MTL - Twilight Kiss-Chapter 279 class visit

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  Chapter 279 Visiting Class

  Luo Ci's eyes suddenly lit up, and her heart beat a little faster. The man raised the brim of his baseball cap slightly with his beautiful fingers, those dark eyes.

  The little girl's eyes were full of surprises, her happiness was undisguised.

  Luo Cisheng was good-looking, with bright eyes and white teeth. A smile makes people unable to move their eyes away, not to mention that those eyes are like star boulders shining behind the clouds.

   This summer color is much darker.

  Luo Ci ran outside while holding the phone.

   At this moment, Gu Si'an, who had been staring at Luo Ci, suddenly lost emotion in his eyes. He turned around and saw a man.

  This person has a dignified and cool demeanor, yet restrained. Gu Si'an frowned, his eyes followed the beautiful back of the girl Mi Li.

  Due to the blocking of the gate, Gu Si'an couldn't see the others clearly.

  For the airborne boss to visit the squad, the surrounding staff are watching. The director wanted to get acquainted, and thought that Shi Shu was here to visit Shi Yan. As a result, there was a little girl in his arms suddenly, and he was in a delicate mood for a while.

  Luo Ci ran too fast, her little face was full of bright smiles. There was an empty step on the ladder, Luo Ci's body swayed, and she almost fell.

  Shi Shu stretched out his hand to hold her wrist, and the little girl threw herself into his arms.

   A group of daughter incense threw herself into her arms.

  Shi Shu supported her waist, chuckled and said, "Why are you running in such a hurry?"

   "I want to come to you soon." This girl is much more courageous now, and she speaks love words with sweetness that penetrates people's hearts.

  Luo Ci hugged Shi Shu, facing the eyes of so many people, she still felt a little embarrassed after all. After she stood firmly, she pulled Shi Shu to the surrounding hidden places.

  The look of probing the brain is really like cheating.

   At a remote location on one side, Luo Ci looked up at him carefully. The man's clean and handsome facial features were outlined with sharp lines in the black mask, and his dark eyes seemed to be filled with tiny stars, revealing a hidden smile.

   This mask is also very attractive.

  Luo Ci stood on tiptoe, trying to tear off his mask. The man silently bowed his head and asked her to remove the mask.

"How did you come?"

   Shi Shu lowered his head, the tip of his nose landed on her forehead, and rubbed against her. Holding her hand, he asked back, "Why does Ci Bao think?"

  This man's voice has a kind of lazy and pleasant sound.

  Luo Ci deliberately said: "It must have been said when I came to see it. After all, women are like clothes, and brothers are brothers."

  When the brow bone moves slightly.

  This girl doesn't know where she got her faults, and she's a little tricky. But with her apricot eyes, she is extremely innocent.

  Shi Shu smiled and kissed the corner of her lips, which was extremely gentle. Luo Ci's heart was itching more and more hooked.

  He pressed against Luo Ci's forehead, and the wall was behind the little girl. He supported her head, without being hit by the wall, he said: "I have only one purpose to visit the class - to be you, Luo Ci."

  He put a hand on her shoulder, teasing her earlobe.

  Luo Ci bit her lip, originally there was still a bunch of flirting language in her mind that she learned online. Now there is really no scum left.

  Luo Ci hugged his head and buried it obediently in his arms, like a child showing off his victory over an opponent, and said: "I defeated Xu Tantan today, and I didn't give her a bully."

  When Xu Tan Tan was mentioned, Shi Shu paused.

  He deliberately went to investigate part of the content, and Luo Ci only talked about part of it. This girl couldn't bear to make him feel bad.

  She is so good.


  Afterwards, Shi Shu rubbed her head and asked, "Are you tired from recording the show?"

  Luo Ci shook her head like a rattle. As the sun sets, the waves on the beach roll up, which is very beautiful.

  Her hair was dyed with light: "The guests are all very good, and the project is not difficult. Recording the program is relatively easy."

  (end of this chapter)