MTL - War God Asura-Chapter 24 Refuse

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The criminal rushed to the medical court and found that there were injured disciples everywhere. The criminal decision was swept away casually. After many injured disciples, I thought to myself, "It seems that this Yufeng Pavilion is really not very flat," because the criminals have seen most of them from their scars. They were all injured by martial arts.

However, because there were too many injured disciples, the criminal decision could not find four eyes. Until the two roommates followed, they finally found the place where the four eyes were healed, but the four eyes were lying comfortably at the moment. Sleeping in the room.

"Elders, he's fine." The sentence was a bit eager to ask the medical elders in the lounge.

"Nothing big, it's all skin injuries, you can take him away now." The elders smiled and said to the sentence, and then turned and walked out of the lounge.

"This is what you said, you may not see it?" The sentence was turned over with a glance. The disciple who had previously told the criminals about the four-eye injury process, the four-eyed condition is very serious, as if Let people leave the world.

"Hey, I am not afraid that you will not come?" and this disciple is grabbing this head, a little embarrassed, awkward smile.

"Penal, are you coming?" At this moment, the four eyes were suddenly awakened by the voice of their sentence, and when they woke up, they quickly got up and wanted to get out of bed.

"Four eyes do not move" see four eyes to get up, the sentence decided to rush to the four-eyed bed to hold four eyes, said with concern.

"I'm fine, it's all skin trauma, the doctor said that it will be a few days." Four eyes smiled and said to the sentence.

The criminal looked at the broken leg of the four eyes, did not speak, just smiled, in fact, the prisoner has some self-blame, if it is not he who throws his eyes, the four eyes will not suffer such a serious injury.

"Four eyes, come back to me." After a moment of silence, the criminals slowly picked up their eyes and walked toward the loft where they lived.

The prisons where they lived belonged to the worst place where the disciples lived. The people here were very much, and now they were full of prisoners before they were sentenced to the attic they lived in. crowd.

"How are so many people?" The criminal decided to look at the crowd like a locust, and said the question.

"Isn't they coming again?" a disciple, a little scared.

"Oh! That's the best" and the penalty is not the slightest fear, and it speeds up the pace and rushes toward the crowd.

"Let's let go, let go, let go"

"What are you doing? Are you?" The sentence was not close. It was only after approaching the crowd that the good guys were surrounded by hundreds of disciples in front of their attic, and these guys even took them. This is not a big event venue, all occupied.

After the punishment was over, a disciple who also lived in the attic of the prison sentence shouted.

After hearing the word "penalty", all of them cast an envy, even some adoration, on the criminal decision, and began to talk.

I don’t know what to do, but I’m being looked at by them one by one. I thought, what is this?

"Criminate, you are too powerful, I admire you too much." When I did not take the criminal reaction, I rushed over the two young girls from the crowd, and the arms of the criminals kept shaking. From time to time, he cast a sly look at the criminal decision, and did not care about the safety of the four eyes behind the criminal decision.

The criminal decision is even more ignorant. I don’t know what it is all about. It’s good to know how to change it.

At this moment, suddenly a violent scream sounded at the door and looked at it. It turned out to be an elder of the cabinet.

Seeing this elder standing at the door, the sentence will feel that things are not right. They are inconspicuous places. How can there be elders in the cabinet? Is it that the matter of robbing the points has been reported? No, if it is reported that the points are being robbed, then what do the people do to worship me?

"This is a sentence for a small friend, waiting for you for a long time," and the elder suddenly appeared with a kind face to smile, it seems very diligent. .

"What is this elder's thing?" asked the sentence.

"Is someone looking for something, let's talk into the house," the elder said with a smile, and then walked into the house.

In desperation, the criminal decision had to put down the four eyes behind it, and after finishing the robes, they followed and went in.

However, it doesn't matter if you don't move in. As soon as you enter the hall, you are sitting in the lobby of their small loft. There are dozens of elders sitting there, and two of them are familiar faces.

The most incomprehensible thing is that they have all kinds of gifts on their hands, and after seeing the criminal decision, they are all diligently surrounded. This is a bit of a penalty.

"Well, elders, don't scare the criminals." At this moment, one of the elders suddenly spoke. It’s the one who is holding the announcement at the entrance to the cultivation pavilion today.

"The criminal decision is to sit down first," the elder suddenly said with a smile.

"I don't know what happened to the elders?" The criminal decision was not polite, but he sat down with a butt, and asked on a chair that was not much.

Although all of you here are elders, but most of them are about the level of Wu Zong when they talk about strength, so they are not afraid of them.

"In fact, I have a common purpose when I come here, that is, I want to accept a small friend as a disciple." The elder who had a relationship with the criminal court in the practice court said to the criminal decision.

In fact, in the cabinet of the Yufeng Pavilion, there are more than 20,000 disciples, and there are more than a thousand elders. Most of these elders were also disciples of this cabinet, because they could not enter the cabinet. And the age is gradually getting bigger, and I applied for the elders after the strength reached Wu Zong.

And practicing in the Yufeng Pavilion, relatively free, does not stipulate who is the teacher, who is the disciple, everyone is their own cultivation, and the elders only maintain the order of the cabinet.

