MTL - Virtual World: Close Combat Mage-v2 Chapter 49 The same life, pity?

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I don’t smile and look at the fighters who are one of the four cores of the four seas.

Popularity seems to support the idea of ​​not laughing with equipment first, nodded to him. If you don’t smile, you will raise your hand immediately: “Everyone will retreat first.”

The players in the sky and the sea retreated, Gu Fei snorted: "Call them to go first."

Nodded without a smile. After all, it’s easier to find a few people in the game than to play a pole in the game.

"Go together." Xiao Yu came to pull Gu Fei.

Gu Fei smiled and didn't talk. He didn't laugh over there and he was on the verge: "He won't leave!"

Gu Fei nodded and headed for the four women: "You go first."

The players in the sky and the sea let go of a road, Gu Fei gently pushed a little rain: "Go!"

The four women began to walk outside the crowd, and the rain turned back and forth from time to time.

"Go directly to the safe area." Gu Fei sent a message to her, then quietly stood in the same place waiting for news.

"Going far enough? The dagger can return me!" I don't laugh at Gu Fei's mind, so I haven't been urging it.

Gu Fei smiled again: "You still beheaded, can I leave?"

"Of course." I don't want to laugh and don't want to be authentic.

Gu Fei is laughing again: "No!"

"You!" Not angry.

"Lying is not good to end." Gu Fei smiled.

Do not smile, then angered: "Fuck, there are spies!!"

Just now, Yu Tian Shen Ming exposed to Gu Fei. I didn’t laugh at the guild. When I got back the dagger, I immediately killed Gu Fei, and I also hid someone at the Master’s College, vowing to take Gu Fei’s turn.

Gu Fei also immediately changed his original intention, determined not to be decapitated and not to laugh. It is Gu Fei’s support to treat his people with his own way.

The lie has been debunked, and it is useless to sing and sing a white face. When he was still imagining his own dagger in his heart, he had already made up his mind for him.

"Kill him, burst into the whisper of the wind!" The wind screamed and screamed, and it was already punched in the slash, and it was the tactical horse.

Gu Fei is not flustered, does not evade or avoid, and his arm is lifted, and the staff in his hand is poked straight. The wind is fast, Gu Fei's arm is lifted faster, and the final result looks like Gu Fei first erected a stick and waited there. As a result, he ran into the chest.

Gu Fei’s stick is also a doorway, aiming at the acupuncture point that is popular on the upper body. Originally, with Gu Fei’s strength, attacking people’s acupuncture points will not be of much use, but at the moment, it’s the wind and the momentum that slammed into it. As a result, Gu Fei’s arm strength is not shaken, and he’s also a half. The body is sour and hemp.

This is physical common sense: the role of force is mutual.

However, the average person does not have the accuracy of Gu Fei's shot, and he does not know where the acupuncture points are. It is impossible to use this physical common sense.

The players in the world are so stunned to see that Gu Fei, a master of the stick, has lost the sense of direction in the current sixth-ranked fighter in the parallel world, and he is at a loss. I don’t want to worry about my daggers, and I don’t want to live in the air. I’m shouting at the scorpion: “What are you doing, go on!”

At this time, a very sweet voice rang on the top of Gu Fei’s head: "Hands up!"

The house in the game is not a flat roof, but a roof with tiles. At this time, half of the pretty face is exposed from the roof, and the contrast with the red and black tiles is really brilliant. An arm hangs from the top of the house and is waving at Gu Fei.

Everyone has bowed, and Gu Fei seems to be no accident at all. Stretched his hand and jumped, and had already docked with the other arm. The opponent waved his arm up and pulled it. Gu Fei and his legs borrowed a few points on the wall, and the two matched each other. Gu Fei rabbit flew up to the front of the house.

"The power is not small, you!" Gu Fei laughed. This has to be replaced by reality. There are several girls who can pull people on the wall at will.

"You are also very agile." Xi Xiaotian helped Gu Fei, who was basically half-squatting on the roof. From the following, Gu Feifei is very chic. In fact, it is a bit unsatisfactory to go to the mid-air power. If you fight for the old life, you will not fall halfway. Naturally, you will not be able to fall into the roof.

"Come on!" Xi Xiaotian has taken the lead and started running. Gu Fei bowed his head and did not laugh. The players who are commanding the four sides of the sea are going to take the ladder to find props to find stepping stones and other things that can help them get to the roof. After the eye-shaking exchanges with Han Jiagong and others who were still in the crowd, Gu Fei ran on the roof.

