MTL - Treasure Hunt America-Chapter 29 American Sweetheart

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The band on the small stage performed very hard. Several band members, with long hair and shawls, had a bit of a modern hard rock style.

On the left side of the stage is a temporary bar, where drinks are open for supply, and on the right side is the cold food area, where some Western-style snacks will be provided.

The small dance floor in front of the stage was crowded with men and women writhing crazily, and they looked a bit bizarre against the background of the laser lights. The front of the bar and the cold food area were crowded with people.

"Hey Candace, long time no see..."

"Come on, Candice, come here and introduce you to some friends."

Obviously Candace seems to be doing well in the group of girls. As soon as he entered the hall, several girls greeted her one after another.

Candace let go of Jin Muchen's hand: "you go over there to have something to eat first, I'll go over and say hello to a few friends."

Candace smiled and said to Jin Muchen, who nodded and walked over to the cold food area.

To be honest, after working in the distribution center for a day, he was already hungry. Although he ate a lot at noon, his appetite is not very good now.

I came to the cold food area to have a look. They are all Western-style snacks. They are very fancy, but the taste is mostly sweet. If you want to rely on these things to feed your stomach, it is estimated that Jin Muchen will be able to eat this ladder. Not possible.

However, eating a little and padding your stomach is always better than nothing.

Jin Muchen picked up the dinner plate and loaded a few pieces of snacks, then hid in the corner, quickly swept away, and then went back and forth a few times, finally let the stomach feel a little bit.

Looking up again, he looked in the direction Candace had just gone. In between, Candace was holding a glass of beer and chatting happily with a few girls.

As if sensing his gaze, Candace glanced at him. The eyes of the two collided in the air. Candace raised the quilt in his hand and smiled at him.

The people beside Candace also noticed Candace's gaze, and even their eyes were projected towards him. When they saw him, the eyes of the girls all lit up.

Black hair, a healthy wheat-colored individual, tall and well-defined. Although he simply wore a plaid shirt and jeans, he couldn't completely block his sunny breath.

Especially when he smiled, the raised corners of his mouth, the long black hair, the clear collarbone line exposed in the open collar, and the strong pectoral muscles, immediately added a few more to his body. A bohemian atmosphere.

One of the girls with long brown hair couldn't help but turn around with a smile and asked Candace, "Where did you find such a handsome guy? Why haven't you seen it on campus before?"

Another red-haired man continued: "That is, that is, Candace, you always explain, you moved out of the school dormitory this semester, is it for him?"

The disguised compliments of several girls obviously made Candice very useful, but she didn't make it clear: "Hey, he was actually in the school before, but you didn't pay attention to him."

"By the way, where is he from? Chinese, or Korean?"

"Well, it's definitely not Japanese, Hurley, didn't you teach a Japanese boyfriend before? Haha, their temperament is too different!"

"Don't mention that guy. When I mention that guy, I'm offended. He is obviously a man, but he learns how to do eyebrows and eyeliner, and he likes to wear calf pants. Oh my God! Don't let me see that. guy."

"Don't go too far, Candace, tell me honestly, what's the origin of this guy?"

Several girls were chatting, but apparently Candace was very pleased with their attitude after seeing Jin Muchen.

"he's Chinese."

"Oh my god!"

"Haha, I guessed right, it's really Chinese, from the mainland!"

"That should be a red noble, right?"

"Yes, or it should be a rich second generation."

Several girls chatted around Candace, but the center of their topic was inseparable from Jin Muchen's background and life experience.

And Candace pretended to be mysterious, anyway, she just didn't give them a solid foundation, because she really couldn't understand these girls too well.

If you explain Jin Muchen's details by yourself, the news about her and Jin Muchen will spread all over the sky tomorrow, not to mention that there are still many privacy-related issues.

"By the way, Candace, have you ever slept with him?"

"That's right, I've heard of Asian Tintin, but it's very small."

"Can he satisfy you?"

The girls drank a lot of wine and chatted happily, and the topic became more and more presumptuous. Soon a few sharp questions made Candace's face red.

"Enough, you little hooves, don't forget, I'm a devout Catholic, there are some topics, don't cross the border."

