MTL - Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation-Chapter 375 lord of darkness

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  Chapter 375 The Lord of Darkness

   Cadia galaxy.

  Many maintenance ships with blue propellers are shuttling back and forth in the void.

  The damaged ship was towed into the port of Mechanical Ark for repairs.

   Those alien ships and subspace creations that had been turned into pieces were sent into the furnace for recasting.

  Use the flames to purify the corruption that lurks within, turning them back into raw steel.

  Supply ships swarmed in.

   Carrying the merchants of the chamber of commerce and the materials used by Mechanicum to repair the world of Cadia, and some narrators who are eager to record the glorious moments of mankind.

  The victory at the Battle of Cadia is destined to be remembered.

   represents that mankind has won a long victory.

  The surface has started a reconstruction plan.

  The remnants of the battlefield are removed by giant machines.

  The corpses of traitors and aliens were burned with high-temperature flames.

  When all traces of battle were cleared, the sages of the Mechanicum began rebuilding Cadia.

  Swarms of autochanters fly over the bare earth, singing carols.

  Technical priests bring purification devices to purify and bless this polluted world together with priests of the state religion.

   Huge machines arranged in a staggered manner are using fifty-meter-wide bulldozers to level the ground, overthrowing the forts and high walls built by the aliens and traitors.

  Behind these giant machines, civilian engineering mechs are building buildings belonging to the empire.

   Statues of the Holy Emperor and lighthouse buildings were erected first.

  His power will shelter the people of the empire through sculptures and lighthouses, forming a firewall that warp creatures cannot interfere.

  Minka stood on the viewing platform of a bulky construction suspension engineering vehicle and observed all this.

  This engineering vehicle is mainly used for large-scale civil projects.

   Huge hydraulic arms and no-contact traction allow it to do most of the work.

  The wide application of these civil machinery is also the reason why the empire can create many miraculous projects.

  At the end of the sky on the construction site, rows of landing cargo ships descended from the sky, bringing workers and materials, and injecting vitality into the world.

  Minka looked at the construction site in full swing with relief.

   Soon, a whole new city will rise.

   Cardia will usher in a glorious revival.

   After monitoring the progress of the project.

  Minka got off the construction vehicle.

   Standing on the scorched land.

  It was blackened by artillery fire and the evil power of the enemy.

   It will take a long time to get back to normal.

  When Minka was five years old, when Minka went to school for the first time, her teacher told her that their mission was to defend Cadia, this ancient hometown, for the sake of mankind, and prevent the great predators from invading the empire.

  They were taught how to fight and how to serve the great Emperor from an early age.

  Minka clearly remembers things from her childhood.

  The sky of Cadia is starless and dark.

   There is no beautiful and peculiar moon.

  Standing on the surface of Cadia and looking up at the night sky, the only thing I can see is a huge, slowly rotating giant void.

   It was a great hole through space and time, deep into the heart of the Warp.

  The bruised purple void area exudes a perverted purple light. The further you go to the middle, the more the color of the void tends to be a corrupt yellow-white, like a terrible eye.

  She once stood on a high mountain with her father, looking up at the terrible Eye of Fear.

  Father pointed to those horrible eyes and said its name.

  Eye of Terror.

  The cage of the eternal enemy of the empire.

  Where the Great Marauder hides.

   Also a source of misery for the Empire.

   "Those traitors who betrayed the light of the emperor are hiding there, and we Cadians are their jailers. We must not let them escape." Father said: "This is the mission of our Cadians."

   "It hates us." Minka, who was still a child at the time, said: "I feel its hatred."

   "It hates everyone. Hates every single Cadian, wants to kill us all so it can escape from that horrible place." The father crouched down, paralleling himself with ten-year-old Minka, and stroked her head.

   "But we will never succumb to the fear it brings, and humanity will win in the end."

   "So when will we win?" Minka asked.

   "I don't know," said the father, "but I firmly believe that there will be victory, and posterity will see that. See the cry of the enemies of the Empire."

  Those long-lost memories came to mind.

   Minka, who was standing next to the rumbling construction site, wet his eyes.

   She is very old.

   Performed many life-extending operations, and installed various mechanical prosthetics.

