MTL - Traveling To The Last Days To Protect You-Chapter 63

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Both of them froze, and then Ye Xiao talked to Lin: "Come up."

Lin Tantan was stunned for a moment, then realized, he quietly climbed onto the bed, squatted on the bed and stared at the curtain, the glass door was open, so they saw that the dark curtain was pushed up, and then something Drilled in from below.

Ye Xiao froze the air around him, if he didn't look with his eyes, he would never find another person in the room, and the thing that got in obviously had no eyes.

It seemed to be able to detect where Lin Tantan was, and it didn't approach, but slowly crawled in, making a very slight sound as it rubbed against the floor, and with a smell of earth, it seemed to be scouting the terrain around the bed.

Lin Tantan silently estimated the length of this guy, two meters, three meters, four meters, and then a swollen part appeared, dragging two "broken limbs" about two meters long, one long and one short.

It was obviously a terrifying scene, but looking at the "broken limb", Lin Tantan didn't know why he wanted to laugh.

After it came in, Ye Xiao didn't move immediately, but wanted to see what it was going to do, and saw that this guy probably thought the environment was very safe, so he planned to climb from the end of the bed to the bed.

Brave enough! Ye Xiao shot like lightning, grabbed the end of the daring man who wanted to climb up, and condensed the air around him extremely, forming an invisible and inescapable air wall.

I'm talking about turning on the lights.

It looked like a brown tree root, but it was thicker and more plump than a tree root. Ye Xiao grabbed the somewhat chubby thing in his hand. It struggled desperately, and then it seemed to be locked in an invisible glass tube. , No matter how hard you struggle, you can only hit the wall and go back, making a bang bang sound, and the space to move is very narrow.

Lin Tantan climbed to the end of the bed and finally saw this thing clearly.

When I didn't see it clearly, I really felt that this thing looked like a snake, but I saw the light brown skin, the whiskers on the skin, and some soil particles on it, it was definitely the root of the plant.

Then the swollen part should be the core of this guy. There are many short roots on it, and the soil is more moist, and it just barely covers the whole swollen part. Is it because I am worried that I will stay away from the soil for too long?

Obviously this guy is a root, and three rhizomes came out, but the other two were cut off by Lin Tantan, and at this time they were still oozing mucus, and the mucus still dragged two lines of green marks on the floor, like a soft body Generally left by animals crawling.

"So it looks like this." Lin Tantan said, "It seems that the two I cut off are the longest?" The intact rhizome in front of me is more than four meters long, and the broken one is about two meters long. The two rhizomes that squeeze the vehicle are more than ten meters long.

This thing struggled for a long time, as if it had exhausted its strength, and finally stopped. Unfortunately, it couldn't make a sound, otherwise it should be crying now, right?

Lin Tantan said, "Can I touch it?"

"You touch."

Lin Tan just touched it, and it feels like touching the roots of ordinary trees. It is cool and hard, but it can be twisted flexibly. She muttered: "What kind of plant is this?"

"It should not be a normal plant, but a mutant."

"What now?"

"Let's kill him directly." Ye Xiao said without hesitation.

Although it is very timid and non-aggressive at night, it wants to climb onto the bed as soon as it comes, and it attacks vehicles so fiercely during the day, it is really a dangerous thing.

Hearing Ye Xiao's words, the guy who was pretending to be dead suddenly jumped up again, struggling even more violently.

Lin Tantan couldn't make up his mind for a while, but a mutated plant that can move by itself, run around the ground, is intelligent, and seems to understand human language is very rare.

Lin Tantan said: "What do you think it eats? It doesn't have plants on the ground, and it shouldn't be able to photosynthesize, so it absorbs nutrients from the soil?"

Ye Xiao heard that Lin Tantan didn't want to kill it, and was about to persuade him, but he swallowed his words when he thought of the nest of mutant mice below.

After thinking for a while, he said, "Do you want to keep it?"

"I want to observe it. From night, it looks pretty obedient, but it's so fierce during the day, and it can run too much. If it's a bad thing and I can't watch it..." Lin Tantan poked the guy Hard skin, "What on earth do you want to come to me? Do you want to eat me? Do you want to **** my blood, or do you just come to me to treat wounds?"

