MTL - Treasure Hunt America-Chapter 1167 visit the laboratory

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The next morning, everyone got up very early, but Wang Xueming and Jin Muchen were delayed for some time. When they were drinking yesterday, these two guys were the main force, and they were the ones who drank the most.

So it took a little effort for the two of them to get up. Jin Muchen was fine. After all, he was in good physical condition. After a slight headache, taking a hot bath would be fine.

Wang Xueming's side is not as neat as him. Originally, he was older than Jin Muchen, and his physical fitness was not as good as Jin Muchen's. In addition, many years of alcohol had hollowed out his body, so his recovery from a hangover was slower.

If it wasn't for Fang Bo's intention to prepare a large bowl of hangover soup for him, it is estimated that he would not be able to wake up all day today, but let's not say, after drinking the big bowl of hangover soup from Fang Bo, this guy is a Clever, much better, and then after a hot bath, it basically recovered.

Before breakfast, he made a phone call and explained to one of his subordinates, went to the hotel where he was staying, and fetched his suit and leather shoes. He planned to go with Jin Muchen and the others today to see which scientific research institute, and he wore it yesterday. The one that came here, with half sleeves, shorts and sandals, is not suitable, it is better to dress more formally.

His subordinates are quite efficient in doing things. When he finished breakfast at Jin Muchen's house, that person also brought his clothes and shoes.

Today I’m going to the research institute, Fang Bo still has ⊙↗chang⊙↗feng⊙↗wen⊙↗study, ww◇w.cfw⊥x.n≈et mother, and a few women are not planning to go, they don’t know anything anyway Investment, plus I was a little tired these two days, so I planned to rest at home.

In this way, Jin Muchen, his father, and Wang Xueming were the three of them to see. Originally, Jin Muchen planned to drive his own Rolls-Royce, but the space in the car was relatively small, so he finally drove his own. Mercedes Benz.

But before leaving, Wang Xueming was still eyeing the car, and he kept shouting several times. When he turned around, he had to let him try the car, because when the car was on the market, he wanted to do it. A car came, but unfortunately it was too slow to get it in the end. I didn't expect this kid Jin Muchen to actually get one. Life is full of surprises.

When Jin Muchen drove his car, took his father and Wang Xueming to Wei Gang at Pier 36 to see the scientific research institute, it was already ten thirty in the morning, almost eleven o'clock.

This time, Scott and the others did not prepare a grand welcome ceremony like last time. Only Scott and several important leaders of the scientific research institute were waiting for them at the door.

Seeing that Jin Muchen got out of the car with another ********, the group quickly and enthusiastically greeted him.

The current international environment is like this. Everyone knows that the Chinese are rich, and they all want to take money out of the pockets of the Chinese, so you can't be polite to the Chinese.

In fact, Americans are also rich, but their research institute is not the kind of electronic technology innovation enterprise that American VCs like most, and it is not well-known. The most important thing is that there are no good products, so of course, it does not recruit those What U.S. stock investors say.

In this case, if you want to continue the operation of the research institute, it is better to switch to the embrace of China fever, not to mention that people have said that they can give them additional investment.

When Jin Muchen introduced Scott, he did not clearly state his relationship with his father, but only said that his father was an investor from China who was with Wang Xueming.

Scott and the others are mostly face-blind to Asians, and they didn't see the relationship between Jin Muchen and his father. They just thought that Wang Xueming starved Jin's father. He was the one who Jin Muchen promised last time and could help them open the Chinese market. , so at this time the attitude of these two people is also very enthusiastic.

When the group entered the research institute, they first went to the conference room in the middle of the research institute, and then Scott asked everyone to bring a beautifully printed promotional material to everyone present. This material is also after Jin Muchen greeted him in the past two days. He was just ready.

The purpose is to deal with persuasion. Investors like Wang Xueming and Jin Dad mainly introduced the establishment time, origin, development experience of their A-Data Research Institute on the propaganda car, as well as the scientific research results in recent years, and future prospects.

