MTL - War God Asura-Chapter 63 Mysterious old man

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In the jungle of the ancient mountains, the two figures are running at speed, and this is Xiaoqian and the criminal decision.

"Where." "Under the pressure of the horror, at the moment, Xiaoqian's mouth is constantly breathing, and the heart is panicking to the extreme. When the deity has not arrived, this powerful force. Xiao Qian has been so embarrassed that the weak is that the deity appears, Xiaoqian knows that she will not even have a trace of escape hope.

So at this moment, in order to get rid of that tracking, Xiaoqian has increased the speed to the extreme, and even began to burn the soul again..

"Xiaoqian" saw Xiaoqian's angry blue smoke, and the sentence was somewhat distressed.

"The owner can rest assured that I will protect the owner from leaving." Xiaoqian said after smiling the sentence, and then accelerated the speed of burning the soul. And the speed of its Mercedes-Benz is also increased several times in an instant.

However, despite this, he still can't get rid of the oppression of the terrorist pressure, and the other party is approaching them at an ultra-fast speed. If this continues, no more than half an hour, Xiaoqian will be the deputy. Caught.

At the moment, in the sky above the ancient mountains, the deputy lord, soaring in the air, the two huge deep red wings behind them, each time they move, their speed will increase by one point, this speed is not terrible.

But at this moment, in front of the deputy, there suddenly appeared a strong pressure, and the rapid spread, and the degree of power is actually completely engulfed the pressure he radiated. This sudden change caused the deputy to be shocked.

"I don't know where the ancestors were sacred, why should they stop me?" After feeling the power of this pressure, the deputy lord also rushed to stop the figure and shouted at the empty sky ahead.

"The person you chase is the disciple of my door. If you go forward half a step, I will be rude." At this moment, a voice full of pressure, resounding in front of the deputy.

After hearing this voice, the lord of the temple was screaming, and even if he had to move forward again, at this time a powerful dark red gas was diffused from the sky not far away. .

The terror power radiated from it was a tremor of the deputy, and looked at the dark red gas that was in the air. The deputy was finally awake, and then said politely: "I don't know." Which is the predecessor?

"Rolling", but after his revered words were finished, there was a rolling word in his sky. After hearing the word, the deputy lord bit his teeth and said with respect and respect: "The younger generation is offended, but also the predecessors are not blameless" and then do not stop too much, but turn around Flying in the direction of the Nether Temple.

Just after the deputy lord left, this sky also restored the calm of the past, but suddenly, in the place where the sound just came out, the space began to wriggle, and then an old man figure emerged. This old man is actually the "dross old man" who had previously ordered to go to the Tibetan Medicine Villa.

But at this moment, the old man is standing in the air, and his body is exuding an unparalleled majesty, like a saint, standing on this sky.

"The kid, the next step is to rely on yourself." The old man looked at the depths of the ancient mountains and said with a smile. Immediately, the figure disappeared and disappeared.

"Master, the pressure is not there." At this moment, Xiaoqian and the criminals have come to the depths of this ancient mountain range, and feel the horrific pressure that suddenly disappeared, and some incredible.

"Well, I can't feel it. Is it the ability to isolate the depths of the mountains?" And the criminal decision is also somewhat incomprehensible. It is reasonable to say that the strong man is following them.

It is impossible to leave without reason, and at this moment they are in the depths of this ancient mountain range. The only thing that can be thought of is the mountain's ability to isolate.

"I don't know, no matter what, it's safe for the time being," Xiaoqian smiled a little, and then he sat down to sit next to a big tree.

And she is also a bit of a hurry to sit down and take a rest. Although it was only a short-lived soul burning, but for her, the consumption is still great.

At the moment, the punishment, because the forcible use of "swords, swords" caused by the pain is also dissipated a lot, so it is also possible to use the power of the soul.

Immediately rushed to mobilize the soul power in his body to carry out soul healing. It may be because the physical injury is too serious now, and the soul power is also beginning to become irritable, and under the extreme speed of peristalsis, the sentence even feels a little out of control. Despite the exertion of force, the power of the soul still has the surge that wants to explode.

"砰" finally, the criminal decision is not controlled. The soul power in the body is like a volcano erupting. It has surged out of its body, and the most surprising thing is that the soul power at this moment is actually dark black. .

After the dark black soul force surged out, it began to revolve around the criminal decision. In the end, the entire body was wrapped up, and under the package of the dark black soul, the sentence was actually feeling that his injury was at a speed. Getting better, the pain is also dissipated at a rapid rate, and the last extreme injury is actually miraculously cured.

