MTL - Treasure Hunt America-Chapter 1175 financing

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Hearing Scott's question, Jin Muchen was also secretly relieved in his heart. In fact, when Scott fell silent at first, he was quite worried, worried that Scott would be unhappy, and someone else came in to try to divide the profit. equity in the research institute.

But now when Scott asks this, Jin Muchen can hear his guilty conscience. At least he is not particularly staunchly opposed to Wang Xueming's investment in the scientific research institute.

Scott can't do anything either, because he is very short of money now. Although he and his wife are divorced, he doesn't want to let go of the issue of raising their two children.

His wife has already been robbed. If his child calls the father of the person who stole his wife, then even if he succeeds in the future, he will be nothing.

Therefore, he must get the custody of the two children, but if he wants to win the lawsuit, he must have a lot of money.

Before Jin Muchen gave him another three million to support his research on artificial corneas, he didn't think about putting the money into his pocket.

But at that time, the situation of the scientific research institute was already very serious. Although the two bone and joint replacements developed one after another were very successful, they were not recognized by the patients in the market because of the sniping of those large medical and medical device companies. It's not a good feeling to sit on a golden mountain begging for food.

And if he can't come up with a decent product that can compete with those large-≡long-≡wind-≡text-≡learning, ww︾↘wx.n↓et pharmaceutical companies, he is very worried that he will lose Jin Muchen trust, and once the scientific research institute loses the support of such a single big sponsor, the future work will be difficult. Even if other investors are found, the conditions of which investors will not be the same as those given by Jin Muchen now. loose.

So after weighing it again and again, he still didn't dare to move the three million dollars.

And now there are people who want to invest in scientific research institutes, of course he is happy, but he is also very worried when he thinks that diluting his equity will lead to a decline in his control over scientific research institutes.

Because too much capital is added, it will seriously affect the unity within the scientific research institute, and there will even be a phenomenon of forming gangs. At that time, everyone will not be in the mood to engage in scientific research, but will instead engage in infighting, so special It would be troublesome for him, and his whole life's efforts were all ruined, so Scott was determined not to allow such a problem to happen.

At this time, after Jin Muchen understood Scott's worries, he smiled: "This, Scott, you can rest assured, my friend is busy like me, and doesn't often go to scientific research. The institute is instructive, and he also agrees with my point of view, that is, professional things should be done by professional people. Don't worry, he is just optimistic about your research institute, and wants to invest some money in you, and then take As for the agency of all the scientific research results of your research institute in the future, as for interfering with the normal operation of your research institute, I think that unless he is crazy, he will do that, otherwise he will not come to you to make a fool of yourself. And don't worry, even if he wants to come to you to play tricks, I will not agree with him, after all, I am also the major shareholder of this research institute."

Scott looked at the smiling Jin Muchen, and his heart gradually calmed down. Indeed, how could he forget Jin Muchen? You must know that now, besides himself, he is the largest single shareholder of this research institute. I know the attitude of the institute. He has always regarded this research institute as a hen that can lay golden eggs. He will definitely not agree.

That being the case, it doesn't seem like a big deal to let that Mr. Wang come in financing, but...

Thinking of this, Scott just smiled: "Okay, then, if Mr. Wang wants to raise money, it's not impossible to consider, but what kind of financing conditions does he plan to offer?"

Hearing Scott's words, Jin Muchen was overjoyed. He originally thought that this guy would stubbornly disagree with the financing proposal, but now it seems that he has no objection to financing, so it is easy to handle, as long as Things that can be solved with money are not difficult, anyway, that guy Wang Xueming has money.

"Actually, Mr. Wang also chatted with me a lot when he went back yesterday, and asked me a lot about the future development of this research institute. He has a very good impression of you and thinks that under your leadership, this research institute will definitely develop in the future. It's very good. That's why he planned to finance the research institute, and he also asked me what the research institute lacked the most, and I told him that in the future we plan to establish a research branch in China. , he agrees with this very much and thinks this idea is very good. And he is willing to help us realize the idea of ​​this branch construction, which means we don't have to worry about anything, he will take full responsibility for it. You are responsible for this branch , he can put forward any conditions, site selection, construction plan, what kind of experimental equipment and equipment is needed, and how many personnel are needed, he can be fully responsible, and even the expenses of that part of the personnel, he can also be fully responsible, he does So much, his request is to account for 20% of the shareholding ratio of our scientific research institute..."

