MTL - Traveling To The Last Days To Protect You-Chapter 67

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Lin Tantan followed Ye Xiao out of the office area, only to find that many people came outside. Xu Qin and Xu Li were there. After asking, they found out that they brought some people over immediately, but Ye Xiao It happened to be returning to the base at that time, and even the gatekeeper at the base knew about her being taken away because of "fighting". He came over as soon as he heard about it, and the speed was the fastest.

Lin talked about the feeling of being caught in the police station for doing bad things, and then labored everyone to bail her out, and thanked them not very kindly.

Ye Xiao opened the car door: "Come up, I'll take you back to the villa."

"Villa? But I still want to..."

"Take a rest in the afternoon, your hand is still hurt." Ye Xiao actually always felt that she arranged her schedule too tightly and was busy all day long. Talking about making himself too tired, let alone what happened today, he just feels that those hired bodyguards are really unreliable.

Lin Tantan looked at her hands. The side effects of Zhou Li's thunder and lightning abilities were still there, and her arm muscles were still twitching slightly. Unlike other abilities, wood abilities required very precise and careful use. This It looks really inconvenient to continue treating people.

She looked around: "But I don't want to go back either."

Suddenly, I saw bloodstains on the outside of this car, and there were several dents on the front of the car. At first glance, it was a brutal battle, "These blood..."

"We found a group of mutated goats that hit the front of the car."

"The strength is so great, have you caught them yet?"

Seeing her excited look, Ye Xiao smiled and said, "I caught it, and I caught quite a few more, do you want to take a look?"

"Okay, okay, I'll tell Mingze."

She climbed into the car, sat on the passenger seat, and took out the walkie-talkie. Her fingers were visibly weak and trembling when pressing the keys. Ye Xiao followed her into the car and closed the door. After looking at her, her lips tightened, and suddenly she stretched out her big hand and pressed her button. Head: "I really want to take you by my side."

"What?" His voice was low, Lin Tantan couldn't hear clearly, and Mingze's voice came out from the intercom, and she hurriedly said: "Mingze, I won't be going for a while, you should watch over there...he has come out, it's all right , everything is fine."

After hanging up, I asked again: "What did you just say?"

"Let me ask you, when will the free clinic end?" Ye Xiao started the car, reversed and drove out.

"It should be soon, this shanty town is the last one assigned to me, this round is over, all that remains is to look back and see if there are any critically ill patients in the shanty town in front, and then those who tend to become corpses and awaken Basically found out, and most of the remaining patients can basically recover on their own."

"That's good." Ye Xiao didn't ask any more questions, and drove to their site on the east side of the base.

Compared with yesterday, there are more earth trucks digging up soil from other places and pouring it into the ground to raise the ground. There are several large piles of steel bars piled up next to them, some of which are neatly bundled and should have been found in a factory, while others are a bit bent and deformed, with some cement blocks on them, which should have been dug out from other buildings . Some are steel plates and some are cylindrical.

There are so many kinds, Lin Tantan is simply amazed, is this really the harvest of this day? Is the efficiency too high?

In addition to steel, there are some other building materials, and even a pile of red bricks and a pile of bags of lime powder.

The most insane thing is that there are two cement trucks.

Where did this robbery come from? She couldn't help but look at Ye Xiao.

In addition to these, there is a truck next to it, and people are moving sheep down from it.

The mutated sheep are white and brown, one or two times larger than ordinary sheep, with thick and big horns, thick and powerful hooves, like a calf, but at this time some are either dead or have limbs. When tied up, they bleat continuously, and the sound is rougher than that of ordinary sheep.

A group of onlookers gathered around, marveling at this big mutated sheep. Most of these people couldn’t even eat enough, and their eyes turned red when they saw the meat, but they still had doubts about whether the meat could be eaten.

"Is this really edible?"

"If you eat it, you won't turn into a zombie, will you?"

"You are stupid, if you can't eat it, can they bring it back?"

A car drove up amidst discussions, and everyone stepped aside, and saw two celebrities getting out of the car, and then everyone stopped looking at the sheep, and stared at Lin Tantan, as if she was a rarer existence than the mutant sheep.

