wound on the human body, such as a knife. Cut in general. Every whip is pumped, and there is a **** rain, and even the torn flesh is thrown outwards. Whether it is a young and strong man, an old man or a woman, as long as someone picks up the whip, Will be tripped to the ground on the spot, good physical strength and can cry a few times, physical weakness is simply unconscious.

Han Jin stood idly by and found that only some knights were particularly embarrassed, while other knights used the method of pushing and kicking to drive away the crowd. Although it was a kind of violence, they were very kind to the extreme.

The sun shines from the sky, but the warm sunshine can't dispel the chill of people's hearts. Thousands of people gather in the square, and the birds are silent, as if waiting for something.

Many knights were scattered into small teams and began to go door-to-door. The way they entered the door was very hot, and the way of searching was even more popular. This can be proved by the continuous sounds and collapses.

"They are so tossed? No one cares?" Han Jin whispered, he was asking Stillberg, but did not wait for Stillberg to answer, someone was picking up behind him: "My young master Let's make a small noise...that's the Guards of the Holy Crown City!"

Han Jin looked back and spoke to the leader of the town's police team, Svanti. In fact, Svanti was very tall, but at the moment he tried to squat, as if the dwarf could guarantee safety. In the current situation, the original contradiction has been negligible, because there is no meaning, the two people are opposite each other, and they show their smiles.

The knights' movements are very fast, and the time is not long. They have turned the entire Ladong town to the bottom and saw a team of knights coming back empty-handed. The young man standing on the top of the head is getting stiffer and stiffer. The more disappointing, the more evolved into a more vicious than the steel needle, the viciousness is so clear, even Han Jin, who stood hundreds of meters away, felt cold.

Finally, all the knights came back, and the young man squatted to his own horse.

"Adult, here..." a knight whispered.

"All killed!" The young man's answer echoed over the town.

killed? Han Jin can hardly believe his own ears. Thousands of people have gathered in this square, have they killed? Just because I didn't find Miss Julie, I have to kill everyone? ?

Not only was Han Jin shocked, but even the knights were somewhat wrong. They didn’t move for a while, but they still had the will to obey orders, including any orders. About 20 knights had pulled out their sabre at the waist and rushed to the crowd. The unfortunate mayor of Mehna was the first to be ruined. The first one was cut down. Then his daughter, the girl that Steelberg went to peek in the middle of the night, was cut by a sharp blade.

The crowd immediately blew up the nest and shouted to escape to the square. Han Jin had already despaired. At this moment, he suddenly found a turning point. The knights around the square seemed to have some doubts, or they did not actively block the flow of people who fled. Very slow, can't they accept this absurd and cruel command?

But now there is no time to think about it. Han Jin and other three people turned around and started running along with the flow of people. Han Jin’s body has been transformed many times. Running is definitely not a problem, and the physical quality is not good. At this juncture, Gee played all the potential, and he died behind Han. The Moxic Branch didn't know when to put away his medal. He also used a very clumsy posture to clip the sword to his armpit. He ran up like a duck. He was afraid that he would cause a fighting guy. The attention, if it is stopped, it will be completely finished.

The Moxico department did not dare to release the vindictiveness, and the knights did not want to release the vindictiveness. The swords in their hands only waved wildly, and occasionally they could cut down one or two people, but most of them rushed past them.

When approaching the town, Moxico suddenly speeded up, and Steigenberg, who was slower and slower, threw Steelberg over his shoulder. He surpassed Hanjin in a few steps and whispered: "Fast, keep up!"

Han Jin took a deep breath and his body shape suddenly increased a lot. After chasing after Mo Xinke, Han Jin never used energy, this **** world! ! He was really worried about what happened again. The energy was his last magic weapon, and he would never use it if he had no choice.

Throughout the fields, there are crowds of people escaping everywhere. There are mournings of crying and crying, and calling for women. For those in Ladong, today’s encounters are no less than the end.

Three people swam through the river and rushed into the jungle at the foot of the mountain. This was a sigh of relief. Moses had just placed Steelberg on the ground, and Steelberg bent down and vomited, along the way. He was fainted and turned, and his feet were touched on the ground, and he could not control the river in the chest and abdomen.

"Mom... who said that the consul of Desmark is a good man?!" Stillberg screamed weakly.

"Come on, change to Zagunede in Black Crow City, your head has been cut off." Moxico sat down on the ground.

In the distance, there are more people rushing to the jungle, and people who break into the jungle come to the depths of the jungle. Although they don't know where to go, they must at least escape farther than the same kind. Temporarily protect your own safety.

"Moxin Branch, tell me, if those knights really kill the people in the town, will not be punished?" Han Jin asked one word at a time.

"Punish? Don't be kidding, do you know who they are?" Moxie sneered.

"I know that they are the guards of the Holy Crown."

"This is not finished! Who punishes them? Desmark?" Moxike shook his head: "The Guards are the main force of the Desmark! Unless..."

"Unless Desmark does not want to be the lord." Han Jin sighed.

"You understand."

Han Jin sat down with Mo Xinke and bowed his head. He was too touched by what happened today. He is a modern person after all. The **** scenes he has seen are very limited, and he also found that The previous experience has become pale, because the social and human environment is completely different. If you encounter something similar again, when you know that Miss Julie has suddenly left, he must have escaped in the first place, and will never be the same as today.

"Prophet, what do you want?" Moxico asked curiously.

Han Jin couldn’t smile. He put aside the arm of Moxico on his shoulder: "We... what should we do next?"

"You are a prophet, you should have the final say." Moxico smiled.

Han Jin couldn’t help but look at Mossenko seriously. When he fled together, Moss was as nervous as himself. However, in a short period of time, he has returned to normal. This kid’s previous experience should not be simple. .

"I have never been outside, you let me say?"

"You grew up in the town of Ladong?" Moxico was a little surprised.


"But I feel... you seem to know a lot of things?"

"I read more books."

Uh... There is a smile that Steilberg can't help.

"What are you laughing at?" Han Jin narrowed his eyes.

Moxie looked at Han Jin and looked at Steelberg. He noticed that Han Jin should be deliberately concealing something. He said slowly: "Would you like, we will go back to Ladong Town at night, or else?" Let's go north and go to Beit League."

"Back to Ladong Town? Moxin Branch are you crazy?" Steelberg exclaimed.

"That guy just wants to vent his anger." Han Jin's gaze looked at the figure running in the wilderness: "If he wants to kill us for whatever purpose, we can't escape it."

"You are right." Moxie nodded.

"That... young master, that can't go back!"

"It’s really dangerous to go back." Han Jin’s gaze fell on Mossenko: "What is the place of the Baxter League?"

"Bet League... is a very strange country. The dangers and opportunities coexist. It looks very chaotic, but after a long time, you will find that Beit League has its own rules. You feel that you have already seen the rules, but you have found Under the cover of the rules, it is all shocking and chaotic."

"Is these words you came up with?"

"It was what my teacher said, huh, huh..."

"Where is your teacher now?"

The Moxike looked at it and shook his head. "We don't talk about this."