MTL - Treasure Hunt America-Chapter 1150 regenerative medicine

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Since Nolito was so enthusiastic, Jin Muchen didn't say much, just put the vials of collagen into the bag.

Of course he wouldn't be stupid enough to use these bottles of collagen for his own woman, but he planned to find a third-party testing agency to test it to see if it was really what Nolito said. Collagen with a purity of between 85% and 90%****** is not much to look at downstairs. Jin Muchen followed Nolito upstairs. At this time, there was coffee on the table. It was already cold, and Nolito hurriedly made a fresh cup for everyone.

"By the way, have you finished eating, and I haven't eaten yet, or let's go together and I'll order takeout."

Before he knew it, it was already past ten o'clock in the evening. When he said this, Jin Muchen was really hungry, so he nodded at Nolito.

"You don't need to call this, I'll arrange it."

After speaking, I picked up my mobile phone, found a good Chinese takeaway shop online, made a phone call, and quickly ordered a few dishes.

He and Hu Xuefeng had just eaten steak for dinner, and he ate a lot more than Hu Xuefeng. At this time, Kung Fu was actually hungry again. Hu Xuefeng was a little stunned by this appetite.

If it wasn't for looking at Jin Muchen's strong body and healthy appearance, he would really wonder if Jin Muchen had some kind of digestive system disease.

In a short while, the Chinese takeaway shop brought them the takeaways ordered by Jin Muchen, fried rice, fried noodles, fried spring rolls, as well as fish, chips, hot dogs and other high-calorie foods specially ordered by Jin Muchen.

With so many high-calorie foods, if the average person eats it, it will definitely take a few days to get in shape, but for Jin Muchen, it is completely pediatric.

Since his body was transformed by supernatural powers, his need for energy or food has been particularly high, and the more high-calorie food that others avoid, the better for him.

For the steak meal just now, he had basically digested all his time, so it was just right to have a late-night snack with this Nolito.

The most important thing is that he feels that eating and chatting with him can better adjust the atmosphere and drink a little wine, so that Nolito can tell more useful information.

The three were sitting at the dining table, but Hu Xuefeng could only be regarded as a foil. The real main force had to be Jin Muchen and Nolito. When it was clear that the takeaway delivered to the door was actually Chinese food, this Nolito's eyes it lights up.

All the money his parents left him had already been invested in the laboratory downstairs of his house, and his usual salary was also spent on the follow-up experimental expenses one after another. It can be said that he usually lived a very difficult life.

Even though these Chinese takeaways are not very expensive, he is usually reluctant to eat them, and recently because of the lack of funds, he has not eaten good food for a long time. Today, I saw so many favorite food. It was delicious, but he couldn't care about it. He even ate and drank it immediately, killing a box of fried noodles and half a box of fried rice in one go.

Jin Muchen was a little stunned to see this guy's gobbling virtues, and he could see that these foreigners seemed to really love things like fried noodles and fried rice.

He has been in the United States for so many years, whether with his former classmates or with his girlfriends, as long as everyone goes to a Chinese restaurant, even if you don't have food, as long as you have fried noodles and fried rice, these guys can do it Very happy to eat.

Nolito finally swallowed a mouthful of fried rice, and then he felt half full. At this time, he also knew that his image in front of Jin Muchen was too embarrassing, so he slowed down the speed of eating and took a bottle of Hundred Wei, opened it and took a sip, flushing all the food in his mouth, and then said to Jin Muchen.

"Sorry, Mr. Jin, I lost my temper today. In fact, I was too hungry. I just remembered that I haven't eaten since the afternoon. I have been doing experiments in the laboratory before, and I forgot."

"Haha, it doesn't matter, isn't that what you scientists are like, but I still have to say, even if you are concentrating on your experiments, you have to pay attention to your own body? You often forget to eat on time like this, but you will easily get stomach problems, Wan Wan If you really get sick, it will affect the progress of your scientific experiments even more, so you must pay attention to the combination of work and rest..."

Jin Muchen's remarks are completely in the domestic official tone, but when Nolito's ears hear these words, they are extremely heart-warming. You must know that in the Western environment where he grew up, no one even has such a fake official tone. tell you.

Except your parents and your best friend, no one else bothers to care about your life or death. If you don't eat and starve to death, people don't bother to care about you.

"Thank you, Mr. Jin, I will definitely pay attention to my pace of life in the future."