"Congratulations to the master, you have succeeded in healing the soul." The movement that was made by the criminal judgment was also awakened by Xiaoqian, who was closed to the eye and looked at the dark black soul, which was rotating around the body and rotating at a very high speed. Qian said joyfully.

"What? You said that I succeeded? That Xiaoqian, why my soul power turned dark black" and after hearing Xiaoqian's words, the criminal decision is also somewhat incredible.

Although he has long been able to use the soul to heal, but he also knows that he does not really control the soul treatment, but at this moment is actually under the stimulation of the body, the power of this soul healing to the extreme. But what is most puzzling is that it should have been an invisible soul force, and it turned out to be dark black at the moment.

"Returning to the master, in fact, your soul power should be dark black. This is the special feature of the Soul Eater. It was only because the master could not control this power, so you could not use this dark black soul power. Now, the owner seems to be able to use it, and this is the real power of the master, and Xiaoqian is careful to explain the sentence.

"Real power?" After hearing Xiaoqian's words, the criminal judgment is also a sentiment, because he also feels that the soul power wrapped around his body surface is completely different from the one used before. In short, it is much stronger. Times. Immediately after the idea, the soul power surrounding the surface of the body is the body of the criminal decision.

"Ha ha" and seeing that he was able to manipulate this force, the criminal decision is also excited to laugh.

"Master, with this dark black soul power, you can cultivate later, soul attack, soul defense, and soul body method," Xiaoqian said again.

"It turns out that it is no wonder." After hearing Xiaoqian’s words, the criminal decision will understand why the cultivation of the soul-stricken souls is to be step by step. If you want to let the soul power and enhance the fighting power, you must first This dark black soul power is inspired.


But at this moment, not far from their punishment, there was a sudden roar of Warcraft, and there was a strong pressure in the roaring voice. This kind of pressure caused the punishment to be a tremor.

"The early stage of God of War" also felt this pressure, Xiaoqian is also a little shocked.

"Xiaoqian, you said that this is only the early stage of God's Warcraft?" After hearing Xiaoqian's words, the sentence was also extremely shocked. In the eastern part of this day, there are many World of Warcraft, but generally stronger, but only the level of respect, the God of War is rare, I can't think of this one.

Generally speaking, to this level of Warcraft, but there is a certain chance, in the body to grow "beast soul". The beast soul can not only help, but there is no sea of ​​people in the body to condense the sea, and the animal soul itself contains a powerful force. If it is refining, then its own cultivation will also grow, but ordinary people want to It is almost impossible to refine the soul of the beast, but the penalty is an exception.

"Yes master, God of Warcraft, has a certain chance, will grow the body of the beast in the body, a **** of the soul of the God of War, if the owner will refine it in the future, but can improve a lot of skill" Xiaoqian is also some Excited to say.

"But, God's order of Warcraft, the combat power is very horrible." The criminal decision also understands the meaning of Xiaoqian, Xiaoqian wants to kill the God of War, but the penalty is a little worried, let alone Xiaoqian has just burned the soul, and the strength is somewhat degraded. The strength of the World of Warcraft is also stronger than that of the human beings who have reached the level of Wuzun.

"Reassure the owner, Xiaoqian is sure to kill it" and Xiaoqian smiled slightly on the sentence, and then turned and walked toward the direction of Warcraft, and the penalty was shook his head, but even hidden. Breath, followed the past.

At the moment in the deepest part of the ancient mountains has a cave, the location of the cave is relatively hidden, it is really difficult to find the weak, but at the hole of the cave is a one, body foot There is a giant wolf that is ten meters long and has a dark red fur. The two wolves have half a meter long fangs and they stand out. There is a strange black horn on the top of the head, and this is exactly one. An extremely fierce Warcraft "Black Wolf".

"It is actually a black-horned wolf, the master, this Warcraft seems to be a bit wrong." In a hidden tree, a hundred meters away from the black-horned wolf, Xiaoqian whispered.

"Xiaoqian, what's wrong with it?" and the criminal decision was somewhat incomprehensible. This level of Warcraft is the first time he saw it, so he didn't understand it at all.

"Back to the master, to this level of Warcraft has a very high intelligence, and even some can speak people. But you see this Warcraft, but it is like ordinary Warcraft, although the strength is tyrannical, but the spirit Wisdom is still in a low-level state."

"There must be ghosts in this, and the other master, you see that it is actually outside the cave, refused to enter the cave, and will scream from time to time, it seems to be warning that the nearby Warcraft should not be close. This shows that it is at the guard. What, so I think there must be something baby in the cave. Xiaoqian said slowly.

"Hey? In this way, you still have to kill it." Listening to Xiaoqian said that the sentence is also a feeling, indeed it is possible. Then there was some excitement looking into the mysterious cave behind the black box wolf.

The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!
