MTL - Valkyrie of the Marvel Universe-Chapter 322 collapse of faith

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Chapter 327 The Collapse of Faith

Chapter 327 The Collapse of Faith

Through Gwen's memory, Peter clearly felt Gwen's fear while seeing the enemy.

Fear of death, fear of being killed by a lover, fear of a strange world, fear of the future...

When Peter killed Gwen, he wanted nothing more than to make the process quick and painless. But he has never really died, and he is completely unclear. Even if the brain is destroyed, people will not die immediately, and the human soul can still feel the fear of suddenly falling into the abyss.

It was like falling from a height of ten feet, and the whole person was surrounded by the panic of falling rapidly, but he was powerless to resist, and could only let his consciousness sink into the darkness little by little.

Peter couldn't help feeling a pain in his heart. Only at this moment did Peter really know what he did wrong and how much harm he had caused Gwen. However, this kind of damage is irreversible and completely irreparable. Even if Gwen is resurrected in the future, this nightmare of death will still haunt her forever, and she will never forget it.

At the same time, he also knew why Gwen came to the palace. She really wanted to make sure that the murderer was her lover, and she really had no other way to rely on, but she didn't want to come to Peter at first.

Peter knew that the person who brought Gwen back to life was trying to deal with him.

Doesn't Gwen know?

But Gwen had to come, she couldn't control her actions.

Whenever she wanted to deviate from the path of travel, the limbs would lose control and be forced to correct to the correct path.

Originally, Gwen made up her mind that after seeing Peter and warning him, she would say nothing and do nothing. But the moment she saw Peter, the pain, anger, fear, helplessness and other emotions accumulated in her heart were washed out like a flood bursting an embankment, crushing her reason in an instant.

That's why there is this multiple choice question now!

Peter's teeth were crushed, and he hated himself for causing all this, even more than the black hand behind the scenes.

Peter, Peter, you super big stupid pig!

You've done something **** stupid again!

He thought he was doing Gwen's best, but ended up hurting her more than anyone else!

Why the **** don't you have a long memory!

The strong sense of guilt shattered Peter's state of mind in an instant. Under the **** of strong emotions, Peter made a decision as soon as his head was hot.

This time, he chose his lover!

And, from now on, he will always choose his lover!

As for New World Empire, **** it!

Facing this sudden threat, it would be better if the New World Empire could survive. But if this system cannot continue without the emperor, it means that this new world does not have the value of sustainable existence at all.

The success of Geming may be achieved by the efforts of a few people, but the achievements of Geming require the joint efforts and maintenance of all people, and cannot be based on a certain person or some people.

After finding an excuse, Peter stepped forward and reached out to grab his lover again, "Gwen, no matter what this time, I will never let you go!"

He reached out and pulled Gwen into his arms, hugged her tightly, and then flew into the sky, heading for the business district.

Shopping, watching movies, candlelight dinner... Today, even if the sky is falling, it can't stop him from going on a date with Gwen. If the woman who had appeared in Gwen's memory dared to come out and cause trouble, Peter would let him know what the emperor's anger is!

Once the Valkyrie made up his mind, even if there was a mountain in front of him, he would smash through the mountain, and he would never change his mind. Therefore, even though he felt a huge explosion from afar, he was still sitting in the movie theater peacefully, watching the latest love movie with Gwen, without the slightest intention of getting up and going back to find out.

Healing Gwen's pain from death is the top priority right now!

As for the destruction of the imperial palace and the disappearance of the emperor, how badly it will affect the entire New World Empire, he can't care so much now.

If the enemy's purpose is to let Gwen hold him back, then he is happy to cooperate with the enemy's plan.

As long as Gwen is by my side, everything else is trivial and not worth mentioning.

This is also the happiest and happiest moment for Peter during this time.

Since he resolutely killed himself that day, he has never felt the happiness in the world, and he completely regards himself as a tool for building a new world to use in death. The so-called happiness, when he embarked on this road, was destined to miss him.

Progress has always been painful, only degeneration is joyful!

He thought that he could continue to improve, but now he discovered that the reason why he has not fallen these days is entirely because he lacks a reason to fall. Now, the reasons for his depravity had been presented to him, and he swallowed the bait willingly.

After watching the movie, Peter took Gwen's hand and walked along the river, preparing to have a candlelight dinner.

The girl really wanted to be coaxed, and under Peter's humility, he finally succeeded in making Gwen stop rejecting him. But he also knew in his heart that what happened that day will inevitably remain in the hearts of the two of them forever, and it will never be erased.