However, if the disciple and the elders are involved, they can indeed perform the teacher-in-law ceremony, just like the original fan in Lu Zhan. And these elders naturally want to receive a better disciple.

Today’s criminal decision to kill the mid-level high-level Warcraft in the practice hall has been rumored throughout the cabinet, so these elders who have not yet received the apprentices have decided to take the punishment and deliberately find it here. The criminal decision is a disciple. After all, being able to receive a good disciple is something that everyone wants.

"Hey? This is really embarrassing, I already have a teacher." The criminal decision is a decisive rejection.

"It doesn't matter if there is a master, I don't care." At this moment, one of the elders suddenly said loudly.

"I don't care." An elder also said quickly, and then more elders nodded and agreed, these people are just like competing for some kind of baby, the competition is decided.

"But I care." The penalty was a helpless shook his head and replied simply. I am thinking in my heart, you guys, the best guys, but also the first-class Wu Zun, actually want to accept me as a disciple? What can you give me? It’s really shameless.

"Amount...." is not enough. The sentence of the sentence directly can not speak to everyone.

"Oh, I don't know how to be good." Finally, some people couldn't stand the arrogance of the criminal decision. They turned and left. After him, everyone went away. Even some people sweared in their mouths. They didn't have the grace of being an elder. It was a punishment. Never laugh or cry.

After the elders came out, one person did not leave. This is a middle-aged man who is not very old.

"The elder, why don't you go?" The criminal decided to look at it and smiled. ”

In my heart, I wondered why this elder was so young, and at his age, if he worked hard, he should still have a promising future in this Yufeng Pavilion. Why should he be a cabinet elder?

"Haha, I know that the minds of the younger friends are criminals. They are all mediocrity, but they are all at the level of Wu Zong. They want to accept the criminals as a disciple, but they are interested in the potential of the criminals, and will wait until the future. After the small friends enter the cabinet, they can also get a lot of light as a teacher. So it is reasonable to sentence the younger friends to reject them."

"But I am different, because I am not trying to accept a small friend as a disciple, but on behalf of a person to accept a small friend as a disciple." This middle-aged old man slowly said, and always on his face A proud atmosphere.

"I don't know who the elders are talking about?" The criminal decision was asked with some curiosity.

The middle-aged man of the "two elders of the Royal Court Cabinet" picked up his eyebrows and said that he was confident and full of the sentence. Just like hearing the name, I will promise the general.

"Not that I am arrogant, but I really have a teacher." The criminal decision is still decisively rejected.

"Two elders, but a **** of martial arts." After hearing the rejection of the sentence, the middle-aged and old people quickly added.

"Hey? It seems that the elders still don't understand what I mean. I don't care about the strength of strength, but I really can't worship the teacher again." The criminal decision is still decisive.

In fact, for the identity of the two elders, the sentence is also quite heart-warming. After all, the sentence will enter the cabinet sooner or later, and if the second elders of the cabinet are the teachers, then the special treatment that can be enjoyed after that is really self-evident. .

However, the punishment of the old man’s gratefulness is too heavy. Although the old man can’t teach the criminal judgment, if it’s not the old age, there will be no criminal punishment today, so the sentence must be old. Since the day of the teacher, he has secretly decided that from now on, only the old master will be honored.

"Haha, I also admire the heart of the judges who have judged the younger friends, but this is indeed a rare opportunity for you. Is it better to consider the small friends?" The elder still said with a smile.

"Don't worry about it, this is really not the case." The penalty is a little helpless.

"Hey? In this case, I only hope that after the punishment of the younger friend, I will not regret it." Hearing the sentence and rejecting himself again, the elder’s face was finally unable to hang, and then said coldly, the big show waved. Going forward.

The "Gong-pong elders" sentence was stood up and said loudly, there was no fear in his tender face.

After the elders stayed, they went to the market. Even the other disciples who did not know the criminals had to come in and join in the fun, but they were forced to shut out by the four eyes. .

"Penal, how about? Falling under the elder's door?" Four eyes excited, no one used to back, actually jumped on one foot, jumped to the side of the penalty, asked with a smile.

Because he has already known the criminal decision just outside the door. In the heart secretly admire the strength of the criminal decision, he is also very curious about whether he will worship them as a teacher.

"Which did not recognize it" sentenced to pick up the tea on the table, took a sip and said with a smile.

"No, it's a criminal decision. How many people want to be elders' disciples do not accept them. You can do it well, don't do it when you find a door?" A disciple of a preliminary martial artist said something incredulously.

"What do you know? To judge the strength of the early Wu Zong, it is necessary to enter the cabinet sooner or later. It is correct to not worship these old guys." The four eyes are said to be inconsistent with the criminal decision.

"Amount, too, oh...." After the disciple heard the four eyes, he immediately reacted, and he smiled awkwardly.

"Well, let's take a break early, I will take you to the show tomorrow," and put down the teacup on the table and walked toward his room.

Going back to the room and opening the window, I found that the sky was getting darker. I decided to look at the luxurious palaces not far away, and muttered, "She must be there too."

The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!