"Hey! Crossing the line? What are you talking about, having such a good time? Do you mind if I come and talk? Hey, Candice, it's been a while since we've seen you?"

During the conversation, a charming figure flashed out from behind everyone, wearing a red short-sleeved T-shirt and a pair of simple jeans. He was not tall, but his blond hair, with a face as beautiful as a porcelain doll, was also very attractive. There were two high bulges in the red t-shirt, which immediately made this girl grab the attention of most of the boys around.

This girl can be said to be extraordinarily beautiful, and compared to many other Western girls with large pores, her delicate skin can definitely be called delicate.

Although the figure is not tall, but it is bulging forward and backward, plus a blond hair, and sweet facial features, this is definitely the image of the standard American sweetheart in the hearts of countless Americans.

Although Jin Muchen was far away, he recognized this girl, the beautiful girl who used to hang out with Candace.

At that time, the relationship between the two of them seemed to be very good. They often went in and out together, had meals, went to the library, and liked to go to class together. Every time the two of them appeared together on a certain occasion, it was definitely called it. It is a beautiful landscape.

But this time, he clearly saw that when Candace faced this girl again, it seemed a little unnatural.

"Hi! Helen, long time no see."

"Helen, when did you come?"

"By the way, Helen, where's your Popeye?"

The girls around were giggling and greeting this Helen, only Candace, she just nodded at this Helen with a cold expression, but did not speak.

Helen immediately became the center of everyone's attention. Several girls quickly gathered around and chatted with Helen, but this time their topic was shifted to the latest fashion.

Candace quietly squeezed out of their circle, and soon came to Jin Muchen's side.

"Why are you here? Aren't you friends with that girl? I used to see you together on campus often."

Jin Muchen looked at Candace and asked, while Candace took a sip from the beer in the paper cup.

"Yes, we used to be very good friends, but since a few months ago, we are no longer friends."

Seeing that Candace was in a bad mood at this time, Jin Muchen didn't dare to ask in detail, so he could only quickly put down the plate in his hand, drag Candice, and go to the other side to ask for a beer.

"Why, don't you go down and dance?"

Candace raised his chin, drew a stroke on the dance floor below, and asked Jin Muchen to come.

And Jin Muchen looked at the guys below who were shaking their heads and turned to ask Candace, "Do you think they were dancing at that time?"

Candace smiled when he arrived: "It's not dancing, so what do you think you were doing at that time?"

"I think it's more like a gorilla in heat!"


Candace couldn't hold back and spat out the beer he had just sipped into his mouth.

"You guy, your mouth is really bad!"

As he spoke, he gently punched Jin Muchen's shoulder, while Jin Muchen raised his hands, shook his head and liked it, his body swayed around, shaking and talking to Candice.

"How is it? Don't you think it's different? Don't tell me you haven't watched the Discovery Channel. There is an episode about African gorillas. When I see them in heat, it's like this in front of the opposite sex. jumping."

"Come on, you bastard!"

Candace couldn't stop, hugging his stomach and laughing. He was in a somewhat uneasy mood just now, but at this time it was swept away.

"Hey! What are you talking about, having such a good time?"

A clear voice rang in Jin Muchen's ear, he quickly stopped his dance, and then looked at the other side, Candace had stopped laughing, but looked behind him with a complicated expression.

He turned around, and it turned out that it was Candace's former friend Helen standing behind them, and beside Helen was a tall, handsome white young man who was looking at him with provocative eyes. With Jin Muchen.

And Candace looked at the white young man's eyes, it was a bit complicated, without thinking about it, you can know that Candace and the white young man must have had a story.

At this time, the beauty of the American sweetheart standard came to them with a smile.

"Hey! Candice, I just talked to Hurley and the others, why did you walk away? We haven't seen each other for a long time! How are you, how are you doing? Who is this? Your new boyfriend?"

Although this beauty was smiling all over her face when she spoke, Jin Muchen could clearly feel the sarcasm and contempt in her tone, and it seemed that there must be an unpleasant past between the two girls.

And this American sweetheart is obviously a bad visitor!