MTL - Traveling To The Last Days To Protect You-Chapter 96

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Ye Xiao groaned while looking at the porridge in his hand, Lin Tantan groaned while watching him.

Finally she lowered her head, well, it really is too ugly. She reached out to bring the thermos, but Ye Xiao refused, and said with a smile: "I have to taste the porridge you made by yourself."

Lin Tantan's eyes lit up and he said excitedly: "It's the first time I've made it, and I made this one after ruining several pots."

This is true, she has never cooked in the past and present life, let alone in this life. In the previous life, the technology was advanced, and there were robots that specialize in cooking. I didn't have a chance to enter the kitchen. The last time I roasted a leg of lamb as a joke, this time it was the first time to cook in a real sense.

For the meaning of cooking for the first time, Ye Xiao also felt that the black, red and red things in the bucket became cute. He looked around, smiled and pulled Lin Tantan to the clinic. As soon as he sat down, he picked up the spoon that came with the thermos and ate it.

Lin Tantan looked forward to asking: "Is it delicious?"

Ye Xiao only tasted the sweetness, that's right, this porridge only has sugar added, so naturally it only has the sweetness, the rest is a sticky and soft taste that melts in the mouth, the not very good. Ye Xiao prefers refreshing things, and doesn't like to eat sticky porridge or the like, even noodles, and he doesn't like to eat too soft and overcooked, but this time he didn't dislike it at all, and nodded sincerely: "Very good to eat."

Lin Tantan was satisfied right away, cupped his face and said, "I've tried it several times, and this time the sweetness is just right, and there's no sticky bottom."

The sweetness is moderate and there is no sticky bottom, that's all she asks of herself.

Ye Xiao smiled and quickly ate the whole bucket of porridge. His stomach felt warm. He didn't lie, he ate some biscuits casually in the morning. He was really hungry after a busy day, and he felt much more comfortable after eating this bucket of porridge. .

Because everyone went to observe the magic machine, and few people noticed that the two of them were eating here. Bai Cheng took a quick glance and found that Ye Xiao had left such a big guy here and ran to eat by himself. A large room comes out.

After all, this thing is too big and heavy to move, so I simply built a big house for it to house it, and then studied it slowly.

Naturally, Xu Qin and Jiang Xiaotian were the ones who studied it. One of them was very interested in the hardware and abilities of the God Machine, and the other was curious about the software part when he saw such a high-tech product. Demolished.

So I also brought my team members to help, a group of people got busy, and the speed of building a house was unprecedentedly funny. In three or two minutes, a big wall surrounded the magic machine on the spot, and then started to build the roof and other things. The location, the onlookers will not be able to see the magic trick, but this does not prevent them from talking about it in full swing, and describing it vividly for those who come a step later.

Although the people outside the compound were blocked by iron gates, they all looked up at the magic machine while it was still in the sky, and some people took many photos and asked each other what it was.

Soon, a well-informed person revealed the origin of this thing. It should be a magical machine from the capital, which can release a magical energy shield to resist threats from the air, even if a group of ferocious birds may appear anytime and anywhere. At the moment, you can also fly freely in the air.

Wu Lin was in the clinic, so he naturally heard voices from outside. He vaguely heard that he had got a magic trick. He was shocked and couldn't keep his composure any longer. He wanted to go to the window to see the situation, but the guards guarding him People put him on the bed, but he couldn't get out of the bed at all. Instead, the wound on his body was bleeding again because of the violent movement.

This is a square-faced man who walked in, accompanied by two people, both of them looked dignified and solemn. The square-faced man said: "My name is Qin Han, and I am the leader of the law enforcement team. Please talk about it carefully with Shenji." The more related things, the better."

He took it for granted, and the two people behind him also took out their notebooks to record.

Wu Lin's face was pale, and he couldn't believe it: "You really discovered the magic trick?" Then he gritted his teeth, "I won't say anything!"

Qin Han sighed: "Do you know, most of our interrogation work is entrusted to me, do you know why?" He raised his hand, and the two subordinates closed the door, drew the curtains, and stared at him. The wide-eyed Wu Lin walked over.

