MTL - Treasure Hunt America-Chapter 1194 traitor

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?There really is a story here, otherwise, this Mark, unless his brain has been kicked by a donkey, will he be willing to sell the equipment that he bought back for hundreds of millions of dollars and sell it for 30 million dollars.

Although Jin Muchen and Wang Xueming did not know much about the machinery and equipment for the production of medicine, they had done their homework before coming here. If it is the kind of machinery and equipment that specializes in the production of a certain kind of special medicine, it is usually due to the particularity of the production process and process. Manufacturers of machinery and equipment, go to special customization.

This cycle is relatively long and the investment is relatively large, because the entire production line needs to be completely redesigned, so the cost will be very high. After use, the depreciation rate of this equipment is relatively high due to its particularity.

Generally, after four to five years, the value of the basic production line is basically zero, and if it is sold on the second-hand market, it will not sell at a particularly high price, because the medicine is relatively special, and there are relatively few companies that generally produce it, so Such a production line will not be of much use if other companies sell it, and the versatility is too low, so the second-hand price will also be very low.

But like the machinery and equipment they have seen today that produces broad-spectrum antibiotics, the value retention rate of second-hand equipment is very high, because such equipment can produce almost universal drugs, and the market demand is relatively high. It is large, and such equipment can be used by almost every pharmaceutical factory.

Even if it is bought back and not used to produce broad-spectrum antibiotics, it is used to produce other pharmaceuticals. Such equipment can be disassembled and spliced ​​with other equipment. The versatility is very high, so the value preservation rate of such equipment is also very high. OK

And the life cycle is also very long. Basically, a pharmaceutical factory has such equipment. As long as the equipment is not broken, it can basically be used until it is scrapped. It is basically no problem for the last ten or twenty years. If it is well maintained, It will not be a problem for the last thirty or fifty years.

The equipment in this Duraric Pharmaceutical Factory is basically nine layers of new or brand new state. If such equipment is estimated according to the normal market value, it can at least be a percentage of the original market value. It is about sixty to seventy, which means that this set of equipment, even now, is worth one or two billion dollars, or even more.

But this Mark, who only asked for 30 million US dollars when he opened his mouth, and was also responsible for installing them in place, they all felt a little unbelievable that this transaction was cost-effective.

And Richard was even more surprised that he didn't know what to say, which made Jin Muchen and Wang Xueming wonder if there was something tricky in it.

Although this Mark is a little careless, he is not a fool. Of course, he saw Jin Muchen and Wang Xueming's hesitation, so he laughed at them.

"Haha, don't think too much about it, there is a reason why I sold these equipment to you at such an almost **** price."

"Oh? What's the reason?"

Jin Muchen couldn't help but ask this Mark out of curiosity, but at this time, this Mark's face was straight.

"The reason why I sell these equipment to you at such a price is that I have another expectation for you."

Hearing what Mark said, Wang Xueming and Jin Muchen were really stunned. Do they have expectations for us? What's the meaning?

"I know that you Chinese people are very good at making things. The difference is in the equipment and production process. This time I sold this equipment to you at almost the price of scrap iron. I have an expectation for you. I I hope you can produce enough good drugs of various broad-spectrum antibiotics, and hope that you can produce a variety of drugs for various common diseases, and then put all the drugs of the same type in the United States on the Chinese market. Squeeze your Chinese market. Even better if you can get the best of these medicines and export them to the US.”

After listening to Mark's answer, Jin Muchen and Wang Xueming were immediately confused. What the **** is going on, this guy's attitude is like an out-and-out rapist?

You must know that they have been in contact with so many Americans, but there has never been an American who has such an attitude towards the United States?

When many Chinese people talk about the current patriotic education, they will scoff at it, thinking that it is a brainwashing education unique to China, and it is an education that destroys humanity.

When someone talks about patriotic education, these people will say, it is useless for you to develop such education, you are not meaty, you look at people who bought the United States, why don't they start this kind of education all over again, but the United States People are also more patriotic, and even the rest of the world loves America.

