MTL - Traveling To The Last Days To Protect You-Chapter 54

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The Ministry of Health stated that not only will it send doctors and people with supernatural powers down to various shanty towns, but it will also divide each area, prohibiting the circulation of influenza patients in different areas, and cutting off the transmission route as much as possible.

Lin Tan was quite surprised.

To do this, the base will definitely have to make great efforts. I didn’t expect them to be willing to do this. After all, medical resources are precious, and they may not be able to treat the rich if they are used to treat them. In addition, there will be a lot of income, but if they are put in the shanty town District, it is destined to be impossible to get much benefit.

She has a little respect for the current interim government of the base.

There are many shantytowns in the whole base, big and small, and the medical department took over most of them, but left some for Lin Tantan, who readily agreed.

It was very late this day, and it was dark when work was over, but this was just a cure for the most seriously ill people in this shantytown, and it was still far from a cure. My heart is a little heavy.

Back at the clinic, Lin Tantan began to pay these supernatural beings and bodyguards. She rented a warehouse near the clinic to store the materials she earned. Now the salary is naturally paid with these materials. The average treatment A patient was given two catties of food.

This price is about the same as sitting in a clinic. An ordinary patient can only pay a dozen or twenty catties of food when he is finally cured. The supernatural beings attending the treatment can get 70% of the income, divided by the number of times they treat this patient , which is about the same price.

However, the free clinic in the shanty town means that Lin Tantan has no income but has to pay a lot of wages. Watching Qian Feifei lead a few people to read their names, check the number of patients, and weigh and distribute food or other supplies, Lin Tantan Estimating how long the existing materials will last, the answer is two or three days at most.

Xu Tianjin was stunned: "Doctor Lin, you are so proud." The family and business can't afford such a waste.

Lin Tantan: "It doesn't matter, it's just going in with the left hand and going out with the right." She doesn't pay much attention to supplies. Ye Xiao has Baicheng sitting on the side, so there is no need to worry about the speed of collecting supplies. Don't say that there is no business power now, even if it is a business , There is nothing to support. So for her, it's just a matter of making ends meet.

So she decided to expand the scale of the clinic. Today's new wood-type supernatural beings feel that they are happy to cooperate today. Although the individual income is less than that of them treating the rich, they don't need to look at people's faces, don't worry about messes, and don't worry about it. Worried about being tricked and hacked, the money is relatively easy to earn, so when faced with Lin Tantan's recruitment, he was very willing to come.

"Then tomorrow morning at seven o'clock, come here to gather. I will also rent the house next to me. I will stay here for the next two days. If it suits me, I will open branches in other areas." Lin Tantan was also very happy. The more people you have, the better, they are all for her to make money, although after removing all kinds of expenses, her commission will not be much in the end, "We are all paid daily, and there will be no arrears, you know It doesn’t matter if the wood-type supernatural powers are called over, it doesn’t matter if they are almost level, as long as they can cure diseases.”

After giving a speech, he sent away the wood-type supernatural beings and paid the salaries of the bodyguards.

Their wages were much lower. Except for a few team leaders who had a little more, the others had six catties of grain a day. Today, it was only half a day, which was three. There were sixty or seventy people in total, and more than two hundred catties of grain went out again.

Qian Feifei looked at the half-empty warehouse, calculated the accounts, and finally said, "Tell me, the salary is too high."

"It's worth the money. This is the best group of people. You see, everyone is obedient and obedient to orders, and they are quick to do things. Nothing bad will happen, and everyone has kung fu. Those who want to make trouble They stopped people in twos and threes, six catties a day is nothing, and when they can get out of the base, they might not look down on the six catties of food.” Lin Tantan felt that the money was worth the money .

Qian Feifei said to herself, it has been raining for half a month, even if there are supplies outside, they will be almost flooded, how many supplies are there?

Thinking of the future, she was very worried, and wanted to persuade Lin Tantan to leave more supplies for herself, but after thinking about it, she felt that it was unnecessary. Lin Tantan could think of everything she could think of, and even those people in the villa, Lin Tantan dared to spend so much, he must have known it well.

