MTL - Uzumaki Naruto is a Traitor-Chapter 151

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So terrifying, Deidara was so frightened by Naruto's terrifying smile that he hid behind Scorpion.

If Deidara detonated explosives in Yinin Village, Naruto would have to ask Scorpion, the supervisor, to ask the guilt.

Really came back with a problem

Scorpion now feels that Deidara is. The kind that can't be thrown out of a hot potato.

"By the way, Scorpion, my house needs to be expanded. Let's expand according to this design." Naruto took it out. Zhang handed the blueprint that Zhang had prepared a long time ago to Scorpion. . ...Xi Naruo took a closer look at the drawing, and said doubtfully, "Why do you need so many bedrooms?

"No way, there are many people living in my house.

Naruto thought of the three female knights who stayed at her house and didn't want to leave. The accommodation arranged for them was not good enough, and they couldn't drive them away.

"How many days will it take?"

.... This kind of project, I think it will take about two hours, but it needs the help of the fire ninja and the water ninja, by the way, did Gaara come back from the sand ninja?"

Scorpion is calculating the time. If there are fire and water ninjas and Gaara around, this kind of small project can be completed in a short time. With Gaara's help, the speed will be faster.

"I don't know, I just came back not long ago..." Naruto looked at Jiaodu behind him and asked, "Jiaodu, has Gaara returned from Sand Ninja?"

"Gaara came back from the sand ninja the day before yesterday.

\"This is the money for the expansion of the house this time. How you and Gaara are divided is your own business." Naruto shook his wrist. A scroll fell into her hands. Look. The label on the eye was thrown into the cave. This used to be the place where the old man Uchiha Madara lived. Uchiha Obito came back here again. In order to regain the reincarnation eye and realize the moon eye plan, he felt that he was relying on his own. The power is not enough, the appearance of Minato Minato Namikaze sounded the alarm for him. Only Orochimaru can use the dirty earth to reincarnate. Now that Orochimaru has been killed by Naruto, the only person who can use the forbidden technique of dirty soil reincarnation is the one who used to be Orochi. Uzumaki Naruto of Maru's apprentice.

"Obito, I really didn't expect you to come back here." A Fei with a swirling face jumped down from the huge tree trunk and came to the side of Zi Zhibo Obito.

"A Fei, is the connection with you still there?\"

Uchiha Obito thought about Jue, who had not appeared for a long time. Could it be that he was killed? Uchiha Madara's incarnation of consciousness will also be killed, or is it sealed? "...Eh.?" Ah Fei felt himself The connection between Jue and Jue suddenly found that the connection between him and Jue was interrupted, but it still felt that Jue was still alive, but it was in a strange state.

. The street is disconnected... I can feel that I'm still alive, but I can't get in touch, it's like being manipulated by someone. How can they be manipulated like this? The Juejing made by Hashimoto’s cells and Heidaoan like Zhikara will be manipulated. What is going on? Uchiha Obito widened his eyes in shock. If it was manipulated, then. Che also makes sense, why he sent him to look for Kakashi and never came back for so long. The only person who can control Jue should be the Sharinyan's Hitomi... Uchiha Mikoto, who is right next to Naruto. Or is Uchiha Shisui doing it? The clone originally planned to be created by Jue's spore technique is in the sound ninja village. The plan to create chaos and seize the reincarnation eye of Naruto and Nagai was in vain, and there is no reconnaissance. It was only when I lost it that I realized how useful it was, Uchiha Obito read it. A Fei, whose eyes are full of feces, is now just him and A Fei. It is impossible for him and A Fei to break into the Sound Ninja Village and capture the Samsara Eye. It depends on his newly acquired power! Susanoo!

Uchiha brought the soil to the place where he was buried. His color changed slightly, he dug up Lin's grave, and saw that Lin's body was missing. Piece of skin. Knowing the location of Lin's burial, and being able to take Lin's skin silently, is the only way. Did you take Rin's skin for the purpose of reincarnating in the dirt? Do you want to use Rin to restrain me? Humph! The whirlpools are so afraid of my power?

Uchiha Obito snorted coldly. Sheng turned to look at He Fei, a vortex appeared, and Ah Fei was sucked into the prestige space before he could react.

Uchiha Obito made a seal with one hand, and saw Lin's body turned into Chiha Madara's body after the smoke passed. Lin's body had been hidden in Uchiha Madara's tomb by him, and then he took Uchiha. Boban's body was disguised as Lin and placed here. In order to obtain this kind of secret technique, he mastered this kind of camouflage secret technique. Clan, extermination.... And he concealed Jue and Ah Fei, and quietly exchanged Uchiha Madara's body with Lin's body, so it can be seen that he was right with the word Chiha Madara. All intimidating respect. After all, they are just using each other. The difference is that Madara Zizhiha never expected Uchiha Obito, the five sons, to treat his corpse like this.

