MTL - Treasure Hunt America-Chapter 1160 Dad doesn't want to retire

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This East Hampton area can be said to be a place where wealthy people gather. Except for a group of fishermen who lived here at the earliest time, other people have already been driven out of this area. High housing prices are enough to make those people unbearable.

Driving along the highway, you can see the lush green forests hidden on both sides of the road, there are tall antique buildings everywhere, and some villas look exactly like ancient European castles. The well-known Candace here gave you an explanation. The reason for this was because of a certain tycoon of the Rockefeller family. Because this tycoon liked the design of ancient castles in Europe, he went to In Europe, he purchased a batch of wall bricks needed for the construction of abandoned European castles, and then shipped these wall bricks to the United States one by one, and built such a pure imitation of a European castle in the United States. Later, this castle It became the place where the rich man showed off his wealth like the rest of the rich in America.

And such an ancient castle has also stimulated many other American billionaires. At that time, it happened just after the end of World War II, and the United States happened to be in the most golden era of development.

So the rich people in the United States sent people to Europe to dig those old castles, and like the rich Rockefeller family, they bought those dilapidated contracts, then demolished them, and shipped them back brick by brick. America, build your own castle.

At that time, the European ︾¤ long ︾¤ wind ︾¤ text ︾¤ learning, ww≯w.c▲fwx.n ET was also in the stage of utter waste, because the poor people in World War II almost had to **** their pants, and the Americans were at that time. But their savior, so the actions of these American billionaires, they don't even dare to let go of a fart, and can only let the Americans mess around.

Therefore, many ancient castles were demolished by the Americans, and these ancient castles are now almost standing on the east coast of the United States. Among them, New Jersey and the East Hampton area of ​​New York State, where they are now, have the most.

Especially in the East Hampton area, it can be said that it has the largest number of ancient castle complexes in the United States, and these ancient castles, except for the relatively recent years, the other bricks and stones are all real guys from the previous year.

Now these ancient castles, in the East Hampton area, are usually easily sold by no one, not because no one buys them, but because the owner of the castle does not want to sell it at all, unless the family cannot afford the expensive property tax. Otherwise, no one is willing to sell these ancient castles easily. After all, in recent years, with the recovery of the real estate industry in the United States, the prices of these ancient castles have also been rising.

These ancient castles are a very good product for property preservation and appreciation, and because of the scarcity of such products, the price of this kind of real estate in the United States will only get higher and higher in the future, although the United States will frequently break out again Economic crisis, but those economic crises are nothing but a crisis for the common people. For the real top rich, such a crisis is not their business at all, but a good opportunity for them to re-divide the wealth of the common people. The real high-end value-preserving products will only get higher and higher in the future.

Now, according to Jin Muchen's understanding, the price of the ancient castles here will start at more than 100 million US dollars, and today he rents an ancient castle. This ancient castle is said to have been left by the Morgan family back then, but because of Not many family members come to live here now. It has been transformed into a high-end resort hotel. Jin Muchen’s package is a few rooms on the top floor with the best views, and this room occupies the top of the ancient castle. an entire layer.

The design of the top floor of this castle is a bit similar to Jin Muchen's home. Half of it is a room and usually a sky garden. The only difference is that the area of ​​the sky garden is relatively large. Not only is there a garden, but there is also a garden in the middle. There is also a small spa pool next to the swimming pool, where you can take a hot bath while enjoying the beautiful scenery in the distance.

The family spent two beautiful days here, and then they reluctantly returned to New York. As soon as they returned to their home in New York, a few women went to prepare dinner. Jin Muchen also took the tablet and kept checking the strategy. , since he moved out from Flushing, he hasn't gone back for a while, and he doesn't know if any new stores have opened in Flushing. This time I just checked to see if there are many good reviews. Tomorrow, I will take my parents and mother to see it.

But here, not long after sitting down, Dad walked up to him and said to him, "Go, go to the roof and smoke a cigarette."

Jin Muchen knew that Dad must have something to say to him, so he put down the tablet, followed Dad to the upstairs garden, found a reclining chair and sat down, handed Dad a cigarette, and then gave himself to himself. I ordered one, took a sip, and heard my dad ask.

