MTL - Treasure Hunt America-Chapter 1179 Lucky Star

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Seeing Wang Xueming's anxious look, Jin Muchen couldn't help laughing secretly. It was the first time he saw Wang Xueming's gaffe. It seemed that he actually took this business very seriously.

It's a good thing if it's not enough. The more he values ​​it, the more he will contribute when the company develops in China.

And if people like Wang Xueming are willing to contribute, it will be a good thing for Jin Muchen, because in the domestic environment, many people who have done business know it.

It's the same thing, people with related backgrounds do it, and people with unrelated backgrounds do it, it's completely two different things.

For example, a business license, such a simple piece of paper, if it is a person with a related background, maybe go to the industry and commerce bureau on the same day, and it can be processed on the same day.

And if a person with no background goes to do it, and you come across someone who wants to Kaka you, then you can go back and wait. At that time, they will tell you that you should follow the procedures, and you will meet them within a few working days. I'll give you an approval.

But when you think you can get the approval, you just can't wait for the result. In the end, you can only go to the Industry and Commerce Bureau to ask yourself, and then people will tell you that your document is unqualified. When you go back and figure it out, people It will tell you again that your other information is unqualified, and it will toss you to death anyway, and it will not be approved for you in the end.

In the end, even if all of your documents and procedures are correctly prepared and complete, they will not give you approval. As soon as you ask, they will tell you that there are too many businesses recently applied for, the business is busy, and a lot of work cannot be done in one day, so If you want to postpone it, just keep waiting.

Unless you are enlightened, invite the leader in charge of approval to dinner, and put a red envelope in it, and then the problem can be solved in the end, so some things, people with backgrounds may only need a day to do them, while people without backgrounds may do it. I can't understand it for a month, which is why Jin Muchen is happy when he sees Wang Xueming in a hurry.

He is so anxious, it shows that he also values ​​this company, and if he is serious, after going back, many things will be multiplied with half the effort.

Jin Muchen was not in a hurry. He told him about the Duraric company, but he just mentioned it to him first. Scott agreed with him about financing in the research institute, and then he discussed it with Scott. The conditions were told to Wang Xueming.

As soon as Wang Xueming heard Scott's conditions, he agreed without thinking much about it.

In his view, the future of this scientific research institute is absolutely limitless. This is a hen that can lay golden eggs. It is possible to participate in such a scientific research institute. Now investing 10 million yuan, it will definitely be in the future. There will be dozens or even hundreds of times the return.

And in the capital, helping this research institute to establish a branch of scientific research may be quite difficult for others, but for him, it is really simple.

Even a cousin from his family who is not too far away is now the mayor of a certain district in the capital, and his cousin is now in charge of the development of a high-tech industrial park in that district and the work of attracting investment.

When his cousin was in charge of this project, the high-tech industrial park had not yet been built, and the land prices in the capital were not as crazy as they are now. A piece of land was built and several factories and buildings were built.

At that time, he invested and built those factories and buildings in the name of various enterprises and companies. Later, when the park became popular and companies came in one after another, he sold many of the factories and buildings he built.

Of course, in the end, he also kept two buildings himself, and a factory building next to the building was not sold, because the location of the building was better. He was thinking that if he wanted to do something in the future, he would build it here. factory.

It's just that their family went higher and higher, and his business became bigger and bigger. Later, the idea of ​​starting an industry was forgotten, and the venue was left there.

In addition, in recent years, the price of land in the capital has been skyrocketing, and he was not willing to buy the two pieces of land, but now it seems that he has made a mistake and encountered a good thing.

He pondered that when the time comes, he will directly pull a few floors from the building and give it to Scott to open a laboratory or something. This guy can't be so happy, right?

What is the current land price in Beijing? Although they are now industrial land, who knows if the capital will expand again in the future?

When more people pour in, this high-tech park will be demolished sooner or later. When the nature of the land is transformed, they will still be able to make a lot of money.