Even if he knows about Uchiha Madara, he can't take Uchiha to earth. After all, he is still waiting for his resurrection in the Pure Land of Elysium. However, the basis for resurrection is hopeless. Think of Naruto

Thinking that he was dirty: Rin was the one who was reincarnated. Then, the old and frail Uchiha Madara was reincarnated from the dirty soil, and Uchiha couldn't help laughing wildly when he brought it on. If Madara Uchiha was in his heyday, he would be a little bit afraid, but now. Even Naruto, who holds the power of the Nine Tails, is not in his eyes! It can be said that it is very inflated and does not put anyone in the eyes. !

Chapter 276 The Fairy of the Forest (1/2)

At the shooting location, Naruto, who had long smooth blond hair combed into a single ponytail, was wearing men's clothing. Because of the corset underwear, her chest looked flat. Fortunately, her **** were not very big, even wearing corsets. No discomfort. ζζNaruto looked at herself in the mirror in front of the mirror, what she saw was herself in men's clothing, with light makeup on her face, but her slender eyebrows were drawn a little, and the corners of her eyes were drawn upwards to make her The eyes appear narrower. Besides, she looks like a cute girl in men's clothing. The three-goose jade reincarnation eye in the left eye can be transformed into blue eyes with the transformation technique, but the pair of pointed ears can't be transformed using transformation.

"Are you sure that's all right?"

She played the male lead, which seems to be a woman's male lead, is it really okay? Or is it because the director suddenly terminated the contract because of the person named Shi Lang, and he was so angry that his brain went wrong.

"It suits you very well!\"

. Naruto, dressed in men's clothes, is ironic, handsome, beautiful and weak, making people feel the urge to hug her in his arms and take care of her.

It would be even better if it wasn't a costume! Fenghua Xiaoxue imagined that Naruto was wearing it. in a suit and she wears it. Dressed like a wedding dress, her face instantly turned into a ripe red apple.

"Director, do you think it's really okay for me to play the male lead like this?\" Looking at Fenghua Xiaoxue with red ears and a shy face, Naruto looked at the director with black lines all over his face, what's the difference between this painting of a woman and a man ?

"No problem at all!"

The director gave Naruto a thumbs up. In his opinion, Naruto didn't know where his charm lies, and he had a hunch. The movie will definitely be a hit!

I have a hunch that the box office of this movie will definitely hit the street! I expect the director to lose only... Naruto looked at the director with a blank face, and thought maliciously in his heart.

Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Jiaodu who was looking at him from the corner, Naruto glared at him evilly, deducting his bonus was really cheap for him, he should have even deducted his salary!

Azabuyi, who was next to him, kept writing something on the folder with a pen in her hand. It looked like she was dealing with documents very seriously, but in fact she was drawing Naruto wearing men's clothing.

"Then what about my ears?" Naruto pointed to his long pointed ears.

"It doesn't matter, I feel that these ears are great! Moreover, I got new inspiration from your ears!" The director clenched his fists excitedly. Why did it become like this! Wasn't I filming "Intimacy Paradise"? Why did I change from the male protagonist to a fairy in the mountains and forests! Anyway, I have to be a fairy! Naruto, who is crazy about the drama, plays the role of Ruo himself .The nameless mountain goblin, sitting on a branch, shaking her snow-white feet, dressed. Wearing a wide white robe, long golden hair fluttering in the wind, and the blue eyes seem to contain starlight, curiously watching Otoji who is picking herbs in the forest below, played by Fenghua Xiaoxiang.

"Yah~ Otoji, who was picking herbs, suddenly cried out in pain. She slumped on the ground and saw a brightly colored snake with a horn-shaped head sticking out its tongue at Otsuki, and its sharp fangs were stained with blood.

Otohime's face when she saw this snake. Bai, picked up the branch next to him and smashed it at the snake, driving the snake away, but his face became worse and worse. Just when Ottoji was in danger. The nameless fairy jumped down from the branch and came to Ottoji's side. The fairy who has never been in contact with people, I don't know why she appeared in front of Ottoji, and she didn't know herself. Why do you want to save her.

...who are you?"

Otoji looked at Ruo Junmei as pure and beautiful. A white paper-like fairy with a face. Si looked vigilantly and shyly at the sudden appearance of the person, and slowly stepped back.