Of course, it was specially optimized by someone. The above is all hype, which is very official and very beautiful. Father Jin doesn't know much English. Fortunately, Scott and the others are very considerate and specially prepared for them. The Chinese brochure. After reading the brochure, Dad Jin and Wang Xueming were very satisfied with this research institute.

Then everyone briefly exchanged a few words, and then Scott took everyone out for a walk. He saw the work area of ​​the employees here, the scientific research laboratory, and finally came to the production area.

This production area is actually just a production display area. There are only about eight to ten 3D printers in it, but so many printers are enough in this scientific research institute. create an atmosphere.

Then Scott turned on the printers himself, and in front of everyone present, these printers printed out sections of human bones, such as the femoral head joint replacement mentioned earlier, as well as knee joint replacements, and a Long human leg bones, arm bones, etc.

While printing, this guy also introduced Wang Xueming and Dad Jin: "...the previous femoral head joint replacements, knee joint replacements, etc., we have already described them in detail, and then we will give you all What is shown is our recent scientific research results, that is, the replacement of human bone. We all know that every year all over the world, various disasters occur in human society, such as serious car accidents, or wars, Or accidents, natural disasters, etc. The victims of some disasters will cause comminuted fractures because of these accidents. According to the current medical methods, there are only a few methods for curing severe comminuted fractures. Either it is cut off, or after all the bones are spliced ​​together, they are fixed with steel nails, and then after a year or a few years, the steel nails are removed. Serious additional injuries, and some even due to the body's rejection factor, either long-term medication, or repeated inflammation and infection, anyway, will bring a lot of injury and pain to the patient..."

Father Jin and Wang Xueming listened very carefully, and at this time Jin Muchen was also confused. After all, Scott hadn't given him the results of this human bone replacement before. He really didn't know, such a thing. What is the use of osteogenesis?

Since Scott showed them today, he also wanted to listen carefully.

"Since the injury is so serious, some even face the risk of amputation, so we wondered, if we wait until the bones heal themselves, or let the doctor perform surgery, spend time and experience to find those broken bone fragments splicing and fixing them together , why can't we just put on a new bone? In this way, the burden and pressure on the doctor will be reduced, the recovery time of the patient will also be reduced, and the pain will not be as severe as before. Isn't it the best of both worlds? So we have innovated the production of this kind of human osteogenesis, and the idea. At present, this kind of human osteogenesis, we have been able to produce, and the clinical trials are still bad. The hospitals are getting better, and clinical trials can be conducted there. If it is successful, then we are equivalent to innovating an innovative treatment for serious orthopaedic injuries. This is definitely very meaningful. If this innovative treatment is used If doctors all over the world accept it, then our products will not have to worry about no sales at all.”

The prospect described by Scott is very good, and Dad Jin is a little excited to hear it. He is a new recruit in this industry. He will believe it when he hears people talking about very good things. Youtiao knows that although what Scott said is really good, even if this thing is achieved, it will not be so easy and simple when it is promoted to the society in the future.

After all, if your new technology replaces existing technologies, new treatments, and old treatments, it will always cut off many people's fortunes, thus offending many people and encountering a lot of resistance.

So this road, there is still a lot of road ahead.

Next, Scott led Wang Xueming, Dad Jin, and Muchen Jin into another Before entering this laboratory, everyone disinfected and entered the room After that, he also put on thick protective clothing.

Even Jin Muchen didn't know what he was producing in this laboratory, but when this guy led them to a special oven-like thing, Jin Muchen understood that it should be Si The kind of artificial cornea that Kurt told him before.

"This is an important scientific research direction for us in the future, and now we have achieved preliminary results..."

Through the glass window of the 'oven', Scott pointed to a small petri dish placed on the inner tray and said to Jin Muchen and the others, the circular petri dish was full of culture liquid, separated by a long distance. Can't see what's in there at all.

In this 'oven', under the irradiation of the purple light that swept back and forth, there must be something in the petri dish that is constantly growing.

"What the **** is this?"

Wang Xueming couldn't help but ask a question after reading it for a long time. (To be continued.)