MTL - Unparalleled Concubine-v2 Chapter 1093 Li Changan

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   Chapter 1093 Li Changan

  The situation in the capital is deadlocked.

The Southwest Army bombed the western city wall of the capital with thunderbolts every day, but there was never a large-scale attack, and it kept bombing like this. Although the forbidden army suffered casualties every day, it would be difficult to make further progress. .

It wasn't that the Southwest Army was incapable of attacking the capital. With the firearms that Li Xin had stockpiled over the years, he did his best at this time and paid some price. There was absolutely no problem in opening the west wall of the capital. The problem was that after entering the capital. , Can the rest of the Southwest Army be able to defeat the forbidden army in the capital?

In this way, in a blink of an eye, the Southwest Army has been in the capital for two months. After two months, the capital, which was originally frightened, gradually no longer fears the thunder of the Southwest Army. Although there are still worries about the situation, but Much better than the previous month.

However, it is not without good news for the Southwest Army. Since the last time the Southwest Army defeated the Forbidden Army and the local army, coupled with the efforts of Zhao Fang in the rear, the public opinion in the world has slowly begun to reverse. .

   At the very least, almost no one thinks that the Southwest Army is a "rebel" now. Everyone thinks that this time the Southwest Army is under the capital, it is just a fight for the position within the Ji family, far from the level of the overthrow of the artifact.

   And because of the last beautiful victory, Li Xin won the support of many forces. Many big clans and wealthy businessmen in the south of the Yangtze River have secretly contacted Li Xin and provided a lot of money to the Southwest Army.

The Southwest Army came all the way from Hanzhong, and it was obviously unrealistic to rely solely on Zhao Jia to transport food and grass in the rear. Fortunately, the Southwest Army was not considered a "Master of the King". Although Li Xin prohibited the Southwest Army from looting ordinary people, it was still in short supply. When it comes to money, there is no problem in "borrowing" some grain from local wealthy businessmen and landlords.

   has been "borrowing". After all, it is not the way. These rich and powerful people who secretly supported the Southwest Army helped Li Xin relieve a lot of pressure.

At this time, Li Shuo led the Ningzhou army and confronted the defenders of the capital twenty miles outside the capital city. At the same time, the Yunzhou army who came to King Qin from the north had been on the road for more than a month, and it will be another month at most. In time, they will be able to rush to the capital.

Yunzhou City is a serious frontier army, and its combat power may be even better than that of the central forbidden army. Once the Yunzhou army arrives in the capital, and there are still about 200,000 troops in the capital, even if Li Xin is talented, the Southwest Army Also forced to return to the southwest.

   While the whole world was staring at the capital, Li Xin himself left the Ningzhou army camp and returned to the Luzhou city behind.

The current Luzhou City can be regarded as a relatively stable "rear" of the Southwest Army. Once the position of the capital can no longer be maintained, the Southwest Army can retreat to Luzhou and hold on to it. Now the Southwest Army has occupied Luzhou for almost three months. Under the rule of the Southwest Army, there was not much difference from the previous one. Several gates of Luzhou City could even enter and exit normally.

   At this time, Li Xin was sitting under the pavilion in the back garden of a mansion in Luzhou City. On the table in the pavilion, there were some side dishes and a pot of spirits.

Opposite him, there was a tall gray-haired old man, Li Xin personally lifted the wine jug, filled the wine glass in front of the old man, and said with a smile, "Brother Hou is still in good health, like that kind of injury, Even if it is a young man, it is estimated that he will have to lie in bed for the first half of the year, and it only took the old brother more than two months to recover."

   Hou Jingde, who was sitting opposite Li Xin, picked up the strong wine in front of him and smiled bitterly: "You don't have to make fun of me, it's just some trauma, and naturally I won't die."

After he raised his head and drank a glass of wine, he looked at Li Xin and frowned: "It is said that your Southwest Army is in a stalemate with the imperial court. At this time, you, the general of the Southwest Army, are not on the front line, so why do you have spare time to accompany me as a waste? drink wine?"