Xi Xiaotian's familiarity with the roof situation is beyond the expectation of Gu Fei. Where can I go, where can I go, and where I can jump to the opposite side of the house. She knows what she is doing. It is estimated that I have not borrowed from these places. The ghosts of the four seas and the squadrons were quickly stunned. Xi Xiaotian took Gu Fei to the left and turned right around the roof, and finally went to the clock tower of Cloud City. Once it reached the top of the building, it was the highest point in the cloud city.

From here, Gu Fei clearly saw that people across the sea were in the streets of the big and small cities of Yuncheng, and could not help but laugh.

"You still laughed?" Xi Xiaotian said behind him.


"After the four seas, I will definitely find you in trouble." Xi Xiaotian said.

"So, your troubles will only be more than me?" Gu Fei laughed.

"I?" Xi Xiaotian shook his head. "I am not as afraid of trouble as you think. Levels and the like are not important to me. So, even if someone is chased and killed, it is no big deal. Moreover, in response to trouble, I may be more professional than you."

"Of course, practice makes perfect!" Gu Feiyu is ridiculous.

"I am a professional liar..."

"The liar is still amateur?" Gu Fei interrupted with a smile...

Xi Xiaotian did not pay attention to this problem. Like Gu Fei, he looked at the crazy people in the city and said: "Professional liar, there is a code of professional liar. In our deception, there is absolutely no way to deceive others' feelings. Using human greed, Set the bait and hook the fish, this is our way."

"What do you mean by people who deceive their feelings, do you mean not laughing?"

Xi Xiaotian nodded.

"It is said that in July of that year, after the fire was deceived and left the game, not laughing and being deceived by another person, this person, is it you?" Gu Fei asked.

Xi Xiaotian nodded again.

Gu Feichang’s export gas: “Is it your job to help you in July?”

Xi Xiaotian shook his head. "No, I didn't even know her at that time. It was my own. Even today, she only slightly suspected that this was what I did. I can't mention it."

"Then why are you going?" Gu Fei did not understand.

Xi Xiaotian was silent for a long time and finally said: "It is a hobby."

"Hobby?" Gu Fei is very upset.

"I like to deceive." Xi Xiaotian said, "For me, it is as fascinating as an art."

"Your hobby is really unique." Gu Fei laughed.

"Unfortunately, my hobby can't be displayed in reality, so I have to come to the game to have fun." Xi Xiaotian said.

"What do you say?" Gu Fei, who has been more casual and careless, heard this suddenly turned back to Xi Xiaotian.

"What? Do you think that I should go around in the real world to lie?" Xi Xiaotian asked.

"It just can't be in the game!"

Xi Xiaotian smiled bitterly: "The things you love, but there is nowhere to use, this feeling of depression, you will not understand."

Gu Fei is depressed. How could he not understand? However, Xi Xiaotian is a deception of the human world. It is a cultural heritage. It needs to be further developed. How can the two be compared? Gu Fei thinks and shakes his head.

"What head do you shake?" asked Xi Xiaotian.

"Nothing. Just, the feeling you said, I may be slightly, slightly! 呃, can understand some." Gu Fei firmly believes that the feeling of not being able to use scams and not being able to play is not the same, so he can only " Slightly "experience a little bit."

Obviously Xi Xiaotian did not believe this even with him, just shook his head.

In any case, because of this "slightly" a little bit of the same feeling, Gu Fei's bad impression on Xi Xiaotian has also changed a little bit.

At this time, Gu Fei’s heart, from time to time, can involuntarily give birth to a feeling of “the same person is the fallen man”, which makes him unable to beat himself: this idea is too dangerous, how can he fall and one Like a liar?

"Okay! I have to go, anyway, thank you today." Gu Fei felt that he was far away from the liar as soon as possible. After so many moments, I was afraid that my thoughts would be corrupted. Gu Fei, who has always been calm and confident, actually has a few places to escape when he leaves.

Under the bell tower, looking back and looking up, Xi Xiaotian still stood in the same place looking down, Gu Fei waved her hand and chose a street to walk in. Far from the rotten thought, Gu Fei has something to do. Looking for a corner where no one was, Gu Fei wore a black cloth, buckled a straw hat, put away the staff, and took out the baptism of inflammation. When Gu Fei received the information from Yu Tian Shen, he had already decided that he would never lightly talk about this letter, and the unbelievable villain.

In the mercenary channel, Han Jiagong and others are yelling to ask where Gu Fei is going. Gu Fei calmly returned a message: "Don't worry about me, where are you not laughing?"

"What are you looking for?" asked Han Jiazi.

"Cut him!" Gu Fei's answer is concise.