MTL - Unlimited Cycles of Death-Chapter 103 Butterfly Throne 12┃ Of course we cannot be together ...

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After walking for a long time in the dark, narrow and extremely depressing environment, I finally saw the two brothers at the exit can't help but feel excited, and immediately hurriedly climbed up this staircase made of irregular stones.

After climbing up the stairs, they found that the exit of the underpass was a small small hole in the forest hidden behind trees. This hole was really small and only allowed an adult to climb in or out on his back.

The entrance of the cave is covered with weeds and tree curtains. In order to prevent insects or animals from entering by mistake, it seems that some poisonous plants have been intentionally planted.

Amu knows these poisonous plants. He has seen them in his father's study book. Most of them are plants that do not cause much harm as long as they are not accidentally eaten.

After avoiding the plants and climbing out of the underpass, the two brothers stood around and watched for a while.

It was late at this moment, and the night was empty. The forest was silent, with only a few humming insects. Although it was a lot brighter than the dark road, it was also called dark.

Ashin said, "Where should we go next?"

"Wait a minute, wait for Dr. Herqiu to bring other children over. We are not familiar with this forest, and we may get lost by walking around." Amu placed the oil lamp in his hand on a large stone and wiped it with his sleeve After rubbing the flat side of the stone, he waved to his younger brother, "Come and sit and rest."

Axin obediently walked to his brother and sat down, but looked up and saw that his brother was still standing, and asked, "Isn't my brother sitting?"

"I don't need it." Amu was always tender and incredible when he treated his brother. He reached out and touched Axin's somewhat cold face. "Are you still cold?"

Asin thought for a while: "It's cold in the underpass, and it won't be cold when it comes out."

Ashin finished speaking, he subconsciously held Amu Mo's hand against his cheek with his left hand. Then Axin suddenly noticed a detail that he hadn't noticed before ... or, a detail that he had noticed before but didn't care.

Amu was too close to him.

At this moment, Amu stroked Axin's cheek and chin with his fingers. The head was also pasted, and Axin almost touched his forehead, and the breath sprayed on each other's face, a warm and hot breath.

Intimately, Axin felt that Amu would kiss his lips anytime, anywhere.

They are indeed closer than normal brothers, presumably because of twins. But even if they are twins, at the age of sixteen, they are considered to be adults in Estonia, and they should not be intimate like this. This is like ...

Axin couldn't describe it.

He never dared to analyze or understand the truth behind these problems, he always pretended that he knew nothing, pretended that he was innocent and carefree.

He dared not investigate, because he realized that the ending was not what he wanted to witness.

Axin's eyes were lowered, and he reached out and grabbed Amu's hand groping his cheek, and pulled Amu's hands away from his face. Immediately after, Axin said in a low tone: "Brother, I'm not a kid anymore."

Ah Mu also seems to be able to understand the meaning of Axin's slight rejection. He was silent for a moment, and he didn't know what kind of complex emotions were contained in the dark eyes. He said for a moment: "In my eyes, you have always been a child."

"Amu! Axin!" Just when the two brothers were a little deadlocked, the voice of Dr. Herqiu came from the secret passage there, "Are you outside?"

"We're here!" Amu turned his head, separated from his brother, walked quickly to the exit of the underpass, took an oil lamp and shot inside, and surely saw Dr. Herqiu's familiar face.

"Doctor, are there any other children?" Amu asked subconsciously.

Dr. Herqiu's face was a little dull, hesitating softly: "It's too bad, I only brought out four children, everyone else ..."

The doctor said, get out of the way and let the young people behind him stand up. A glance at Amuding found that three of the four people who were with Dr. Herqiu were about seven or eight years old, and they seemed to be children of a blacksmith and a breeder in the village.

And the last one is the one that Amu doesn't want to see very much—Suriel, the daughter of Orion Taya.

Su Lier tore off the skirt of her ceremonial dress, turned the long skirt into a short skirt, and tied the strip of cloth to her hands and feet as a guard, covering her with what seemed to be her father's coat.

The girl's eyes looked very tenacious and tenacious from beginning to end.

"Come out quickly." Amu ignored the anxiety in her heart and let the opening of the hole allow Dr. Herqiu and other people to come out of the undercover.

When A Xin over there saw Su Lier, his eyes lit up. He first called Dr. Herqiu, and then put his eyes on Su Lier without a trace. first name.

Su Lier doesn't seem to have much interest in Axin, but smiles politely at Axin, saying hello.

Su Lier's attitude made A Xin's lips unconsciously, and his heart sank a lot.