"Son, how is the project of the scientific research institute you mentioned last time? If there is time tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, let's go and have a look first. We can put it aside for play. Anyway, I and you recently. Mom has time and plans to stay here for a long time."

I didn't expect my father to come here on vacation and still not forget about the scientific research institute. Fortunately, Jin Muchen was well prepared, so he said to his father, "Don't worry about the project of that scientific research institute, I went there recently. When they went there, their femoral head and joint replacement projects have basically been seen, and now they have been promoted and listed in several hospitals in Los Angeles. And the production process and procedures of knee joint replacements, They have basically conquered it. Recently, they just planned to take it to Los Angeles to promote it. I told them that you want to represent these two products, and they were also very interested. They also planned to arrange a few on-site surgeries. Let me show you, let you understand the whole process of this operation, and the recovery effect of subsequent patients, etc. Anyway, you don’t have to worry, I have the final say now.”

When Jin Muchen said this, his father was relieved. He took a sigh of relief while holding the cigarette, and then spit it out again. Seeing his father like this, Jin Muchen couldn't help but feel a little strange, and then Asked out.

"What's wrong with you? Dad, I see that you seem to be under a lot of pressure. What's wrong with your business in China?"

"Hey, there is no problem, but I am a little confused about my future! You have been abroad recently, and you may not know the domestic economic environment. Anyway, the domestic economic environment is not very good this year. Many industrial projects are in Cutting overcapacity means cutting overcapacity, in fact, it means closing some excess factories, and because of the abnormally high price of real estate, the current domestic liquidity is seriously insufficient, and the domestic consumption power is seriously insufficient, which has led to various industries. All industries are now facing operational difficulties. The high-speed rail construction project that your uncle and I contracted in the past two years was not bad, and the section we contracted was basically completed at the beginning of this year. Don't worry, because they won't press your project money. But after this project is finished, our life will be difficult again, because we are looking for such a project, but we can't find it at all. There were a few nearby us before. Local high-speed railways are also being built. We tried to participate in the bidding, but we failed to win the bid, so we had no work for more than half a year, and then the engineering team was disbanded. Now I am also looking for new projects , I want to continue working for a few years. After all, I'm only in my fifties, and I don't want to retire so early. So don't I just remember the scientific research institute you mentioned to me earlier this year?"

After Dad and Jin Muchen said this, Jin Muchen also understood. He had also seen many people on the Internet saying that in the past year, China's domestic economic environment has generally not been good, and many real economies cannot continue, and they have closed their doors and closed down. On the contrary, the real estate industry is extremely hot.

At that time, many people were yelling that these real estate companies were harming the country and the people, and they were kidnapping China's economy. At that time, he didn't have a particularly profound experience, but now that he saw his father's livelihood, it also affected him, so he also I have personally experienced the disadvantages brought about by China's economic downturn.

And my father is affiliated with the Shuguang Construction Company opened by Wang Xueming. Now, according to my father's statement, even Shuguang Construction can't get the project, let alone these small contractors who are affiliated with Shuguang Construction?

Back then, my father entered Dawning Construction as the vice, but it was allowed because Wang Xueming looked at Jin Muchen's face, but then my father contracted a small project early and went out to work alone and made a lot of money, but Now is the era when everyone has no food to eat, so life is not easy for both sides.

Although Dad can still go back to Shuguang Construction to be a vice president, continue to receive salary, and work until retirement, but Dad is not that kind of person at all. As he just said, he is only in his fifties. He still wants to work for a few more years. He doesn't want to retire so early and retire at home.

"That research institute, don't worry, Dad. I'll show you there tomorrow. We'll postpone our trip for the next few days for a few days. Let's see this research institute first."

Jin Muchen looked at his father with a smile and said that his father was also happy when he heard this.

"And don't worry, I went to see them some time ago. They have several scientific research projects that have already produced results, such as the femoral head joint replacement and those knee joint replacements. If these things are brought back If you go domestically, you will definitely not have to worry about selling. But the key is that we can get the operating license for this special medical device, and we must also have certain hospital resources in China..." (To be continued.)