MTL - Unparalleled Concubine-Chapter 34 see you again

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   Chapter 34 We meet again

  The prince in the royal family cannot continue to live in the palace after reaching the age. Generally, when he is fifteen or sixteen years old, he will leave the palace to open the palace. If he is not from a particularly low maternal family, he will usually be directly appointed as a prince.

   The seventh prince, Ji Wen, was named King of Wei.

  Although they will all go out of the palace to open the palace, the rank among the princes is different. Some princes will be entrusted to the local vassal, and some will stay in the capital and serve in front of the royal family.

   Leaving the capital means losing the qualification to compete for the throne.

Today, the emperor of Chengde has prosperous descendants. There are a total of eleven sons. Among them, the two youngest princes have not yet reached the age of sixteen and have never left the palace. Only the eldest, third, fourth, and seventh princes remained in the capital.

  Cui Jiuniang told Li Xin that the power of the seventh prince could be ranked in the top three among the princes. This is a true truth, because there are only four princes in the entire capital.

   However, His Royal Highness King Wei still has a lot of power in the capital, which can be seen from the fact that he can control the Tianmu prison in the palace.

The fact that the seventh prince can stay in the capital after being crowned king means that he is one of the candidates for the throne in Emperor Chengde's heart, so he naturally has a lot of fans around him. Take this banquet at the Wei Palace. For example, a total of about ten invitations were sent out, all of them were young people who invited them. The owner of each invitation was a prominent figure in the younger generation in the capital.

   Usually, on the day of the small year, it is to sacrifice to the kitchen **** at home, so the banquet in the palace of Wei Wang was set at noon, so as not to delay these people going home at night to worship the god.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Li Xin walked slowly into Yonglefang, which was the closest to the imperial palace. This Yonglefang was the largest and most expensive one in the capital. There is only a moat between them.

  The entire capital, at least 80% of the power, is concentrated in this Yonglefang.

   The Pingnanhou Mansion is also in this Yonglefang.

Not as lively as other neighborhoods, Yonglefang is quite quiet, and the shops on the street are also antiques and jades, or storefronts such as bookstore porcelain. There are only some servants and maids on the street, and occasionally there are some sedan chairs. The tall horse is walking.

  Li Xin was walking on the street of Yonglefang and glanced at the southwest side of Yonglefang.

There is the location of the Marquis of Pingnan. When another Li Xin and his uncle came to recognize their relatives, they were kicked out by the family of the Marquis. Those family members not only drove them out of the Marquis of Pingnan. He also drove out of Yonglefang all the way.

   This memory is the most profound memory of that "Li Xin". Until now, Li Xin's memory of this unfortunate child will be "played" in his mind over and over again at midnight.

   Li Xin took a long breath, put his hands on his back, and walked towards the southeast of Yonglefang.

Because it was not near noon, Li Xin was not in a hurry to leave. About early noon, he came to the gate of the Wei Wangfu in Yonglefang. The front of this Wei Wangfu is the official regulation of the prince, with two huge ends. The stone lion is sitting on the left and right, and a red lacquer gate looks extremely heavy.

On the plaque    are three large gold lacquer characters from the Wei Wangfu, bestowed by the emperor of Chengde.

  Li Xin was wearing ordinary cotton clothes, with his hands tucked into his sleeves, and walked towards the gate of the palace.

  The two generals guarding the gate of Prince Wei's house stretched out their hands to stop Li Xin. Li Xin took out the purple wooden invitation card from his sleeve and said softly, "Li Xin has been invited by His Royal Highness Prince Wei to come to the banquet."

These two family members were obviously notified in advance. After seeing this invitation, they immediately became more respectful. One of them took Li Xin to the side door of the palace, opened the side door and took Li Xin with him. went in.

The main door of a house, that is, the middle door, is not easily opened. Generally, only the side door will be opened to welcome guests. With the status of King Wei Ji Wen, unless the emperor of Chengde or the elder of the royal family arrives, he is not necessary. Opening the middle door to welcome people, even if Li Shen, the Marquis of Pingnan, returned to Beijing, the middle door of the Wei Palace would not necessarily open.

   For these, Li Xin still understands. With his arms folded, he followed behind the general of the Wei Wangfu family. The family took him around the house for an unknown number of turns and doors, and finally stopped at the gate of a courtyard. Leaning over Li Xin, he said, "Young Master Li, this is the warm pavilion for my lord to entertain guests. Today's banquet is set up here. Most of the others are here. Come in."

This banquet, although it was written as a luncheon, but His Royal Highness King Wei personally posted a message. Which of these invitees are not sincere and fearful? Some people are waiting in this warm pavilion just after the hour. Si Shizheng had all arrived before, so Li Xin, who was not in a hurry, was the last to arrive.

  Li Xin nodded to the general and said softly, "Thank you."

The    family general didn't dare to connect the road, so he bent down and stepped back.

With his hands still in his sleeves, Li Xin paced into the courtyard. After passing through the main hall, there was a two-story building inside. Under the guidance of the maid of the Wei Palace, Li Xin walked up the wooden stairs to the second floor. , walked into the warm pavilion on the second floor.

  The maid took him in, and then closed the door.

In the warm pavilion, twelve red copper stoves burned the room as warm as spring. Li Xin glanced around the room and found that there were more than a dozen low tables in the warm pavilion, and eight or nine young people were sitting on their knees. In front of a low tabletop, there are some delicate desserts and other things on the low table.

   At this time, the luncheon has not yet officially started, and His Royal Highness King Wei, who is the main lord, was not present. These young people who were invited gathered together in twos and threes to chat with each other.

They are all noble sons in the capital. Most of them know each other, and occasionally they don't. The people next to them introduce their elders. Everyone chats and laughs, and then they all know each other. Only Li Xin, who does not know each other. Recognizing others, others don't recognize him, so it's natural that the drone will meet, Li Xin is also happy, he simply finds the most inconspicuous position and sits down on his own.

   As soon as Li Xin was seated, several people's eyes fell on him. These eyes looked at Li Xin recklessly, and they were all thinking about the origin of this ordinary-looking young man in cotton-padded clothes.

After pinching a few pieces of cakes on the table, a beautiful maid walked out and smiled at the young people in the warm pavilion: "My sons, my lord recently got a unique barbecue method and baked it. The meat is tender and refreshing, and today I specially invite you young masters to come and taste it.”

   After saying that, the maid clapped her hands lightly, and the maids walked in from the door of the Nuan Pavilion. These maidservants were holding a charcoal basin in their hands, and the basin was burning red bamboo charcoal.

   A dozen carbon basins were placed on a dozen low tables.

After the   carbon basin was put down, a dozen or so maids came in and put plates of meat skewers in front of everyone.

   The maid who played the role of "host" smiled and said, "This is the method that my lord has recently come up with. This mutton is skewered into a string and grilled on bamboo charcoal.

  Li Xin was speechless.

   This Seventh Prince really had some ideas, and actually let them form a group to make skewers.

   He shook his head, and was just about to bake two skewers for himself to taste, and then turned around to find that the maid who brought him the skewers did not leave, but sat directly beside him and smiled sweetly at himself.

   "Master Li, let's meet again."

   For collection, for recommendation~.



   (end of this chapter)