Ye Xiao looked at her helplessly, but then felt that the guy under his hand moved, the force was a little light, with a taste of discussion, he hesitated, and loosened the clamp appropriately, and saw the thick and round rhizome lift up. Get up and make a difficult move.

It compares an Arabic numeral "3".

Almost broke myself.

Lin Tantan: "..."

Ye Xiao: "..."

Lin Tantan was dumbfounded, so smart? But she immediately straightened her face: "You lied, you came to me to treat the wound, why did you crawl on my bed quietly, shouldn't you wake me up normally? Tell me, do you want to go to my bed while I'm asleep?" Suck me dry and give yourself nourishment?"

Lin Tantan has read the literature, and knows that many mutant plants in the last days follow this path. On the surface, they are ordinary and harmless, or bright and beautiful, which attract people to approach, and when they approach, they stick out the mouthparts in the flowers, or directly use the branches and roots to **** blood. , sucking people into mummified corpses is brutal.

She watched it too much and got used to it, but it was the first time Ye Xiao heard this kind of statement, and immediately frowned: "Talk about it, don't talk nonsense!"

But the more he looked at the weird thing in his hand, the more he felt that it might have this idea, and the killing intent surged in his heart, it would be better to kill this weird thing to avoid future troubles.

The thing in his hand was so frightened by his killing intent that "3" couldn't match it, and it swayed from side to side, like a human shaking his head.

Ye Xiao looked at it, it trembled with fright, and the dirt particles on its body fell down.

Knock, knock, there was a knock on the door, Bai Cheng said outside the door: "Ah Xiao, talk, have you caught it?"

Lin Tantan jumped up from the bed the moment he heard Bai Cheng's voice, his face paled: "Oh my god, it's Bai Cheng! Hurry up, get out of the balcony!"

Ye Xiao opened his mouth: "What?"

"Uh..." She caught the second half of Bai Cheng's sentence slowly, did you catch it?

caught what?

She reacted and pointed at the mutated plant: "He knows about this?"

"Well, everyone knows." Ye Xiao nodded slowly. Her first reaction when she heard Bai Cheng's voice just now was panic. To put it in a bad way, she felt... as if she was caught and raped, and she let him go from the balcony...

Ye Xiao narrowed his eyes, feeling as if he had discovered something.

He didn't feel any force in his hand, the rhizome was deformed and rattled, the thing was in excruciating pain, but it didn't dare to struggle at all, motionless like a real tree root.

Lin Tantan also felt something, Ye Xiao's face was a little weird, why?

Was it because she misunderstood just now and told him to go from the balcony to make him unhappy? She pointed to the door: "I... will open the door. "

Ye Xiao's expression softened: "I'll go."


"Put on your coat." Ye Xiao said, carrying the thing and walked towards the door, Lin Tantan hurriedly put on his coat, the door opened, there were several people outside, not only Bai Cheng, but also Mei Baisheng Jiang Xiaotian and others.

So when did they make an appointment? She thought that the thing would come looking for her, so she didn't sleep and waited, but when did they make an appointment, and did she know that Ye Xiao would come to her room to help catch that thing?

In short, everyone gathered in the corridor and looked at the thing up and down.

"So it looks like this." Everyone sighed.

When asked how to deal with it, Ye Xiao said flatly: "Raise it first, if you are obedient, continue to raise it, if you are not obedient, you will die."

The thing flinched and stayed in Ye Xiao's hand obediently. Ye Xiao said: "Leave it to me at night, you all go to sleep."

Lin Tantan hesitated for a moment: "Then be careful, or you will kill me."

Ye Xiao's eyes were slightly warm: "I know."

He went back to his room and threw the thing on the ground: "Disobedient, I will cut you into pieces!"

He went to the toilet on the second floor, washed his face, looked at himself in the mirror, and took a deep breath. She thought about it every now and then, and her thoughts were always very weird. She probably felt that she was found in the same room as her just now. rather than sorry.

After thinking about it carefully, she and Bai Cheng get along normally, there is no problem, um, obviously he thinks too much, that is a girl who has not yet enlightened.

