MTL - Twilight Boundary-Chapter 408 Stone is famous all over the world

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Chapter 408: Stone is the most famous thing in the world

“General Yin, General Yin who summons Yin soldiers?”

 Lao Baanpan's words made Hu Ma's heart tremble slightly, and he thought about it carefully, feeling a little creepy.

Lao Baanpan, on the other hand, stamped his feet angrily, suddenly reacted and shouted: "Ignore him for now, hurry up, go to the mine vein and see if there is anything else in it?"


The people around have not yet reacted to the panic just now. Their faces are covered with blood. They turn to look at the people around them. They all look like **** people. They are really frightened and gasping. I was so angry that I felt a little dizzy.

Hu Ma, on the other hand, was relatively calm. When Lao Baanpan was talking, he had already arrived at the entrance of the mine and opened his mouth with a strange expression.

Just now, the mine was still weird and weird for a while, but after I ran out of the thing, I saw that the strange smell of blood was no longer in the cave, and it just looked like an ordinary mineral vein.

It’s strange to say that when there was the smell of blood inside, just one look at it made people feel weird and scary. Now that the **** guy inside has come out, people look at the veins again and feel a lot more at ease.

Huma didn't hesitate any more, and directly lit up the torch, ducked into the vein of the mine, and under the eyes of everyone holding their breath, he made his way in bit by bit.

 “Is this the Shiduo they call?”

 Thanks to the remote location of the livestock shed, he was not bitten to death by the bugs in this chaos.

So after thinking for a moment, he put the torch aside, took out his serrated knife, and cut around and underneath the thing a few times, cutting away the connection between it and the surrounding flesh and blood, and the stone cave. Contact was broken.

This push took place with all the strength of a watcher, but it didn't move at all.

The firelight danced, illuminating both sides of the stone wall.

Hu Ma was born in Dayang Village, and there were many meat-cutting craftsmen in the village. But strictly speaking, this was the first time that Hu Ma had drilled into this kind of mine. He saw that there were stone walls on both sides of the mine, but in the pores of the stone walls, from time to time, The weird texture of flesh and blood is visible.

If you hadn't already known that this thing was different, and there were gold threads entwined on it, and flesh and blood remained, it would have looked like a stone encountered during the mining of mineral veins.

First there is white matter, then green matter, and then there is blood matter. They are all closely connected with the stone walls, just like the soil between the stone gaps. A large number of traces of being harvested can be seen on the surface.

But he knew that he hadn't seen the important point yet, so he held back and slowly moved closer inside. He felt that he had gone in very deep, almost ten feet. Finally, the light of the torch seemed to be blocked. When he looked carefully, he saw something in front of him. A dark thing.

Then he got out again, found some strong ropes, and twisted them in one place. Then he went back into the hole and wrapped them around the stone a few times. After they were tied firmly, he pulled out the other end.

This is how these meat cutters cut off all kinds of Tai Sui flesh and blood with one knife and then transported them outside?

 These are all good things...

 After taking a few deep breaths, he boldly turned his palms to death, stretched out his hands, and pushed.

So they brought ropes and assigned positions. The other two horses in the valley and the donkey led by Hu Ma were all hitched.

Hu Ma's heart also sank. When he looked at it carefully, he saw that the thing looked like bone but not bone, like stone but not stone, and it was connected with the remaining flesh and blood around it.

  But when we reached the depths, we could already see traces of golden patterns on both sides, which were exactly the golden patterns of Tai Sui. From this change, we can be sure that Zhuang Erchang was not lying about this.

The rope was rolled around the wooden shackles a few times and put on the animal. Then the meat cutter, who knew how to raise animals, raised his whip and made a false move. The four big mules exerted their strength at the same time. The rope was immediately stretched, but the four The big mule's hooves were slipping and it didn't pull.

“Come here and join hands, pull out the things inside and take a look, and bring the animals from the mine over.”

The faintly visible golden threads on the stone walls on both sides became more and more dense, spreading all the way inside, but they ended up here, concentrating on this dark, round thing. Inside the black material, there was a cold and faint golden blood light.

Hu Ma sighed inwardly, but as he continued to go in, he gradually discovered that as the blood quality Tai Sui increased, the surrounding area was already a bright red, and the stone walls were crystallized, looking like dried flesh and blood.

Upon seeing his instructions, everyone got busy. Some people moved the thick wooden frame over and wrapped the rope around the frame. Others went to the back of the valley and kept it in the livestock shed on the southeast corner to lead the animals.

 No one cared about the horse that wanted to die. After all, the horse looked as if it was about to die...

So many animals have been hitched, and the ropes have been tightened with enough strength. Even the wooden frame used as a pulley is creaking and about to fall apart, but the things inside still don't look like they are about to be pulled out.

Hu Ma frowned when he saw this. When Zhou Datong and others next to him saw this, they had already stepped forward to help, so he also reached out and pulled the rope.

