MTL - Wanderer of Myriad Worlds-Chapter 29 sea

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"Come on!"

When I saw Kumo Chi being so happy, Fang Qingshan's eyes flashed with admiration. Those who achieved great things must not be decisive.

"There are several ways to resolve the hidden dangers in the master's body." Speaking of this, Fang Qingshan paused for a moment, seeing Qi Mozhi's look of surprise, smiled slightly, and slowly said, "One is the most The simple method is that the bell must be tied. The master has today's suffering because of the 72 skills of Shaolin. He only needs to learn a magic skill of Shaolin to resolve it. "

"What magic?" Hatomo can't wait to ask.

"Yi Jing Jing!" Fang Qingshan said, word by word.

Kumochi shriveled instantly. As a real town-style stunt of Shaolin, Yijinjing is not comparable to the 72 stunts. What is hidden in it, except for the abbots of the past, almost no one knows that he wants to find him. A haystack may not even leave a handwriting at all, and it is not impossible to spread it by word of mouth.

"What are the other ways besides Yi Jin Jing?" Kumochi asked for a moment, after a silence.

Although Fang Qingshan knew this time that Shaolin might lose the Yijinjing and eventually fall into the hands of Hatomo, but he did not speak, and not to mention whether they believed it or not, it was not in his own interest, Fang Qingshan would not Will speak.

So it is expected that Hatomochi gave up the Yijinjing.

Fang Qingshan nodded, without asking why, and continued, "The second method, I have said before, if the master cultivates a complete little Wuxianggong, there is no such thing at all, so ... .. "

He didn't finish the Qingshan dialect, but Hatomo understood what he meant, but it was also a dead end.

Because of the incompleteness of Xiaowu Xianggong, these years have never thought about completion, but the Xiaoyao faction is not as famous, but it is actually more scary than Shaolin.

My martial arts was originally obtained by chance, and there was a dare to come to the door to ask for it. One is wrong, I am afraid that I will be captured as a peek at the martial arts. This is also what I heard from Fang Qingshan before. It is the reason why Xiaowu Xianggong has responded so much.


此时 At this moment, when Yu Mozhi looked up at Fang Qingshan, and was about to ask the next method, his mind suddenly flashed.

Qi Fang Qingshan is not a person from the Xiaoyao school, and he does not cultivate in unexpected people. Can he get a complete little Wuxiang from him?

Thinking of this, Kumochi immediately became excited.

Unfortunately, the idea is beautiful, and the reality is always cruel.

Looking at Yu Mozhi with his eyes shining, Fang Qingshan first glanced, then suddenly realized that he shook his head and said, "The master doesn't need to look at me anymore, I practice with Duan Gongzi is a martial art, Beiming Shengong, Rather than Xiaowu Xianggong, this martial art is a stunt of my uncle, and the master did not pass it on to me! "

I said here, Fang Qingshan couldn't help it.

Yeah, Xiaoyao sent the four great inheritances, Changchun Gonggong forever. In addition to the ancestor Xiaoyaozi, not even Xiaoyao and the three old masters, the other three disciplines are unique, Wu Xingyun, Wuyazi, and Li Qiushui.

Wu Wuyazi has all the top-notch extensions of the Xiaoyao School because of his head.

Because Li Qiushui is a husband and wife with Wu Yazi, it is not surprising that he knows the magical powers of Beiming and left cheats in Wuliangshan Jade Cave.

Then the question comes, who passed Xiaowu Xiangong to Hamochi.

Li Wushui, Li Qiushui is impossible. If it were them, Kumochi would not react so much when he mentioned Xiao Wuxiangong.

Qi Fang Qingshan could not help but ask a little curiously, "take the liberty to ask, how did the master Xiao Wuxianggong come from?"

When I heard Fang Qingshan said that he wouldn't, Qiu Mozhi seemed to be poured into a basin of cold water and calmed down instantly.

However, fortunately, he had long expected that it would not be easy to get Xiaowuxianggong, so although he had some expectations, he did not have much hope.

When I heard Fang Qingshan asking about the origin of Xiao Wuxiangong, Kumo Chi thought for a while and slowly said, "Speaking of this peerless school, we have to start from 20 years ago."

"At that time, the monk made his first move to the pilgrimage to the Holy Land. He encountered heavy rain on the way and strayed into a cave because of the rain."

"But I don't want to have another cave after the cave, but it is the source of the world. There is a bamboo building in the valley, and the monk just got this martial art from it, but hatefully, the monkeys in the valley tear it into pieces, This piece is the only piece of the puzzle. "Speaking of this, Hatomo could not help but hate his teeth.

Routine, full routine!

When I heard Hatomo Chiba coming, Fang Qingshan couldn't help but have three black lines on his forehead. How could this listen to how the protagonist opened the line!

I finally heard that the cheats had been torn by a monkey, and Fang Qingshan was relieved, and expressed his silence for three minutes.

"The master knows, who is the owner of this bamboo building?" Fang Qingshan asked ~ ~ From the layout of the bamboo building, it should be a woman. As for who it is, the monk is not Got it. Hatomo shook his head, and when Fang Qingshan was disappointed, he added, "Except for the cheats in the bamboo building, the only place where there is a word is the doorway, where the moon and pearls of the sea and the moon are shining, and Yutian Lantian is warm. smoke. "

"The tears in the moon and the moon in the sea, the smoke in Lantian Riyu jade!" Silently uttered a few words, Fang Qingshan suddenly moved in his mind, remembering a secret from the Xiaoyao school. "Is it her?"

The Xiaoxiaoyao faction should not be three old, but four old. In addition to Wu Xingyun, Wu Yazi and Li Qiushui, there is another person named Li Canghai.

This person is also the real fairy sister and the core character of the Happy Tragedy. Wuyazi is an unforgettable woman.

沧 Li Canghai is Li Qiushui's twin sister. The two look almost the same. Except for a mole, the two worshipped under Xiaoyao's door at the same time.

The four senior brothers and sisters, can be described as young and charming, the master is domineering, the second brother Wenrunruyu, the third sister is charming, the little sister is pure.

I have no worries and unevenness. There are too few men and they are so good, so Wu Xingyun, Li Qiushui, and Li Canghai all fell in love with Wuyazi.

Although the ancient three wives and four concubines are normal, these three women are all proud. How can they willingly share their men with others, even the same teachers and sisters, even their biological sisters.

He then had Li Qiushui plotting Wu Xingyun so much that she would not grow up for life. Wu Xingyun cut Li Qiushui's face for revenge.

I saw that the two older sisters had been involved in this for the elder brother. Li Canghai immediately felt that it was meaningless, so he said goodbye.

I want to come to the valley where Kumochi meets, it should be a settlement of Li Canghai's seclusion, but I don't know how he left later.