If Jin Muchen had heard this before he went abroad, he might have thought that what this person said was quite reasonable. Indeed, there are no all kinds of popular songs in the United States, and there are no ideological and political courses. It seems that the Americans will not do it all over again. What a patriotic education.

But in fact, after he came to the United States, he found out that it is so much bullshit. Americans really don’t engage in superficial forms of nationalist education, but their brainwashing in patriotic education is comparable to ours in China. more.

Before you look at their various large-scale competitions, they will find the most popular and popular singers to sing the national anthem and sing "God Bless America", and then whenever their national day comes, basically decent cities will Doing a float parade is similar to our National Day.

In addition, people do not engage in formal patriotism education, that is because the Hollywood film industry is too strong, especially in the past two years, all kinds of hero-type movies are basically popular.

And these heroes are almost without exception, all of them are from the United States, and the ones who save the world in the end are all from the United States, and those criminals, either from China, from Russia, or from other planets Yes, anyway, they Americans are never wrong, even if the whole world is wrong, they Americans are not wrong at all.

It is such clever brainwashing propaganda that they don't need to engage in patriotic education at all, because they have penetrated patriotic education into their bones, and can even make all the little whites who don't know the truth all over the world fall in love with the United States. .

Therefore, treason is a very serious crime in the United States. If you don't see Snowden, you can only hide in Russia now, and you don't even dare to go out of Russia's borders.

In the United States, if you are charged with treason, if the evidence is conclusive, then the final result waiting for you is to sit in jail.

Even if they can't find any real evidence, they can let the media propaganda make you stinky, and finally let the saliva of the common people spray you to death, so no one in the United States dares to be easily infected with this crime.

And what Mark said at this time, if someone else heard it, it would really be charged with treason.

Although everyone knows that those large pharmaceutical factories in the United States are all things that eat people and don't spit out their bones, but after all, they are American companies, and basically few Americans hope that these companies will go bankrupt.

Especially when the Chinese pharmaceutical company gets down on the ground, that's what Americans don't want to see, and this Mark actually said such things to Jin Muchen and Wang Xueming. In the eyes of other Americans, it is absolutely rebellious and unacceptable. The words of forgiveness can definitely be classified as a crime of treason.

But at this time, Richard didn't say much, just looked at Mark with a little pity, as if he understood why he said that, while Jin Muchen and Wang Xueming stared for a while, and finally Only then did he ask this Mark out loud.

"Can I ask, Mark, why are you saying that?"

"Haha, why? Why else? Just to understand the hatred in my heart? Do you know why the mechanical equipment here is so new?"

Jin Muchen and Wang Xueming both shook their heads, and it was at this time that Mark became solemn and sad for the first time.

"Richard and I grew up together. The difference is that I graduated two years earlier than him, and I joined this family business after Help my dad take care of this family business. The business of a pharmaceutical factory. This pharmaceutical factory can be said to be the hard work of several generations of our family, but I was very young and vigorous at that time, and I wanted to make the family business bigger and stronger. At that time, my father advised me to base myself on the fundamentals. , Steady and steady, but I couldn't listen to it at all. At that time, Amgen just extended an olive branch to us. In fact, even if we did not agree to their acquisition at that time, we could still rely on our market share at that time. I was still too young, I thought this was a good opportunity, a good opportunity for a win-win situation, so I persuaded my father to agree to Amgen's proposal to buy our pharmaceutical company. In the end, I also led the negotiation with Amgen. , and later Amgen acquired 80% of the shares of our pharmaceutical factory at a price that exceeded the market premium by 50%, and spent 1.3 billion US dollars. At the time, I was very proud and thought we won. From After that, we, Durarick, can join forces with Amgen and make a big push into the traditional medicine market in the United States. In a few years, we may be able to become giant companies like Pfizer and Johnson. But who would have thought that later, Amgen actually turned against the water? You must know that when they talked to me about the acquisition, they didn't say that. At that time, they told me to use the money they gave me to buy production equipment, and then wait for me After the equipment is in place, they will broadcast research and development funds to our pharmaceutical factory every year according to the investment in my equipment..."

When he said this, Mark's tone became more and more low, and his whole person seemed to be wrapped in a haze. It could be seen that this must be a very painful memory for him. (To be continued.)