MTL - Villain’s Delicate and Charming Wife-Chapter 34

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Logically speaking, a peasant like Lu Che, who was born in a bad background, would not be able to go to work in a state-run factory such as an agricultural machinery repair shop. However, his maintenance skills have been used in several nearby communes. Was passed to the height of "God".

Originally, the farm machinery repair shop didn't know his existence, because some time ago was a "slack" time for the tractors of the production team. Before the rice was harvested, the frequency of using the tractors was not high, and the maintenance rate was also low. lower.

Seeing that the busy farming season is coming, very few people come to the agricultural machinery repair shop to repair tractors, and the workers who are ready to work overtime actually leave work on time.

In previous years, before the busy farming season, the production team would drive the tractor to the farm machinery maintenance factory for inspection in advance, and repair the tractors that need to be repaired in advance, so as not to break during the busy farming season, then it is really broken .

Director Hu of the repair shop felt that something was wrong, so he went to the production team below to see what happened.

The tractor drivers of each production team knew Director Hu, and when they learned that he came to investigate, they all said that the tractor was fine, so they did not go to repair it.

What is the "level" of tractors in the county, no one knows better than Director Hu.

Never mind the new tractors, those second-hand tractors can be repaired every two weeks.

I can't figure it out by myself, so I can only send someone to investigate secretly.

This maintenance quality is guaranteed, Lu Che has a good attitude, and will also teach the driver how to use the tractor correctly to extend its service life. On the other hand, the workers of the agricultural machinery maintenance factory, relying on their fact that they are workers who eat commercial grains, are superior to the farmers.

Anyway, you have to pay for maintenance. It is better to give money to be a grandfather than to give money to be a grandson.

Of course, about the payment, everyone is tight-lipped, only saying that they will give twenty eggs each time, so as not to suffer both themselves and Lu Che.

Director Hu became restless after hearing this. It happened that the repair shop wanted to recruit people, so he made Lu Che's idea.

I saw him repair the tractor tonight. He was determined to recruit him to the factory, so he talked directly to him.

"Then when do you go to work?" Jiang Yao asked hurriedly.

If Lu Che went to work in the factory, he would not need to go to work in the future, and he would not have to work so hard.

"It's not sure yet, and it's not just about recruiting. It needs training, competes with others, and can only be hired after passing the assessment." Lu Che said: "The training will be arranged after the busy farming season, about next month. The specific time will be notified in the mid-to-late period.”

"Oh, isn't it possible to escape the fate of rushing to harvest food?" Jiang Yao was a little disappointed.

"You should say that you can just finish the robberies and earn a few centimeters more." Mr. Lu is much more optimistic than her, "If I go to work, what will happen to you and the milk share? ?"

"That's right." Jiang Yao nodded, "When the time comes for training, you should work hard and strive for competition. But you don't have to be nervous, I believe in your strength."

The next day, Lu Che rode his bicycle to the county town early in the morning, first went to the agricultural machinery repair factory to find Director Hu, filled out the registration form for the training application, and then went to the provincial capital.

This was the last time I went to pick up the goods before the busy farming season. This time, Lu Che didn't take the cloth or cotton, but put in a lot of malted milk essence and candy.

It is already early winter here, and the demand for fabrics and cotton has skyrocketed recently, and the price has also risen. It would not be worthwhile for him to buy now.

As for malted milk essence and candy, which are the best New Year's products, the current price is relatively stable, but the price will definitely increase one month before the Spring Festival.

Because I left late today, it was past eight o'clock when Lu Che got home.

Jiang Yao has been waiting for him, and when he comes back, let him take a bath first, and go to the kitchen to cook the food by himself. Today she made fried cucumber with sliced ​​ham and scrambled egg with tomato. He took the bowl and ate it up.

"You must not have a good meal on the road." Jiang Yao concluded by seeing his devoured appearance.

"No, I have eaten all the eggs and sweet potatoes you made for me." Lu Che said, "It's just that the tomatoes and cucumbers grown at home taste very good, and I eat them a little faster."

"It's delicious, but the weather has been cold recently, and the harvest has dropped sharply. The cucumbers are estimated to be gone after this crop is picked, and the tomatoes will be picked in February, but the volume is definitely not as much as before. "Jiang Yao sighed, "There is one less way to make money."

