MTL - Urban Carefree Immortal Emperor-Chapter 48 Basketball game (Thank you for your help!)

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Yan Huang's vignette passed quickly.

The basketball game in the afternoon is the big thing, and it is coming soon with great expectations!

At the end of the fourth class in the morning, Lan Yurou stepped on the stiletto heels and came to the classroom with a smile.

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"Teacher, please tell us quickly, who will we fight in the afternoon!" Wang Tianfu has been unable to bear the hunger and thirst of his heart, and is ready to go to the basketball court to take a good vent, shoot the enemy, cut off the score, and cheer !!

"Yes, teacher! Who are we going to hit in the afternoon!" Duan Feng shouted in excitement!

The other students were all enthusiastic, excited, and happy as if they were Chinese New Year. The basketball strength of our senior third (10) class is ranked in the top three of the whole level, and the strength is great!

Lan Yanrou looked at the crowd under the rostrum, and his smile was even stronger: "The specific number of games we played in the afternoon has been exhausted, um, we are playing against Senior 3 (1) class!"

Lan Zhirou naturally knows that the basketball strength of the senior third (1) class is the strongest in the whole class, so he is so happy, as happy as the New Year!

In this way, it is only necessary to play one class of Senior Three (10), and the rest of the time can be used for review! Hahahaha!

"Ah!" The classmates who were already enthusiastic and enthusiastic are like covering a basin of cold water!

Wang Tianfu, who is in joy, is in place!

The wind that is twisting his head and twisting his waist is also in the same place!

The entire senior ten (10) class stayed together in the same place!

Everyone was stunned ...

Lan Yirou's smile is even brighter, and the spring breeze is full of faces: "Everyone plays well, as I said, it is gratifying to win, and it doesn't matter if you lose. The basketball game, it is important to participate, and the participation is important!"

"Well, let's go to dinner and get ready. We will arrive at the basketball court on time in the afternoon!"

"Squad leader, squad leader, you urge the classmates who will be playing in the afternoon, let them change clothes and be on time!"

"Well, that's it, class!"

Lan Yan smiled softly and walked away proudly, leaving a bitter face and a heavy high school senior (10).

School canteen. After hearing that the competition was in class 10, even Zhang Ziyun frowned.

"Yan Huang, why do you say that our 10th class is so unlucky, we can meet 1st class in a basketball game!"

Yan Huang responded casually. "Well, the first class is very good?"

Zhang Ziyun nodded solemnly, "The first class is not great, the Jinlin team is great!"

"Is it the golden scale group again?"

"I tell you, those who can enter the Jinlin group are perverted!" Zhang Ziyun's eyes are full of worship light: "Do you know that last month's mid-term examination, almost half of the core members of the Jinlin group? They all passed the admission score line of Jiangnan University! "

"Oh?" Those who can be admitted to Jiangnan University have a certain chance to become cultivators! Yan Huang became interested in this golden scale group.

"Since it is Jin Rui, the founder of the Jinlin group, he is even more a super pervert, known as the perfect male god!"

"Not only have good grades, they are handsome, they have unparalleled skills in playing basketball, and their private practice of Taekwondo has reached horrible black levels!"

"Damn, so versatile, he is not a pervert, who is a pervert!"

"And I heard," Zhang Ziyun also secretly lowered his voice. "Jin Rui's father seems to be the vice mayor of Jiangnan City, his family is prominent, and he is a wealthy nobleman!"

Having said that, Zhang Ziyun involuntarily raised his fist and kept hammering his chest!

"Look at what this is? They are a complete genius at all, and they have completely pressed our poor people under our feet, and we can't even compare them with a little finger!"

"Why do you say that it's the same person, why is the gap so big!" Zhang Ziyun stamped his chest and was frustrated!

"Vice-mayor?" Yan Huang had a little clue when he heard this.

I'm afraid this Jin Rui has already stepped into spiritual practice, right?

Indeed, even Mo Xiaowu, the daughter of the Minister of the Armed Forces, has stepped into the practice of refining gas. The son of the mighty deputy mayor is afraid that he has already reached two points?

Then all the answers are obviously easy to see. This so-called omnipotent male **** is not a genius at all, but an immortal!

As a cultivator who has already done two tricks, his memory has been greatly improved. Simple book knowledge must be understood to be memorized by recitation, and because of the relationship between the true elements in the body, strong physical fitness, flexible footsteps, and the practice of general secular martial arts. easy.

The corner of Yan Huang's mouth could not help but chuckled, he suddenly became interested to see this deceiving "Almighty Male God!" ...

Throughout the morning, everyone was waiting for the arrival of the afternoon game.

However, at noon, everyone felt that every second of time was a kind of suffering!

Playing basketball is a face-saving behavior, but no one wants to go up and be abused!

Time soon came to a point. On the side of the open-air playground, I don't know when it was crowded with a large crowd of people, densely packed, three layers inside, three layers outside.

There were not so many people in a game originally, but other classes heard that their Jin Rui male gods would play in the afternoon game, and they all rushed over like crazy people.

A closer look shows that there are indeed more girls than boys in the field.

Zhang Ziyun enviously gritted her teeth and cried tears: "Girls, a lot of girls, oh, why don't any girls come to me!"

"Woohoo, so sad ..."

The whole stadium was full of exclamation howls, except for the boys in class 10, all of whom were in a low mood and looked down.

After hearing that the afternoon game is class 1, the girls in class 10 are turning over one after another. After all, compared with the male gods, of course, the face-based male gods are important. Our class loses, it doesn't matter!

Wang Tianfu and Duan Feng, who were standing on the court wearing ball clothes, were also crying. They felt that everyone around them looked pitifully at themselves. This time their faces would be lost!

At 12:45, the students in the third grade (1) began to enter the field.

A large group of men and women began to appear in the auditorium. In the crowd, Yan Yuxuan, who saw a braid from the outside, walked in aggressively. She followed Zeng Caixuan, Anya, Ruonan, Mu Xiaoqiao and others.

Yan Yuhan was as imposing as a tiger, very scary, and people around him immediately evaded.

Coincidentally, Yan Huang just sat on the aisle. When Yan Yuhan came over, he immediately saw Yan Huang. Today, she brought a pair of sunglasses with her hands in her pockets. When she reached the side of Yan Huang, she stood high and looked at him provocatively.

Yan Huang frowned slightly, this was the second time Yan Yuhan provoked him.

Just then, Yan Yuhan lifted her jaw-like jaw, turned her head to Zhang Ziyun sitting next to Yan Huang and drank: "Hey, you, get out!"

Zhang Ziyun hurriedly gave up his seat.

Yan Yuhan also pointed to a few boys next to Yan Huang, "Roll up, roll your old lady!"

All of a sudden, there were 5 positions left in the man's pile next to Yan Huang.

Yan Yuhan was not polite, and Da Ma Jin Dao sat down next to Yan Huang. She lowered her braided head, and a pair of eyes emerged from above the large sunglasses.

She looked at Yan Huang and gave a sneer: "Don't even dare to go on the court, but you're sorry to say that you defeated 10 big guys by yourself?"