MTL - War God Asura-Chapter 86 Soul sucking

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At this moment, a sudden burst of powerful energy emerged from the air. In the end, it was even hit by the disciple and slammed it.

Then the space squirmed, and the figure of an old man wearing a gray robes emerged from the space, and this is the elder of the silence.

"Li Ran, actually so heavy to the same disciple, do you want to be removed from the Yufeng Pavilion?" The elders of Silent Water saw the sentence of the wounded, and then sternly yelled at the male disciple.

"The disciple did not dare," and the disciple rushed down and looked nervously.

"Two elders, you are coming, Xiaohan is hurt."

At this moment, the man holding Li Xiaohan came to the elders of the Silent Waters and said to the elders of the Silent.

When the elders of Silence saw the pale face at the moment, Li Xiaohan, who had passed out of the past, changed his face. Then he grabbed Li Xiaohan from the disciple’s arms and stuffed a golden treasure. Li Xiaohan’s mouth.

After that, he rushed to give Li Xiaohan a pulse, but after a short pulse, the old face began to tremble.

Then a wave of the sleeves was rolled up together with the criminal sentence on the ground, and then stepped into the space and disappeared.

"Bai Shixiong, it seems that the relationship between the criminal decision and the two elders is not shallow." After the elders of the Silent Waters went away, the disciple who called the "Li Ran" on the criminal decision, while wiping the blood of the corner of his mouth, while walking Come over. .

"Hey, Xiao Han’s sister was so seriously injured. Obviously, he couldn’t get in touch with him. If something happened to Xiao Han’s sister, no one would do it, and someone would have his life.” And the man who was quite handsome was a wave of his sleeves and said coldly. It is insidious on the face.

Time passed quietly, and Li Xiaohan was injured. It has been a month.

At the moment, in the back garden of the prison, the sentence was lazily lying on the lawn, and the past vitality on the face had disappeared, and was replaced by an inexplicable decadence.

There were some tattered purple gowns, full of strong alcohol, and there were many empty jars around them.

A month ago, the elders of Silent Water, after asking about the matter of the criminal decision, sent the sentence back and informed the criminal decision that they would not be allowed to enter the main cabinet until they became a disciple.

However, despite the questioning of the criminal decision, but for the injury of Li Xiaohan, the elders of the Silent Water did not inform the halfword, but from the look of the elders of the Silence, the criminal judgment was also guessed, Xiaohan’s injury was absolutely not light. .

In the past month, the prisoner did not do any cultivation, but just kept drinking. At this moment, he took all the responsibility of Li Xiaohan’s injury to his own body.

Time passed by, and the punishment was becoming more and more decadent. Even now, he felt that life was meaningless. The ambition of the year was all left behind.


At this moment, in the space behind the criminal squad, a sudden squirming, then a gray robe old man emerged. And this is the Silent Elder.


"Emotions are such a thing, it’s really harmful."

After seeing such a decadent sentence, the elders of Silent Water sighed helplessly, and then the sleeves were waved, and the body of the sentence was distorted at the beginning, and then merged into the space and disappeared.


The sentence was lying in the grass and screaming, but suddenly felt dizzy, and when he opened his eyes, he found that he was actually in a very spacious room.

"here is"

The criminal decision took a look at the painful head and began to observe the environment of the room, but when the sight was swept to the room, the face of the sentence was even more excited.

"Xiaohan, Xiaohan"

The criminal force forced up some of the shaking body and ran to it, because at this moment, "Li Xiaohan" was lying quietly on top of a piece of ice that was chilling.


Just when the criminal decision was about to go to Li Xiaohan’s side, he was suddenly bounced back by an invisible force, just like the thousand-year-old black iron.

When the criminal sentence raised his eyes, it was even more shocking to discover that around Li Xiaohan, a square object was slowly creeping, and after a moment of creeping, it suddenly disappeared.


It was only after the criminal decision that it was known that Li Xiaohan’s body was arranged with an invisible enchantment.

At this moment, an old voice suddenly sounded from behind the sentence.

"Water is old?" And the criminal decided to turn around and found that it was not the others who stood behind him, it was the elders of the Silence.

"Xing decided, you have been asking me about Xiaohan before, I am afraid that you are not telling you, but you should have seen it today, Xiaohan is not good."

The elders of Silence came to the side of the sentence and slowly said to the sentence.

"Water is old, can't you always help Xiaohan? What can be done to make her better?" After hearing the words of the elders of the silence, the punishment suddenly became tense.

"Xiaohan's injury is extremely serious now, it is not a cure for Baodan, but you may be able to help her." The elders of Silence looked at the sentence.

"How to help? Tell me soon." The criminal eagerly asked.

"Penalty, don't you think that the talent of Xiaohan, the character of the gimmick, will actually affect you a cabinet disciple, and some strange?"

"In addition, you are also the same, in addition to Xiaohan, you have not had such a strong love for other girls?" The elders of Silent Water also said something to the sentence.