Outside the clinic, Lin Tantan and Ye Xiao also walked into the enclosed wall, Xu Qin and Jiang Xiaotian were already busy, the hatch of this bulky triangular guy had already been opened, Lin Tantan poked his head in and looked Look, just one feeling, hey, it's so narrow, so short, and the whole interior design is so earthy.

She has her own private energy fighter. Although there are not many threats from the sky in future generations, there are still some mutant birds. Compared with airplanes, this kind of energy fighter is safer and faster, but the energy fighter The quantity is relatively small, only the country can manufacture, and the flight must strictly follow some set routes, and you cannot fly randomly. If you want to buy it, you have to apply two years in advance. It is difficult for ordinary people to own one.

The one that Lin Tan talked about was given to her by the country, but she seldom sits on it because she is housebound and busy.

But no matter how little you sit, you still know what the interior looks like. Compared with that, this one is nothing but dirt.

At this time, she went in and wandered around, then came out and circled around again, with a curious face all the time, full of interest, and then she couldn't make any comments when the curiosity was over, seeing Xu Qin and Jiang Xiaotian, they were all sullen and didn't have a clue She was groping, she thought for a while, but she couldn't see Xu Tianjin from left to right.

While looking for it, Xu Tianjin ran in from the outside, with the work ID of the information technology team still hanging on his chest.

"Doctor Lin!" Seeing Xu Tianjin's bright eyes, Lin Tantan nodded slightly at him. Xu Tianjin knew what she meant, and looked at the magic machine, his eyes became even brighter. He actually saw the energy fighter with his own eyes. First generation version!

Lin Tantan had only been on an energy fighter plane and didn’t know anything about it, but Xu Tianjin was different. His family was rich, and he was sick and his parents took pity on him. After recovering from his illness, they bought him an energy fighter plane as a gift. That baby knows everything inside and out, he does all the maintenance by himself, and even took the driver's license test, although it didn't take long before he passed the test.

Anyway, his eyes were straightened when he saw this first-generation aircraft, but fortunately, everyone saw this weird big guy with bright and straight eyes, so he didn't look so eye-catching.

He took a deep breath to calm himself down, and ran to his team leader. Jiang Xiaotian was invading the central control system of Shenji, with an extremely serious expression, and his brows were frowned, as if he had encountered some problem.

Xu Tianjin asked about the situation in a low voice. Jiang Xiaotian admired this guy with more fantastic ideas, so he said to him: "I'm probably worried that the magic machine will fall into the hands of others. To activate the magic machine, you need not only to insert a card, but also to input commands. , I am now cracking this level, it is not difficult, the problem is that I always feel something is wrong."

Xu Tianjin gave him a thumbs up in his heart, as expected of a master, with high skills and keen intuition, he seemed to have no intention of saying: "I heard that there are not many such things in the capital, and they are also used as a gimmick to attract experts. I think they must keep the technology secret. If it falls into the hands of others, they would rather destroy it than let others learn it. Is it possible that they left some small things in the system, and the program will self-destruct once it is invaded? "

Jiang Xiaotian's eyes lit up, and he patted his thigh after thinking for a moment: "Xiao Xu, it's not bad, you reminded me! No wonder I think something is wrong. If I just decipher it like this, this iron chicken might be destroyed."

Xu Tianjin smiled. Since he was already doubting and hesitating, he would definitely be more cautious. After thinking about it for a while, he should be able to figure it out. He was just reminding himself.

The reason why he knew this was because Huaguo's energy fighters had such a small back door. If they fell into the hands of other countries, they would rather destroy them than let people learn the core technology. On, but with the development of better and better.

Jiang Xiaotian started typing on the keyboard again, and Xu Tianjin went to see the people in the weapon research and development team who were studying the overall structure. He suppressed the urge to dissect this guy inside and out and give them a lecture. Take it slowly. ,Take it easy…

Lin Tantan watched from the sidelines and smiled. With Xu Tianjin around, it shouldn’t be a problem to figure out, imitate or even improve the energy fighter. She scratched her head, ah, knowledge is power, and she didn’t bring any advanced knowledge after crossing. The uneducated healer who relied purely on supernatural powers felt emotional.

Seeing her showing a puzzled expression, Ye Xiao went over and patted her on the head gently: "What are you thinking about?"

"Haha, no, many people saw that you brought this thing back, and they should have guessed that it was a magic machine. The capital will receive news soon, right?" Lin Tantan said.

