MTL - Treasure Hunt America-Chapter 1181 Cooperation

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Without thinking much, Wang Xueming agreed to Jin Muchen's offer of help. In fact, it was also an expression of trust in Jin Muchen. At this time, his relationship with Jin Muchen was very recent, and when Jin Muchen recommended someone to him, of course he would not doubt it. .

After all, in the land of the United States, Jin Muchen can mix with more people than he is familiar with, and after meeting Harvey recommended by Jin Muchen the next day, Wang Xueming immediately felt that the person Jin Muchen recommended was right.

This time, Jin Muchen didn't ask Harvey to come to his house, which seemed too informal. Instead, he took Wang Xueming directly to a building in the Uptown# district of Manhattan, on the fifty-eighth floor of the building. Wang Xueming met Harvey. speight.

In such a location, with such a three-story office, even if Wang Xueming is not very familiar with the legal circles in the United States and New York, he still thinks this legal consulting firm is quite reliable.

After all, a company that can rent such a three-story office in such a location is definitely not a small company, not to mention that even if Jin Muchen wanted to deceive herself, she would not play such a big deal.

Such an office, and so many professional legal professionals in it, can't be done overnight, so Pearson & Spect Legal Consulting Co., Ltd. must be quite famous in the United States or in New York. , powerful.

Business people like Wang Xueming have their own set of quite unique criteria for judging many things. He can still tell at a glance whether this company is a leather bag company or a very powerful company.

Just like this legal consulting company, he just followed Jin Muchen into the door, he knew that this was definitely not a place for ordinary people, and when Jin Muchen took him to Harvey's large office at the corner, he Knowing that Jin Muchen definitely didn't lie to him.

Although this Harvey is a bit scary young, he must have real skills. Otherwise, how could he be so young to have such a big office in such a company.

Wang Xueming has studied modern management, and he has also been to the headquarters of many large and well-known companies at home and abroad. He is still very clear about the layout of those companies.

In such a company, the area and location of the office represent that person's status in such a company. Generally, the stronger the person's ability and the higher the position, the larger the area of ​​his office in the company. The location would also be better.

And this is the case with Harvey's office, just in the southeast corner of the legal consulting company. From here, you can not only see half of the upper city, but also the Atlantic Ocean and the Statue of Liberty in the distance.

The area is almost forty square meters, and the young man sitting in this office is also very handsome. He is wearing a suit, and people can feel the spirit of his body at a glance. .

More importantly, when he came into contact with this young man later, he could feel from the young man's conversation and behavior that this guy must have come from a famous family, because that kind of temperament is definitely not a child of ordinary people. can be cultivated.

The most important thing is that his speech is very standard, and his mind is very flexible. Sometimes he is just about to say something, but before he even opens his mouth, others have already thought of it for him. Such a lawyer can be compared to the one he hired in Europe before. Those arrogant scumbags are much stronger.

For Jin Muchen's recommendation, Wang Xueming felt very satisfied, and during the entire communication process, Jin Muchen always acted as an interpreter for them, and Wang Xueming just listened by the side.

In fact, the reason why Wang Xueming does not speak is not because he does not understand English. In fact, when he goes out to do business with foreigners, he often brings an interpreter with him. When most people see such a situation, they will think that he He doesn't understand English, and that's where he's most astute.

In fact, he not only knows English, but even speaks it very well. When he was in school, he really didn't study English very well, but then he entered the business world, especially after doing business with foreigners a lot, he realized that he didn't understand. I really can't speak English, so I hired several 'English teachers' to teach myself English.

Just when he was hanging out and playing, he also learned English well, but he never showed that he knew English easily to outsiders. If it explodes, it will hit the opponent by surprise.

Bringing a translator in addition can also save him a lot of embarrassment. After all, sometimes when negotiating with those foreign business partners, if some problems are very stiff, it can also be said that the translation and translation are not in place, so there are misunderstandings. Everyone Good to step down.

Therefore, the people around him, except for the closest people, really don't know many people. He not only understands English, but also speaks very well.

