MTL - Treasure Hunt America-Chapter 1185 This is the gap

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"Well, Richard, I think we're here. Scott must have told you before, so I won't go around in circles, so as not to waste everyone's time. Can you introduce us first, you usually Dolaric's work? What are they mainly responsible for? I heard Scott say that you are mainly responsible for research and development, so what drugs have you developed?"

Jin Muchen asked Richard with a smile, I don't know why, this young Chinese looks less than 30 years old, but sitting in front of him, Richard can actually feel the radiance emanating from him. That kind of innocence.

Having been in the workplace for many years, Richard certainly knew what kind of person would have such an aura, and it must be the kind of high-ranking person who has been in high positions for a long time will naturally have such aura.

When facing such people, you'd better be careful, because you don't know that your words are not good, and these people will be unhappy, and once these people are unhappy, the consequences will often be serious.

What's more, his friend Scott has repeatedly introduced to him that these two people have a lot of background. If he can perform well in front of them this time, then he may not need to go to the West Coast to work again, and he can even move his family to China.

In the past, Richard might have been reluctant to leave the United States even if he was beaten to death, and even more reluctant to go to China, but in the current market environment, going to China may be a very good choice. After all, to be able to go to China, for him, It means that the position can be improved, and the salary will definitely increase, which is very important to him. After all, there is a whole family of people behind him to support.

"Uh, Mr. Jin, how are you, Mr. Wang, let me introduce myself formally. My name is Richard Torre, a native of San Francisco. My university is Harvard University, where I majored in pharmacology. After graduation, I went back to the West Coast, and I have been working for this Duraric company, starting from the bottom, and now I am the director of the broad-spectrum antibacterial department of Duraric company. I have worked in this position for five years, As for you asking me, is there any new research and development in this company... I'm sorry..."

When speaking of this, Richard reluctantly paused and smiled bitterly, and then continued: "The experience of Durarick, as you may all know, was acquired by Amgen a few years ago, but since After being acquired by Amgen, this company has changed its flavor. In the past, this company was quite an enterprising company. It had great ambitions and ambitions in the research of new drugs. This company has no ambitions, because there are differences in the direction of operation, and the company's annual research funding is limited. It turns out that our market in the San Francisco area is gradually being eroded by other large pharmaceutical companies. So these In the past few years, I honestly told the truth that I didn't have any achievements at all. As the director of the research department, I was a blank title. My main work now is not research and development at all, but to understand how to do it. To make a copy of the drug. When the patent protection drug of other companies expires, we need to study and understand how they produce it and then copy it, and put such a copy drug into the market as soon as possible. …”

This Richard is really honest and direct enough. When he said this, Jin Muchen and Wang Xueming couldn't help but look at this guy even more. In today's society, especially a professional old fritter like him, such an honest person Not much.

What makes Jin Muchen and Wang Xueming even more happy is that, listening to Richard's tone, he doesn't seem to be very satisfied with Amgen's strategy.

This is a good thing for Jin Muchen and Wang Xueming. After all, the main purpose of their visit to San Francisco this time is to poach people. If there are many people in this company who are dissatisfied with Amgen like Richard, it will be very beneficial. They're digging walls to work out.

"Then what is your level of business? Uh... I may be a bit presumptuous to ask this, but I hope you don't mind, we really want to know, what is the level of your Duraric company in terms of generic drugs? You guys What is the difference in efficacy between the generic drug and the original version? And what type of broad-spectrum antibiotics are you focusing on?"

Jin Muchen asked Richard again, this question is also very important, because the people they want to dig back are mainly to produce these antibiotics.

Because many broad-spectrum antibiotics in China have basically entered the second generation. In the 1980s, when domestic antibiotics were not widely used, the main antibiotics used in China's domestic pharmaceutical market were all Antibiotics like oxytetracycline, penicillin, erythromycin, tetracycline.

However, after entering the new century, with the abuse of various antibiotics, the bacteria in the Chinese patient group have developed very strong drug resistance, and the domestic second-generation antibiotics have also begun to be introduced.

