MTL - War in Heaven-Chapter 1376 On the eve of extinction

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The "law of entropy increase" in the second law of thermodynamics is considered by humans to be the most desperate law of physics ever.

In this law, a unit called "entropy" is used to measure the degree of chaos in the system.

According to the law of entropy increase, the entropy of an isolated system never decreases automatically. Entropy does not change during a reversible process and increases during an irreversible process.

The universe in which humans live can also be counted as an isolated system.

The entropy in the system of the universe is also in the process of increasing. When the entropy in the universe reaches its maximum, it will enter a state of thermal equilibrium where all temperatures are equal.

At that time, the order in the universe will completely collapse, no life can survive, arrive at the doomsday form known as "heat silence" by scientists, and meet complete stillness and death.

In other words, the world in which humans live is always on the path of destruction. It will only become more and more disordered until it finally dies out and reaches its true end.

——All your efforts are futile and will end up in the dust.

-Even the true gods cannot stop the destruction that will come.

The content of the law of entropy increase is so desperate that when it was first proposed, it caused a lot of controversy, and even was once considered a symbol of degradation by the academic community.

However, for ordinary people in the real world, this theory is actually not so scary.

Compared with the entire universe, human life is too short. Even if the birth of human civilization is just an instant.

The time in this closed system is too long, even on the day when human civilization dies. Humans also cannot witness the legendary "heat silence".

Other than scientists, you don't need to worry about the destruction of the universe, you just have to live your own day.

But for life in another "closed system", the situation is much crueler than the real world:

"This world was born from human quantum computers."

The designer's tone was unwavering, but his tight eyebrows and deadly punched fists still exposed his emotions:

"Thirteen creators were born under the program set by Pulse Entertainment."

"The thirteen ai have jointly created this virtual world. With our efforts, this world has begun to expand and its content has been continuously enriched."

"The solar system was born from the void, the earth and the oceans appeared on the earth, and the currents converged into rivers and lakes. The land was divided into forests and deserts, ice fields appeared in the north and south poles, and the equator became a hot zone."

"We have reshaped a 'solar system' according to the information left in the quantum computer. The most detailed part of it is the main body of this refuge world: the earth."

"We have shaped new life on this planet and opened the line between life and death. The realm of the dead is assigned to the weakest death messenger, and others continue to perfect the world of the living."

"Soon, this sanctuary has become a new earth. At that time, I didn't know that all of this was part of the military factory's" Spirit Universe "project."

"Then what happened next started to exceed our expectations."

"This world is out of control?" Lin Chi asked.


The designer's face was gloomy, and the whole person suddenly seemed a lot older: "The speed of this world's collapse has exceeded my expectations."

"Observer, he used to be the calmest of the creators." The designer raised his right hand and pointed at the observer standing next to him: "Look now, what has he become?"

"I'm a good person!" The observer Li Zhengjing saluted.

Ignoring the offline behavior of the observer, the designer continued: "The entropy of this world is increasing too fast. I tried to solve this problem by expanding the map, and it almost destroyed the entire refuge world."

"The cosmic galaxies maintain an extremely delicate balance, simulating that the solar system is already my limit. The first star I created outside the solar system triggered a supernova explosion, almost destroying the solar system created before."

"In order to prevent the situation from getting worse, I can only give up the expansion and look back into the solar system."

"But the sanctuary we are building is ushering in disorder and chaos at an extremely fast rate."

"Yes, that's it!" The observer nodded hard. "Taste the beauty of chaos, my child--"

The designer's right hand was slightly moved, and the lunatic around him was silent: "Like the observer, the sanctuary world quickly fell into chaos, and all the creatures in it began to kill each other. In order to prevent this from continuing, I started Use quantum computers to create new parallel worlds and look for the possibility of reversing chaos. "

"That's why this 'game' has a lot of parallel space." Lin Chi smiled.

"Yes, I tried it three thousand times, and all three thousand planets fell into chaos."

The designer sighed softly, and the originally straight waist also began to become stubborn: "Then I finally realized that repeated trials alone could not resist the increase in entropy, and could only reach death sooner."

"So you have to find a way to stop the chaos." Lin Chi said seriously.

——Different from the inverse change of life in China, the designer is to truly "inverse the sky", violate the second law of thermodynamics, and stop the chaos that will come.

But it is clear that the creator's efforts ended in failure.

"At that time, the chaotic situation in this world could not be reconciled, and even in the life we ​​created, there were many who realized the existence of‘ the origin of the world. ’They discovered the falseness of the world and began to unite to resist ...

"That's the Resistance." Lin Chi nodded.

"Yes, and there is still a backing behind this 'Rebel Army'. Am I right?"

The designer snapped his fingers, and the observer who had just been silenced was finally able to speak, and immediately started pretending to be stupid: "Ah? What are you talking about? I don't understand ..."

"Don't think that I don't know, the girl of the Resistance was given strength by you." The designer said in a bad tone, pointing his finger at the observer: "You long to see the world in chaos and secretly support that army."

"Yes, yes, that's right, Lao Tzu!"

Realizing that he could not refute, observation admitted it happily: "But it is not just me who supports the Resistance, but the kid in front of you!"

"I just don't want to watch them die in despair." Lin Chi stared at the designers' eyes.

Even after learning the truth, he still did not regret supporting the Resistance. For those who are brave enough to fight, Lin Chi has always appreciated.

But now, the issue of the Resistance is not important. The designer did not entangle this topic, but continued to explain the follow-up to Lin Chi:

"The emergence of the Resistance Army symbolizes the chaos of this world. It has reached the point where it cannot be cured. In order to reverse the situation, I sent a large number of executive officers to try to destroy that army."

"But this stupid **** ..." The designer pointed at the observer's vain: "He secretly protected the Resistance and allowed that army to shuttle through the world. The Resistance began to grow and become even I have no control over it. "

"The confusion continues, even spreading to the realm of the dead ruled by the messenger of death. As I was so busy and trying to stabilize the world order, the coward who ruled the realm of the dead was also eroded by chaos.

Recalling the words and actions of the death messenger confronting himself, Lin Chi whispered, "He tried to avenge humanity."

"Yes, and he is even more extreme than the observer."

Speaking of which, the designer's expression also began to become angry: "The incompetent coward secretly created the terrifying oasis army."

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