MTL - Traveling To The Last Days To Protect You-Chapter 58

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Lin Tantan was stunned when he saw this rhizome-like thing. He had heard how terrifying mutant plants are in the last days, but this was the first time he had seen it. The front is within the acceptable range, and Ye Xiao immediately cut off all the grass roots.

But this one in front of me is really like a snake!

The thing in front was still twisting and looking soft, but when the car hit it, it seemed to hit a pillar.

The car body was shaken again, and before it landed, it felt like something was going up from the ground. Lin Tantan also realized it. Looking out of the window, this is the road towards the center of the base, the so-called center of the base, It's not in the center, but at the back of the base, next to the mountain, the administrative area, the military camp, and the Academy of Sciences, which sounds mysterious but has actually not produced anything useful so far.

Because of the mountain and its importance, there are relatively few buildings here. Lin Tantan only saw an electric pole not far away. She released a wooden belt with a swipe, removed the electric pole, opened the car door and grabbed Bai Cheng. I pulled him out together with myself, and the next moment, a similar root punctured the car's floor, seat, and roof on the back seat they had been sitting on, and suddenly stabbed the car into a chill.

Lin Tantan and Bai Cheng held on to the telegraph pole, and when they saw this scene, they both gasped.

Seeing that the driver Huang Jianquan was still in the driver's seat, Lin Tantan issued another belt with two pieces of golden light to bind Huang Jianquan. At the same time, the golden light cut off the car door, and she pulled him out.

The next moment, the rhizome in front of the car and the root that pierced through the car wrapped the whole car tightly like a zongzi, and the sound of metal being continuously squeezed creaked and creaked, which made one's hair stand on end .

It was not enough for them to clump up the car, but also to jack it up. Lin Tantan squinted his eyes and saw two parts protruding from the ground. With the idea of ​​trying it out, he sent out two golden blades.

With a bang, the golden light smeared the roots of the two rhizomes, cut them off, and the juice splashed everywhere. It turned out that the hard outer layer of this thing was full of sticky branches and leaves.

The broken rhizome twisted and quickly drilled back under the soil, while the cut part above the ground, including the car crashing to the ground, soon became rigid and lost its vitality.

The three of them looked at each other, jumped off the telephone pole, and stepped on the solid ground but felt terrified, always feeling that something would come up from under their feet in the next moment.

"Then, what is that?" Huang Jianquan's teeth chattered.

Bai Cheng didn't answer, he looked at a troop rushing over from a distance and said, "Go, go back."

The three came by car and walked back, unwilling to stay for a while, Bai Cheng talked to Lin on the way: "Sorry, I didn't expect this to happen."

"No need to apologize, this is totally unexpected." Lin Tantan frowned and said, "It looks like it should be the root of a mutated plant. Where is the plant itself?"

After learning about the existence of mutated plants, all the plants that could be eradicated in the Ning City base were eliminated. Although there were few houses, large open spaces, and dirt roads nearby, there was not even a tree nearby. What is that? What about the root?

Bai Cheng looked back at the mountains in the distance, Lin Tantan said, "You mean on the mountains?"

"Hard to say, but most likely."

"The one closest to the mountain..." Lin Tantan looked at the core functional area formed by several important buildings, thinking that he thought it was safe to rely on the mountain, but in the end, he might rely on the most dangerous big guy.

Bai Cheng took out another walkie-talkie from the space, broadcast Ye Xiao's number, and Ye Xiao's anxious voice came out immediately: "Bai Cheng, tell me that you are all right!"

"We're fine, there was an accident just now." He said the matter again, "We've already left that place."

Ye Xiao: "You guys go back first, and I'll be back soon."

After the call was over, Bai Cheng called Lu Jianping again, told what happened just now, and told the other party that he would not eat the New Year's Eve dinner. Lu Jianping was still thinking about the New Year's Eve dinner. He just learned that something happened on the road leading to him. He didn't know what happened. Bai Cheng called this time. When he heard that it might be a mutated plant, his heart immediately turned cold. , asked carefully, then hung up the phone in a hurry.

Bai Cheng talked to Lin Tantan, "Qinan's prediction has come true. Not only will our New Year's Eve dinner fail, but this New Year's Eve dinner will also fail."

And he also said that there are dangers lurking everywhere in the base, and the dangers that suddenly emerge from the ground, isn't it just that there are dangers lurking everywhere?

Let Huang Jianquan go back to his own residence. He lives on the fourth floor of the residential area, far away from the ground. He seems very safe at this time. Lin Tantan and Bai Cheng returned to the villa. Xu Qin asked them in surprise why they came back so soon. When someone told the story, Xu Qin's expression turned ugly, and the three of them looked at the clean marble floor tiles with a little vigilance.

There is cement and foundation under the floor tiles. Compared with soil, these cold and hard things give people a greater sense of security, but considering the strength of that thing that can even be pierced by a car in one go, no one dares to say that it can Do not poke through the cement.

They also went to the yard and turned around the entire villa back and forth, but luckily they didn't find anything suspicious.