And this kind of antibiotics, including azithromycin, roxithromycin, until now the pioneer, that is, the common ceftazid antibiotics in the market.

In particular, the type of antibiotic cefasamine has also derived many different types of antibiotics, and such antibiotics are currently the most widely used and most effective broad-spectrum antibiotics in the domestic pharmaceutical market.

Such drugs have basically passed the patent protection period internationally. Many domestic pharmaceutical factories can produce such antibiotics, but this is also the place where we have the biggest gap with the international community.

For the same antibiotic, our domestic pharmaceutical factory, even if it has the best technology and the largest brand of state-owned pharmaceutical factory, produces cefasamine series antibiotics, but the efficacy can barely reach 7% of the same type of antibiotics abroad. around ten.

That is, the 30% gap makes the price of domestic cefasamine antibiotics and imported cefasamine antibiotics tens of times lower. Some antibiotics are dedicated to certain types of special surgeries. , and even the price difference can exceed hundreds of times.

And the gap in this part of the price difference is exactly what Jin Muchen and Wang Xueming are concerned about. If they can build such a pharmaceutical factory in China that can produce antibiotics with similar efficacy as foreign pharmaceutical factories, then they are in When promoting domestically, coupled with Wang Xueming's off-site background, it will be much easier.

It is just around the corner for the pharmaceutical factory to become bigger and stronger.

The key to producing such antibiotics with efficacy equivalent to those produced by foreign pharmaceutical factories lies in experienced engineers, pharmacists, or, to put it bluntly, someone like Richard.

It is precisely because of this that Jin Muchen will go straight to the point and ask such a question.

And his question just scratched Richard's itch. He has worked in Durarick for more than ten years, and he has never done real research and development a few times, but he can definitely do it when he makes replica medicine. Easy to drive.

Moreover, he has a heritage in this industry, because their family members have worked in this Duraric company for several generations.

"Let me tell you, Mr. Jin, our family has been working in this Durarick company since my grandfather, and this Durarick company was established just after the end of World War II. At that time, they It specializes in the production of replica medicines. My grandfather was the director of the company's technical department at that time. In terms of replica medicine technology, it can be said that he is very virtuous. Later, this position was passed to my father, and then to me. .So in the field of copy medicine, our family has a lot of experience. Now I am not exaggerating to say that as long as it is a drug on the market that has passed the patent protection period, we can do it, unless some special technical means are required. Medicines and tools. But for ordinary medicines, there is nothing I can’t make, and I can guarantee that the replica medicines we produce can almost be 100% the same as the original medicines on the market, and even some medicines have the same effect. , better than the original. This is also the main reason why the Duraric company has been able to stand in the San Francisco area after the 1980s, our Duraric company was in Northern California at that time. However, it is quite famous. There are many hospitals in the San Francisco area, even the Los Angeles area, and even St. Jones in the south. There are many hospitals that use our Of course, this is why, back then, Amgen was willing to The main reason for paying a lot of money to acquire our company. But I just don’t understand, what are the leaders of Amgen thinking? They spent more than one billion to acquire our company, but in the end they bought our company for nothing. , to be defeated like this, is it possible that they are really just for fun?"

When it comes to the field of copy medicine, Richard has come to the spirit. Their family has been making copy medicine, but it has been passed down for several generations, and there are even many unique small craftsmanship. This is also their family, why can they be able to The three generations are all in Duraric's replica medicine department, the main reason for being the supervisor.

And what he said is not an exaggeration. The medicines copied by their family members are really good, and some of them are not only no worse than the original medicines, but even better than the original medicines.

It's a pity that in the end, these were all corrupted by the leaders of Amgen, which made him feel a lot of resentment against Amgen.

When Jin Muchen and Wang Xueming heard it, they were hey hey, a billion dollars, which is indeed not a small amount for you Duraricks, but for Amgen, it is just a drop in the bucket, a battle for the future development of the company , they throw more than one billion into the water, listen to the sound, it's not a big deal at all, this is the gap! (To be continued.)