Even though he thought so, when he turned around and faced Bai Cheng who was about to come in, he still paused.

Bai Cheng smiled and said: "What's the matter, you look at me with an unhappy expression, it's rare to be alone in a room with someone, although you didn't take the initiative to win this opportunity, but it's still a great improvement, shouldn't you be happy?"


When Ye Xiao thought about being tripped on the bed just now, he subconsciously supported his waist. It is indeed... considered progress, right? Ahem, he said solemnly, "Let's go."

There was nothing to say all night, and when Lin Tantan went downstairs the next day, Ye Xiao was already downstairs, and the mutated plant was at his feet, tangle-up, and it seemed to have dimmed a lot in the past night.

Lin Tantan asked if there was no trouble last night, Ye Xiao said it was very honest.

Lin Tantan took a closer look at the cross-sections of the two poor broken limbs. Her golden blade should have been very neat and smooth, but it was probably because she drilled too much in the soil, and now it is so messed up. It's miserable, and with soil mixed in, it looks muddled.

Since I plan to keep it, although it is still in the observation period, I can't completely ignore it.

She wasn't sure if her ability was useful for plants, she asked Ye Xiao, and after getting his approval, she tried to heal this guy.

She put her hand on the broken part and slowly released the energy. At this moment, the thick and short fibrous roots on the bulging part suddenly elongated and wrapped around her hand.

Ye Xiao shot almost at the same time, Lin Tantan hurriedly said: "Wait a minute." The wind blade sidestepped the mutated plant and stood on the ground, making a deep stroke.

Ye Xiao looked at Lin Tantan, and didn't move any more. Lin Tantan felt those roots absorbed the power she released, and she understood: "It turns out that it absorbs energy from here, and does nutrition also come from here?" ?”

After a while, she stopped releasing energy. The mutated plant was still full of emotions, but she didn't dare to pester her anymore. Those little whiskers left Lin Tantan's hand and changed back to their original length. At this time, its two fractures healed a lot. few.

Lin Tantan said with a smile: "It looks very fast."

Ye Xiao hummed.

He also had a lot of things to do today, and it would definitely not work to put this thing in the villa, so he found a box to put it in and put it within sight.

Lin Tantan felt that the mutated plants were pretty miserable. A powerful mutated species survived like this, but who made it attack them first?

She has been in the shantytown all day today, no longer hiding in the folding tent, but sitting outside, carefully watching the patients coming and going, no matter whether they are severe or mild, she really found out a few times in one day The one with the possibility of awakening ability secretly asked Jiang Zhongyi to be noticed and to write down his name.

Another incident happened today. The managers of the shantytowns drove over to distribute meals to the patients. Only the patients could receive them, not much, either a bowl of porridge, or a steamed bun, or a pack of biscuits. .

Although not much, it also made the patients very happy, almost grateful.

On the one hand, these things can fill their stomachs more or less. On the other hand, it means that the base has not given up on them, and it does not wish sick people like them to die as some people said, so as not to drag them down. The spiritual power given to them by this sick meal was greater than the actual effect, and it immediately improved the mental outlook of these patients.

Lin Tantan was also very happy.

Because she knew that this was food brought from Yangshi, she was even happier.

It just so happened that there was no rain at all today, the sky cleared up, and the sun came out. The sun shone on people. Although there was no temperature, it made people feel very good. After the heavy rain, the sky looked extraordinarily blue and clean.

During the break, Jiang Zhongyi came over and said, "Sister, someone said they would give me a lot of supplies, as long as I join them."

Lin Tantan was puzzled: "Isn't this common, what's the matter this time?"

"There are a lot of materials promised this time, and I am not the only one. Yang Xinyu and Zhao Yidan have all been contacted, and the other party has cast a wide net and is very strong."

Lin Tantan doesn't think there is anything to worry about. If the news of Ye Xiao's development here spreads, some people will definitely not be able to sit still. If they are willing to spend money on robbing people, let him do it. They can be robbed now. People can also be snatched away in the future, so grab it early and save worry.

She smiled and said, "Are you moved?"

Jiang Zhongyi quickly waved his hand: "No, I must follow you."