Peter tried to make Gwen happy while talking sweet words, but the effect was not good. He wasn't very good at telling jokes, and Gwen was definitely in a bad mood right now.

Gwen stopped abruptly after Peter told another lame joke.

"Uh, the joke just now wasn't funny, so I'll change it to another..." Peter smiled awkwardly and scratched his head.

Gwen shook her head and looked at Peter fixedly, as if imprinting everything about him into her soul.

"Let's stop joking, let's go to the restaurant. I ordered a candlelight dinner, and the chef there is great..."

Gwen shook her head again, looking at him full of nostalgia and reluctance.

Peter panicked for a while, and an ominous premonition arose spontaneously. He was short of breath, and said at a loss: "Then, then we..."

Gwen stepped forward, threw herself into her arms, hugged Peter's waist tightly, and sobbed softly.

Peter hurriedly comforted her, "Don't cry, honey, I'm here for everything."

He raised his hand to the sky, "I swear to you, I will never let anyone hurt you again!"

"I will give up the throne when I turn back. Let's find a place with beautiful mountains and rivers to hide away. From now on, we will be together forever and never be separated again." Peter hugged Gwen in his arms and said full of longing.

"It's too late, Peter." Gwen's choked voice floated out of his arms, "Her goal has been achieved, she is leaving."

Peter's body was shaken, his face turned pale instantly, his lips trembled, "how come?"

"It's less than a day!"

"She shouldn't have made a move yet!"

"She hasn't let you hurt me yet!"

Peter took out a knife from his body, pulled out the blade, and handed it to Gwen, "Come on, stab me a few times!"

Gwen burst into tears, and waved away the knife, "It's useless, I can feel that the strength in my body is already fading, and when this strength completely disappears..."

"No, no, no!" Peter grabbed the knife back again, stuffed it back into Gwen's hand, grabbed her hand, and stabbed hard in his stomach.

"It won't be like this!"

"As long as you can hurt me, she will definitely not give up such a useful tool as you!"

"You come to stab me!"

"Come poke!"

"Don't do this, Peter!" Gwen cut off the arm holding the knife with one palm, crying bitterly.

"I don't want to see you like this!"

"I want to see you happy, like when we were together!"

The broken arm disappeared into black smoke in Peter's hands, but this time, Gwen's broken arm did not recover, and the divine power in her body was no longer enough.

Gwen hugged the distraught Peter with one arm, and whispered on his neck: "Promise me, Peter, you will live well!"

"You have to love yourself and take care of yourself!"

"I don't care about any new world, as long as the world with you is the most perfect world in this world!"

"But if you want to build a new world, then go ahead and do it. No matter what you do, I will always support you!"

"I should have told you to find another girlfriend at this time, but I couldn't bear it. So...Peter, don't forget me, okay?"

Gwen's praying voice sounded in Peter's ear, causing Peter to burst into tears, but his throat was choked, and he couldn't say a word, so he could only nod repeatedly.

"Peter, I love you!" Gwen tiptoed and kissed you. She kissed so hard, as if she wanted to **** Peter's breath into her soul.

Peter also kissed back vigorously. He closed his eyes and carefully tasted the taste in Gwen's mouth. It was cold, dead, and full of the breath of death. At the same time, there were two tears flowing into his mouth, one cold and one hot, clearly distinct.

Peter sucked in Gwen's breath greedily, but soon he felt that his hands were empty, and there was nothing in front of him. He didn't dare to open his eyes, closed them tightly, and waved his hands in front of him in vain, but there was nothing there. His knees gave way, and he knelt down on the cold ground, opened his mouth wide, and wept silently, letting the hot tears flow into his mouth, where there was still a faint taste of Gwen.

What is more painful than the injury is the secondary injury.

What is more painful than losing is losing and then recovering.

Although Peter killed Gwen with his own hands last time, the whole process was very fast, and the painful part was the psychological conflict before the event and the regret afterwards.

At that time, Peter didn't realize how much pain death would bring to Gwen.

Fearless because of ignorance!

He killed Gwen at that time because he really thought it was for Gwen's good. After all, it is better to be resurrected in the future than to be used repeatedly.

But this time Gwen's death was different from last time.

Gwen's death this time was a slow death, watching him step into the underworld bit by bit.

What a tormenting process this is!

