MTL - Treasure Hunt America-Chapter 1177 Amgen Corporation

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Originally, he thought that it would be the same as China. There are many. You must know that in China, although there are so many large pharmaceutical companies, there are also many small and medium-sized pharmaceutical companies...

Although he has not done specific statistics, according to his estimation, there must be thousands of them. Who would have thought that there are only a dozen or so in the United States?

In this way, it is much more difficult for them to acquire such a company, not to mention that Scott introduced them to an Amgen as soon as he came up!

Although this company is not as famous as Pfizer and Johnson, it is also a top tycoon in the US pharmaceutical manufacturing industry!

Although the reputation of Amgen Pharmaceuticals is not as good as that of Pfizer, Johnson, or Novartis, a large-scale US-based pharmaceutical company, it is a large-scale pharmaceutical manufacturing company in the United States, even in the world. .

People's annual turnover is calculated in billions of dollars, and the company's asset size, based on the current market conditions in the United States, is at least about 100 billion US dollars.

Such a company, even if Wang Xueming has energy and assets in China, it would be a fantasy to acquire Amgen, not to mention that they are definitely in a state of super financial health, and they are not bad at all.

Such a company, if Jin Muchen patronized him at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, and all the treasures that the British Museum found, bought them all, and then bought them again, it is still possible, but if this is the case, He and Wang Xueming went to the door to talk about acquisitions. I'm afraid they can't even get in the door, they will be dared to come out by their security guards, or they will be sent to a psychiatric hospital.

If it wasn't for Scott, who was sitting across from him, he was a familiar and very reliable person, Jin Muchen really wanted to spit on his face at this time.

What the hell, do you really take Lao Tzu as a silly old hat from China? To actually give Lao Tzu such a **** suggestion, are you trying to play Lao Tzu as a fool?

And Scott looked at the weird look on Jin Muchen's face at this time, and of course he knew what he was thinking, so he quickly gave his own explanation.

"Dear Mu Chen, don't worry, I'm not talking nonsense with you. In fact, I'm giving you this advice for a reason."

Scott quickly explained to Jin Muchen, and at this time Jin Muchen also nodded: "Well, I know you're not talking nonsense, then you can tell me well."

"Okay, then, let me introduce you to the situation of this Amgen company. By the way, Amgen company, do you know?"

Scott intends to introduce Jin Muchen in an all-round way. The person he introduced to Jin Muchen, Jin Muchen nodded at this time.

"I've heard the name of the Amgen company, but how did it come from and what it does, please go over it for me."

Jin Muchen has indeed heard of the name of Amgen, but he really doesn't know much about the company's origin, how it developed, and what it is best at now.

Scott saw that Jin Muchen was half a bucket of water, and was very happy at this time, which showed that Jin Muchen didn't understand the situation, and then nodded and started talking.

"This Amgen company is rather mysterious when it comes to its development experience. He was founded by a group of scientists and a group of venture capitalists at the earliest. His founding year was also in 1981, and it happened to be Reagan at that time. President, when the policy of supporting small and medium-sized pharmaceutical manufacturing enterprises was first introduced in the United States. At that time, three venture capitalists and a group of scientists founded this company in California. At that time, the company had already been finalized when it was founded. If they decide their future development path, that is, instead of following the path of traditional pharmaceutical companies, they plan to rely on the biopharmaceutical model to find their own new development path.”

Scott really understands this aspect very well, and Jin Muchen nodded frequently when he heard it. The original concept of Amgen's founding is really quite novel.

And those scientists and investors are not stupid either. They know that in the field of traditional manufacturing, they must be no match for those giants of traditional medicine manufacturing, so they took such an unusual path.