Lin Tantan was strangely surrounded by the crowd, and when he saw these people dodged and avoided their eyes, as if she was some kind of terrifying existence, as if she was about to hit someone if she didn't agree with her, she stepped back again and again.

"..." It's just that he hit a lightning-type superpower, so his reputation spread far and wide?

Bai Cheng came over: "Is everything settled?" Looking at Lin Tantan, he exclaimed, "I didn't expect you to be an earth-type supernatural being."

Lin Tantan was surprised: "Did it spread so quickly?"

"Of course, you have to know how explosive the news is."

Lin Tantan thought, no wonder these people looked at her in this way, awed and surprised, but she was used to being the focus of their eyes, and adapted well after being uncomfortable at the beginning. The smell of mutton and the unique smell of mammals came immediately.

She didn't mind squatting there and watching a man inspect each sheep with a serious face. He put his hand on the belly of the sheep and felt for a moment, as if he could confirm something.

Lin Tantan looked strange.

Ye Xiao explained to her: "His name is Liu Jian, and his ability is to distinguish whether there is poison in the food and whether it is edible."

The serious man named Liu Jian stopped his movements and said to Lin Tantan, "Hello, Miss Lin."

Lin Tantan hurriedly stood up: "Hey, hello."

Then he went to inspect the sheep again, with the meticulous movement of someone who was born to live in a laboratory.

"So can these sheep be eaten?"

"Yes, everything that has been checked is fine." Liu Jian said concisely.

Bai Cheng added: "It has been checked outside, and the live sheep are edible, so we roasted one and ate it, but it has been an hour or two since these sheep died, and he needs to check again."

Lin Tantan nodded. Most of the animals that could be eaten before the end of the world can still be eaten even if they become mutated species after the end of the world. .

And it's no wonder that Ye Xiao is so determined to attack mutant animals and plants. It turns out that there are people with supernatural powers like Liu Jian, so it is very simple and safe to identify edible ingredients.

When the people nearby heard their conversation, someone called out to taste the taste of this mutated sheep.

Bai Cheng asked someone to peel and cut a dead sheep that had been confirmed to be edible, and roasted it on the fire.

Cleaning is performed by people with water-type abilities, roasting is done by people with fire-type abilities, and some spices are sprinkled on it. Immediately, the smell of meat wafts out, with a bit of a smell of mutton, but it is not very strong, but the smell of spices The more intense, mixed with the smell of meat, coupled with the tempting picture of the fat being slowly roasted and dripping on the flames, all the people present were hooked with their index fingers.

Bai Cheng said loudly, this first sheep will be distributed to people for free, and each person can get one piece.

These words made people's eyes even redder. Although there are still many people who dare not eat this meat, more people are about to starve to death. Hearing that there is free meat to eat, it doesn't matter whether it is poisonous or not. Some people with supernatural powers have checked that it is edible, and they have eaten one themselves.

So there are still a lot of people who want to get the meat, and some people immediately run back and ask their family and friends to come and wait, and the free lunch is not free.

There were more and more people, so Bai Cheng asked those who wanted to get the meat to line up. Later, seeing that there were too many people, he ordered two sheep to be slaughtered, but the two sheep were chopped up and stewed in a large pot. , He threatened that it was only these three heads, and they would be gone after they were divided.

Lin Tantan saw that he started a free tasting in a few words, and there were people who tested and promoted mutton for free. After that, the mutton business would be able to open, so he couldn't help giving a thumbs up in his heart.

Ye Xiao accompanied Lin Tantan to watch it for a while, and then asked her: "Is your hand okay? Do you really not need to go back to the villa to rest?"

"No, no, it's fine here. I'm a wood-type supernatural user myself, and this shaking of hands will soon be fine."

"Then you stay here, with everyone, I'll leave for a while." Ye Xiao said.

"Where are you going?"

"Out of the base, there are still some people who haven't come back." It's still early before dark, and the reason why they came back so early is that steel and other building materials have filled Baicheng's space, and the mutated sheep also got a carload. He sent Bai Cheng and Yang back first, and he planned to leave immediately, but he suddenly heard the news that Lin Tantan had been arrested.