"Haha, that's right! By the way, can you tell me about your future research direction."

In fact, this is the focus of Jin Muchen's attention, because when he found out that this guy's ambition was in DNA, he knew that this guy's ambition was not small, and that guy Hu Xuefeng also talked to him before, in fact This Nolito's real scientific research direction seems to be called regenerative medicine.

"Well, Mr. Jin, I don't know the concept of regenerative medicine, have you heard of it?"

"Well... I haven't heard much about this? Do you mean the kind of thing that looks like a gecko, cuts off its tail, and then grows one by itself?"

Jin Muchen could only understand the meaning of regenerative medicine literally, but Nolito laughed when he heard Jin Muchen say this.

"Well, Mr. Jin, if you think so, it's not wrong. It can be said that the regeneration of the gecko's severed tail and the regeneration of the octopus's severed claws can indeed be said to be the highest state of regeneration science, but this technology is now used in humans. It may not be possible until hundreds of years later, when human beings have truly cracked the DNA code. The regenerative medicine I am talking about is a relatively common medical concept. For example, if a person's liver function is affected by damage, in addition to liver transplantation, can we let his liver regenerate automatically? Or if there is a problem with a person's kidney, can we regenerate him other than kidney transplantation? Or It’s a part like the islet, if we can regenerate it, wouldn’t we overcome the century-old problem of diabetes?”

Talking about his future scientific research direction and professional direction, Nolito's eyes are shining, and Jin Muchen's eyes are shining after listening to his simple talk, really, if he can really master this kind of regeneration Technology, I really don't know how many people with organ necrosis will benefit.

He remembered that his father used to have a good friend. He used to come to his house to play when he was a child. Later, he seemed to have uremia. To put it bluntly, it means that the kidney function declines and the kidney disease is necrotic.

The uncle was originally a tall and strong middle-aged man, but after he got this disease, he had to go to the hospital every once in a while for chemotherapy and dialysis. Originally, when his condition was not serious, he went there once a month, then once a week, and then again. Afterwards, I have to go every two or three days.

Fortunately, his family's financial conditions were relatively good, so he could afford to treat him like this. In this way, he still waited for three years, and finally waited for a suitable **** to perform a kidney transplant operation on himself.

And this operation, plus the money to buy the kidney, if Jin Muchen remembered correctly, the uncle said that it seemed to cost 400,000 yuan in total. If you add the cost of chemotherapy and dialysis for the first three years, it must have exceeded 60 yuan. million.

And after the operation, the uncle still insisted on taking anti-rejection drugs for a long time. According to him, those drugs will last for a lifetime once they are taken. Moreover, no matter how well-maintained his kidney is, it can still be used for 20 years. From the age of thirty years, once the lifespan is reached, he has to change again, and the premise of changing again is that he can live to that age, and at that age he has to have so much money.

Once I saw how terrifying this disease of organ necrosis is. If an ordinary person has such a disease, if they have no family background, then there is only one result, waiting to die at home.

What's more, according to Nolito, his regenerative medicine technology can not only regenerate the kidneys, but also the liver, the heart, and even the islets. People can also regenerate you.

He doesn't know about other livers, hearts, etc., but the regeneration of pancreatic islets alone is amazing. You must know that diabetes is a high-incidence disease worldwide, and the only cause of this disease is human. The islets of the pancreas don't work properly and don't secrete enough insulin to dissolve the sugar people eat.

Therefore, it is necessary to inject insulin in vitro to decompose the sugar absorbed by the human body into the body, and this disease basically has no solution. As long as you have it, it cannot be cured. You can only take medicine for a long time to regulate the blood sugar in the body.

After getting this disease, although this disease is not directly fatal, it will slowly destroy the immunity of normal people, often causing multiple complications in the end, and finally people die from other diseases.

Therefore, this disease can definitely be said to be one of the most important problems for doctors among the various diseases of human beings.

And this Nolito actually said that his scientific research direction is to regenerate many diseased organs in the human body and turn them into normal and healthy organs. This really aroused Jin Muchen's curiosity. He wanted to know very much, what is this guy doing? Let these diseased organs in the human body regenerate.

So far, he hasn't heard much about it. Which medical institution has such a regeneration technology? If Nolito can really develop this technology, then he can definitely be recorded in the annals of history and become a A great medical worker. (To be continued.)