With enough strength, he suddenly shouted: "Come out!"

Finally, with the addition of him, the person who entered the house to watch the year, the contents of the mine were finally pulled out. And because they came out too fast, the animals were shaken and fell into a pile. Several of them looked at their legs. They all looked lame.

 Fortunately, I found some black oil on the blood mine and anointed it, which can cure it. If I had to stay outside, the animal would be useless.

"What's this?"

Finally the things inside were pulled out. Both the miners and Datong and others were also curious and came over to look at it, their eyes full of surprise.

Now that we were outside, there was enough light, and Hu Ma could see clearly what this thing looked like. He saw that it was about four or five feet tall, dark, and had an irregular round hole at the top.

Originally, there were golden lines on the surface, but now that it was dragged outside, it has dimmed. The whole body is only black, like iron but not iron, but there is nothing special about it at all.

"Yes, yes..."    While others were looking at it with confusion, the old abacus next to them had already squeezed in, and their eyes wanted to hit him. He touched here and knocked there. After a long time, he lowered his voice. He sighed and seemed disappointed.

“It’s not a corpse, it’s a stone weight. It was the same thing before, suppressing the things inside..."


Not only did the people next to him not understand, Hu Ma also gave him a slightly strange look: "Is this thing called a stone mass?"


Old Abacus waved his hand, with a somewhat bored expression on his face, and whispered: "This is a weird thing made during the Shangjing Festival. It is said to be used to measure the weight of the world."

 “Weigh the world? What is the operation?”

Hearing this, Hu Ma couldn't help but frown and stretched out his hand to push: "Is this the only thing?"

Just now, I was pushing it inside and felt that it was motionless. Now that I was dragged outside, it seemed to have no weight anymore. I pushed it away with a palm. Although it was heavy, it was not completely unshakable like before.

“It’s just a saying, how can it be taken seriously?”

The old abacus sighed and said: "I think there must be an expert who wants to use this meaning to weigh something. If you think about it, being able to weigh the world means that this stone weight has a common meaning with the world. Weight, how much does this thing have to weigh?”

“It is precisely with this weight that we can suppress some extremely evil things..."


Hearing this, Hu Ma frowned slightly and said, "Is that General Yin?"


 Lao Abacus whispered, "That thing is used for fighting, it's very evil!"

"Wherever he passes, all living people will die and turn into a dark army, following him to charge into battle. No matter how powerful the living people are, how can they stop this evil sect?"

“For this reason, there have been rumors that when the common master of the world is born, there will be General Yin to help him, command the Yin soldiers, and help him conquer the world.”

"Similarly, the birth of General Yin means that the troubled times in the world are about to begin, but...this thing in our mine seems to have been dug out, and it has not really taken shape, so it does not necessarily count."


 “Command the Yin soldiers and charge into battle?”

Hu Ma was shocked by his words. It was hard to imagine such a monster leading countless Yin soldiers to charge, and she suddenly became more aware of the power in the doorway in this world.


Old Abacus frowned even more as he thought about it. Suddenly he glanced at Hu Ma suspiciously and said, "There are only stone weights in here?"

“It stands to reason that since there are stone weights and General Yin is formed, there should be General Orders. The Patriarch said that these things will be put together..."

As he spoke, he became more and more suspicious. Suddenly he reached out and patted Hu Ma's sleeve: "Is it on you?"

 “What the hell?”

Hu Ma suddenly became a little annoyed. He shook his sleeves frankly and said, "How can I have time to pick up this crap? Even if it is there, I don't recognize it. If you don't believe it, just go in and see for yourself?"

Old Abacus could indeed see that Hu Ma didn't seem to be hiding anything, and he knew that this thing was probably not something that a year-watching man could hide. He chuckled twice and said, "Why are you still upset? I That’s just a question…”

 But as he was talking, he actually plucked up the courage, took a torch, ran into the mine, walked around, and then came back with a good face.

The flax in the vein has been clearly seen, and it has long been empty.

 “What are you so sorry for?”

Hu Ma patted the stone weight in front of him and said, "Since this thing is said to weigh the world, can't it be regarded as a treasure?"

“It’s useless. This thing is just a lock. It’s good to be able to control General Yin’s general order...”

The old abacus listened with some disdain: "It seems that there is really no trace at all. Could it be that the ancestor made a mistake again? This old thing will not be able to enjoy three sacrifices in his life..."

Hu Ma looked at his regretful look, but did not interrupt. She just stood aside silently, thoughtfully.

It happened that at this time, the meat-cutting craftsmen nearby saw that only a stone weight had been dragged out, and they all dispersed. Some people discovered the abnormality on the surface of several mineral veins around them, and they were surprised: "How come the meat mines here are so dry?" Already?"

 Lao Abacus was stunned for a moment, and slapped his thigh hard: "Damn it Zhuang Erchang!"

 (End of this chapter)