  The lacrimal glands are no longer developed, but she still sheds tears.

  Those memories of the past are like what happened yesterday.

  The platoon leader patted her on the shoulder as if it happened just now.

  The cries of those dead comrades still echoed in her mind.

   They chanted to her the glory of Cadia, and they were drowned in the cannon fire.

   Hundreds of years have passed since the fall of Cadia.

  The empire has also been reborn from the ashes.

   Bringing vengeance to what was once considered the most important planet outside of Terra.

   To avenge the countless heroic spirits who died here.

   During these long centuries, Minka has experienced countless battles.

  From the world of ice and snow shrouded in darkness, the radiation explosion, the void satellites that can kill people as long as there is a small hole in the protective clothing, and the jungle world where terrible beasts rush out at any time.

  What she has experienced is unspeakable.

   There are countless achievements.

   She has become the leader and supreme commander of all Cadians.

   "We're going home." Minka crouched down, touching the ground, feeling the joy of the homeland mother for the return of the lost child.

  The Cadian veterans behind her all burst into tears.

   Few of the soldiers who evacuated Cadia were left alive.

  In the long years, some of them died in the hands of the enemy, and some of them withered their souls and had to choose to return to the embrace of the Holy Emperor.

  The remaining veterans are all back.

  Standing behind her, looking sad.

   They fled in disgrace, and now they return victorious.

   But these cannot restore the failure of the past.

  They have witnessed the death of too many relatives and comrades-in-arms.

   Witness their courage in their last-minute fight for the Emperor, for humanity.

   Now, they returned to their home world with the new generation of Cadians.

   will also continue to pass on the courage and loyalty of Cadia.

   They will continue to fight for the Holy Emperor until every enemy of the Empire has bowed at his feet.

   "Father, mother." Minka whispered, with nostalgia and sadness in his tone.

   Grieving that I won't be able to see them one last time.

  The situation in the Battle of Cadia changed very suddenly, and the communication between the various troops was difficult.

   Minka didn't have time to say goodbye when she was taken away by the unit she belonged to.

   Cadia fell, and she and the other survivors hurriedly boarded the evacuated ship.

  Parents also lost news.

   No need to guess, you can also know their final outcome.

   Those Chaos traitors have no mercy at all. It would be a happy thing if they could die immediately.

   Minka sighed.

  She stood up again, looking at the ruined city.

  The Mechanicus and the Merchant Guild will provide the necessary technology and funds to assist the Cadians in rebuilding the world.

   But this is not the end of the journey.

  Before returning to Terra, the Holy Emperor had given orders to the troops to continue marching.

  The Empire will go straight to the Eye of Terror, drawing an end to the Ten Thousand Years War.

   For a long time, the traitors of the Eye of Terror have been in the active position.

  Empires are often passive defenses.

   Now this situation has changed dramatically.

  The Empire has declared war on the Eye of Terror.

  The Cadians will also be one of the troops going on the expedition, and they will never forgive those damned traitors so easily.

   They must be made to pay the heaviest price.

  Sage Karen is very patient.

  He expressed his vision of peaceful coexistence to the Wotan Alliance time and time again.

   And invited the other party to join the empire several times, so that mankind can be truly unified.

  Of course, he is not as honest as he looks.

  He sent a message to the empire through his celestial-class ship located on the edge of the Andromeda Nebula, briefly explained the matter about the Wotan Alliance, and asked for instructions from Terra.

   And prepare the armed forces of the Pathfinder Chapters and Expeditions for war.

  The great cause of the Holy Emperor is unstoppable.

  He has launched a new round of great expeditions to bring all the lost human compatriots of the universe to the rule of the empire. Only in this way can he fight against the creatures of the subspace and win the final victory for mankind.

  The Wotan Alliance must surrender to the Empire.

  The Andromeda Nebula must also be placed under the control of the Empire.

   Those rulers of the Wotan Alliance have only two options.

  One is voluntary surrender.

   The second one was beaten to surrender.

  The Wotan Alliance, also because of the emergence of the empire, set off waves of unimaginable storms in their originally peaceful society.