"No one is...

. Silk feeling, the nameless fairy came to Ottoji, who saw Ottoji's ankles that were slightly blackened by the snake venom, her pink lips slightly opened, and she lightly bit Ruoyiji's bare feet, sucking out the snake venom. Wow wow wow wow! Fenghua Xiaoxue's heart exploded, and she looked shyly at the nameless goblin played by Naruto. If it wasn't for the filming at the moment, she really couldn't help throwing herself into Naruto's arms. The face with the feeling of forbidden pleasure is really tempting! Suck out the blood with snake venom, the nameless goblin looks like a wound with red blood flowing out, and the fingers wrapped in light green light. Tap Otoji's ankle wound. I saw that the wound on Otoji's bare foot had miraculously healed without leaving any scars.

That...can you tell me your name?" Otoji looked shyly at the nameless fairy with white skin and beautiful appearance in front of her.

"I don't have a name...and I don't need a name


"It feels great to play the nameless goblin of the boss!\"This. During the filming of the scene, the director couldn't help but admire.

"Isn't it filming "Intimacy Paradise"? Why do you film this kind of scene? There is none in the original work, right?\"on

I don't know how many times I've read the original Naruto. I've never seen this. What is the plot, what is the nameless fairy, what is Otomi, and the name Otaki is too casual, right? Thinking of this director Suolai likes to tear dramas. Naruto feels this. Next time the director ripped the play, and then came a temporary play. What a casual person. The future of this movie is really exciting

"It's okay, it's all up to me

I'm in control!" The director smiled confidently, revealing his mouth full of white teeth, "Who said that the film must be copied from the original.

The director is so old and his teeth are so neat, Naruto can't help but want to punch him.

"Is it really okay to shoot like this? Will it be spurned by the fans of the original work?" Naruto has already imagined the scene where the movie was nailed to the pillar of shame by the fans of "Intimacy Paradise".

"Trust me this movie will be popular! The existence of the movie guides me!\"

If you are a guide to the movie, how do you go to the street? Naruto looked at the director who was burning with the famous flame of "Blood", and had no idea of ​​continuing to talk. He walked to Fenghua Xiaoxue, whose cheeks were slightly red, and looked at her stealthily. Thinking of what he had done to her just now, Naruto also became shy.

Obviously kissing has been done before..

Fenghua Xiaoxue was so shy that she didn't know how to face Naruto. When she saw Naruto, she was reminded of what just happened, her heart was beating fast. She wondered whether her fast beating heart would suddenly jump out if it went on like this.

"Is that Tsunade in Oninin Village now?

Gathered outside Yinin Village. Helping people, they all know through various channels that Tsunade has come from far away in Yinin Village, but they come from different places, but they have the same goal, that is to find Tsunade to collect debts!

The ninja guarding the gate at the entrance of the village saw the aggressive approaching. Help people, stop them immediately.

"Stop, who are you?"

"We're here to find someone, can you let us in?" Looking at the ninja staring at them with a bad face, these loan sharks also know that ninjas are not easy to mess with, not to mention that this is someone else's territory, they think If you want to get the money back, you have to admit to pretending to be a grandson.

"Looking for someone? Who are you looking for?" The ninja guarding the gate saw that they were not good people, so naturally they would not let them into the Yin Ninja Village easily.

"We're here to collect debts. Someone owes us money that we haven't paid back. I heard that she came to Yinin Village, so we wanted to come here to find her. I wonder if this little brother can let us in? We won't. The troublemaker.. just let me in because I'm so poor that I can't afford to eat! 039;

Looking at the person who spoke Ruo Ruo, Ruo Ruo said that he was about to cry, and the ninja guarding the gate had a few drops of cold sweat on his face.

"Go in. Remember not to be a monarch in the village, otherwise. The consequences are not something you can afford."

The ninja guarding the gate gave them a warning and let them in. At the same time, this will be taken away. The news of the person who came to ask for the debt is reported, and it is not him who will deal with it next. A little gatekeeper ninja can handle it.

ended. Days of shooting, Naruto watched. The shy-faced Fenghua Xiaoxue can face her normally when filming, how did it end like this? Thinking of the previous filming. During the scene, Naruto scratched his reddish cheeks, and when he saw Fenghua Xiaoxiang who was about to hit the wall while walking with his head down, he stretched out his hand and tugged her.

"Xiaoxue, don't walk with your head down, you almost hit the wall!" Seeing Ruofenghua Xiaoxue's blushing face, Naruto bounced. down her forehead.