"It doesn't matter." Lu Che put a piece of ham in her mouth and said, "I will strive to become a worker. At that time, I will have monthly wages and food subsidies. Row."

"Now that you have chicken legs, you dislike mosquito legs without meat." Jiang Yao said deliberately.

"It's not that we dislike mosquitoes' legs without flesh, but we should focus our time on the most lucrative job." Lu Che said: "In the past, there was no way for us to do more if we could earn a penny more. A little work. If I can work in a repair shop in the future, I can have four days off a month, so I can make four trips to the provincial capital, plus the salary, it will be a hundred at least, and those who make small troubles will not do it. "

"Okay." Jiang Yao agreed.

In fact, the purpose of continuous efforts is to make her life more comfortable, and now they are also moving in this beautiful direction, but her heart can't help but panic.

Probably because Lu Che's development is getting better and better, and she is still standing still.

In this era, many people think that as long as a man is capable, Jiang Yao, who has the pattern of future generations, feels that he must be financially independent, no matter how good Lu boss is or can make money.

The next day, Oozao rice harvesting kicked off.

It was not yet dawn, and many members of the production team had already started to work in the fields.

The winter in Qingyuan is not too cold, especially after moving, the whole body is hot, compared to the head of the head in the hot summer, the temperature of the tail is obviously much more comfortable.

Lu Che is one of the most industrious members. In order to save time, he did not go back to rest at noon, and asked Jiang Yao to bring him meals.

After working for seven or eight hours in a row, he was exhausted into a dog, but when he ate the fragrant food made by his wife, he felt full of strength again.


Everyone eats with gusto, as long as Lu Che eats with relish.

Others just smelling and watching, saliva will flow out.

"Jiang Yao, what are you doing to Lu Che so fragrant?" Someone asked.

"It's nothing." Jiang Yao said modestly, "Just scrambled eggs and green vegetables. The fragrance may come from the soup. It's the radish soup cooked with the ham my brother sent last time."

"This is nothing. Our family's New Year's meal is better than your family's simple meal."

"My family Lu Che wants to do the work of three people by himself, so I have to improve his food, otherwise he will not have the energy to work."

Everyone chatted without a word, when Lu Che finished lunch, Jiang Yao would bring a lunch box back, and before leaving, he did not forget to tell him, "Don't rush to the ground just after eating, take a break go again."

"Okay." After Lu Che responded, Jiang Yao went home at ease.

Lu Che is a typical "hard first and then sweet" temperament.

After ten minutes of rest, he got up and went to work.

After Jiang Yao got home, she took a short nap, and then got up to work. She doesn't want to get up when she falls asleep in this weather. She can't be downcast. Lu Che is working hard to harvest, and she also has to work hard.

The weather is good today, the autumn is high and the air is cool, and the winter sun is warm on the body.

She worked with the old lady to move the table and chairs to the yard, doing handicrafts while basking in the sun.

The old lady doesn't do anything like handicraft at all now, she will accompany her to do a little, but every 20 to 30 minutes, she will stand up with Jiang Yao and move her muscles and bones.

"Yaoyao, have you heard of it?" The old lady just pasted a piece of paper and asked Jiang Yao in a low voice.

Jiang Yao was confused and asked, "What did you hear?"

Old lady: "I heard that there is a tractor driver in the production team of our county, who is not skilled in driving a tractor. He even drove a car into the lake with a person. It happened that he couldn't swim. The car is gone."

"Because of this incident, the county will let each production team arrange a few people to go to the county to formally learn to drive a tractor after the rush is over, and whoever learns well will be able to join the production team in the future Drive a tractor, and you don't have to go to the fields to do farm work."

Since the old lady was encouraged by Jiang Yao to visit her neighbors more often, she now has more information on the production team than she does. She really didn't know about it and asked: "I don't know what happened." I've heard of it, but isn't there a tractor in the production team now?"

"Yes, since Lu Zhisen was imprisoned, this tractor driver has become a favorite, and everyone is rushing to do it. Lu Dazhou may want to balance the people in the village and strive for maximum support. The eldest son of the old Li family takes turns driving with the second son of the old Liang family."

"But it's impossible for two people to drive a tractor, Lu Dazhou wants to take this opportunity to settle one person, and then speak based on strength, whoever loses can only blame himself, not him ."

