MTL - Traveling To The Last Days To Protect You-Chapter 41

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Because the treatment could not be interrupted, Lin Tantan stood still and couldn't move, and asked Ye Xiao with a smile: "Is this trip going well?"

"Very well." Ye Xiao walked in, and couldn't help but gently patted her head. In fact, he wanted to hug her more, but he was worried that it would affect her treatment.

He looked at the person lying on the treatment bed. He looked like he was not breathing, but there was no trauma. He asked, "What's the situation?"

"This man fell from upstairs a few days ago, and his lungs were congested and fluid accumulated. Well, the doctor over there just drained his pleural effusion. The drainage tube is still there, but his breathing condition has not improved much, so he sent me here. "

While talking, Lin Tantan increased his energy, and the man's breathing became easier and smoother.

Five minutes later, she stopped: "Okay, get up, and ask the doctor over there if you have any precautions."

The man thanked him again and again, and asked about the salary. Lin Tantan asked him to find someone to talk to.

Lin Tantan turned around and explained to Ye Xiao: "I think it is troublesome to negotiate the price for everyone, so I asked Bai Cheng to find someone to charge me. I have made a lot of money in the past half a night!" She shook her Bai Shengsheng The five fingers on the sign indicate that she has really earned a lot, and there is excitement in her eyes. This way of directly earning materials makes her feel quite interesting.

Ye Xiao smiled and said, "Let Bai Cheng keep it for you."

"His space is filled with the most important supplies. I'll forget about them. I also earned two cars. I'll pick the better one for my own use. I'm going to hire someone to help me drive and take care of these supplies."

Ye Xiao frowned slightly: "You want to go by yourself, won't you come with us?"

"Ah? No." Lin Tantan scratched his head, "I have agreed with Meimei Xiaotian and Cheng Qinan, we have a car, Xiaotian has a lot of equipment, the car has been selected, it is big and strong A van can also put a bed, so I will let my car follow, and when the car gets tired of sitting, I will go to that car, and I will change to that car after staying for a long time."

It was all well arranged, those who didn't know thought they were going on an outing, Ye Xiao laughed: "What about me?"

"You? You must be very busy, and it's impossible to hang out with us."

This time, Lin Tantan wants to relax, don't care about everything, if someone comes to seek medical treatment, she will work again, of course she will be in danger, and she will do her best if she should. And Jiang Xiaotian is a technician, and there are not many places where he can be used on the road. Cheng Qinan is a weak chicken. He was studying his supernatural ability all day long, and had no intention of doing anything else.

So the four of them are basically ready to go together.

Ye Xiao doesn't match them at all.

"..." Hun, this word is used very skillfully, Ye Xiao's eyes twitched, he sighed, and rubbed her head: "You."

Lin Tantan, who was caught off guard and patted again: "..."

Ye Xiao: Well, I finally got it, satisfied.

Lin Tantan thought he was unbalanced and they could enjoy it, but he couldn't, so he laughed and said, "If you are tired or free, you can come to our car to rest. I will provide you with the best recuperation service."

Ye Xiao: "Same as last time?"

"Last time, it was just a hasty loss of energy. It wasn't recuperation, it was at best a warm-up before recuperation."

Ye Xiao raised his eyebrows, smiled and stretched out his hand: "Then give me a try now."

Lin Tantan stretched out his hand to hold his arm without hesitation, and the soft wood-type energy entered his body, and his tense and tired muscles were instantly relieved. Gently gather your palms together, and then completely relax your arms.

Lin Tantan’s job is as a convalescent nurse. Compared with treating people’s illnesses and injuries, her previous life’s work accounted for the largest proportion of recuperating people. Children with congenital deficiencies, young people with weak constitutions, elderly people with geriatric diseases, and those with serious occupational diseases Certain groups of people, terminally ill people who need to improve their quality of life, people with anxiety and depression disorders, etc., are all her client groups.

After all, in peaceful times, there were not so many injured people, and there were so many doctors who needed to eat. Only diseases that ordinary doctors could not handle, or when the patient was in the recovery stage and needed the intervention of a recuperator, would be transferred to the recuperator.

So when she got serious... When Ye Xiao woke up, he found himself sitting on a chair and fell asleep unknowingly, and saw that half an hour had passed.

