MTL - Twilight Kiss-Chapter 229 cold?

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  Chapter 229 Cold?

  Luo Ci shook her head, and added with red earlobes: "It's coming soon."

   She wants to marry him very much.

  When he told how many skewers to bake, Luo Ci did not fail to accept them, and they all went into his stomach. In the end, I was full and snuggled on his shoulder.

  The beach is very lively, and a group of high school students in school uniforms are also buying skewers. The high-spirited boy grabbed the girl's braids and snatched the braids. The girl was so angry that she yelled: "You are such an adult and you still **** it from me. Are you shameless?"

  The girl tugged at the boy's collar, making him turn red. The two sides bickered without giving in.

  Luo Ci smiled and hooked Shi Shu's fingertips, "I used to do such childish things with Xia Tiannian. Every time she made me cry, she finally coaxed me with all the tricks."

   Shi Shu said that this person had spent the first half of his life indifferent, and had no desire to compete with others at all. Naturally, I don't understand this emotion.

   But he knew that the girl in his arms had friends, family, and love in her life. She is a bright and bright girl.

  He just held her cold fingertips and asked, "Is it cold?"

  Luo Ci shrank into his arms like a porcelain doll. She suppressed her blushing and rubbed his neck, "It's not cold."

   "Does your arm still hurt?"

  The little girl shook her head softly, thinking that she had grown fans of more than half of the country's gymnasts before, and found it funny.

   "He Jin framed me and raped me online, I can solve it myself. The evidence is very strong, she can't win the case."

  Luo Ci thought about it, and said: "However, I really can't understand why she would do this. Jealousy and embarrassment shouldn't make her so crazy."

   She grabbed his wrist bone and couldn't help but kissed him again.

"She must have a mental illness. I checked her information. Her parents are idle and rely on relatives to support her. He Jin was sent to someone else's bed in the third year of junior high school. She was dependent on others since she was a child, and she was treated as a money-making machine in the end. Her mental illness has already to severe."

  Luo Ci was stunned for a moment, the long-term abnormal psychology filled her with resentment. When it accumulates to a certain level, it happens to meet the zero boundary point of Luo Ci, and it all vents out.

  He Jin is hateful and pitiful, but she, Luo Ci, is even more innocent.

  The sea breeze hits, and the tide rises little by little. The turbulent sea beat against the rocks on the shore one after another.

  Luo Ci sneezed, "Let's go back to the hotel first!"

  The little girl pretended to be the matter just now, and walked back to the room and followed him closely. Almost banged my head on the door.

  Shi Shu covered her head and laughed softly. Rubbing the top of her hair with her palm, she asked with a smile, "Do you want to come into my room?"


  Luo Ci broke the merits, and her face was completely red. This is a bit of a hooligan, but but... she likes it, hehehe.

   Putting aside the troubles in his mind, he always easily saw her worries, and helped her dispel them in a gentle way.

  The presidential suite where all four people live has a wide view and a viewing room. There was fruit on the coffee table, pineapples soaked in jars of salt water.

  Luo Ci didn't wear shoes, and her white and tender feet stepped on the mat.

   "Niannian said that there is a new movie that is very good, let's watch it?" She asked in a questioning tone, but let it go.

  The little girl has really been raised by him.

   Shi Shu turned off the lights, leaving only one on the balcony, with warm orange light. In the dim light, it is more atmospheric.

  Luo Ci was originally sitting, holding a pineapple jar and eating pineapple. She pursed her lips again, blinked, and looked at him: "It's a bit cold."

  Shi Shu hooked her waist with one hand, and put the pineapple jar on the stool beside her with the other. He smiled lowly: "Is it still cold?"

  (end of this chapter)