And today, he didn't show what he understood in front of Jin Muchen, but let Jin Muchen be responsible for telling Harvey the whole process, while he listened by the side, the reason why he did this was to see if Jin Muchen was devoted to himself. , or is he just fooling himself.

But fortunately, this kid Jin Muchen is really sincere. He really didn't fool himself. He really tried his best to help him negotiate terms with Harvey, and told him all the terms he wanted in great detail. , and then asked him to come out and talk to that Scott, and draw the final bottom line, there is really no intention of pitting him, which shows that people really regard him as a friend.

From this moment on, Wang Xueming really accepted Jin Muchen from the bottom of his heart.

However, before Harvey came forward to find Scott, he had to sign a contract with Wang Xueming, so that Wang Xueming officially became his client.

However, it is not that simple to go to Scott to negotiate. After all, it is necessary to draft a new contract. Fortunately, this legal consulting company is still very reliable. Their company has a variety of business negotiation systems. The contract template, Harvey found a similar one, and after modifying some clauses in this contract, the contract was drafted in the afternoon.

At this time, Jin Muchen and Wang Xueming had just had a lunch near the building. After reading the electronic version of the contract, Jin Muchen felt very satisfied and gave it to Wang Xueming to look at it.

Although Wang Xueming could understand it himself, it was difficult to reveal that he knew English in front of Jin Muchen, so he had to let his legal adviser in China read it again, and it was delayed like this. .

At this time, it was too late for Harvey to go to Scott again, so he promised that tomorrow morning, the first thing he did was go to Scott to sign the contract.

And Scott had already negotiated the terms with Jin Muchen, so by 11:00 the next morning, Harvey had already negotiated with Scott, and then called Jin Muchen and Wang Xueming over, everyone. Signed the contract in person.

After the contract was signed, Wang Xueming immediately transferred 10 million US dollars to the account designated by Scott in front of several people, and then promised Scott that by the end of this year or the beginning of next year, China at the latest After the Spring Festival, he will definitely do a good job of that research institute in the capital.

Then, in front of a few people, he called a few of his subordinates in China and asked them to start organizing this event.

Seeing Wang Xueming doing things so neatly, Scott is also very relieved. Do you want to cooperate? Of course, what I like most is such a straightforward partner. He pays for it simply, and does not interfere with his own management of the laboratory. Such a good partner can It's not so easy to find. He feels that his recent luck can definitely be said to be overwhelming. This guy Jin Muchen is really his lucky star.

The business has been negotiated, of course, we have to celebrate, but this time is different from when Jin Muchen joined the team. This time Scott does not plan to celebrate on a large scale, because his deputy Nolito has just proposed to part ways with him these days. He didn't want to promote the introduction of strategic partners in the scientific research institute at this After all, the hearts of the scientific research institute are still not very stable recently.

So this celebration was just a small-scale celebration, that is, at noon, he, Jin Muchen, Wang Xueming, and Harvey went out to have a simple meal, and then dispersed.

But before disbanding, he still held Jin Muchen and told him that he had contacted his friend in Durarick yesterday, who taught Richard. Torre, now the director of the R&D center for traditional broad-spectrum antibacterials at Duraric Corporation.

This person was also an alumnus of Jin Muchen and his Columbia University before, and Scott was a senior who graduated at the same time, and like Scott, after graduation, he went to San Francisco, and has been working in this Duraric company since then.

If it wasn't for such a crisis for Dularek this time, he would definitely not want to change places. After all, his hometown is in San Francisco, and he was forced to make a living when he came to New York.

"After you go to San Francisco, just call this number directly. This is his phone number. I have already told him your thoughts, and he is willing to help you. So if you want to call Durarick's idea, It's definitely not wrong to find him, he's holding back his anger right now, haha."

Scott smiled and gave Jin Muchen a business card. Jin Muchen saw the look up on it and the phone number, and he probably knew it in his heart.

"Well, thank you for this time, Scott."

"Hey, between us, what's more polite. I'm still waiting for you and your great achievements, hehe, as long as you can make a name for yourself, then my laboratory will be proud." (To be continued.) ad_950()