With his alertness, this is simply unimaginable.

Lin Tantan looked at him with a smile: "How do you feel?"

Ye Xiao stared at her blankly, then sighed: "How much ability do you still have, you are not allowed to give this kind of recuperation to others, you know?"

He has a serious expression, this ability is terrifying, it can make people lose their will without knowing it, if it is known, how much fear will she receive?

Lin Tantan blinked and nodded obediently: "Oh."

Seemingly worried that his tone would be too harsh, Ye Xiao coughed and said, "At least tell me in advance, you know?"

"Oh." Lin Tantan continued to nod.

"Ye Xiao, something is not quite right, there may be a wave of zombies forming." Suddenly, Bai Cheng's stern voice came from outside. Ye Xiao stood up, only feeling full of energy, as if he had inexhaustible energy. , It is actually more effective than sleeping all night.

He patted Lin Tantan's head lightly again: "I'll go first."

"Well, be careful." Seeing him leave, Lin Tantan patted the top of her head foolishly. Why did he seem to like touching her head so much?

Outside, Bai Cheng saw how long Ye Xiao had been working, his exhaustion was gone, his face was radiant, as if he had taken a panacea, he secretly wondered, could this be the power of love?

Today, too many people came to the west of the city, and they attracted more zombies. Although all the zombies that chased to the west of the city were killed, there were still zombies coming.

They didn't approach rashly, but quietly gathered some distance away from the west of the city.

After Ye Xiao understood the situation, he thought of the commander behind the animal zombies that day. Today, these zombies probably also have leaders.

He couldn't let the tide of corpses form, so he immediately went to discuss with Xing Guoliang.

Xing Guoliang is that Major General Xing, who is also the current highest officer. In front of this officer at this time, Zhu Xin is suing with embellishments.

"...They are really undisciplined, they don't take my words seriously at all, they despise me, they just despise you, brother Xing, how can we manage like this, why don't they go their way, we go our way!"

Xing Guoliang glanced at him: "Ye Xiao alone can cover dozens of supernatural beings, and Bai Cheng is very good at management. Listen to what you said, the 150,000 people are very convinced of them. Compared with those who have just been rescued, this The group of people is more united, more obedient, and the collective ability to resist risks is stronger. With these 150,000 people as an example, the entire team will be half stable. Are you sure you want to go your own way?"

Zhu Xin's face turned pale, he didn't expect him to say such a thing, it seemed that he still wanted to take those 150,000 people as the backbone, he was not willing to accept it, but also a little discouraged.

Xing Guoliang looked at the chubby older officer again, who understood: "There are more than 153,000 of them in total, and among them, there are 145 to 50 people who have confirmed supernatural powers, and the probability is nearly 1,000 to 1;

"They select people with excellent foundations for rigorous training. Now there are more than 3,000 people who can take part in the battle calmly, and the number of reserve troops is even larger;

"They lack weapons, but one of them named Xu Qin is very good at making chemical weapons. Now he has set up a weapons manufacturing team to continuously manufacture weapons every day, mainly high-energy bombs;

"They have formed a highly efficient medical team, and one of them, Lin Tantan, a wood-type superhuman who can deal with almost any injury calmly, is the core of the medical team, and at the same time, this person is also the core of the superhuman group figure;

"Their internal communication is very convenient. A technician named Jiang Xiaotian has modified a batch of walkie-talkies that are not affected by external signals, and the functions are quite powerful;

"Their supplies are very abundant, and there are dozens of vehicles loaded with supplies, including several tank trucks;

"They have prepared thousands of vehicles, each of which has been fully overhauled and filled with fuel. By the way, they have also formed a car maintenance team. If a vehicle breaks down on the road, it can be repaired immediately."

"Finally, during the day, Bai Cheng has already divided the 150,000 people into teams. There are ten brigades, and each brigade has ten sub-teams. There are several captains, big and small. All roads will be managed in this way. And he did this I was informed before that the rescue team hadn’t returned yet, and their 150,000 people couldn’t wait for everyone to arrive before making arrangements, so they were divided into teams first, not to be special, and they could completely fight with the survivors behind on the road. to merge."