"Milk, do you want Lu Che to sign up to learn to drive a tractor?" After listening for a long time, Jiang Yao couldn't understand what the old lady meant.

"Yes, Yaoyao, you are so smart." The old lady said, "Chechhe has been smart since he was a child. It's definitely possible to drive a tractor."

" Next door Mrs Zhang said that each production team can arrange up to three people to study, and then choose one of the three. Yaoyao, why don't you persuade Cheche to sign up. No, I have always resisted going to the public to fight for good things."

"I'm afraid I won't be able to persuade me about this." Jiang Yao politely refused.

The old lady didn't expect her to react like this, and immediately said: "You don't know how to persuade you to persuade it... It's really good to drive a tractor, don't you want to..."

Before she finished speaking, she saw Jiang Yao grinning, and now she was even more confused, "Yaoyao, what are you laughing at?"

"Milk, don't worry." Jiang Yao leaned into her ear and said, "When the rush is over, Lu Che will go to the agricultural machinery repair shop in the county for training. If he can pass the assessment, he can Become a worker in a repair shop, be a worker!"

"What?" The old lady's eyes widened, and she asked for a long time, " it true?"

"Of course it's true." Jiang Yao said, "I and Lu Che originally wanted to wait until it was implemented and then tell you, because we were afraid to have fun."

"No." The old lady said confidently: "Elder Yue is a university professor and a big intellectual. Lu Che and Mr. Yue have secretly studied for so many years, and they must have mastered a lot of skills. Those tractors that can't be repaired by the repair shop, he repaired it in one fell swoop, such a formidable effort, he will definitely pass the test."

"Actually, I think so too." Jiang Yaoyu Yourong said: "But before the matter is confirmed, let's not say it, so as not to make people jealous."

"You can rest assured, milk knows. Lu Che has suffered too much grievances behind our family's back. "

In the evening, Jiang Yao delivered food to Lu Che again.

He came up from the ground, took the lunch box from her hand, and said, "Take advantage of the fact that there are villagers going to work now and there are many people on the road, so you should go back too."

Jiang Yao knew that he was worried about his safety, so he didn't insist on staying, but whispered beside him: "Don't make it too late at night, I'll make supper at home and wait for you to come back."

"Okay." Lu Che agreed, although he wanted her to go to bed earlier, but he didn't spend much of a day with her, and he also wanted to go back at night to have a good talk and kiss with her.

At eight o'clock in the evening, there were only a few people left in the rice fields. Lu Dazhou was afraid that he would work too **** the first day, so he took the big horn and walked all the way through the rice fields and shouted: "" That's it for today, everyone hurry up and rest, and continue tomorrow."

"Captain, don't you have two tractor drivers? Why don't you have one now? How do we transport the rice we harvested back to the granary?" Suddenly someone ran over and shouted, "It's been a long day. Well, it’s fine if there was no tractor before, but now there is, we can’t let us pick it back.”

"Li Xiang and Liang Ming, the two bastards, one is running faster than the other. I told them to stay until the end." Lu Dazhou was so angry that he wanted to curse his mother.

"Captain, go to their house and call them over."

"Lao Li and Lao Liang's family are far away, so we'll call them back and forth, and we'll go back to the granary and go home after picking them up."

"It's not good either. You can't throw the rice on the edge of the field."

The rest of the people were talking, only Lu Che said nothing, doing the final finishing work.

"Lu Che." Lu Dazhou suddenly shouted, Lu Che bent and turned his head, and asked, "Is something wrong?"

Lu Dazhou said in a negotiating tone, "When you repaired the tractor last time, you tried to drive for a short distance. I think your skill is good. It is not far from the field to the barn. It's just a truckload of these unshipped paddies, or you can pull them back with a tractor."

"Yes, Lu Che, I was there when you drove last time. I think you drove better than Li Xiang and Liang Ming."

"That's right, it's definitely fine."


In order not to pick the rice with my own flesh, I tried to say good things one by one. Lu Che didn't really care about whether these words were good or not. He just thought that most of the people who persisted to this point came as early and worked as hard as he did, so they agreed.

With his consent, everyone worked together to move the rice to the tractor. Lu Che sat in the driver's seat and rumbled the tractor back to the granary.