Not long after, there was a squeaking sound of tires rubbing the ground in the yard, and a car came to a stop just as Ye Xiao came down from it. He was the only one, obviously the one who rushed back first.

He hurriedly entered the door, and confirmed with his own eyes that both of them were fine, he breathed a sigh of relief, asked again in detail, and asked with a frown: "When that thing came out, did you notice anything? Like the smell, like other abnormalities? "

Bai Cheng said no, Lin Tantan thought about it, and shook her head. She is more sensitive to supernatural powers and things related to supernatural powers, but she couldn't use herself as a radar. She really didn't notice anything at that moment. .

"That is to say, it is lurking in the ground, and suddenly it comes out to attack someone. It is completely invisible and hard to guard against?" Ye Xiao thought for a while, and said calmly, "But since it is a plant, even if the root system can burrow into the soil, it is impossible. Crawling around like an earthworm, there should always be a range. The place where the accident happened is far away from here, and it should be safe here. The most important thing now is to figure out what it is, where is the core, how many roots like that, covering What is the scope, habits, destructive power, weaknesses..."

He was thinking, Lin Tantan was standing aside with a cup of hot water, seeing him stop, he handed over the water, Ye Xiao took it, "Thank you."

Lin Tan Tan Wan Wanyan: "It's okay." She sat down beside her, "Actually, if you think about it carefully, although that thing is fierce and powerful, it is easy to be cut off, and it will retract immediately after eating it. It’s not yet a climate, I’m afraid it will hide and become stronger secretly, and then catch us by surprise.”

Ye Xiao laughed at her statement: "Indeed, the sooner we get rid of the appointment, I'll go and see later to see if I can find any clues."

It meant to go to the place where the incident happened, but he obviously didn't intend to leave now, the others hadn't come back yet, so he was worried about leaving now.

Bai Cheng then asked him if his operation went well today.

"It went well. Not long after we arrived, Li Qun's people also came. We didn't have any conflicts. They ran to some vehicles left by Xing Guoliang." Ye Xiao said, "It just took a while to clean up the zombies along the way, and we didn't have any conflicts. Some vehicles were drenched in the rain for more than half a month, and some of them could not be driven, and it took a lot of time to repair them."

"Is everything in the car okay?"

"Most of them didn't get wet. We did a good job of waterproofing at that time. Ye Xiao looked at the time, "It's time to enter the base now. "

Bai Cheng said that he was going to take a look, and enrich the space by the way. During this period of time, he used a lot of things in the space. Although he added some later, the things on the supplies cart were more to his liking.

Ye Xiao agreed after thinking for a while, and asked Xu Qin to go with him. He didn't dare to let anyone stay alone.

When they passed by, the supply vehicles had just driven into the gate of the base. Each vehicle was full of muddy water, and there were some zombies standing on the vehicle. There might even be a piece of arm stuck in the tire, but who Regardless of this, such a car after car, the eyes of the people nearby are red.

The supply truck was parked in the parking lot, and Bai Cheng took out the empty oil drums that he had prepared earlier from the space, and asked someone to put the oil from the oil tanker into the drums, while collecting several truckloads of rice flour.

These cars did a good job of draining the water. When the tarpaulin was removed, most of the inside was dry. Bai Cheng climbed into the car and got down again, and the inside of the car was completely empty.

Lin Tantan sighed, as expected of a spatial ability, it is just convenient, she was quite envious when she saw it, and wanted to exchange one of her abilities for a spatial ability, even two can be exchanged.

According to Bai Cheng, his current space has an area of ​​40 to 50 square meters and a height of 4 to 5 meters, which is more than double the original size. If it is well planned, it can hold a lot of things.

But he didn't do that. In addition to a few carts of grain, he stopped after loading some more important supplies, but he took a lot of oil.

At this time, a convoy came, Ye Xiao pulled Lin Tantan aside, and said in a low voice, "It's from Li Qun."

These are the guys who want to **** the supplies cart before them?

There were only 20 or 30 cars in total, and several of them were full of people. After they got off, they looked at the scene of more than a hundred cars here, with complicated expressions and some gnashing of teeth. It seems like they robbed them here.

Lin Tantan stood there and watched for a long time, thinking that the faces of these people who couldn't steal chickens were amusing, and then she saw Zhou Li between them.

Sure enough, he took refuge in the military and was eager to make meritorious service, so he even got involved in this kind of thing. She shook her head secretly, feeling nothing, her only hope for Zhou Li was not to be killed by his younger brother.

At this time, "Brother." A voice suddenly sounded, and a man ran towards Zhou Li. Lin Tantan opened his eyes wide and looked at the young man who ran over. His first thought was that the photo was indeed processed. This girl looks much better in person than in the photos handed down from generation to generation.

This is the future president? Lin Tantan felt that her hands were very itchy. The man in front of her was full of flaws. She could kill him with just a few fingers.

She narrowed her eyes slightly, suppressed the hostility in her heart, turned her head away, and then a big warm hand fell on top of her head, and when she raised her head, she saw Ye Xiao's worried and concerned eyes.