With each sentence he said, Zhu Xin's face darkened, and Xing Guoliang's expression became more solemn, and finally sighed: "Talent, look at him, he has done a good job, and his words are tight, it is better to be friendly than to be hostile. He looked at Zhu Xin seriously, "Restrain me, don't offend others!"

Zhu Xin moved his mouth, a little unconvinced in his heart, now it's all his fault, he didn't say anything to restrain himself before, isn't he bullying the weak and fearing the hard? He said: "But the more capable they are, the more they let them enter the base, the more they will lead the wolf into the house!"

Xing Guoliang shook his head: "There are fewer wolves in the base?"

The disaster came without warning. The people at the top of the pagoda were almost completely annihilated, causing the entire system to be completely chaotic. Although Xing Guoliang had a vested interest, he had to say that there were too many smoky things and people in a mess Also too much.

Just like the base in Ning City, from the first day of its establishment, several factions secretly wrestled to be the one with the most say.

His ability to earn a major general for himself has been exhausted, and then he can just be honest, so he hopes that the situation will stabilize quickly.

He didn't pay much attention to young people like Ye Xiaobaicheng at first, but after seeing this, he was a little convinced, so he was willing to give respect and expectations beyond his plan.

It was with this kind of thinking in mind that when Ye Xiao came to discuss with him about dealing with the imminent tide of corpses, he readily let him do it.

Ye Xiao was a little surprised at his straightforwardness, and then thanked him without changing his face. He ordered some soldiers with long-range critical strike abilities, and borrowed some shells and soldiers. When he left, he glanced at Zhu Xin. There was a bit of coldness in his eyes, but he left without saying anything in the end.

Zhu Xin quietly breathed a sigh of relief, only to find that his back was a little cold sweat.

Then he quickly took the military and some capable people from the west of the city, as well as a few soldiers carrying gun barrels, and quietly approached the place where the zombies gathered.

Ye Xiao picked some people from the west of the city and approached the place where the zombies stagnated. A few shells went down, coupled with the remote interference of supernatural powers, the wave of corpses that had not yet formed a large scale was quickly dispersed.

Ye Xiao vaguely spotted the suspected leader in the pile of zombies, but the other party was so fast that he couldn't keep it.

He squinted his eyes, and a bad premonition filled his heart. There were leaders among the animals, and there were also among the zombies. This was definitely bad news.

In the early morning of the next day, just after two o'clock, the survivors in the west of the city were woken up, and began to line up to the parking lot to board their cars according to the number plates issued during the day.

The scene is inevitably chaotic, but everyone has been warned not to be noisy, not to procrastinate on purpose, and not to make too much noise, otherwise the qualification to get on the bus will be disqualified, and no one wants to be left behind, so the overall speed is relatively quiet.

The entire boarding process of the more than 150,000 people lasted for two hours.

"YS010 team, boarding is complete."

"Squad YS0310, boarding is complete."

"Squad YS1002, boarding is complete."


After each team was ready to go, the team leader reported to the team leader through the walkie-talkie in his hand. The team leader counted the situation of the ten teams under him, and then reported to the higher level.

"YS02 brigade, boarding is complete."

"YS07 brigade, boarding is complete."


Bai Cheng handed the original walkie-talkie to Ye Xiao, and Ye Xiao shook his head: "You just come."

Bai Cheng: "You are the captain."

Ye Xiao: "We still divide this? You manage it better than me, it's more appropriate for you to do it." And now the most important thing is to bring people alive to the base.

Bai Cheng didn't refuse any more, and replied calmly and concisely: "Got it, I'm Bai Cheng, and all the teams are under my command. Now, each team stays put and waits for the departure order."

Lin Tantan happened to hear their conversation, and he secretly sighed in his heart. Generally speaking, whoever manages the team has more power in his hands. If two people are replaced, no matter how close they are to life and death, I'm afraid I will have to mutter twice in my heart. .

But one of these two people delegated power generously, and the other accepted it with peace of mind, and there was no suspicion or temptation between them. This is definitely the power of love!

The author has something to say: Bai Cheng: There is love between them so soon?

Talk: The power of love between them is so strong!

Ye Xiao:? ? ?

Ye Xiao: Actually, I don’t have so many dramas, thank you