"I'm afraid I already know it by now, but my report has also been sent."

"Report? What report?"

Ye Xiao smiled lightly, with a bit of cunning in his eyes: "We went out and met Wu Lin who was almost killed. We rescued him, including his man and his magic machine, and specially sent a telegram to report. What do you think of this reason?"

Lin Tantan was stunned for a moment, and also laughed, so Min Yande couldn't use Ye Xiao's accusation of taking the magic machine as his own to suppress him.

She was a little worried again: "Will someone be sent over there?"

"Not for the time being, don't forget, we are about to face the danger of the tide of corpses, and we have to wait for the tide of corpses to pass."

Just as he was talking, people from the law enforcement team came and said that Wu Lin had been recruited.

The two went to the clinic again.

Qin Han was sorting out the confession when he saw Ye Xiao came and handed him some papers: "Wu Lin said this, that kid is too weak, he couldn't hold on halfway through the questioning, and fainted."

Ye Xiao took it to read with Lin Tantan. When Lin Tantan saw this word, his eyes were blurred and flamboyant. It was difficult for her to recognize it. She glanced at Qin Han. Qin Han coughed. He was in a hurry just now. He writes faster. He added: "It's basically on top, and I recorded the sound."

Lin Tantan continued to read, probably from the time when Wu Lin was selected as a reserve pilot of the Shenji pilot and started various trainings.

The Divine Machine is the work of a research institution with a national background in the capital. The research direction of that research institution is all conceptual, and it is not easy to realize at this stage.

They have completely remodeled the existing aircraft in terms of shape, structure, energy supply method, flight mode, etc., and spent more than ten years to come up with such a magical machine—it was called a flying saucer before the end of the world, although it looks really bad It's light, but it does fly, and it flies fast.

The next goal of the research institution is to get an energy shield for it, and then the end of the world is coming, this research institution is also tenacious, continue to improve the flying saucer, and then come up with a crystal nucleus energy shield, there are only five such guys in the capital at present , because the flying methods and driving methods are different from conventional aircraft, and because they are too rare and precious, it took a lot of pains to choose pilots for them.

Wu Lin was selected as a reserve, underwent various trainings, and then stood out as an official pilot of the magic machine. It can be seen between the lines that he is very honored and proud, and then he accepted a mission the next day after becoming an official pilot. Ningshi picks up people.

Thinking it was just a small task, Wu Lin was only nervous about flying such a distance for the first time, and that the crystal nucleus in the energy tank was only enough to support the energy shield for ten minutes, so this trip was still full of danger.

However, he did not expect that he was so lucky that he did not encounter any danger all the way from the capital to Ning City. The energy shield was not opened, and the only loss was fuel, but the good luck did not last. He came to Ning City smoothly, but... walked away no more.

Because no one can be reached.

It stands to reason that he should go back after the mission aborts, but Min Yande is not reconciled. He also knows that there are still mercenaries going to arrest Lin and talk to him. Min Yande himself will continue to send people, so let Wu Lin continue to stand by. You can only go back when you receive someone.

This standby has been on hold until now.

This is the cause and effect, and the key points of the operation of the magic machine are written later, but this part is relatively fragmented, as if Wu Lin's preface does not match the aftermath when he speaks.

Qin Han explained: "He was subconsciously unwilling to reveal this piece of information, his mood fluctuated violently, and he passed out due to his weakness. I will continue to ask him when he wakes up."

Lin Tantan asked curiously, "How did you ask?"

Qin Han was a little nervous being stared at by her: "My ability is to stimulate the cerebral cortex, causing people to feel pain and other uncomfortable feelings. I use it to extract confessions."

Lin Tantan: Well, a very powerful ability, which neither causes real physical damage nor tortures people.

Qin Han's eyes were bright and he looked forward to the future: "I think this ability can be used to train fighters in the future, and I will continue to work hard."

Lin Tantan: "...Well, it's pretty good." Then he silently moved away from him.

Ye Xiao noticed her movements, he didn't find it funny, and then he had a headache. Compared with not getting the key points of the operation, what made Ye Xiao's headache even more was that it was written in the confession that because of the harsh environment, it was not easy for Wu Lin to survive after eating the magic machine. After eating food, I need to find food by myself, but because I was worried that the key of the magic machine, that is, the magnetic card that is activated by inserting the card, would be accidentally lost, so I didn’t dare to keep it with me, but hid it in the building where the magic machine was hidden. one place.