Hong Ruo face looked at Naruto's Fenghua Xiaoxue, she covered her slightly painful forehead with her hands, took two steps back, put her hands on her chest, her face was shy, feeling her heartbeat, she didn't know how to face her. To the Hong people. She was able to do something as bold as kissing Naruto before. She had already kissed me, but she became so shy because of filming. This woman is so strange. Naruto tilted her head, facing her so shy. . If you touch Fenghua Xiaoxue, which jumps far away like a little rabbit, it's not enough to leave it like this...

She just left, Fenghua Xiaoxue will be 100% angry. It's so troublesome... Naruto's figure disappeared in place in an instant, hugged Fenghua Xiaoxue, and under the watchful eyes of the crew, in the posture of a princess hug Holding Ruofenghua Xiaoxue in his arms, he strode out.

"Naruto what are you doing!"

Fenghua Xiaoxue, who was not in Naruto's arms, noticed the eyes of the crew members, and slapped Naruto's chest lightly, with a hint of happiness on her shy face. "...Let's go have a meal?" Wu Ren said with a look on his face. Si embarrassed, she hugged Fenghua Xiaoxue out on impulse, and she didn't even think about what to do.

"Pfft_!" Fenghua Xiaoxue saw Naruto. With an embarrassed look on his face, he covered his mouth and laughed, whether it was a little Naruto or a grown up Naruto, they were all so cute. !

Chapter 277 Debt collectors come to the door (1/2)

Those who came to find Tsunade's debts, divided into two groups. Help go to the hotel to find Tsunade, the other. The gang went to the casino to find Tsunade, and they decided that they would find Tsunade even if they turned the village upside down! Bet on their professional dignity!

"Hey! Do you have a woman here? A woman named Tsunade? She has very big breasts. A woman! Huh?

imagine. The experience of being deceived this time is heartbreaking! They actually believed that Tsunade had dug a gold mine on the mountain. As a result, after they lent Tsunade a lot of money, they never found Tsunade again. It's not too bad.

them. To help loan sharks, the money lent to Tsunade has doubled to a terrifying figure. Now, even if you can't get everything back, you can only get the money back!

They have worked so hard to come to Yinin Village, but they don't want to return empty-handed. If they go back empty-handed, they will not be laughed at by their peers? Just find a place to swallow feces and kill yourself!

"...Master Tsunade! Not good, those people came to the door!" Mute hurriedly came to the casino located deep in the alley, where the group hadn't found it yet. Mute was very fortunate, but fortunately it was I found Tsunade first.

"What are you afraid of, wait for me to read this game! I bet!\"

"Two three, two!

"I bet on doubles! 039;

Tsunade still didn't believe that he couldn't win, and all the remaining money was bet on double.

"Four, single!"

Tsunade walked out of the casino dejectedly, touching her empty pockets, but she still refused to admit defeat and firmly believed in herself. Next time, you will definitely win, as for the next time. It's hard to say how many times.

Tsunade's luck was also at the extreme, and as soon as he walked out of the casino, he heard something in the distance. The footsteps of helping people run over, and at the same time the voices of them asking passers-by.

"Is there a casino here?"

Yes... yes!" The poor passerby was a little stunned by these ill-mannered people.

"You see. Did an old woman with a very big breast walk in?"

...see...then...if it's all right, can I go?"

"Let's go!

"Brothers. This time. You mustn't let her run away!" He rushed into the alley to help those who came to find Tsunade to collect the debt. 89 Tsunade became before they came. A little loli, with Mengruo on her head. The turban covered most of her delicate and lovely face, and Mute was helpless, but also learned Ruo Tsun's hand to transform into it. A kitten was on the wall, tail drooping closely behind Tsunade.

Tsunade bowed his head as he passed by these people, seeing that they hadn't found himself, Tsunade was proud. laugh.

"Live! The casino won't let children in, what are you doing here with such a young child?\" Some people felt that Tsunade was a little familiar!, and the behavior was a little suspicious, so they wanted to stop her being discovered. ?! Tsunade didn't stop, but quickly ran towards the exit of the alley. The cat that turned into a mute followed closely behind Tsunade. She is now very glad that she put the dolphin in the hotel.


I see, this. To help the person who was going to the casino to find Tsunade, chased the little girl and ran out of the alley. Tsunade relied on his size advantage, dodged left and right in the crowd, and ran in. Hiding in a restaurant. Under the table, the table that is very close to 5 is the table where Naruto and Xiaoxue Fenghua are sitting. At this time, the two are having a meal. Naruto, with extremely keen ears, noticed the movement under the table, and lifted the tablecloth on the table. Mission. Little girl with yellow hair hiding under the table.