Lu Dazhou was with him, watching him drive the tractor smoothly, and had to sigh: "Lu Che, what kind of brain do you have? It seems that nothing can trouble you, everything can be self-taught."

Lu Che was noncommittal about this, smiled and didn't answer.

In fact, he has never driven a tractor before, probably because a man is born with a keen eye for machines, and he is familiar with the structure of a tractor, so he knows how to operate it.

The rice was returned to the granary. It was nine o'clock when Lu Che got home.

He went to take a bath at the first time, and after sweating all day, he had to wash up before going to hug his wife.

When he returned to the room after taking a bath, Jiang Yao had already prepared his supper and waited for him while knitting a sweater.

"I made you a bowl of braised egg noodles, eat it while it's hot."

Lu Che sat down and looked at the shiny bowl of noodle soup in front of him. He felt warm before he even ate it.

He hugged her tightly, she leaned on him, and said, "I have a hard time making bowls of noodles, it takes a day for you to collect them."

"I'm not tired, as long as you are by my side." He kissed her.

The kiss didn't last long, because Jiang Yao was reluctant to let him be hungry and kept urging him to eat quickly.

Wait for him to eat it, she said: "You have the opportunity to go to the repair shop for training this time, the person who should be most grateful is Yue Lao. Now the weather is getting colder every day, and he lives in the cowshed again. , I want to make him a cotton coat."

Although there is usually delicious food at home, I secretly send some to Yue Lao, but he is an old man away, and Jiang Yao wants to take more care of him.

"Yes, you can do it as you please." Lu Che continued eating without raising his head.

"Okay, let me estimate the size. If I measure it for him, he will definitely not want it."

The next day, when Lu Che went out, Jiang Yao didn't know, because when she got up, there was no one beside her. She touched his position, it was already cold, she must have been at work for a long time.

She put on her clothes and went out. She saw the old lady coming in from the yard. When she saw her, she said, "Cheche, it's okay to get up in the early morning to go to work, and don't have breakfast."

Jiang Yao also frowned when she heard this, "Milk, how do you know he didn't eat?"

"There is no breakfast in the pot. If he cooks it for himself, it is impossible not to cook it for us."

"..." Jiang Yao secretly scolded the man for not cherishing his body, but he couldn't bear to starve him, and said, "I still have some noodles left from the noodles I rolled last night, I will cut a few slices of ham and fry two more Just an egg, send it to him after making the noodle soup."

"Okay." The old lady replied: "Yaoyao, would it be too extravagant to eat like this for breakfast? The ham your brother sent you is cheap Lu Che. already."

"He's my child's father, so if it's cheaper, it's cheaper." Jiang Yao laughed.

The old lady also laughed, "Why is my grandson's life so good, and he married such a good wife."

Because there are not many noodles, and Lu Che is a big eater, Jiang Yao only made one portion, and boiled sweet potatoes and eggs to eat with the old lady.

At this point, the labor force of the entire production team has gone to work, busy in the rice fields.

Jiang Yao walked along the field, and occasionally heard the voices of women chatting.

She had no intention of eavesdropping, but she couldn't help but pricked up her ears when she heard something like "the son of a gangster", "a second-rate son", and "a thorn."

But when she was about to hear the point, she was discovered, and someone shouted: "Oh, isn't it still early? Why did Lu Che's wife come to deliver food?"

When Lu Che was called up from the ground, she saw that there was no one around and asked in a low voice, "What are those women talking about?"

"It's nothing." Lu Che said: "Last night Li Xiang and Liang Ming went back early. Lu Dazhou asked me to drive the tractor to transport the rice back to the granary. Some people knew about it and said I wanted to fight for the tractor. The driver's location."

"Who cares about the position of a tractor driver? Isn't it good to be a worker?" Jiang Yao was not convinced, and her voice unconsciously raised, Lu Che hurriedly pulled her and said: "I've heard the worse ones before. It's nothing. They can say whatever they like."

"Yes." Jiang Yao calmed down and calmed down, and said, "When you become a worker in a maintenance factory, you will acidify those who gossip."

In the next few days, the rumor that Lu Che wanted to drive a tractor spread to the entire production team.

Some good people went to Lu's house to ask the old lady for news. The old lady said, "Lu Che only likes to repair tractors, not to drive tractors", which sent everyone away.

