MTL - Villain Rescue System-Chapter 30 second world 4

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There was suddenly another person on the bed, and if there were no accidents, he would live with him for a few years, which made it difficult for Yu Li to sleep.

He closed his eyes, bored in his heart.

Fortunately, the person sleeping next to him is quite peaceful and has no bad habits.

He thought of the rumors about Wen's daughter that he had heard before...

She was in such poor health that almost every doctor who saw her said she would not live for a few years.

Yu Li took a breath.

Just bear with it for a few more years.

With a dead wife around, he'll have a good reason to reject those people, and his parents.

They won't think that they are strange, but they will think that he is an infatuated person.

Then, for the remaining decades, he could live alone.

Therefore, when the rumored Miss Wen family confessed to him, he agreed to her without hesitation, and even went to great lengths to pretend to be a boyfriend who loved her very much.

Suddenly, the place beside him trembled suddenly, and then there was a sound of rubbing against the quilt fabric.

Yu Li felt that she seemed to raise her hand to cover her lips.

In the dark night, the expression on his face was very cold, and the gentle look in the daytime was completely gone.

He frowned tightly.


There was a small cough.

Sure enough.

Yu Li impatiently closed her eyes again, pretending to be asleep.


She won't wake herself up, and then ask him to help pour a cup of hot water...

The people around him moved again, but the movements were very light, as if they didn't intend to disturb him at all.

Yu Li remained motionless, quietly listening to the movement next to him.

Wen Long covered her mouth and got off the bed, trying her best to overcome the itch in her throat, then walked out of the bedroom barefoot, and gently closed the door.

During the whole process, she barely made a sound.

Feeling the bedroom door being gently closed, Yu Li slowly opened his eyes.

He stared at the door for a while, and could vaguely hear a slight cough outside the bedroom.

Go outside and cough? Very good, it seems that his sleep should not be a big problem in the future.

He thought of Lin Ying calling him out alone during the day.

She said, "Longlong's health is very poor. The doctor who saw her last time said that she can live another five years at most."

She also asked herself if she could accept it.

Yu Li forgot how he answered, but that answer made Lin Ying very satisfied.

She was completely moved.

How stupid.

Another five years...

Just be patient for another five years.

Yu Li indifferently closed his eyes again, feeling sleepy.


early the next day.

When Yu Li regained consciousness, he vaguely felt that the touch on his arm was not right, and his sleeping posture seemed strange.

He opened his eyes, but what he saw was not the ceiling he was familiar with, but the woman's beautifully curved nape. The tip of his nose just missed touching the back of her slender neck.

His whole head quickly shrank back.


Yu Li didn't want to understand, he always sleeps very peacefully, what position he puts before going to bed at night, it will be the same way the next morning.

But now, he was lying on his side, still so close to his fiancée.

He moved his fingers and found that his arms were not lying peacefully by his side, but were wrapped around the waist of the person beside him in a protective posture.


Yu Li withdrew his hand almost as soon as he realized it.

Is it what she did?

He stared coldly at Wen Long, who had his back turned to him, intending to put all the blame on her.

But... that seems unlikely.

He sleeps very lightly, and usually wakes up with the slightest movement.

He fell asleep not long after Wen Long went out last night, and he didn't notice her coming back.

It should be that she moved very lightly, and she didn't make any noise when she came back.

Yu Li looked at his hand strangely.

"Hmm... are you awake?" Wen Long rubbed her eyes and woke up too.

Yu Li immediately put on that false smile.

Wen Long glanced at her posture and sighed.

Sure enough, he fell asleep on his side again.

She said naturally: "Good morning."

Yu Li paused.

It was the first time he woke up and heard someone say "good morning" to him, which gave him a very fresh feeling.

"…Good morning."

Wen Long thought of something and asked, "Are you still going to school today?"

Although Yu Li has not yet graduated, but because he is recommended as a postgraduate student of the school, the tutor has been appointed early on, and he will be asked to work in his free time.

Yu Li thoughtfully helped her brush away the hair from the side of her face, and said softly, "No, let's finish the most important thing first."

Wen Long's lips curved slightly, "Okay."

This villain is quite good at talking about love.

The "most important thing" in his mouth was to buy their engagement rings.

Because the engagement came in a hurry, they haven't bought their engagement ring yet.

After getting up and washing up, Yu Li went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

Wen Long just moved in last night, so he was still not familiar with his house, so he wandered around the room by himself.

Yu Li's things seem to only have three colors of black, white and gray. Except for the clothes that he wears every day, Wen Long can hardly see any other colors in this house.

Her eyes fell on the glass cabinet in the living room, staring at the various items inside, marveling inside.

Even the tea packaging is black and white!

The tea bags in the glass cabinet are black and white, arranged on both sides according to the color, with a clear boundary between black and white.

The person who placed them obviously took time, because looking at it, each bag of tea bags was completely aligned with the front and back, as if they had been measured with a special ruler.

Wen Long's fingers curled up, and some kind of subtle evil was about to move.

She raised her hand, took out a bag from the black and white tea bags, and then switched places between them.

Looking at the two bags of tea bags that were out of place with the surroundings, she bent her lower lip happily.

The system that had a panoramic view of all this sighed softly.