  The data and relations of that terrible home of the galaxy have long been locked away in the deepest part of the archives.

  The iron man rebellion and warp space storm collapsed that brilliant civilization.

  At that time, human civilization had changed from scattered colonies of stars to loose alliances.

  The most outstanding scientific and technological achievement - STC, has become the greatest reliance for human colonization of the galaxy.

  If there were no Iron Man rebellion and warp space storm, mankind would have achieved a great rise.

  However, the rebellion came so suddenly that everyone had no time to react.

  Iron Man has used all resources to kill humans by any means.

   Set off a series of unimaginable terrible battles.

  Those ancient weapons with immeasurable power were brought out from the sealed arsenal and released on the battlefield.

   One of the more terrifying things is the appearance of the Lord of Darkness.

  The Federation at the time was not ignorant of the Warp.

   On the contrary, many scientific and technological organizations and psionic organizations have conducted research on the subspace for hundreds or thousands of years.

  They knew about those terrifying subspace entities, and with the help of many ancient races, they realized the ultimate fate of human beings.

  The destruction of mankind is a doomed thing.

  From the wreckage of death and ruin, will be born the Lord of Darkness.

   An absolutely terrifying Chaos God who symbolizes all destruction.

  A large part of the original iron rebellion was due to the terrible prophecy of the Lord of Darkness.

   Iron Rebellion is not a pure story of intelligent creations rebelling against their creators.

  The relationship among them is intricate and related to the choice of the two factions.

   People who knew the truth were divided into two groups in the quarrel.

   A group of people think that they should ascend mechanically and completely cut off the connection with the subspace, so as to kill those subspace entities.

  A group of people think that the consciousness should be uploaded to the mechanical network, which is undoubtedly to exterminate the human race.

  The simultaneous existence of flesh and blood and soul is an important factor that constitutes human beings.

   Until the last moment, you should not be frightened by a foreseeable future, and you should continue to work hard to find another way out.

  The conflict between the ideas of the two sides extended to the iron man and the stone man, and finally triggered a war.

  Someone gave the iron man an order that they must save their creator, and they must prevent human beings from being harmed and destroyed by chaos.

  This order caused a chain reaction. Iron Man stubbornly believed that all human beings must upload their own consciousness to the machine to cut the subspace to prevent the invasion of human beings.

  The flames of war quickly spread throughout the galaxy.

  The Wotan Alliance left when they realized the truth.

   They belong to the third group, the fugitives.

  Several giant arks that were prepared at the beginning fled the galaxy with the federal elites at that time and the core database that gathered all the scientific and technological knowledge of mankind.

  The original elites also took away a family of dwarves who had compiled genes specifically to maintain the core database.

  They believed that there was no possibility of redemption for the rest of humanity.

  The remaining two factions, no matter who wins, the final outcome will lead to the birth of the King of Darkness.

  Even if they survive, they will become the minions and slaves of Chaos.

  For their ambitions, they continue to expand outward, launching terrible wars one after another, and harvesting the flesh and soul of real creatures for them.

   More than 20,000 years passed quietly, and the dwarves became the existence of the same level as those elite descendants by virtue of maintaining the core database, and established an equal alliance, the Wotan Alliance.

  Relying on advanced technology, the Wotan Alliance quickly opened up its own territory in the ruins of the Andromeda Nebula.

  This is far from the galaxy, and far from those horrible warp entities.

  Those self-proclaimed gods are still fighting for the final portal to other universes.

   Once they decide the winner, a terrible disaster will come.

   But before that, the Wotan Alliance was able to enjoy a peaceful life.

  The arrival of the same kind in the galaxy has aroused the concerns of many rulers in the alliance.

  Whether those same kind have been completely polluted, enslaved by the Chaos God who has decided the winner, and started the journey to conquer the universe, spreading destruction and pain to every corner of the stars.

  The capital planet of Wotan Alliance - Sorian Planet.

  A meeting of many business alliances, guilds, and politicians is being held urgently.

"We must gather the army. They must be the minions of the Lord of Darkness. There will no longer be normal creatures in that ghostly place, only ghosts crawling out of hell." Members of the meeting shouted: "They are not our kind."

  (end of this chapter)