MTL - War God Asura-Chapter 43 The consequences of doing something wrong

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(Today's 4D update is complete)

However, it was not until the two big men approached the criminal decision. They saw a wave of stern sleeves, and a violent martial arts surged out. In the end, in the shocking eyes of the crowd, the two big men were born. The bombardment, the last blood spurted out, fainted in the past...

"Ah...." Looking at the two brawny men who were still alive, they were thrown into a random squad and turned into two bodies. The fireworks women screamed, and even more were actually directly Scared of the past.

"Get me out" and screamed, and facing the room on the second floor, it was a punch, with a roaring sound, the closed door was shattered.

With the screams of the women in the bursts, several women in the fireworks rushed out of the room, followed by a man with a top, and came out. After walking out of the room, the man opened his mouth. "Mom, that life is impatient, and dare to slap the door of the young master."

Looking at the man who was screaming at the mouth, he said with a blank expression: "You are silver?"

"This is the young master, what?" After hearing the sentence, the man also looked at the criminal sentence and found that the criminal decision was a thin little boy, and then he said loudly without fear.

After seeing the identity of the man, the appearance of the sentence was like a ghostly appearance in front of the man, the palm of his hand clenched, and the man’s chest was a punch, and the man was shocked by the eyes. In the middle, he was shot dead.

At the moment in the White House, two figures, sitting in the back garden, leisurely down the Go. One of them was the host of the prison today, the White House chief.

"Master, today's teenager is not simple. If he finds out that Bai Xiuxiu was forced to die by the young master, it is not easy." The general manager said that he was worried about the old man.

"Reassure, I have already informed Bai Zhen, let him quickly rush back from the Royal Pavilion." The old man smiled and said calmly, and he was the owner of the white house, the silver father.

The whiteness in his mouth is his second son, the second master of the Bai family, and the disciple of the Yufeng Pavilion, but compared with Baiyunfei, it seems too obscure.

"Master doing things, really want to be thoughtful, the second young master is in the words, even if the kid comes back, we do not have to fear him." After the general manager heard the words of the white family, the anxiety in the heart was also eliminated, and then flattered.

And the white house owner, apparently also eats his set, the old face of smoking, laughing is not happy.

When the "噗通" was just under the enthusiasm of the two people, suddenly a heavy object fell into the air and scared the two.

However, looking at the eyes, the two were even more shocked, because it was not the other things that fell into the garden, but the white master, the body of silver.

"Silver" looked at the pale, silver that had already died, and the white house owner shouted. The sadness in my heart is self-evident.

"The home of Baijia, the debt you owe, should be paid back today." Not waiting for them to wake up from the shock in front of them, the sound of a young boy’s sound is heard in the back garden, and then a teenager’s figure is like Ghostly appeared in the garden.

Looking at the boy in front of him, the general manager suddenly panicked, said with fear, it is you...

This boy is naturally just killed by the silver scorpion and sentenced.

The penalty face is expressionless, and the eyes are full of sharp colors. The general manager who looks at the body is trembling.

At this moment, the white family's slaves heard the sound, but also rushed over, but when they saw that it was actually a criminal decision, one by one was only to surround the criminal decision, rather than relying on the front.

"Who are you? Why do you want to give me this poisonous hand?" Bai Jiajia’s main face said that the sorrow and anger in his heart made him forget the young man in front of him and possess the strength of at least the martial artist.

"Bai Xiuxiu is my sister, who do you say I am?" The prisoner glanced at the owner, and then said coldly.

After hearing the sentence, everyone present was aware of the reasons for the execution of the sentence, but they could not think of it. The sentence was so quickly that Bai Xiuxiu’s death was detected. .

"White house owner, I don't want to be too difficult for you today. Just hand over this general manager and the slave who took part in arresting my sister that day, I will let you go to Xing's house, or else..." The criminal decision is against the white family owner. Said in a threatening tone.

And when he heard him, the general manager, and some of the slaves, were even scared and even their legs were soft.

"If I don't pay it?" The White House owner asked in the opposite direction.

"If this is the case, then the White House from today, will be removed in this Yufeng Empire in the" criminal contempt must write the one the crowd, a smile, and in that smile, but full of intention to kill.

"Jokes, when you have been in Baijia for so many years, is it white? The new blood, give me to take him down," and the white family owner suddenly laughed, and immediately ordered.

Suddenly dozens of shadow appeared in the gardens, but these people actually are all martial level, even worse, actually reached the high order martial.

When these new blood appeared, the already weakened general manager, the tight heart also instantly relaxed, he could not think of it, the homeowner actually transferred the new blood from the training camp, these new blood They are all carefully selected, all of them are masters of the level of the martial arts, so at this moment he is no longer so fearful.

After these new blood fell into the garden, without any hesitation, they waved their fists with their arms and anger, and they killed the past.

However, in the face of this fast-moving group of people, the criminal decision was a sneer, and then the palm of the hand was gripped. The new blood was a punch, and the martial arts contained the terrorist power. Grabbed the past, and finally collided with the new blood.

"砰" accompanied by a muffled sound, all the blood of the people were spewed out of blood, unable to fall to the ground.

A punch, just a punch, they will knock down these dozens of martial artists to the ground, and see the martial artists who have been seriously injured, not to mention the slaves at the moment, even the white house owners who were previously arrogant and incomparable. The face of the smashed diamonds finally showed the color of fear.

"Ask again? Are you paying or not?" The criminal scorned the white house owner and immediately said coldly.

"Take me the slaves who took part in the arrest of Bai Xiuxiu on the same day." The Baijia family suddenly shouted loudly and did not hesitate to announce the road. After hearing his words, the general manager beside him was even legs. A soft spread on the ground.

After a few minutes, there were 10 big men in the back garden. At this moment, they were kneeling on the knees, and they kept asking for the punishment.

"Oh... adults, you have spared too little, my wife and children in my family need me to feed."

"Oh... adults, you let me go, my family still has an 80-year-old mother."

But no matter what the reason, what kind of pleading, but failed to let the criminal decision be moved.

"Since I have done something wrong, I have to dare to bear the consequences and dare to do it. It is the real man. You guys, staying in the world is just a curse. You must blame you for failing to do bad things. Considering the emotions of others, the criminal decision does not pay attention to the pleading of the said from the self-concerned, then the sleeves robe, the ten slaves, actually spewed a blood at the same time, one by one weak Kneeling on the ground, fainted in the past..

The criminal decision did not kill them. After all, the criminal decision was not so cold-blooded, and the human life was regarded as a child's play, but the criminal judgment also gave them a lesson, at least they were injured, and it is very difficult to do evil later.

Seeing the ten slaves lying on the ground at the moment, the general manager thought that they were already dead. At this moment, he was terrified to the extreme. At this time, he did not know where to come from. He actually climbed up and stumbled beyond the park. Go, but there are still ten steps out of it. It is a muffled sound of "砰", a blood spurting out and lying on the grass of the garden.

After stunning the general manager, the criminal decision was not to stop too much, but turned around and said to the white family owner. "This owner, advise you to take good care of your descendants and family slaves in the future, do not indulge them to be fierce, or the last unlucky will be you."

After saying these words, the sentence did not take into account the expression of the Lord, and the body shape disappeared, leaving only a group of frightened family slaves, new blood, and the owner.

The owner of "Yu Tong" suddenly fell to the ground with a powerlessness, and immediately said to the slaves on the side: "Send the letter to the second master, and say that he will not come back, the white family will be destroyed."

(Like the readers of this book, trouble collecting it. Thank you.)

The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!