The people outside don't know what's going on now, but Ye Xiao isn't too worried, if he can't handle the danger outside if he leaves him for a while, it doesn't deserve his attention.

Ye Xiao talked to Bai Cheng again, mainly to let him look at Dianlin and talk, and then took Liu Jian and several others away.

Bai Cheng said to Lin Tantan with a smile: "Okay, don't leave my side from now on."

Lin Tantan also heard Ye Xiao's entrustment, and touched his nose: "Is it possible that I give people the impression that I will cause trouble if I don't watch it?"

No, I'm worried that you will be bullied if you don't watch it. Bai Cheng thought to himself, with Ye Xiao's last look just now, he really wanted to take him away in his pocket, if he didn't think it was more dangerous and hard to go outside, maybe he would really do that.

The first sheep was roasted quickly, and the meat division began. Most of the people in the queue were skinny people, some came empty-handed, some brought bowls, and even stared at the pieces of meat on the fire with green eyes. Bai Cheng sighed, and asked them to give each of them a piece of meat the size of a palm, and if it had bones, it would be more.

Those who got the meat would eat it voraciously no matter whether it was hot or not. They sizzled and refused to let go of even a grain of spices in their mouths. People who were not queuing up and not very hungry were all excited. Hungry.

After the first roast lamb was divided, the subsequent stewed lamb was also cooked. The mutton soup only added a little salt, and the taste was not as good as the roast mutton, but because it was broth, the meat was looser and not as choking as roast meat. , with soup to feel more full, straight to teach people to eat rushing.

Lin Tantan looked hungry and wanted to eat, but Bai Cheng stopped her: "This is only salted, it's not tasty, go back later and ask the chef to cook a few more dishes before you eat."

"Okay." Lin Tantan didn't insist, but it's not interesting to watch others gobble up. He looked at the dozen live sheep: "Do you want to raise these sheep?"

She saw that someone was working on the fence over there, and the engineer team she saw yesterday was very busy. They were filling the land over there. They had nothing to do, so they tossed the sheepfold. Lin Tantan ran over to have a look, It is said that these mutated sheep are big and strong, how can this kind of sheepfold surrounded by wood and stone trap them.

The engineers were full of interest, as if they finally had the opportunity to prove their value, as if they had finally stopped eating for a while, they talked to Lin that the wooden stakes and stones were just the foundation, and they planned to do this, that, and that would definitely turn the sheepfold into one. Good-looking and strong super sheepfold.

"Oh, so you have to build mud on this foundation. You don't have to bother with mud, just let me do it." Anyway, the ability of the earth element has been exposed, so there is no need to hide your clumsiness anymore.

She was even itchy.

As she spoke, her feet were slightly separated, she took a breath, and stomped her feet. The next moment, she saw that the wood and stones that formed the wall were covered with yellowish-brown soil from the bottom, and more and more soil continued to move to the sides and upwards. Spreading, completely enveloping the wood and stone, and becoming thicker and more solid, just a few minutes later, a circle of earth walls half a person high and 30 to 40 centimeters thick appeared in front of everyone.

Lin Tantan accepted the ability, looked at the work in front of him, hey, the lines are not straight enough, the wall is a little thicker in some places, and a little thinner in some places, not beautiful enough, but overall it is still ok.

She smiled and looked at the engineers: "Is this the effect? ​​Is it too short?"

The engineers looked dazed, and touched and patted and patted and patted and plucked the earth wall. It was hard and firm, not at all loose like ordinary soil. The soil was fine and firm, as if it was best used It is made of adobe made of high-quality clay repeatedly beaten, and the quality is absolutely unquestionable.

Is it that simple?

It’s not that they haven’t thought about asking soil-type supernatural beings to help, but it’s okay for soil-type supernatural beings to throw soil lumps, place soil thorns, and dig the ground. The most powerful thing is to release a dirt wall in a short time. It was really unexpected to create a circle of tens of meters of walls in such a smooth and steady manner.

They flashed their eyes and looked at Lin Tantan as if they were looking at a peerless architectural genius, the kind who pastes the wall.