"However, since their establishment in 1981, they have been engaged in basic scientific research, and have not launched any real competitive products. They can only rely on continuous fundraising and financing to survive. At that time, their life was very miserable, and they raised funds from investors. The 19 million dollars that came in were quickly spent, and then they successively engaged in equity financing, but the money was quickly spent, and finally they even mortgaged the overseas sales rights of their upcoming fist products. Johnson, and only then raised $19 million from Johnson's hands to continue their life. Their company really ushered in glory when they hired Abbott's Gordon Pentax in 1986. After several reorganizations, the company burst into battle. In 1989, they launched the world's first recombinant human erythropoietin drug, which is specially designed to relieve the pain of hemodialysis and improve the efficacy of hemodialysis for those patients with kidney disease. The drug was very popular as soon as it was launched. In 1991, they launched the recast granulocyte colony-stimulating factor as a specific drug for leukopenia caused by cancer chemotherapy. It was these two drugs that made the company reach its peak. From a pharmaceutical company that was on the verge of bankruptcy in the past, it has become the only one in the pharmaceutical industry in the United States and even the world. Although it is not large in scale, it can produce a company that specializes in specific drugs for certain diseases, and it has also made them famous. As for the large-scale pharmaceutical manufacturing companies that can almost enter the top ten in the world until now…”

Scott knew the development process of this Amgen company very well, and after listening to it, Jin Muchen also felt that the development of this company could be called ups and downs, which is indeed interesting.

However, the company's development is so good now, what does it have to do with the acquisition of Wang Xueming and himself?

Scott is a person who is very good at winking. When he saw Jin Muchen's face at this time, he immediately knew what he was thinking, so he immediately introduced him.

"It is precisely because of the start of Amgen that Amgen has grown to what it is today. Now this company has become an important leader in the world's pharmaceutical manufacturing field, in human genetic recombination, cancer, and neuroscience. , is a top authority in the field of small molecule chemistry. However, the development of this company is not all smooth sailing. For example, in 2000, their company's development direction was once at the shareholders' meeting. A fierce conflict broke out. At that time, it happened to be a node in the development of Amgen. They were already small in the field of new biopharmaceutical manufacturing. At that time, there were many projects that had not yet broken through, and some shareholders were very concerned about the company. I am very dissatisfied with the profitability in the future. Therefore, when the shareholders' meeting is held, I want to acquire some traditional pharmaceutical manufacturing companies. Even if I do not engage in research and development, but produce some generic drugs that have passed the patent protection period, it will be possible. Make money. So at the company's shareholders meeting that year, a fierce dispute broke out, and there were people on both sides."

When Jin Muchen heard this, he knew that he was about to get to the point. Sure enough, after Scott took a breath, he continued to talk to him.

"Later, this debate was debated for three years, and in the end, shareholders who supported the entry into the traditional medicine manufacturing field prevailed, so in March 2004, Amgen was priced at 25 US dollars per share, a total of 1.3 billion US dollars, Acquired Duraric Company in the San Francisco area. This company is headquartered in South San Francisco. It is a pharmaceutical company specializing in the manufacture of traditional medicine. They also have their own specialty products in the field of traditional medicine, such as special drugs for esophageal cancer, and Various anti-inflammatory drugs for broad-spectrum antibacterials, as well as various drugs for the treatment of diabetes and obesity, are the company's specialty. At that time, Amgen was counting on the acquisition of this company, relying on this company. The technology, experience, and channels have a lot to do in the field of traditional medicine manufacturing..."

Scott said Jin Muchen has basically understood. It seems that it has developed to the present, it should be Amgen, and the 1.3 billion US dollars thrown on this Duraric company has been drained. Adrift, and now they're going to cut off their arms and cut their flesh.

And Scott's next explanation also confirmed his guess.

"However, Amgen would never have imagined that their acquirer, Durarick, would have touched the backlash of those large pharmaceutical companies. You must know that if they continue to develop special medicines for intractable diseases , or continue to engage in their biopharmaceuticals. Those large pharmaceutical companies may not say anything. After all, the fields of specialization are different, and it is good that everyone does not make water. But at this time, you are testing the traditional pharmaceutical manufacturing field, that is It crossed the line, so the products of this Duraric company have been sniped by those large pharmaceutical companies, and they have also hyped up the scandal of the company's failure of several phases of medicine, or the overdose of the drug causing death. This Duraric company is very thin. One year after they were acquired by Amgen, the company's stock price plummeted by $1.5 per share due to several scandals. Later, Amgen was in this company. , it lost 151 million US dollars. In the following ten years, because of the strict defense of those large pharmaceutical companies, the development of this Duraric company can only be said to be deteriorating. Now the market value of their company has been severely depreciated. By the end, only 37% of the original Amgen acquired them..." (To be continued.)