The criminal decision was a look at the elders of the Silent Water. In fact, he had thought about it before, but he did not find the answer.

"Penalty, is your soul power a little special?" The elders of Silent Water suddenly cast a sharp eye on the criminal decision. Said with a smile.

After hearing the words of the elders of the Silent Waters, the body of the criminal judgment is also a tremor. After he is the Soul Eater, the soul power is naturally different from ordinary people.

However, it is precisely because of the special identity of the soul-eater, when the criminal encounters the strong, they will deliberately cover up their soul power, but the sentence is amazed that, despite this, it is still not over the elders of the silence.

"You don't have to be nervous. I won't pursue it for your life. I don't want to know."

"What I want to tell you is that Xiaohan is like you, and the soul is very special." The elders of Silent said with a smile.

"The soul is the origin of human beings, so a person's character and his own soul are absolutely inseparable from each other, and the two complementary souls will attract each other. This situation is called soul attraction. That is Love at first sight in the crowd."

"The soul of a normal person is relatively weak, so the effect of sucking the soul is not too obvious, but because of the very special reason of you and Xiaohan's soul, this leads to the feelings of your two people being too strong." The elders of the water slowly explained.

At the moment, the criminal judgment finally understood some things that could not be understood before, and it was a sudden and cheerful appearance.

"Now, Xiaohan is too serious because of the injury, and even the soul in his body is beginning to dissipate. Although I use the millennium ice to suppress it, the effect is still very small." The elders of the silence said that they were helpless.

When I heard the words of the elders of the Silence, the sentence was rushed to look at Li Xiaohan, and when I observed it carefully, I found out that in the body of Li Xiaohan, a light green gas was flowing out of his body.

In that, the criminal judgment is also able to clearly feel that a tyrannical soul power.

"Water is old, what should I do to help Xiaohan?" The prisoner asked nervously for the elders of Silence.

"It's very simple, use your soul power to fill the body of Xiaohan, because the souls of your two are attracted, so it will not cause rejection, and this is the only way." Wave.

The invisible space emerged again, and finally it turned into a white smoke that fell into the hands of the elders of the Silent, and condensed into a white crystal ball in its hands.

He did not hesitate to see the sentence, and rushed to Li Xiaohan's body. At this moment, he finally saw Xiaohan, who was thinking about it again. Looking at Li Xiaohan's pale face and lips at the moment, the heart of the sentence can be said to be The distress is to the extreme.

After sorting out the mood, the criminal hand slowly put his hands on the arms of Xiaohan, and at the same time a large number of dark black souls began to flood into the body of the sentence.

"A strong soul"

After seeing the soul power of the criminal decision, the elders of the silent water are also brows and deep locks. Although he sensed the unusual soul of the criminal, he did not expect the soul power of the criminal decision to be so tyrannical.


In order to make Li Xiaohan get up quickly, the criminal decision has hardly made any reservations, and instills all of his soul power in the body of Xiaohan, and with the infusion of soul power, Xiaohan’s constantly passing soul The power is also fixed.

Finally, under the package of the dark black soul, it was firmly locked in the body of Xiaohan.

However, a gas sent out its own soul power, and the criminal decision was also beginning to be overwhelmed. In the later period, it was black and fainted.

"Oh, this silly boy"

Upon seeing it, the elders of Silent Water quickly came over and held the criminal sentence that was about to be planted, and then they shook their heads helplessly.

"In fact, all the soul power was instilled into the body of Xiaohan, the soul lost, but it was very harmful to the body." After reviewing the situation of the criminal decision, the elders of Silence put a treasure into the mouth of the sentence. .

After a few moments, the criminal decision was awake, slowly opened the slightly heavy eyes, and found that the elders of the silence were standing beside him with a smile.

"Silent elders, how is Xiaohan?" After waking up The first one to ask is Xiaohan.

"Under the suppression of your soul, Xiaohan's soul is stable, so Xiaohan can now be said to be out of the most dangerous period, but if you wake up, you need to nurse for a while, but you don't have to worry about it." To the anxious appearance of the sentence, the elders of the silence said with a smile.

"But there are some words I have to remind you again." When it comes to this, the face of the elders of Silence is also becoming dignified.

"Penalty, if you don't want things like this to happen again, you should get rid of the decadence now. What you should do is not to blame yourself."

"It's just thinking about what to do to prevent this from happening again. How do you do it, I think you should understand it?" The elders of Silent said slowly.

"Well, the sentence is clear"

After a moment of silence, it was also a little self-blame. He is indeed too decadent these days.

Seeing that the criminal decision was cheered up, the elders of Silence also smiled slightly.

"Xiaohan, next time, let me protect you"

After a moment of talking with the elders of Silence, the sentence was to go to Li Xiaohan's side, looking at the quiet and sleeping Xiaohan, smiling. At the moment, above his face, it is also a renewed smile of the past.

Because at this moment, a decision has been made in the heart of the criminal decision...

The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!