Look at the little loli Naruto who looks exactly like Tsunade. I recognized this little loli as Tsunade.

What is going on here? Naruto's eyes flashed when he heard the noise outside. Si understand, it turned out to be looking for Tsunade to ask for the debt! No wonder Tsunade has become like this, it's a coincidence. There are so many tables Tsunade chose the table where she and Fenghua Xiaoxue ate. Tsunade looked at the girl who looked very similar to Naruto, saw the pattern on the girl's pointed ears and three cat whiskers on her cheeks, and recognized Naruto with her eyes, revealing that she saw the savior. For the eyes, put your fingers at the front, and make a "shhh" sound, hoping Naruto will not reveal his position. Tsunade was a little puzzled about Naruto's change. Could it be that she used the transformation technique? She could only think like this.

"Naruto? What's wrong?\" Fenghua Xiaoxue saw what Naruto was looking down at, and was a little puzzled. Is there anything beautiful in the ground?

"It's nothing, I saw it. It's just a little bug... As soon as Naruto's voice fell, he felt that his calf was bitten fiercely, and the corner of his mouth shook slightly.

Tsunade, are you a dog?

Tsunade bit Naruto's leg fiercely, feeling that he was bitten. On the soft but extremely tough skin, it was tender but hard to bite, and there was a little bit of flexing of her teeth, which made her teeth hurt a bit.

"Son? It's so annoying!" Fenghua Xiaoxue, who was sitting opposite Naruto, hugged the doll. She fell down beside Naruto, holding the doll in her hand. He held Naruto's arm in his hand, with disgust for bugs on his face. Oil Girl Shino: I've been with bugs. A lifetime will be fine.

"It doesn't matter, I have already driven him away." Naruto touched Fenghua Xiaoxue's head. The laugher said, "Hurry up and eat it. If you don't eat it, the dishes will be dry. Feet on each other. I took off the black leather boots on my feet, my feet in stockings, and put my feet on Tsunade's cheeks. The smile on my face was even brighter. Let you bite me, want me to help Dare to bite me and see how I deal with you. Loli Tsunade has bulging blue veins on her forehead, clenching her small fists tightly, her face flushed with anger, her cheeks bulging slightly. She looked at her feet wearing black stockings kicking in her face. Ah, there is an urge to lift the table and punch (punch), however, if she does this, she will be exposed, and those people are still looking for Ruo her outside. In order not to expose herself, she can only bear it! She is the only one now. Fortunately, Naruto's feet, without any special smell, smelled like a mysterious flower. Naruto felt that Tsunade did not respond. The smile on his face was filled with malice that was not easily detectable, and his toes Tsunade's cheek tugged. Anyway, in order to avoid people outside, she could only endure no matter how much she bullied her now.

On the street, the mute-turned kitten constantly shuttled through the crowd in search of Tsunade's removal. Where did Tsunade-sama go? Could it be that he went back to the hotel? Mute found a place where there was no one to release his transformation, and rushed to the hotel. He avoided carefully on the way and came to find Tsunade's debt collector. At this moment, the door of the restaurant was pushed open. The person in charge of the restaurant saw that this group of people were not doing well. There was no fear on his face. There was a boss sitting in his restaurant to eat. He had nothing to be afraid of. Yes, even if a meteorite falls from the sky, the others believe that the boss can easily resolve it. I have to say. The sound of Ninja Village is from the earliest. Those who survived the massacre have all become Naruto's fanatical cooks from the original fear of Naruto.

"What's the matter with you?"

"We're here to find someone, you see. Did a little girl run in? Probably that high.

"Naruto, what are they doing? It doesn't look good... Fenghua Xiaoxue looked at Ruo Ruo's group of people with a bad face, hugged Wu Ren's arm tightly, and frowned slightly.

"It's nothing, it's not a big deal.... They'll be leaving soon." Naruto looked. She didn't pay much attention to those people. In her opinion, the people who lent money to Tsunade were not very good birds, they were pitiful, but there was no need to sympathize with them.

Naruto who focuses on teasing Tsunade. Accidentally, I put my toe in Tsunade's mouth, and Tsunade, who was suffocating fire, erupted directly!

not good...

Naruto, who felt Tsunade's anger, knew that he was off the hook, and Fenghua Koyuki raised his head blankly when he heard Naruto's words, what was wrong? Naruto pushed away before he could react. .


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