Peter now knows what it feels like to die and how painful it is, and he can also feel how fearful and desperate Gwen is when he finally faces death. And under this strong negative emotion, he can also feel how intense Gwen's love for him is.

The stronger this love is, the more pain in Peter's heart!

Especially, after Gwen died this time, even his body turned into black smoke and disappeared. Then in the future, even if Peter gets the time gem, there is no way to revive Gwen!

Peter, lost Gwen forever!

What kind of perfect world is a world without Gwen?

Peter's state of mind collapsed suddenly, any new world, any empire, completely lost their meaning.

Now, he just wants revenge, just wants to vent!

He wants to find the **** who caused all this, cut her into ten thousand pieces, let her experience all the tortures in the world, and never be reborn forever!

After returning to the palace, Peter drew the face of the woman he saw from Gwen's memory, and then summoned all his men to start a carpet search, vowing to find this bitch!

As for the plague of the dead that flooded before, because of the suppression of magnetic field fighters from all over the place, it did not arouse too many disturbances. And now it is automatically eliminated after the person's goal is achieved. Therefore, all the magnetic field fighters have freed up time to complete this task that His Majesty attaches the most importance to.

However, after several days of continuous investigation, there was no clue at all. The only information is that the captive superstar brought back by Zhan Liu was rescued by that person.

Judging from this, the two should be friends!

After knowing this information, Peter classified this person into the Dark Legion party, and began to consider the plan of expedition to the universe. Then, Zhan Liu came back with Valkyrie.

"So, the superstar has escaped, right under your nose." Zhan Liu squinted at Peter and said angrily.

It is true that character determines destiny.

The unlucky boy Peter, all kinds of tragic life, are completely caused by his personal character, and if it is pushed one step further, it is caused by his family education.

The family education of the Parker couple is not wrong, but it is only suitable for children from ordinary middle-class families, definitely not suitable for a superhero.

A child from a middle-class family can become a qualified social animal as long as he works step by step and step by step. As long as he does not violate the law, a happy and fulfilling life is just around the corner.

However, the very existence of superheroes already violates the law. Either be a dog honestly, or face the iron fist of the ruling class. In this case, if you continue to follow the rules, it is equivalent to dancing with shackles, and your hands and feet are bound to be tied.

Only a superhero like Tony Stark who is a member of the ruling class is eligible to jump out of this circle. Otherwise, even Captain America, who has made great achievements, still has only one way to go to become a wanted criminal.

But Captain America is alone and has nothing to worry about. Peter can't do it. There are a lot of relatives around him. It wouldn't hurt Peter, but it would be much easier to hurt his loved ones.

It's not for nothing that he never ends well, either as "The Failed Man" or as "The Emperor of America."

Being reprimanded by Master Zhan Liu, Peter also felt a little hot-faced, but he didn't want to tell others about himself and Gwen, so he didn't explain anything, just took out the portrait of the woman and handed it to Zhan Liu .

"This person is the mastermind behind the scenes. She used some methods to transfer me away from the and then attacked here and rescued the person. We judge that she should be another dark member of the Dark Legion. General."

Zhan Liu took a glance at it, then threw it aside casually, "This is Hela, the goddess of death in Asgard, Odin's eldest daughter, and Thor's sister."

After hearing this, Peter raised his brows and burst into anger, "Okay, it turned out that Thor sent to Earth to make trouble! It seems that I'm going to Asgard to let Thor know what it is that angered me. end!"

"Don't be so troublesome, Thor is already dead." Zhan Liu lazily leaned back on the sofa and began to drink tea slowly.

Peter was taken aback, "Did you kill it?"

Although Thor is also Zhan Liu's apprentice, if Zhan Liu really kills him, he will definitely not be lenient. Peter had no doubts about this.

"No, Loki did it, a few months ago."

Zhan Liu told Peter the story he deduced, and after Peter finished listening, he remained silent for a while.

Although the nature is different, Peter saw a trace of himself in Loki, and felt a little bit of sympathy for some inexplicable reason.

After a long time, Peter sighed, "That's all!"

"They're all heartbroken, why make things difficult for each other!"

"If he wants to be the King of the Nine Realms, let him do it!"

The tone in these words was extremely lonely and frustrating, which made Zhan Liu couldn't help but look at him a few more times.

"What's the matter? You don't want your new world? That's the avenue that depends on you!"

Peter looked up to the sky and sighed, hesitant to speak, but finally he just sighed and said, "I don't want it anymore!"

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