It's not far from the magic machine, but... When Wu Lin hid the magic machine, he smashed all the windows with a machine gun from the second floor, and drove in. But when they got the magic machine out, they couldn't drive it, so they had to go through the gate. , and because the door was too narrow, they tore down the doorposts of the door, and the building half collapsed as soon as the magic machine was released.

So now it is very difficult to go back and find a magnetic card.

As mentioned above, magnetic cards and instructions are indispensable, and now we can only count on Jiang Xiaotian to decipher the system.

It will take some time for Jiang Xiaotian to decipher it. Before that, Xu Qin will stop disturbing him. After reading the magical machine, he will come out of the temporary warehouse-like house that is being built on the roof. The most important thing is the supernatural weapon.

Lin Tantan and Ye Xiao were also curious about what he had done to the tiger bones, and then ran from the clinic to the weapon research and development department next door.

Xu Qin made a beautiful scimitar by using the shape of the tiger bone itself. The handle was wrapped with thick cloth strips. A small hole was dug out of the bone at the edge of the cloth strip, and a device capable of storing energy was inserted into it. , the blade follows the heart of the tiger bone and presents a beautiful and wild arc. The back of the blade has not been treated, but the blade has been sharpened.

It was so sharp that Lin Tantan almost got cut when he tried it with his fingertips.

She asked Xu Qin what was used to polish it, so powerful, Xu Qin said that tiger bones are inherently hard and have natural toughness, and because it is an ice-type supernatural tiger, its bones are naturally covered with ice. The characteristics of the ice system, and the ice system itself represents sharpness and sharpness.

In short, the bone itself is good, and a little polishing is an excellent weapon.

According to its characteristics, what Xu Qin filled it with was ice energy.

Worried that Lin Tantan would hurt himself, Ye Xiao became a knife tester. After pressing the switch, he slashed out with a single knife. Unlike the last gold system, he was able to attack a target seven or eight meters away. The white ice energy can't go that far, but it's still sharp, and it has a freezing effect. Using the meat of a mutant beast as an experiment, with a single cut, both sides of the incision will freeze hard.

Even if the switch is not turned on, using the stored ice energy to directly cut down like this can still slightly freeze both sides of the incision.

Ye Xiao immediately said: "The distance is not far enough. Fighting zombies is a bit disadvantageous. Fighting mutant beasts is very suitable." This freezing effect can greatly interfere with the opponent's actions.

Xu Qin nodded: "I think so too. A whole set of tiger bones can make at least 20 weapons. I will try to see how to use tiger tendons, tiger tail, tiger skin and tiger teeth."

Ye Xiao said: "Thank you for your hard work, do you want to add someone?"

"It's best to have the right ones. Manpower is really short, and next I want to focus on the magic machine." Xu Qin said, "Also, in the future, capture mutant beasts and see if they can be used as weapons."

Ye Xiao naturally agreed.

While they were discussing, the Ning City base was a sensation again, and the news that the Zhengyang Brigade had obtained a magic machine that was only available in the capital quickly spread, and everyone was jealous, envious or curious, and wanted to come and see it. .

Lu Jianping got the news a long time ago, but he didn't get the news through his subordinates, but directly received a call from his boss, who asked Ye Xiao if he got the magic trick, and what the specific situation was, Lu Jianping was at a loss Water, let the subordinates inquire about this, and then ran to the Zhengyang brigade.

Ye Xiao warmly received him, and when he saw that big guy with his own eyes, and saw that Ye Xiao's people were studying it, he sighed deeply in his heart, Ye Xiao is going to heaven! Well, with this thing, it is indeed possible to go to heaven without any scruples.

He looked at Ye Xiao and said, "You told Min Yande that you saved people and saved the magic machine, but now you have dismantled the magic machine, how do you explain it?"

Ye Xiao said leisurely: "If this magical machine falls into your hands, Chief Lu, can you resist not tearing it down?"

Lu Jianping choked, and then said in a low voice: "You kid, take it easy, there are still many missiles over there, and they will be anxious when the time comes, and an intercontinental missile will stun you, believe it or not?"