Wang Xueming pondered for a while, and felt that he would not be able to pay for such an investment. Although he contributed much more than Jin Muchen, and he also held less shares, who made him a latecomer? At the time of the research institute, the research institute had just started, and there were no scientific research results yet.

And now they already have at least three of them, which will be very popular in the market in the future. So when you talk about financing again, they will let you in, and they will already give you face.

So 15% of the shares, you are really considered too small. Even if Wang Xueming is usually domineering in China, he thinks that the condition given by Scott is not bad. After all, the future of this research institute is very bright. of.

In the future, if there are some sensational new products launched in the United States, it will be even more incredible. If people really play a role in the United States, then they will invest in this in the future. It can be recovered dozens of times in minutes.

Wang Xueming was very satisfied with the outcome of Jin Muchen's negotiation, but the information Jin Muchen told him next made him even more excited.

"What? You mean Amgen, and you're going to sell this Durarick company like this?"

Jin Muchen told Wang Xueming about the situation of Duraric Company that he learned from Scott, and when Wang Xueming heard this, he couldn't sit still.

This Jin Muchen is really his own lucky star. You must know that although he has the idea of ​​finding such a pharmaceutical manufacturing company, and then getting it back to China.

However, he is far less powerful abroad than in China, and there are many rules abroad that are different from those in China. It is not so easy for him to find such a pharmaceutical manufacturing company that meets his inner conditions.

First of all, your company must have a certain strength, have decades of experience accumulation, and be able to completely make common generic drugs that are popular on the market. Second, your price must be appropriate, and you must be willing to sell.

Those three conditions are met. Originally, Wang Xueming felt that it would not be easy to find without a year and a half.

After all, those companies that can produce most of the popular generic drugs on the market should be doing well in the market now. Even if such pharmaceutical companies have little innovation ability, they should be able to sell in the market with good quality and low price. Not bad in the market.

Although it can't make as much money as those large pharmaceutical manufacturing companies, but people eat meat, and it's good for him to drink soup.

Such enterprises generally have relatively stable profits, earning at least several million dollars a year, and because of their small scale, they are all controlled by small shareholders. They must be very satisfied with such income. Must be willing to sell their business.

A long-running industry, if it is doing well, why should it be sold?

So even if you find such a pharmaceutical company, you may not be able to buy it home for sure.

At one point, Wang Xueming even planned that if he could not find a pharmaceutical company like his idea in Europe and the United States, he would simply go to India and buy a pharmaceutical company from India to return to China.

After all, although India is inferior to China in many aspects, in terms of generic drugs, they are actually ahead of China.

Because in India, their country has a very strange legal regulation, that is, no matter which pharmaceutical giant you are in the world as long as your products are sold in India, then it doesn't matter whether you have a patent or not. During the protection period, you have to allow Indian pharmaceutical companies to copy.

Because Indians know that these medicines are life-saving medicines, and those pharmaceutical companies must not be sold at high prices as if they were treasures, because if they were sold at high prices, many poor people in India would not be able to afford medical care, and many people would die of diseases. So people made such laws.

This is also the main reason why India is far better than China in the pharmaceutical industry now, and the level of generic drugs in India is really not bad. Years of exploration and accumulation have even made the level of generic drugs of Indian pharmaceutical companies. It can be done at a level that is no worse than the original drug.

This is also the main reason why Indian medicine enjoys an international reputation, and even many countries and international organizations in the world will specially purchase various medicines within the patent protection period from India.

Because those drugs that are under patent protection are too expensive in other regions, and many people cannot afford them. In India, such drugs are basically the price of cabbage.

This shows that the pharmaceutical level of Indians is still acceptable. Wang Xueming even thought of going to Taobao in India, but now that Jin Muchen has found such a suitable pharmaceutical company for himself, Wang Xueming feels that he does not need to go to India anymore.

This Duraric, if he passed the inspection, would be enough for him. Thinking of this, Wang Xueming couldn't help but look at Jin Muchen even more.

This buddy is definitely his blessing. Whenever he is in difficulty, he always has a way to help him solve it. (To be continued.)