Jin Muchen told Scott the results of the discussion with Wang Xueming yesterday. After Scott listened to it, he didn't react. He just touched his nose and pondered continuously. After a while, he asked.

"That Mr. Wang meant that he was going to build a brand new laboratory for us in the capital? Instead of going out to rent an apartment?"

Don't look at Scott's lack of reaction on the surface, but in fact he knows it very well. Of course, he is very clear about the current real estate prices in China, especially in the four developed first-tier cities.

With the strength of their scientific research institute, let alone buying a piece of land in the capital, building a laboratory by themselves is not an easy task to rent a laboratory in a relatively good location.

Because this would take up a very high cost, plus those experimental instruments, as well as the cost of staff salaries, if it wasn't for Jin Muchen's decision to support him, he would not have even thought about it.

At the beginning, he and Jin Muchen also negotiated. If Jin Muchen helped to build the branch laboratory in China, he would give Jin Muchen 20% of the shares, thus making Jin Muchen the largest single shareholder of this laboratory. , but Jin Muchen wanted to assure him that he would never interfere in the daily operations of this laboratory.

But that was the condition given to Jin Muchen. Now that Mr. Wang wants to come in and undertake the part of the work that Jin Muchen has to do, it will be different.

First of all, he is not very familiar with this Mr. Wang, and the current laboratory is not as valuable as when Jin Muchen invested in the laboratory, so he cannot accept this condition of Wang Xueming.

But he still tentatively asked Jin Muchen, "Jin, do you think this condition is reasonable?"

When he asked this question, it was actually a test to see if Jin Muchen was standing with Wang Xueming. After all, Wang Xueming was introduced by him, and they were still friends. If he agreed to his conditions in such a confused way, then this experiment will be carried out in the future. Room, isn't it the two brothers who have the final say?

Scott was careful about this, while Jin Muchen smiled and shook his head.

"Of course not. At that time, you promised me that after I undertake the construction task in China, you will give me 20% of the shares. First, it is because you can trust me and we are a long-term cooperative friend. Secondly, I was also one of the original shareholders of the earliest scientific research institute. At that time, the scientific research institute did not have as many achievements as it is today. Now he, Wang Xueming, wants to get the same financing conditions as mine, which I think is very inappropriate. Reasonable. So I think he has to put out 10 million more in cash, and then his shareholding ratio should also be reduced to 15%, which is appropriate."

Jin Muchen's sincerity touched Scott's heart. Sure enough, Jin is still on my side. He said it all for my own good.

"Well, I also think this is appropriate. Then you can talk to that Mr. Wang like this. These are the conditions I replied to him. If he agrees, the 10 million will be returned and we will divide it equally."

Scott looked at Jin Muchen and said, while Jin Muchen shook his head: "Forget it, I'll give you the 10 million, but the 15% of the shares are all from you. My Equity ratio I don’t want to dilute it.”

Scott paused and thought about it: "In this case, it's not impossible, but you have to make it clear to him that the property rights of his new research institute in the capital must be clearly stated, and the property rights must belong to Our research institute."

This guy is very clear in Yemen. If he takes the land property rights of the scientific research branch in the capital into his own hands, then he will not suffer.

Although foreigners or foreign companies are not allowed by the state to hold Chinese land property rights, there are many leading parties in China who can help foreigners to accomplish such things. In this way, as long as the land property rights of the newly built scientific research branches in the capital are transferred Take it in his own hands, then Scott will not suffer any loss in the calculation.

At this time, Jin Muchen smiled and nodded: "You can rest assured, Mr. Wang has done real estate development in the capital before, and there are several development zones in the capital, all of which have houses built by him. Letting a set come out for you, for him, it's just a sprinkle of water..."

When Scott listened to Jin Muchen's words, he put his heart back into his stomach, it would be even better. As long as that branch can be completed quickly, then his research will have a new booster. . (To be continued.)