Ye Xiao sighed: "I believe it, but I haven't reached that point yet, so I won't be so frantic, so I want to have more self-protection power? When my people learn the technology, I will give you a request." don't want?"

Lu Jianping's heart was pounding.

He knows more about the situation in the capital. With the post-apocalyptic industrial level, it is not easy to create a new magic machine, and the existing five already have owners. Come out, it's his turn to be approved, and I don't know how long it will take.

But it is very troublesome to have no air vehicle, especially after the only fighter plane was destroyed by Han Ying.

He was immediately moved.

At this time, Ye Xiao said again: "Ning City is an industrial city. When this wave of corpses is resolved, I plan to set up a few factories. You have military talents in your hand. Then you can second them to me. When the magic machine is produced, the first I’ll give you one first, thanks for taking care of us for so many days.”

Lu Jianping's heart beat faster, looked at Ye Xiao's face with a gentle smile, and agreed in a heartbeat: "Okay! Then you all study carefully, do you want me to send some people over right away?"

Ye Xiao smiled and said, "That's naturally better."

Lu Jianping had a weird feeling that Ye Xiao seemed to have changed a little bit. Since he came back from the outside yesterday, something seemed to have changed in his body. He usually wouldn't laugh like this when talking to himself.

Lu Jianping had the feeling of being completely pulled into a pirate ship, even though he wanted to be on this pirate ship.

He couldn't help thinking, this person couldn't be more exciting than Han Yingyi, what, is he blackened? Isn't that very dangerous? Before, I thought that Ye Xiao was a righteous person. Let him develop in the base. He didn't have too many thoughts in his heart, but his subordinates were a little worried, but as his momentum became more and more fierce, now he felt a little bit more. He had to think more about the change.

Ye Xiao sensed that he was looking at him secretly, pretending not to know, but after staying away from other people with him, he said in a low voice: "Mr. Lu, we have been getting along very well these past few months. You have treated me with sincerity. I don't want to keep it from you, so I'll let you know in advance, and within a year at the latest, I will find a suitable place."

Lu Jianping's eyebrows twitched: "Why are you here?" Although he asked this question, he already had an answer in his heart.

Sure enough, Ye Xiao smiled and said: "Of course it is to build your own base."

Lu Jianping showed surprise on his face. The surprise was really not feigned. He was not surprised that he had such an idea. If he was in his position, there would be no way out if he didn't stand up for himself. Naturally, he would take this road. He was surprised The strange thing is that he actually told himself, and it was so long in advance.

Ye Xiao continued: "Before leaving, I still have to trouble Chief Lu to take care of you. Don't worry, I won't recruit all the talented people from the base to me. And if you have any difficulties, For example, the population pressure is too great, or the food pressure is too great, to a certain extent, our Zhengyang brigade can also share one or two for you."

Lu Jianping nodded confusedly. He was still thinking about this matter after he left the Zhengyang Brigade. When someone walked in, he looked up and smiled: "Little Se."

The person who came was a handsome mixed-race young man, it was Luther. He ate two snake galls and almost killed himself, and then ate supernatural ingredients for a long time. Finally, he saved his life, and then it was a long reconstruction Time, he has not fully recovered recently, there is no way, the snake gall is too poisonous, his body has been seriously damaged, although he is completely detoxified now, but it is inevitable that there are still many sequelae.

He has a strong nature and is unwilling to go out to see people until he fully recovers. He is concerned: "Uncle, is there something to worry about? Is it that magical machine?"

Lu Jianping touched his forehead and told him what Ye Xiao had said to him.

Luther's expression was a bit complicated. When Ye Xiao first came, he hated them. Later, during the heavy rain for more than half a month, he brought people to guard the city wall, and he gradually changed his view of them. Then he was poisoned. If it weren't for that Lin Tantan, he would have rotted into a puddle of blood long ago.

He asked: "Did he really say he would find a place to build his own base?"

Lu Jianping nodded: "I don't think he's lying like that. I also believe in this. He can build a Zhengyang brigade in just one or two months. It's nothing to spend a little more time building a base. Here, we were in too much of a hurry and didn’t have time to choose a location, there is only a mountain behind, and there are not many water sources nearby, it’s really not a good place, I guess he wouldn’t bother to grab it from me.”