【…childish. 】

"Longlong? Breakfast is ready."

Wen Long closed the glass cabinet door, "Here we come."

Yu Li obviously doesn't cook much, the appearance of the food on the's hard to describe.

Wen Long remembered what the system said yesterday, the villain doesn't cook often, and always eats instant noodles when he is alone at home.

She looked at what could barely be called food on the table for a long time, and then quickly ate it without changing her expression.

Yu Li, who was moving slowly with chopsticks on the opposite side, was stunned for two seconds when he saw this.

He hesitated and asked, "Is it delicious?"

He just took a sip, and it seems that there is too much salt and vinegar, the eggs are also mushy, and it seems that there is too much oil?

Wen Long raised her head, her beautiful almond eyes curved into crescents.

"You made it, of course it's delicious."

Yu Li's hand holding the chopsticks paused.

He is like an actor who can only act according to the script. When he encounters an opponent who is good at improvisation, he suddenly doesn't know how to react.

He recalled a lot of common sense and experience he had learned in his mind, and then managed to find a well-behaved answer.

Yu Li's voice was gentle, "As long as you like it."

As if he really cooked a very delicious dish.

Wen Long licked her lower lip, then picked up the milk on the table and took a sip to wash away the indescribable taste in her mouth.

She said in her heart: Mr. System, help me block my sense of taste before having breakfast next time.

【…OK. 】

【Thanks for your hard work. 】

The suffocating breakfast was over, and they set off together to pick out rings at the reserved shop.

Yu Li's car is the same as his room, it is overly clean, there is no extra decoration on the car.

There is no strong and pungent smell of car perfume in the car, but a little alcohol smell.

It's not cozy, but it's comfortable to sit in.

Wen Long sat in the co-pilot and took a look at Yu Li.

In the original plot, the villain seems to hate letting others ride in his car.

When he saw the original owner's body on the road, he didn't want her to dirty his back seat, so he drove away.

Because he was afraid of trouble, he also used the public phone to call the police.

She looked at Yu Li who looked normal, and thought: He must be secretly cursing at the moment.

And Yu Li, who was beside her, had a gentle face, in fact... as Wen Long expected - he was swearing.

His hand holding the steering wheel tightened slightly.

She still has a cold and the car is full of germs... so dirty.

I have to wash and disinfect the car later.

Went to the engagement ring shop.

The sales clerk saw the couple coming in through the gate, and his eyes lit up.

She's been in the store for a long time, but it's the first time she's seen someone with such good looks, and both of them are so good-looking that it's outrageous!

She immediately stepped forward and asked, "Are you two going to choose a wedding ring?"

Wen Long nodded.

"Do you want a finished ring or a custom ring?"

Wen Long glanced at the man beside him, and seeing his blank eyes, she knew that the villain must not be able to hold his fart.

She said directly: "It's a finished product, it's just an engagement ring."

The sales lady immediately brought the two of them to the booth.

The temperament of the two is good, and they are obviously not short of money, so she introduced a few of the most outstanding rings in it.

Looking at the exaggerated diamond ring in the showcase, Wen Long felt a little dizzy.

"Pretty, but my husband prefers a simpler style."

It can be seen from the decoration style of the villain's house, if Yu Li is really allowed to hang out with those diamond rings the size of pigeon eggs, he will probably secretly scold her in his heart every day.

Yu Li glanced at her.

The sales lady understood, and she recommended other styles instead.

This time the ring is plain, but the design is very distinctive.

Wen Long picked out a few that looked good, and turned to ask Yu Li for his opinion.

The final set was a pair of silver rings, with many details, but it looked very low-key from a distance.

"I'll measure the ring for you two."

"No need." Wen Long smiled and waved his hands, "The women's ring is 11, and the men's ring is 20."

Yu Li glanced at her again.

"…how do you know?"

The system proudly puffed out its nonexistent chest.

yes it is it! Make it measure out the data!

However, Wen Long just stared at him fixedly, the corners of her eyes and brows seemed to be filled with love.

"I love you, of course I will remember this kind of thing."


The system was dumbfounded.

Yu Li's expression froze slightly, but he quickly came to his senses and returned her an affectionate smile.

The sales lady watched from the sidelines, feeling sour in her heart.

How do these two people match so well!

Sure enough, there is a saying that is good, eyes can't deceive people! The eyes of these two people looking at each other can be drawn, okay!

If the system could hear her, it would definitely tell her: no.

The heartbeats of the two people with pink bubbles in front of her were as slow as one another, as steady as Mount Tai.

According to the ring given by Wen Long, the sales lady chose a ring of the corresponding size.

Yu Li tried it, and it was very suitable.

He glanced at the woman next to him again, and suddenly felt an extremely strange feeling in his heart hidden under the fake face.

She seemed to really like herself.

After the try-on was over, the sales lady quickly wrapped up the two rings.

After sending him out of the store, she sighed enviously.

These two guests, it doesn't matter if they are good looking, why are they so gentle in temperament?

They seem to be the kind of couple who would never fight with each other, which is really enviable.

Thinking of this, she suddenly felt that something was not quite right.

No quarrel, no anger... Is there really such a couple?

Is that still a couple?

She shook her head, putting those strange thoughts behind her.