Lu Che was as calm as always, so calm that Lu Dazhou secretly talked to him, "Do you want to sign up for training, if so, I recommend you to go."

Although he will be under a lot of pressure, Lu Che is indeed a good seedling. The tractor is one of the most valuable assets of the production team, and he is not at ease when it falls into the hands of irresponsible people.

"Thank you Captain, but I don't want to go."


After ten days of hard work by Lu Che, the rice fields that the Lu family is responsible for harvesting have been completed by five-sixths.

When Jiang Yao went to deliver food to Lu Che in the evening, she looked at the bald rice fields and said, "How about going back early tonight and working slowly in the next few days?"

She originally thought he would refuse, but she did not expect him to agree and said, "I have finished some finishing work, you go back first."

He was so straightforward, Jiang Yao was still dubious, but he didn't expect to come out of the shower at night and believe him when he came back.

"You're back!" Jiang Yao smiled happily, "Are you enough for dinner? If not, I'll make you more."

"No, I'll take a bath first." Lu Che took the clothes from the closet and went out to bathe.

It is rare for him to be at home so early tonight. Jiang Yao turned out a soft ruler, a pen and paper, and planned to measure him and make two sets of new clothes.

He doesn't have two sets of clothes that he can hold on the table, so he can't be too shabby when he becomes a worker in the future.

Lu Che took a long time in the bath, Jiang Yao waited for a long time before he wiped his hair and came back.

"Do you want me to wipe your hair for you?" Jiang Yao asked.

"No need, the hair is short, it will dry quickly." Lu Che said as he walked towards her.

Jiang Yao: "Then I'll take your measurements and make you two sets of clothes."

"Why are you making clothes for me? You can keep the cloth and make it yourself. I have clothes to wear."

"People rely on clothes, Buddhas rely on gold clothes. When you go to work in a factory in the future, you can't always wear clothes full of patches." Jiang Yao ignored him, raised his hand and surrounded him.

She wanted to measure his bust, but before he had time, he had already embraced her, his hot breath whirling in her ear, "Daughter-in-law, you are three months old now."

"The first two days are enough, why..." Before he finished speaking, Jiang Yao already understood the potential meaning of his words.

"Is that okay?" Lu Che asked in a hoarse voice.

"...Okay." Jiang Yao whispered, "But you have to take it easy, you know?"

"Okay, I'll take care."

The next day, Lu Che rarely had breakfast at home, the old lady looked at him full of energy, smiled and said, "Che Che, if there is not much left to live, don't do it these few days. You're in a hurry. Look, you slept early last night, and you're in good spirits today."

"..." Jiang Yao couldn't help but vomit in her heart, someone slept later than usual last night.

"Milk, I understand." Lu Che said, "I ate a long-lost delicious meal last night, so my spirit is very good."

"What delicious food have you eaten for a long time?" the old lady asked curiously.

Jiang Yao listened, her face flushed immediately, for fear that Lu Che would say something shocking, she immediately answered: "It's nothing, he has been eating so well recently, I made him one last night. A bowl of plain noodles, he thinks it's delicious."

"That's it."

"Last night it was quite plain, but it was eaten anyway." Lu Che said with his lips hooked.

"..." Jiang Yao pinched Lu Che's thigh with her hand under the table, her strength was like a tickling to him, and it made him ticklish, put her hand He went under the table and took her hand.

After breakfast, Lu Che was going to the county seat by bicycle.

It turned out that he didn't go to work today, not because he wanted to rest, but to go to the maintenance shop to find Director Hu to see if the training report time was confirmed.

Jiang Yao hadn't been to the county for a long time, and clamored to go too, but Lu Che couldn't beat her, so he could only wrap her up tightly before taking her out.

The repair shop is not far from the machinery factory, only three or four minutes by car.

This is Lu Che's second time here. After he registered at the guard, he took Jiang Yao to Director Hu's office.

"When can anyone enter this repair shop? The son of a gangster from Qingyuan Village can also run in."

Jiang Yao and Lu Che raised their heads at the same time, only to see a short-statured man in his twenties walking towards them with a look of disdain.

"Who is this?" Jiang Yao asked in a low voice.

Lu Che: "Do you remember Chen Shuangyue?"

"Chen Shuangyue? Remember."

"He is Chen Shuangyue's son."


The author has something to say:

Update at 9pm tomorrow.