Luther comforted him and said that they were also very good, backed by mountains, with a natural barrier.

Then he thought about it and said that this is also a good thing, so that there will be no conflict between the two of them, and there is no need to worry that their development will threaten them.

Lu Jianping nodded, this was what he was most concerned about.

Luther said again: "Then why don't we give them some more land." Meeting Lu Jianping's gaze, he said, "He wants to build a base, and there are definitely not enough people at this point, otherwise he wouldn't say that if there is population pressure, he can share it." It just so happens that we can't manage so many people in the base. Instead of taking advantage of those small forces, we should give Ye Xiao points and give them some land. They will definitely continue to build. When they leave, all that is left is ready-made house."

It was the first time that Lu Jianping realized that his nephew was a thief, but the idea was good. He couldn't afford to do infrastructure construction, so it would be good to ask Ye Xiao to help him, so it was considered as land rent.

But all of this has to wait for the tide of corpses to pass.

At this time Ye Xiao was also thinking that everything would have to wait for the tide of corpses to pass. He naturally had some ideas and countermeasures for the capital, but dealing with the tide of corpses was more important than those.

Compared with before the corpse tide detoured, they had a lot more time, but in general they were still very nervous. Ye Xiao only spent a little time on the magic machine and stopped caring about this thing, and arranged to deal with the corpse tide Then it was his turn to run to Lu Jianping.

After all, Lu Jianping's talents are the main force.

The people sent out yesterday have discovered the movement of the tide of corpses. Sure enough, they made a big circle and continued to come to the base in Ning City. Combined with their satellite map, they discussed the road that the tide of corpses would pass, and then they began to lay out trap.

The first ring of the trap is to dig a few huge pits on the path that the corpse tide must pass through, and then set up some road barriers, supplemented by fire attacks, to reduce the number of them as much as possible.

Then divert them and introduce them into the abandoned city of Ning City, instead of letting them go directly to the base from the outskirts.

In the city, it is natural to set more traps. Bombs are the simplest and most efficient, but the problem is that they do not have the ammunition to cover the entire city. Even though Lu Jianping's research institute has stopped all work and is working overtime It is not enough to make bombs.

Then... just keep digging holes, set up some other traps, and arrange for the combat team to ambush at the side, waiting for the opportunity to strike, and these ambush people are best good at long-range attacks. In close combat, no matter how divided the opponent is, it is still a group of corpses. If one is not good enough to be dumped, then there is basically no way to survive.

In short, it is most likely to consume the power of the zombie wave, and finally all retreat into the base, guarding the base to resist the remaining zombies.

Lin Tantan recommended herself as soon as she heard that she was going to dig a hole. She said that when it comes to digging a hole, there is absolutely no other person comparable to her.

Ye Xiao thought of the pool on the hillside. He only found out later that when he found her at the bottom of the pit, she hadn't been digging for long, but she had already dug such a big hole...

But Ye Xiao still said: "This time the whole base's soil system is basically dispatched..."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Tantan interrupted him: "Isn't that going to dig a hole in the city? Even if all of them are mobilized, there are only a few people from the soil department. Once they are scattered in the city, they will be invisible. I will definitely do my best. Let me dig that big hole that is the first trap."

She said: "Didn't you see that day? There was a leader zombie in that zombie wave. It was very strange. His eyes across a river made people panic. I think it should be quite smart. It must not be fooled by ordinary pitfalls." It, I can cover it with a layer of soil after digging the hole, so that no flaws can be seen."

This skill, other soil elements may really not be able to do it.

Ye Xiao finally agreed to her, handed over all the affairs he was responsible for in the base to Bai Cheng, and took her to the place by helicopter.

If you don't need a helicopter, it will take too much time to walk on the ground. If Ye Xiao is on the plane, you can still guarantee that even if you encounter ferocious birds, you can deal with it.

Sure enough, this time they ran into several groups of bird teams. Fortunately, they were not large in scale, and they were shot down before they got close.

This time it flew directly for more than an hour, and finally stopped in a field.

They judged that the tide of corpses would pass by here.

But the range is too wide. Who knows where the corpse tide will go, but there is a long mountain road before entering the field, a winding road in the mountains, which is almost the only way to pass.

Lin Tantan said to dig some holes on this road, dig them wide, and cut off the road directly.