The nearby Amu saw this scene in his eyes, but relieved slightly. He knows that his brother has always liked Su Lier, but A Xin is usually bold and daring to do it, but he is particularly sensitive and anxious about his relationship. Contact will only watch from a distance.

Compared with those guys in the village who are enthusiastically surrounded by Su Lier, who are devoting themselves to making flattery every day, Axin is really too restrained in this respect. It's no wonder that Su Lier has few impressions of him.

Confession to Su Lier on the day of the 16-year-old adult banquet has been a decision made by Asin for so many years, and finally he can summon up all the courage.

It was a pity that it was destroyed by a group of pirates who somehow emerged.

In this regard, Amu is more happy to see it happen. He doesn't like Suriel, especially as Axin becomes more obsessed with Surir, the more Amu dislikes Surir.

It's like being jealous if you insist.

Amu felt that the girl had broken the balance between their brothers.

As a client, Su Lier knew nothing about it. After climbing out of the secret with Dr. Herqiu and a few children, Dr. Herqiu began to recount the situation. The doctor said, "It's terrible, it's terrible!"

Ashin worried, "What happened to my dad !?"

"I don't know." Herqiu shook her head and pulled Surir around him. "Mr. Mensak and Surir's father, Taya, went to resist the pirates, and before leaving, Taya gave Surel to me. . The others seemed dead, and there were corpses along the way. I had no time to take away the children. "

Amu said, "Since Bringing Suriel out, it is not too late, let's go to the town next door for help."

"Yeah!" Axin also responded. "Suriel often followed her father to hunt. She must be very familiar with this forest. It would be best for her to take us across the woods and go to the town next door for help!"

Dr. Herqiu turned her head to Su Lier and asked, "Su Lier, can you lead the way?"

Su Lier looked up and looked around, his face was indistinct: "I can lead the way ... but ..."

"What? Any questions?" Dr. Herqiu was puzzled.

"This underpass in Mensak Manor leads directly into the depths of the forest. This is the territory of the wolves." Su Lier took a few steps, climbed into the more open rocks, and looked at the surrounding environment for a while. "No Wrong, it is indeed the territory of the wolves, and I see a distant tree hanging a trap I laid here years ago. "

"My God!" Dr. Herqiu couldn't help scratching his head when he heard the news, and he looked at Amu and Axin. "What do your dads think, let the secret passage for escape to the wolf's den?"

Amu and Axin have not spoken yet, and Su Lier said, "Maybe it was not when we built the manor. My dad said that this forest had not been so lush before, and there were not many beasts in the forest. These wolves It came later. "

"What should we do?" Amu, who was facing Su Lier, was a little breathless, lowered his voice and said to Su Lier, "Do you have any good ideas? Miss Hunter Su Lier?"

Su Lier heard that, squinting and turning to look at Amu, then smiled at Amu: "Of course."

She reached out and yanked her father's coat, which was a **** fur coat.

Suriel said: "This dress on my body was made of bear skin by my father, which is the black bear we hunted a while ago. My father just cut it down and made this clothes. Only the blood was washed away, and there was still left on it. It has a strong black bear smell. "

"Bears and wolves occasionally fight, and occasionally avoid each other to avoid disputes. They are very intelligent beasts." Su Lier said, "After you follow me, I will take you as far as possible to avoid the wolf Wo, and tell you the right direction. If you encounter a wolf unfortunately, I will imitate a bear call to attract their attention. Then you just need to run away in the direction I specified as soon as possible. "

When Herqiu heard it, she felt bad: "What do you do !?"

"It doesn't matter, I often do this kind of thing." Su Lier seemed very confident. "I have been hunting here with my father since I was young. I am familiar with this forest as I am familiar with my backyard. There are many traps set up by my father in the forest. If I don't feel good, I will lead the wolves to the trap. After the wolves are damaged, they will retreat, and I will be out of danger soon. "

Although Su Lier's speech was full of self-confidence, Her Qiu still felt uneasy, but at this moment, Her Qiu had no choice.

Herqiu looked at the people around her. Except for Amu and Axin and Su Lier, the others were all children under the age of ten.

Although Amu and Axin are two boys, they are usually carefully raised in their own manor by Mr. Mensak, and live a life of carefree young masters, making these two masters suddenly carry weapons and wolves. Confrontation is obviously stupid and ridiculous.

But let Su Lier a girl fight against the wolves alone, Herqiu could not rest assured, he gritted his teeth and said to Su Lier: "If you meet the wolves, let me act with you, if something happens, I can take care of you, and in the future ... I can tell your father Taya. "

"Don't." Su Lier refused unconsciously, and she even looked at Herqiu with disgusting eyes: "You are useless to me, and you will be hindered by following me. May need me to protect you. "

"But ..." Herqiu was dumbfounded, trying to save herself a little.