Lin Tantan was thinking about where to put Xu Tianjin, but he couldn't find a suitable house for a while, and it would definitely not work to bring him back to the villa. There are nine of them living in the villa now, and Qian Kai and Qian Feifei have moved out after two days. Come out, she doesn't want to bring other people back.

After much deliberation, she took him to Jiang Zhongyi.

Jiang Zhongyi lives in the residential complex very close to the villa. On the fifth floor, there are three bedrooms and one living room. There are six people living there. They are all students with Jiang Zhongyi, and they are also life and death brothers. Go to the shantytown Lin and talk to them and you won't want them. They are still worse than professional bodyguards. They may not be able to bear the noise of ordinary patients in the shanty town who are not treated.

When Lin Tantan came, he heard wailing voices inside through the door panel.

Lin Tantan knocked on the door, and the person who opened the door was bare-chested, his hair was wet like muddy water, and he was sluggish. When he opened the door and saw that Lin Tantan almost closed the door again, he laughed apologetically and shouted into the room.

Then there was the sound of people rushing back to the house to get dressed.

Lin Tantan brought Xu Tianjin in, and said with a smile, "What's the matter with you?" As soon as he came in, he smelled a smell, some sour, some smelly, like the smell of shoes, in short, it was hard to describe.

There were several rows of wet clothes hanging on the balcony, Jiang Zhongyi was drying the clothes with supernatural powers, and hurried over: "Sister Lin, why are you here?"

Lin Tantan introduced Xu Tianjin to him: "...It's too late today, let him stay with you for one night first." She glanced at Xu Tianjin, and Xu Tianjin quickly put a bag of things in his hand on the table, which was six vacuums. Packaged glutinous rice dumplings, with meat and egg yolk, can be eaten after heating, which is also a rare good thing now.

Jiang Zhongyi was embarrassed: "Come as soon as you come, and bring something to eat. Sister Lin's people, stay as long as you want, Dongzi, tidy up our room, and we will sleep on the sofa."

Xu Tianjin quickly refused, but still couldn't resist, Lin Tantan said with a smile: "You can stay in the bedroom, anyway, it's only one night, if you feel bad, go and help."

After he said that, Xu Tianjin scratched his head, put down the big backpack on his body, and went into the house to help.

Jiang Zhongyi looked at the bulging big bag, and looked at the white bucket against which the big bag was leaning. It was thirty liters of water, my dear! Although they say that the water supply is limited, a house can only supply ten catties a day, six big men, enough for farts!

If you want additional water, you have to buy it yourself. Fortunately, they came from Yangshi together. There are many water systems, and they know each other. He was also a captain on the road. Even if you are willing to buy it, you can't buy it.

Just like that, they also froze and made themselves almost hairy. Don't look at the human appearance in the clinic, they are all wearing the best clothes, only showing clean faces and hands.

Lin Tantan motioned him to take a step forward to speak: "Look at him more, don't let him go out alone, contact other people alone, and then set him up, ask him what he thinks of me."

Jiang Zhongyi frowned: "Is there something wrong with that kid?"

"It's not a problem. He's an old acquaintance. It's just that I haven't seen him for a while. I want to observe him. After thinking about it, I don't feel relieved to leave this matter to others."

Doesn't that mean you trust him! Jiang Zhongyi cracked his mouth and smiled: "Then let him live here forever."

"Forget it, there are six of you, just tonight."

"What can you observe in one night, don't worry about it, I will keep him here to live here."

Lin Tantan thought for a while: "That's fine. As for the rent, I'll give you some water every day."

"Oh, what rent do you want?" But he really couldn't refuse, they were really short of water.

After finishing talking, Lin Tantan was about to leave. The smell here really made her unable to stay any longer, "By the way, why are you all sighing?"

"Hey, didn't you go to the city wall to move bricks in the afternoon? Many places there were washed away by the rain. That job is really not for ordinary people. It's better to follow my sister."

"Then go to the shanty town with me tomorrow afternoon. Call more people. Those bodyguards are six catties a day. You are worse than them. Just like in the clinic, five catties a day."