Ye Xiao said that it is not possible to cut it off directly, otherwise the tide of corpses will probably advance over the mountain, and their direction will be uncontrollable by then.

Ye Xiao wanted to completely destroy this tide of corpses, instead of letting them spread out in huge numbers, and then continuously harass the base wave after wave.

Compared with the current base population and poor food, once the gate is closed for more than a week, a large number of people will die due to lack of water and food.

Lin Tantan thought for a while: "Then dig them pits one after another, let them fall into one after another, let them fall into one after another, and then fall into another batch after encountering one, and make them mad!"

Just do what you say, after entering the mountain, there are continuous mountains on both sides, and a road winds through the mountains. You can imagine how much manpower, material and financial resources were spent on building this road, but now it is abandoned in a desolate place. Here, there are only abandoned vehicles, corpses, and zombies in twos and threes. Some are illuminated by the sun, and some are shrouded in the shadow of the mountain. The mountain wind blows past, looking extremely desolate.

"That's it, it's too dangerous to go any further." Ye Xiao said after walking for a while.

Lin Tantan nodded, and got busy with the other soil elements who came with him.

This road is naturally made of cement, which is very thick, but the two sides are covered with soil. Lin Tantan is very thieves. She dug in from the soil next to it, hollowed out the road under the cement, and scraped the cement and stone layers thinly. Thin.

Scratching and scratching, she thought of another idea: "Why don't you plant a bomb here?"

Ye Xiao shook his head: "The terrain is not right. The mountains on both sides are very gentle. It is impossible to cause a large-scale landslide to bury the corpse tide. However, bombing on the road will have little effect and will only disturb the corpse tide in advance."

Lin Tantan said: "Then if I hollow out the long section below, then press some bombs, and when the tide of corpses passes by, they will explode, and then many zombies will fall, which is much better than pits one by one. Yes. If you are worried about scaring the tide of corpses and running into the mountains, you can blow up after the tide of corpses is almost gone, and bite off the tail."

Ye Xiao thought it was okay.

Then Lin Tantan began to dig the soil with a grunt.

Her method is a bit strange. Instead of digging the soil directly, she infiltrates the soil energy into the ground, loosens the soil underneath, and then lets other soil power users dig.

They brought a total of five earth-type superhumans, two from the Zhengyang Brigade, and the remaining three were from Lu Jianping, all of whom were the most powerful soil-type superhumans, and one even reached level four. Letting them dig the soil is naturally very fast, and Lin Tantan's loosening the soil has greatly improved their efficiency and saved energy at the same time.

During this excavation, many sections of such long holes were dug. Each section was tens of meters long, and each section was separated by a distance of more than ten meters. This was because they were worried that the zombies would see the problem, so the combination of reality and fiction. And there are sharp thorns and fragments sticking upside down under the hole, which belonged to Ye Xiaoqian.

He used local materials, cut the wind system of the cars on the road into pieces, metal car shells, glass, goods on the trucks, whatever he could use, and drilled into the dug holes, Plug them in one by one, and you can imagine how it will be pierced when all the zombies above fall down. Even if the zombies can't be killed, they can be imprisoned here. fire...

Ye Xiao felt that he needed someone to help.

There are not many people who can sit in a helicopter, except for him, Lin Tantan, and five earth-type supernatural beings, that is, a pilot.

But he was unwilling to leave, worried that he would have an accident, and it took three or four hours to go back and forth.

So he worked faster and faster, wishing to grow more arms, and frequently used the wind power, which made Lin Tantan a little worried about his body.

At the end of the day, they dug from the starting point chosen by Ye Xiao to the outside of the mountain. Just like this, they dug for half a distance. The seven of them were busy until after four o'clock. They finally took a break to catch their breath, and then went back by helicopter.

Sleepovers are not meant to be spent overnight outside.

Lin Tantan was really exhausted today, and he hardly slept in the previous two nights. This time, he fell asleep as soon as he touched the pillow on the bed, but he was awakened by a nightmare again in the middle of the night, breaking out in a cold sweat and his heart was pounding. Plop and jump. Sleeping soundly and being awakened by the nightmare made her a little unhappy and depressed, but she didn't take it seriously. She was obviously getting better slowly, and the shadow of the nightmare was fading away.