Surir interrupted him mercilessly: "Doctor, this forest is a battlefield to me. I am a warrior on this battlefield. I have never feared fighting or dying. If I were afraid, then I would I would not learn to be a hunter with my father. "

After all, Su Lier smiled at the doctor: "So, please believe me?"

So Hurqiu kept silent under Su Lier's smile, which was regarded as the acquiescence of Su Lier's proposal. After a brief discussion, the group embarked on the road to continue.

Suriel said as she walked, telling the doctor and the specific directions of the town of Amuashin. She pointed at the sky above the forest, and saw the sky shrouded in darkness in the crevices of dense foliage. Moon-Tonight is a full moon night.

"Going north along the sky, you can walk north to get out of the forest, and then go out and walk a hundred meters to see the town." Su Lier pointed out to everyone the North Star in the sky. "But because there are so many me in this forest, The trap left by my father, so when you are walking, I suggest that you take a longer branch to explore the road to clear the weeds and test the traps ... or snakes hidden in the grass. "

Amu said, "Your father is really a" trap master. "

Su Lier seemed to take this sentence as a compliment, and even laughed at Amu again: "His technique of making traps is in full swing, I only learned some fur ... But seriously, the reason why Dad made so many traps is also In order to deal with these wolves, I don't know why. Recently, the number of wolves has been increasing. In order to prevent them from running out of the forest easily, many traps have been laid here. "

"Wolves ... more and more?" Amu's eyes darkened, and it seemed to contain unknown emotions that could not be parsed. "Then you should be careful."

A Xin, who had always been lively and cheerful, remained silent and did not speak. He also bowed his head slowly and walked next to Amu, occasionally raising his head to look at Suriel and his brother Amu.

Su Lier and A Mu, who led the way in the beginning, talked about inexplicably. Su Lier was holding the stick to explore the road, and A Mu held his oil lamp to light her.

The picture of two people standing together is inexplicably harmonious.

No, don't think too much.

Asin silently comforted himself, he knew that it was impossible for his brother to like Su Liel, because his brother ...

Thinking of this, A Xin could not help but clenched his fists.

Doesn't that seem to be shameless? Relying on his brother's goodness to himself, while enjoying the care of his brother unscrupulously, he pursues the girl he likes at will.

Ashin's mood fell into a sudden trough. And at this moment, the wolves that everyone had been guarding against did not appear, but the pirates who landed in Estonia and killed their village appeared behind them!

The pirates held torches and guns, made a loud noise, shouted a foreign language that was incomprehensible to others such as Su Lier, and followed the trail left by Su Lier's group in the forest.

"How could these pirates catch up !?" Herqiu looked back and saw the weeping fire that was approaching behind, shocked, "Did they find the secret passage in the manor, so followed the secret passage !?" "

Su Lier was also a little panicked, but soon calmed down. She climbed a stone and stood high and looked over there: "There are not many chasing troops. I can see that there are less than ten people. It may indeed be a secret passage. So Come on. "

Amu also followed, and said to Su Lier, "Miss Hunter, while they make all kinds of noisy sounds, but also scream and scream, how likely is it to attract wolves?"

Suriel laughed: "The odds are very high. We may use these chasers as bait. When they become the bait of the pack of wolves, we will be able to leave this forest more easily and happily."

Things went as smoothly as Su Lier said, there was no need for Su Lier and his party to intervene too much, they just need to be careful to avoid the traps that may be hidden in the grass and just go straight.

And the group of pirates behind them chased them, but it didn't take long for them to be followed by wolves. Lone wolves or less than five wolves may not attack multiple targets, but a dozen wolves appeared. Very different.

While Suryl and others were still moving forward in silence, they heard the exclaiming sounds of those pirates, mixed with howls of wolves, followed by continuous gunshots.

"They're carrying guns," Suriel frowned. "It's a little bad."

Herqiu said: "Does the wolves get scared away by gunfire?"

"No, the wolf's revenge is very heavy." Su Lier looked solemn. "I and my dad fought in this forest all year round. These wolves would have feared the sound of guns earlier, but they have become immune to them. The 'gunfire' that kills them is extremely angry, and shooting near the wolf's den will anger them. "

Amu said: "Does it mean more wolves will come next?"

"Yes." Su Lier beckoned to Amu and others. "Let's go quickly and don't fall into the siege of the wolves."

Immediately afterwards, a group of people accelerated their pace, stumbling to try to make a path in this dense woods, but sometimes the more anxious people are, the more trouble they find.

