MTL - Virtual Evolution-Chapter 1520 World Fusion, Fengshenqi

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Tang San left Douluo mainland. Although the Federation has made this matter as small as possible, but under the intentional propaganda of Haotianzong, Tang San, the first person to ascend to the world in thousands of years, is still It is famous throughout the Doulau continent, and in fact, the Tang Men Chamber of Commerce and Haotianzong have taken the momentum to a higher level.

However, for Haotianzong ’s intentional propaganda, Le Yuan and even the Federation did not seal it off. After all, this kind of thing is two-sided. In addition, no matter how arrogant Haotianzong is, he still cannot escape the rule of the Federation. Just let it go, and set it aside for the time being.

It is totally two feelings to achieve and fail to achieve the throne. Before this, Yue Yuan had the fighting power of God, but it was more the human body's understanding of God's authority, which was more or less powerless. feel.

But now when he truly incorporates the divine godhead into his own body and uses the divine godhead to exercise the power of God, today's Yue Yuan is probably enough to instantly kill Tang San who has just left the Douluo land for a short time. In terms of strength, Le Yuan is already here. On the other side, coupled with the restraint attribute of the God of God, Le Yuan has enough strength to crush when facing enemies that do not exceed his **** level.

But even though Le Yuan still hasn't settled down, after the last message of the divine realm came back, he already understood what was unfathomable.

Appearing at the entrance of the dimension of the divine realm to meet Tang San, they are not the gods of life and destruction that Le Yuan hopes to see, or the five major gods such as the gods of evil and goodness that appear in Douro-related worlds. God King, on the contrary, the person who appeared to Tang San had the same face, breath and even divine power as Tang San.

Another Tang San?

When the final picture was transmitted back to Douro mainland, Le Yuan confirmed several times that the newly emerged Divine Realm Tang San is no different from Tang San who just entered Divine Realm. To say something different, I am afraid that this divine realm Tang San is more powerful, just like Tang San has been practicing in the divine realm for thousands of years, and has completely converted the power of Shura God into his own power. Of course, this level of power is completely manipulated to belong to the same level of existence as Le Yuan behind the hand, and it is no longer the level that will be randomly spiked by Le Yuan.


Naturally terrible, at least Le Yuan has determined that the newly appearing divine realm Tang San is not a fake.

For the time being, it is inferred that Shen San Tang San is not impersonating, at least there is no need to impersonate a new **** who has just entered Di Luo Tang San, and there is no such need for the two sides to be in the same realm. And to achieve the same level of breath, divine power, and even deity, at least Le Yuan couldn't think of anyone who could prepare to this level.

Since Shen San Tang San is not a fake, it is assumed that he is also genuine.

Then the relationship between Divine Tang San and Douluo Tang San is quite questionable. If combined with Le Yuan's understanding of dimensions, then the direct relationship between the two Tang Sans that appeared in Divine Realm would be ready.

High-dimensional life can indeed observe low-dimensional life and even world progress, but high-dimensional life can't do it if it wants to interfere with the development of the low-dimensional world. If there is only one way to intervene in the world-dimensionality reduction, Put your own consciousness into the same individuals in the low-dimensional world, and intervene through "another one" with the same behavior pattern.

If this speculation is used to define it, then Shenjie Tangsan belongs to the high-dimensional Tangsan “the ontology”, and Douro Tangsan, who has just been upgraded from Douluo mainland and entered into the kingdom of God, belongs to Shentang Tangsan. An "avatar".

However, it may not be appropriate to simply distinguish between the low-dimensional and the high-dimensional Tang San by using avatars and ontology. No matter which Tang San, they belong to the real "Tang San" in different dimensions, and when the same individuals of different dimensions appear in the same dimension, the greatest possibility is-fusion.

Of course, after the fusion of the two individuals, everything will affect each other. Perhaps this impact will be different due to their strengths, but they exist more or less.

Very familiar!

Tang San's experience made Le Yuan feel familiar. Isn't he who owns the same experience as Tang San?

He traveled to another real world that was completely different from the real world he was familiar with, and thus came into contact with this game that is completely different from the original world era.

Of course, his integration with the world's Le Yuan may have been done inadvertently, which is one possible reason why he has no relevant memory, but the problem that more cares about Le Yuan is another-everything is true now Still fake?

The dimensional coordinates have been confirmed. The so-called divine realm is not in a higher dimension. On the contrary, what you really want to say is that Leyuan senses the existence of the real world in the divine realm. In other words, the divine realm and the real world have changed. It's not that far away ~ ~ The second phase of dimensional combat is urgent. After the integration of the two Tang and San, who knows whether he will still worry about the so-called friendship?

Dimensional battle plan Le Yuan was not revealed to Doul's Tang San, but even if Doul Tang San already knew something that was known by that divine Tang San, it would have an unpredictable effect on Le Yuan's plan, May directly make the dimensional combat success.

"Yue, inform everyone that the plan is slightly changed. We need to complete the second phase of the world reorganization in advance and start accelerating our process!"

The fundamental purpose of the second phase of dimensional combat is to strengthen Le Yuan's biggest hole card-the small world.

Leyuan's small world has now merged too many worlds, and more than one civilization has been formed. The original Warriors Continent, then the Ninja Continent that merged the ninja civilization, the Demon Continent of the Fairy Sword World Demon and the Demon, and the fighting continent formed by the fusion of the King of Fighters World and the Marvel Watcher, are now still mixed The Dolo continent of the two continents of the Dolo world.

The five continents carry the laws and theories of their respective worlds, and Le Yuan is now centering on the Douro world, rebuilding the world of his own small world, and realizing new transformation.

The people of Doula mainland did not realize what Leyuan had done to the Doula mainland under them for so many years, and it was even more unclear to what extent the power of Leyuan reached.

It is only known that in the Doulian 2700 years, people have almost forgotten the things of the Tang Dynasty three decades ago, and the days are still in accordance with the new daily routine, and just after people have gradually become familiar with the new federal life rules, In the end, their world has seen unprecedented upheavals.

God, it collapsed!

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