  Li Xin raised his wine glass, gave Hou Jingde a toast, and said solemnly, "Of course I have something to discuss with my brother."

Hou Jingde was also a black face, and he frowned slightly when he heard the words, and said, "Brother Li, I probably know what you're going to do, but most of the court thinks that I'm dead, maybe the pensions will be sent to my house, this Sometimes I just want to help you, but I feel powerless."

   Having said this, he paused and said slowly: "Besides, my wife and children are all in the capital, and my two grandchildren are only four or five years old. I can't harm them."

Li Xin smiled and said: "Brother, you entered the left camp of the Forbidden Army in the early years of Taikang, and have been cultivating the left camp for more than ten years. At this time, it is useless to say that you are dead. In the camp, it is better than any imperial decree. Besides, I don’t want you to help my Southwest Army rebel. I only need you to hold the left camp of the forbidden army for two hours. After two hours, things will be clear, and a new dynasty will be established in the future. , brother, you are a great hero again."

   Hou Jingde frowned and said nothing.

Li Xin smiled and continued: "Brother, you have lived with me for more than two months, and at this time you have recovered seven to eighty-eight. If I do nothing and send you back to the capital, even if I Don't tell anyone where you have been in the past two months, what should you say when someone asks you after you return to Beijing?"

   "Will the court still believe you?"

   "In the future, the Southwest Army will return to the southwest, and I, Li Xin, will still be rich and noble, but once the emperor of Yuan Zhao reorganizes the dynasty, how can he have a good end like your Hou family?"

   "At that time, bro, your wife and children will be implicated by you."

   Hou Jingde raised his head to look at Li Xin, his brows furrowed deeply: "Is this what you figured out early on?"

   "Can't say that."

  Li Xin shook his head slightly and said, "No one can predict everything. For example, I didn't expect you to bring the forbidden army out of the city to attack the camp in person. It is a pleasant surprise to invite Brother Hou back."

   Li Xin smiled and said, "Brother, think about the changes of the Imchen Palace more than ten years ago."

   More than ten years ago, Hou Jingde was the Zuolang general of Yulinwei. At that time, Li Xin also used this coercion method to deceive him into the game and drag him into the Wei Wangfu camp.

   Hou Jingde frowned.

   "More than ten years ago, Brother Li, you dragged me to join the Wei Palace. Now, you are dragging me to rebel. How can it be the same?"

   "How is it different?"

   Li Xin's face was calm: "It's all a gamble, it doesn't make any difference. Today's emperor is the direct son of His Royal Highness King Wei, so the sixth prince is not the direct son of His Royal Highness King Wei?"

  Hou Jingde snorted: "You have a heavy army and successfully entered the capital for you, what else is there to do with the sixth prince?"

   Faced with this question, Li Xin smiled and said nothing.

   Finally, Hou Jingde couldn't bear it any longer. He looked up at Li Xin and asked, "Brother Li, how confident are you...?"

   Li Xin smiled: "It's nonsense to say that you have a certain degree of certainty now, but I can assure you, as long as you nod your head, you will be more certain than the Renjin Palace changed back then."


   Hou Jingde frowned and said, "Can you control the three imperial guards like you did back then?"

   Li Xin shook his head: "I've been away from Yulinwei for a long time, so of course it won't work."

   After a pause, he said with a smile: "However, I can control the right battalion of the Imperial Army slightly."

   Hou Jingde's face changed slightly.

   "How do you control?"

   General Li laughed: "Dude, did you forget, my younger brother has been a general of the right battalion of the Imperial Army for many years!"

   Hou Jingde sneered all over his face: "You, that You Ying general, is just a name. Why did you spend the night in the You Ying camp in those years?"

  Li someone laughed.

   "Brother is right, I was just a name in those years."

   "But He Xiong was the one who led Youying for more than ten years."

   (end of this chapter)