Su Lier and they really met the wolf. When they walked to a relatively open place, a small voice came from the grass. Amu raised the oil lamp in his hand, and she saw a few long ones in front. Very strong wolf.

These wolves are taller than the large sled dogs raised by some breeders in the village, their tails sway from side to side, their fur is black and white, and their eyes are a little scary under the light of weak lights.

"Do what I said before!" Su Lier shouted at Herqiu and Amu and others, raising her volume, "Now, run for me immediately!"

Suriel said, rolled up her thick fur coat, quickly like a rushing rabbit, and she and Hurqiu's group of soldiers split in two ways, she ran in the other direction, while running back While she was making a bear-like sound to the wolves, she had to say that she had learned very much.

The wolves really attracted her attention. It seemed that she didn't know whether to chase Su Lier or chase the humans. After hesitating for a while, she followed Su Lier, probably because Su Lier's yelling was a little provocative the taste of.

After Suriel drew the pack of wolves away, the detached Hirchus continued to walk in the direction of the North Star pointed by Suriel. But after walking for a while, Herqiu's face grew darker and darker. In the end, he seemed unbearable, and said to Amu and Amu: "Take a few children away, I'll go back to Surier."

Amu said: "She doesn't need your help, she said it herself."

"Maybe you don't need me to deal with the wolves, but she needs me to deal with those pirate chasers," said Herqiu, and he even found a pistol from his pocket.

"Doctor, do you actually have a gun?" Amu was surprised.

"I do, of course, but this gun has few bullets and may not be of much use."

After all, Herqiu said nothing, and silently listened to the movement of the pirate chasers and the wolves fighting there.

Herqiu said, "The pirates are very tenacious. It seems that the siege of the wolves can still last for a while. I am afraid that the firepower they carry is not small. After being attracted by the sound of guns, it is estimated that the surrounding wolves came around. Using the trap to get rid of a part of it, she may still have a hard time getting out, so I'm going to help her. This is probably to die, but bless me. "

"I bless you, doctor."

Ashin said in horror: "Wait, doctor! You were useless in the past!"

"I don't know if it will be useful until I try it." Herqiu glanced at Amu and Axin, and several other children who had been afraid of shrinking together.

"Protect these children, Amu, and Axin. I know you can do it."

Having said that, Dr. Herqiu followed in the footsteps of Su Lier and ran in the other direction, so the team was left with only Amuasin and three children who were only unafraid to follow them.

Amu didn't delay time either, pulling Axin and moving on with the child.

On the way, Axin's face was full of heart and mind, and he couldn't help but said to Amu: "Dad ... Doctor, and Suryl, they ... are they all right?"

Ah Mu comforted his brother with a tone that was almost uncomfortable: "It's okay."

"I feel ... I'm useless, I can't help anything," Ashin said. "Suriel is beautiful and strong, and I ... I don't deserve her."

"How come? Axin also has the advantages of Axin." Amu still looked at his brother tenderly.

Axin said, "You are just coaxing me, I know."

"I didn't coax you. For me, Axin is very, very good."

"Brother, do you like me?" A Xin asked coldly.

Amu paused for a moment and replied, "Of course I like you."

"Not the kind of loved ones ... I asked you, do you like me?" Axin asked again.

This time Amu stopped.

Then Mu opened his mouth and seemed to want to say something, but couldn't say anything. He hesitated for a while before he answered, "Is the answer to this question important to you?"

"I don't know." Ah Channel, "but I want to know."

"If I answered yes ... how would you respond to me?"

Asin seemed to have the courage to raise his head and stared at his brother: "This shouldn't be, brother, it can't be this way!"

"I knew you would say that." Amu smiled bitterly. "So ... do you still like girls like Su Lier more than me?"

"I ... I didn't mean that ..." Ashin didn't know how to express his meaning correctly. He was anxious to find the right language in his mind: "We are brothers, we cannot be together ..."

"Yeah, you like girls, of course we can't be together ..." Amu almost expected the ending.

"No ... brother ... I ..." Axin still wanted to explain something, but at this time, they heard the howling in the forest behind them again, and this sound was very close to them.

"Run!" Amu reached out and grabbed the hands of the two children behind him, and Axin instinctively took the last one, and the two hurriedly rushed to the north to run away.

After walking for so long, in fact, the forest has been almost crossed by them. It seems that the open plain can be seen before, and the fire that belongs to the town is still farther away.

When running to the edge of the forest, the wolf behind seemed to follow. Amu and Axin could almost hear the sound of the tartar that wolf paw ran on the ground. Amu and Axin had to push the children forward, pointing The fire in the town ahead yelled at them and the two brothers stayed behind, turning to face the wolves that followed.

Fortunately, there are not many, only three.