Jiang Zhongyi Zhile: "Okay."

"Bring Xu Tianjin to the clinic tomorrow." After Lin Tan talked and explained, he told Xu Tianjin again before leaving.

She looked at the closed door and thought, this is an observation of Xu Tianjin and a test for him, if he can't stand Jiang Zhongyi's insinuations, then she has to reconsider how to deal with him.

The corridor was very dark and dirty. Lin Tantan turned on the flashlight and saw a lot of rubbish. She walked downstairs without changing her face, thinking about what Xu Tianjin said on the way just now.

He deliberately showed it in front of Zhou Yan, the most prominent one was on the day of the heavy rain, insisting that Zhou Yan go back to the base, will Zhou Yan find anything? Also, will Xu Tianjin's personality be too different from the original body after time travel?

Besides Xu Tianjin, will there be other people who will come from three hundred years later?

Lin Tantan felt a little headache when he thought of this. If he had known that she would not use his own name, he would directly use the name "Lin Tantan". Name and deeds, just like a target.

Fortunately, all five families were not revealed, even if someone came to "recognize relatives", they would just be beaten to death.

Even if her identity is exposed... She thought about it carefully, but there are actually no serious consequences. At most, she will be treated as a different kind and be arrested and asked about the direction of history. The only thing she worries about is that she finally finds out that the process of the apocalypse is speeding up because of her, and she will definitely become the target of public criticism. At that time... at worst, she will leave Ye Xiao.

Walking out of the corridor, looking at the dark night sky, it was raining lightly again. She raised the flashlight to shine light on the fine raindrops like salt and feathers falling from under the eaves, and sighed regretfully.

Thinking that she might have to leave Ye Xiao, her heart ached.

So I don't want any variables.

She raised her foot and was about to leave when she suddenly saw a dark figure standing in the open space ahead, holding a big umbrella, standing there silently for an unknown amount of time, almost blending into the night.

Lin Tantan was startled, and the flashlight didn't reach that far, but she still recognized the figure with sharp eyes: "Ye Xiao!" She ran over, "Why are you here? "

After saying this sentence, she suddenly felt very familiar. She seemed to have said similar words more than two or three times. Every time he appeared unexpectedly, and her mood brightened instantly when she saw him.

Just like now, all the heavy worries were gone, she smiled and looked at the man under the umbrella, Ye Xiao, are you a little angel?

Ye Xiao took two steps forward, tilted the umbrella over, and brought her under the umbrella. There were only a few street lamps with limited light and the light pressed down by her hand. Her face was a little blurry, but he still captured her face accurately. Seeing the smile on his face and the light in his eyes, he also smiled: "It's so late and you haven't come back yet, don't worry come out and look for it."

"That's it." Lin Tantan touched his nose, it was quite late.

Ye Xiao: "Are you done with your work, can you go?"

"Okay, let's go, you don't have to come out to find me in the future, I can't lose it."

"No, the law and order here is not good. I don't worry about you as a girl." Ye Xiao said.

"I'm not an ordinary girl, and I've reported it to Brother Bai and told me to go back later." Lin Tantan murmured, the flashlight was shining on the road ahead, there were so many puddles, so be careful when walking.

Ye Xiao glanced at her, and tilted the umbrella towards her again: "Don't worry about that." After a pause, he continued, "Unless—"

Lin Tantan turned to look at him.

Ye Xiao stopped and looked into her eyes, there was an indistinguishable solemnity in his eyes.

Lin Tantan felt that something was wrong, and he raised his heart, and flinched inexplicably: "Unless, unless what?"

The rain hit the umbrella surface with a slight sound, and the distance between the two was a bit close. Lin Tantan wanted to look up at her, while Ye Xiao slightly covered her eyes. Apart from that solemnity, it was hard to see more complicated things.

After only looking at each other for two seconds, Lin Tantan turned his head suddenly, and said "ah", "It's raining heavily, let's go!"

Ye Xiao stood there for a moment, lowered his eyes, and smiled helplessly.