MTL - Unparalleled Emperor-Chapter 4167 Everlasting

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The body of the Dao Ling is glorious, the treasure is solemn, standing in front of the chaotic roots, listening to the world's oldest and mysterious avenue!

This makes his heart shocked. What is really thinking about it? The value of this chaotic root is too bad, and it is very helpful to the taboo giant. For him to open up the Wandaojing, it can do more with less!

This is the strongest treasure of the giant spirits. It has been taken care of by the great ancestors and is well preserved.

Chaos Linggen here, not only it, but another rare ancient medicine is rooted here, and there are even two longevity drugs!

There are two plants, this is already an amazing creation. Together with the chaotic roots, this time the harvest is really terrible. Even if it is to smash the taboo giant's nest, it may not be so big!

This treasure trove is, after all, the strongest treasure house of the giant spirits, not just these.

Dao Ling discovered that there was an ancient well nearby, and there was chaos in the well. Sometimes it spit out an innate temper, which made the big brothers move: "This is the source of life in the ancient history of the heavens, and it is also the reason why the chaotic roots can survive! ”

"I see, some of the great ancestors of the giant spirits should come out of the chaotic ancient wells!" The gods are screaming, so the meaning is terrible.

Liang Wang of Tianting, the two disciples of Dao Ling, Jin Tongyu, can go to the chaotic ancient wells to cultivate. This is the most powerful ancient well, and they are baptized by chaotic ancient wells. Their future roads will go further.

Big Brother extracted some innate temperament, and he carefully smiled and said: "The oldest energy, and it is of great help to the human body, is of little use to us."

Dao Ling nodded, this energy is helpful to him, he is also preparing to practice in the chaotic ancient well for a while.

"This treasure is not easy!"

Dao Ling's eyes are staring at the three objects hanging in the sky, haunting the chaotic beam. These are three kinds of chaos to treasure rough embryos, sprayed with innate temperament, extremely amazing, and the power of self-destruction.

“The oldest congenital treasure!”

Big brother commented: "The giant spirits have not sacrificed them. The heritage of the three treasures is amazing. It is handed over to the younger generation and can be cast into a big killer in the future!"

Big Brother, their vision, this kind of treasure is naturally not eye-catching, but for the younger generation is unimaginable artifacts, but the potential is strong, but also difficult to grow to the level of the sky and the Qiankun bag.

Dao Ling discovered a clay pot here, and after moving open, there was a part of the blood of the ancestors of the giant spirits, and the drops were shocking.

This thing did not help him a lot. When he stepped into the realm of the Heavenly Emperor, he devours the blood of the ten strongest ancestors of the giant spirits when they robbed. These bloods have some blood essences that are not inferior to the Taoist. It is also difficult to help him.

Dao Ling has been completed in the field of Zhu Tiandi. The practice of treasures is very small for him. The road to the future needs to find his own way and law to enter the taboo field.

There are also some classics hidden in it, which are created by the great ancestors of the great ancestors. Of course, there are some secrets of the various precious treasures collected by the giant spirits, and even the various practice notes left by the taboo giants.

Dao Ling's smiling face, these things have greatly helped him, hundreds of books, but the giants of the township, can not be rumored, and their own disciples practice very few.


The celestial gods stared at an ancient stone, and they watched the past. The stone was not small, and it was as big as an adult.

The Dao Ling opened the sky and looked at the past. The heart trembled as if it had entered a horrible space-time whirlpool. In this vast space-time vortex, densely flashed, the innate text into pieces!

This is a kind of avenue text, a kind of text that was born in heaven and earth. It contains a very horrible magic. As the depth of the observation is deeper, the Dao Ling is dizzy and feels to be rectified by the reincarnation vortex!


The ancient fairy king sleeves slammed and forced the Dao Ling to fly, letting him stop watching.

The heart of Dao Ling is shocked. This is the ultimate horror of the horror. The big brothers are full of horror and serious observation. I feel that the secret technique hidden in the stone is too horrible.

And this is a school, it involves time and space!

Time and space are not easily touched by ordinary people. Time and space practice to a limit can reverse the time and space. This is a secretive technique that violates the rules of the universe.


The Heavenly Master was so intoxicated that he had been silent for three days and three nights. His back changed and became a constant universe. An immortal universe. In this ancient universe, everything does not exist. In the ancient universe, everything is static, here you can reach the ancient life of the ancient!

Big Brother and Gu Xianwang looked at each other, and both of them sighed, and the Heavenly Master had been rebellious. This road is very suitable for him.

And they all have their own invincible roads, and will not change the rest of the roads because they get a counter-method.

Dao Ling has been silent in the feelings of the past, quiet in the time and space, although he did not look at all the features of heaven, but he got a part, the deeper the realization, the more you can feel the vastness of time and space!

For ten days and ten nights, Dao Ling quietly woke up, and the eyes were full of surprises. This time and space method is too arrogant, affecting the most complicated and versatile time and space, people who can create this method, mastering time and space. Unbelievable.

"Imperial mountains, reincarnation mountains, and this time and space method, it is likely to be the same level!"

Dao Ling’s fist is tight, his Wanshiquan is how strong it is, and he needs to test it in the future. When he is standing in the taboo field, he can reveal it!

Any Taoism is created by the strong, and all the foundations are derived from the Tao. If the Tao is sufficient, you can create a law.

But to create the strongest school, how many people can do it? Xian Wang does not dare to talk easily The power of the gods is becoming more and more magnificent!

At this moment, he has a horrible power that is comparable to the ancient history of the era. This is simply a kind of immortal power!

The big brother moved, and the heavenly master got this method, and his inspiration was amazing!

"Ha ha ha!"

The scorpion of the priests of the heavens opened, and they laughed and laughed. They almost shed tears and their emotions could not be said.

He stuck in this realm of several cosmic eras, and he could not improve at all. He was taboo in this field. There were high and low, and high was called Xianwang.

At the end of the Tao, transcendental in the world, immortal, but the king is still taboo.

Although the taboo is supernatural, it is not so terrible to be able to do it.

The title of Xian Wang is also the top of the taboo, just like the Emperor of Heaven, he is the Emperor of Heaven.

To reach the extreme, is the most terrible, there is no strong or weak, unless you can open up the road of cultivation, it is possible to shake the king!

Nowadays, the gods worship the time and space of this ancient and ancient, and he is very inspired. He laughed and said: "The time and space of Henggu, the eternal life, this is the longevity method!"

His long-lived law makes Dao Ling shocked and recalls the words of the Changsheng Xianwang. It is not difficult to live forever. Can the immortal king grow up?

“Congratulations to your friends!”

Big Brother and Gu Xian Wang Daohe, once the Emperor of Heaven and the King stepped into the King of the Kings, with his combat power, enough to trap the taboo giants, this will be of great help to the destruction of the chaotic restricted area.

"I am going out for a trip. When I return to the day, I am entering the day of the fairy king!"

The Heavenly Master has disappeared here. He is sure that once he stepped out, he is definitely stronger than Henggu Xianwang, and he is likely to step into the field of Kings!

The Dao Ling is so stunned that the grasp of the Emperor of Heaven is so sufficient, which shows that he has seen the road ahead!